Found Deceased CA - Fang Jin, 47, flew to LA from China, train to Palm Springs, Morongo Basin, 21 Jul 2023, w/ John Root Fitzpatrick, 55, (fnd dec.), 30 Jul ‘23 #3

To me, the only reason for them to go down Harper Canyon in their truck was for the sheer adventure of offroading. I keep thinking about how much I wanted to do that kind of thing (20 years ago) and how I quickly learned the modifications I'd want to make to my SUV, because my husband and self are Safety First kind of people. It was enough for us to do forest roads high in the mountains, lots of rutted, rocky, steep roads - but not anything with sand combined with lots of different sized rocks. It *would* be fun, I see why people do it.

I too have a hard time with them going from simple day trips near Morongo Valley to this particular place. Especially since it seems they didn't want to hike up to the petroglyphs or visit the part of Anza-Borrego that has less challenging offroading.

If it happened on July 24, where did they stay the night before? Where is their camping stuff? Did they actually go up there on, say, July 22 and establish a camp somewhere? After the wrecked truck was found in (apparently) mid-September, there were definitely posts here and there on various FB pages for Anza-Borrego enthusiasts, and the fire photographer alerted LE that the skull was up there too, around that time. So LE have looked around up there quite a bit, I'm sure.

Was JRF injured in an accident first? I sure hope the bones tell some kind of story. Since reports say that Jin Fang had belongings nearby, is it possible that she did carry whatever water they had? I hope a journalist tries to get this story, as it is dramatic and Fang may emerge as the hero of it.

I agree with others who say that JRF would not have wanted to mess up his new-to-him truck, so it's so strange to me if in fact the truck was found in Harper Canyon. I wish we knew if they had a good paper map of Anza Borrego. It's possible that JRF found Harper Flat fenced off and decided to take an unusual route back down to the highway (for fun).

It's also possible that he wrecked his truck through carelessness and speed (looking at his driving record, it seems he didn't learn much from speeding tickets). IOW, I have no idea about how careful or careless he was as a driver. Jin Fang would have been in no real position to tell him what to do nor could she have known the dangers of offroading. I just remembered that one thing a person needs to do at that time of year, even on the relatively non-challenging back roads of Death Valley, is deflate their tires quite a bit if they're going to be on a bumpy surface. Then, some people think that if you "go fast" over a particularly bumpy or rutted road, that's the way to do it (and I've watched on two occasions where this method ended up in a blown tire).

If the truck were disabled, they were really in trouble. Hikers on AllTrails say that one starts to get some cell service when halfway down Pinyon Wash (so I imagine it would be the same for Harper Canyon), but what if the one phone they had was damaged or lost in a wreck? Did the rains later damage the truck even more?

So many questions.

Harper Canyon, which is on the northeast corner of Harper Flat is undriveable. There is no Jeep or off-road trail up Harper Canyon. You cannot drive into or near Harper Flat from Harper Canyon.

There are 3 well-known drives to the Harper Flat area:

1. Pinyon Wash, which is in the northwest corner. It appears that rocks prevent vehicles from entering Harper Flat, proper, and people camp in the wash, just north of Harper Flat. This is the area named for the "maintance" this week.

2. Pinyon Mountain Road: This is the off-roading favorite with the Squeeze and Heart Attack Hill features. It does not seem that it would be prudent to do this in a single vehicle without having done this before. The vehicle would be able to get through The Squeeze, but it looks like Heart Attack Hill should best be done with spotters and 4WD, and an experienced off-road mentality. It looks like the biggest hazard here would be sliding and rolling over. This would be a very bad place to be stuck in, and certainly no tow truck would get to them. Trying it at night would be suicidal. And, it is actually the farthest reach from where JFR's remains were found. This road brings you into the Harper Flat area at the extreme south-west corner, where further driving into Harper Flat is stopped by the fence. It also communicates with Hapaha Flat and the logical exit here is to the east via Hapaha Flat- Fish Creek Wash to Ocotillo Wells.

3. Fish Creek Wash: This would seem to be probably the most popular and looks like the simplest drive, but it would be a 20 mile drive west from the paved Split Mountain Road into the Hapaha Flat area. It's quite flat, it is a well-known place for camping and is very scenic, as numerous Youtubes have shown. Fish Creek communicates with Pinyon Mountain Road along the south edge of Harper Flat just sound of a generous area of rocky ridges without road tracks through them, and in this region appears referred to as Hapaha Flat. The side road to Dave McClain Spring is probably the closest of the three roads to where JFR's remains were found.

I would think by local reputation that Fish Creek Wash, with it's dramatic canyon walls that could afford shade and easy driving would have been a great choice, but the A-B DSP folks are naming Pinyon Wash for this maintenance, so it's reasonable also to believe that's where the truck is. There is no way to get to Pinyon Wash from Fish Creek Wash throught Harper Flat and visa versa.

( Edited to add: Thankyou to the other posters who have local experience in this area and could point out the subtleties of these roads. )
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If the closure is related to the truck, I'd have thought the area around the truck would be closed. And that goes back to the question of exactly where the truck is.
IMO it's not an area the public goes, as of last weekend the journalist still didn't know where it was. Also, if it was at risk from public interference, or of spoiling someone's nice day out, I think they'd have removed it sooner.

IMO it's not an area the public goes, as of last weekend the journalist still didn't know where it was. Also, if it was at risk from public interference, or of spoiling someone's nice day out, I think they'd have removed it sooner.

Which makes the logistics of how it got there even more mind-boggling.
I just can’t help but wonder, if this was simply a dumb accident (I’m not convinced it is), why here?

Looking at the photos, it’s not a particularly remarkable desert scape. There’s nothing of huge archeological or historical significance there, unless JRF or JF had a really niche interest. It’s not easy to access. It’s not close to home. It’s just not an area I can see being drawn to over all the other areas one could be drawn to in the desert. It’s just a funny place to end up.

Thinking of all of Fang’s friends and family while they are waiting for more certainty, especially her young daughter. My daughter is also 10, so it hits home thinking about her worrying about her mom. I hope she is surrounded by people who are loving her and walking her through this really horrible time.
Well, it's only 80 miles to A-B DSP from Morongo Valley, almost all on easy highway driving. That's pretty close in this neck of the woods. The off-roaders travel that as a day trip from LA, La Jolla, or San Diego regions.

I think it looks like a wonderful place to visit and explore: Dramatic high cliffs, palm-lined hidden hot springs, wind caves, petroglyphs, fossil beds, fascinating and complex geology, the traces of ancient Native American habitation, the desert flora with it's subtle patterns and remarkable diversity, hardy native creatures- even Bighorn Sheep.

This would be my kind of place. It's beauty and drama take some time to find and enjoy. You have to be self-sufficient. But there is that solitude and sense of exploration here that doesn't require Egyptian Pyramids or named battlefields.
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This closure could very well be related to the truck extraction, though I am no expert. They are going to need a staging area to drop the truck and load it onto a flatbed tow truck, so maybe Pinyon Wash at Highway 78 will be that staging area? While dropping the truck the chopper will kick up sand and debris. A team of maybe three people will have to get to the truck beforehand (by hiking from Pinyon Wash or by driving 20 miles up Fish Creek in a 4x4 vehicle) to install straps around the Tacoma so it can be lifted. There is no cell phone service in the area, so radios will have to be used. A heavy-lift helicopter is going to have to be flown to the desert, which may have to land and refuel at one of the airports in Borrego Valley. It will have to be fitted with a tether to lift the truck. It's even possible, I suppose, that the helicopter may have to land at the staging area. JMOO. Anyone have any knowledge of these types of operations?

JRF being a retired Navy Seal, wonder if the military might have found a way to use JRF's truck extraction as one of their "training" exercises? The Marines and the Navy have been working together with a new heavy-lift helicopter declared operational in April 2022, at 29 Psalms.

August 2023, "During an exercise at Twentynine Palms, California, a Marine heavy-lift" helicopter.............sounds like the heavy lift training is being done 29 Psalms.
“We are in the desert, but the logistical, administrative, and most importantly the tactical lessons learned here are applicable to any clime and place,” Lt. Col. Nathaniel Griggs, the top acquisitions, construction and improvements officer at Twentynine Palms, California, said in the story. Military News

My guess is the military, Marines & Navy together from Twentynine Palms, will do the truck extraction. JMO.

"Cargo loading and transporting exercise at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California."
I still wonder if JF and JRF did in fact set off camping on the evening of the 21st, after Fang sent her last message. If they did a nighttime drive IMO they would have arrived in Thermal at around midnight. If they camped in Thermal on the night of the 21st/22nd and set off towards Anza-Borrego early on the morning of the 22nd, something could have happened within 12-18 hours of Fang's last message.

I have trouble believing they would have attempted to drive the mountain roads of Anza-Borrego at nighttime.
JRF being a retired Navy Seal, wonder if the military might have found a way to use JRF's truck extraction as one of their "training" exercises? The Marines and the Navy have been working together with a new heavy-lift helicopter declared operational in April 2022, at 29 Psalms.

August 2023, "During an exercise at Twentynine Palms, California, a Marine heavy-lift" helicopter.............sounds like the heavy lift training is being done 29 Psalms.
“We are in the desert, but the logistical, administrative, and most importantly the tactical lessons learned here are applicable to any clime and place,” Lt. Col. Nathaniel Griggs, the top acquisitions, construction and improvements officer at Twentynine Palms, California, said in the story. Military News

My guess is the military, Marines & Navy together from Twentynine Palms, will do the truck extraction. JMO.

"Cargo loading and transporting exercise at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California."
I can see that happening, regardless of whether JRF was ex-military or not. It would, indeed, be a good use of local resources to have a joint program working to benefit both ends. Clever find.
I still wonder if JF and JRF did in fact set off camping on the evening of the 21st, after Fang sent her last message. If they did a nighttime drive IMO they would have arrived in Thermal at around midnight. If they camped in Thermal on the night of the 21st/22nd and set off towards Anza-Borrego early on the morning of the 22nd, something could have happened within 12-18 hours of Fang's last message.

I have trouble believing they would have attempted to drive the mountain roads of Anza-Borrego at nighttime.
If something like this happened, maybe at a point they were firced to separate, JRF taking his phone and trying to get to a place of cellphone coverage, just succumbing to the elements before he could?

If something like this happened, maybe at a point they were firced to separate, JRF taking his phone and trying to get to a place of cellphone coverage, just succumbing to the elements before he could?


If the vehicle was so badly damaged as to be undriveable, I've been thinking that one or both of them may have been injured and unable to walk out, regardless of how determined he or she was.

It would really help to know where the vehicle was found, as it could be quite difficult to guess in which direction the nearest, best cell service was.

In the most rational wrecked car situation from Pinyon Wash, one would think that walking back to Highway 78, which would be downhill from the possible vehicle site would have been the smoothest pathway with the least exertion. It wouldn't have given them the highest position for a cell phone, but it could put one of them next to the highway where someone would have come by that day, even in that heat.

Here is another trip description with good photos of a trip to the south side of Harper Flat via Fish Creek Wash, including some more description of the Dave McCain Spring where this group found a small amount of water where bees and birds were. There was also a large cat pawprint, large enough to be a puma /cougar. This was in November of possibly 2013. They describe Harper Flat as rough going, with lots of cactus and no defined trails.
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The next two have to do with DH, the friend of JRF. It seems DH and JRF were very close. That JRF would share his conversations with Fang shows that. Maybe JRF was excited with his new love yet insecure, too, and showed DH for advice? I’m not saying that was ok of JRF to share all of the conversations, with his friend. Seems inappropriate. But it could show an insecurity or immaturity despite his age.

“We have proof of a conversation of DH that he claims he did not hear anything from John after 21st of July...But do we need to believe it ?”
“DH declares to the friend of Lin (daughter Fang) that he was told EVERYTHING by John ..... and he proved it by sending a screenshot of a conversation between JRF and JF in whatsapp”
I think DH should be looked further into IMO. Maybe JRF didn't send him the convos between him and FJ. Maybe he hacked into the Whatsapp or got ahold of John's phone. Many possibilities here. Just a thought. I realize so far it is leaning towards some sort of accident, in which case I feel bad for so many people thinking negatively of JRF.
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I still wonder if JF and JRF did in fact set off camping on the evening of the 21st, after Fang sent her last message. If they did a nighttime drive IMO they would have arrived in Thermal at around midnight. If they camped in Thermal on the night of the 21st/22nd and set off towards Anza-Borrego early on the morning of the 22nd, something could have happened within 12-18 hours of Fang's last message.

I have trouble believing they would have attempted to drive the mountain roads of Anza-Borrego at nighttime.

I believe it's reported that they arrived in Thermal at around 8 pm on the 22nd. I do not have a link, but the picture of the truck looks to be taken in daylight - and it appears to be a camera that the campground has pointed at the license plates/back of entering vehicles. So I believe that photo represents their arrival in Thermal. It's daylight.

JRF's phone pings Julian on the 24th (and that would be the tower that captures Anza-Borrego). The ranger did not say "pinging on July 23rd and 24th." This info was given to a reporter and is in MSM and also given to the PI. So I am sticking with "they arrived in A-B on the 24th." The mishap could still have occurred on the 25th (because they could have departed Highway 78 on the 24th - the phone would have been able to ping Julian from the 78, IMO). They could have camped up near where they were found. In that case, I expect a tent to be found either in the truck or somewhere that they used it.

I doubt he was turning his phone on and off to save battery, as surely he knew to keep his phone charged up.

I too believe they would not have tried driving up there at night - but who knows? Since A-B allows dispersed camping anywhere, people do decide much later in the day what they want to do. We do dispersed camping in a NF in another part of the state, and we're amazed at how many people arrive after midnight (we don't go too far from the dirt road that leads to various places to camp; most people do not go very far off road in dispersed camping situations, as far as I can tell).

I am more interested in the factors that led to their predicament and their eventual deaths. He either attempted a drive that broke his truck OR something else happened.

If the vehicle was so badly damaged as to be undriveable, I've been thinking that one or both of them may have been injured and unable to walk out, regardless of how determined he or she was.

It would really help to know where the vehicle was found, as it could be quite difficult to guess in which direction the nearest, best cell service was.

In the most rational wrecked car situation from Pinyon Wash, one would think that walking back to Highway 78, which would be downhill from the possible vehicle site would have been the smoothest pathway with the least exertion. It wouldn't have given them the highest position for a cell phone, but it could put one of them next to the highway where someone would have come by that day, even in that heat.

Here is another trip description with good photos of a trip to the south side of Harper Flat via Fish Creek Wash, including some more description of the Dave McCain Spring where this group found a small amount of water where bees and birds were. There was also a large cat pawprint, large enough to be a puma /cougar. This was in November of possibly 2013. They describe Harper Flat as rough going, with lots of cactus and no defined trails.

i lay awake last night thinking the same. I could picture it. Somehow the truck is wrecked (speeding? rocks shift underneath and it rolls and he's going only a little too fast? He does have a checkered driving record). Was he injured and they were stuck?

I think the vehicle was found in the fence that now closes off Harper Flat (you know more than I do about where that fence might be). I agree they could have walked to the highway - but that it would depend a lot on time of day and the temperature. If they had to walk all the way down Pinyon Wash (which is near the fence, I think) how many miles would that be?

Do we know exactly where JRF was found? I'm looking at my notes and I have two different locations (Pinyon Wash and Harper Canyon). North of Harper Flat, back toward the highway. But I don't think we know how far into the canyon/wash he was. And now we know that Jin Fang was found closer to the highway (if I'm picturing this wrong, please correct me).

IMO. I have an abiding interest in the behavior of lost or distressed people in the wilderness. I've done some really dumb/imprudent things myself. I'm lucky I never wrecked my first truck.
i lay awake last night thinking the same. I could picture it. Somehow the truck is wrecked (speeding? rocks shift underneath and it rolls and he's going only a little too fast? He does have a checkered driving record). Was he injured and they were stuck?

I think the vehicle was found in the fence that now closes off Harper Flat (you know more than I do about where that fence might be). I agree they could have walked to the highway - but that it would depend a lot on time of day and the temperature. If they had to walk all the way down Pinyon Wash (which is near the fence, I think) how many miles would that be?

Do we know exactly where JRF was found? I'm looking at my notes and I have two different locations (Pinyon Wash and Harper Canyon). North of Harper Flat, back toward the highway. But I don't think we know how far into the canyon/wash he was. And now we know that Jin Fang was found closer to the highway (if I'm picturing this wrong, please correct me).

IMO. I have an abiding interest in the behavior of lost or distressed people in the wilderness. I've done some really dumb/imprudent things myself. I'm lucky I never wrecked my first truck.

I think you have your directions mixed up. Here is how I look at the area: Harper Flat is a rhomboid or parallelogram shape, angled towards the east. If you identify the four corners, you end up with 3 roads and one small hiking trail or scramble. NONE of the roads actually are driveable into the flats area, so you cannot drive across Harper Flat in any direction. However, you could hike across it, with varying degrees of rock scrambling or trail-less walking through lots of cactus and sharp-thorned scrub. Harper Flat is about 3 miles wide in the W to E dimension and 1.5 miles long in the N to S dimension.

NW: Pinyon Wash Road off of Highway 78. Road ends in rocks that prevent driving into Harper Canyon. No fence there. Popular drive for camping and exploring Harper Flat. This is where the A-B Desert State Park mentions is closed for the "maintenance" taking place. Several here are postulating that's where the vehicle is and is being removed by helicopter, but we don't know for sure.

SW: Pinyon Mountain Road in SW corner, where the fence is. Cannot drive into Harper Flat because of the fence. This is where the off-road trips through The Squeeze and Heart Attack Hill end before turning into the Hapaha Flat/ Fish Creek Wash area.

NE: Harper Canyon: No road, only a walking trail not much used. His remains were found in two places along this and there is the report that a backpack was found in this general region, but LE not confirming it. By elevation, Harper Flat flooding would drain NE down Harper Canyon to the Old Kane Road area near Ocotillo Wells

SE: Dave McCain Spring / Hapaha Flat / Fish Creek Wash area The Dave McCain Spring is probably the road closest to Harper Canyon, but you still can't drive into the flat or into the Canyon, and it would not be a particularly good trailhead at all. Rough rocks hills between there and Harper Canyon area. See my link to a trip report of driving in this area at post #389. This area also has traces of Native American activity. The Pinyon Mountain Road turns into Hapaha Flat in this area and then into Fish Creek Wash road. This is the end of the popular Fish Creek Wash with lots to see and do and what appears to be fairly flat and unchallenging driving save a few rocks, narrow places, or soft sand.

Soooo. Where was the vehicle and what was JRF trying to accomplish by ending up on Harper Canyon? I can understand reasons why all 3 driving routes might have been used. We do know that the vehicle was not in the NE corner near Harper Canyon or parked to the east outside the canyon.

I have not yet read that LE has disclosed where JF's remains were located.
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I still wonder if JF and JRF did in fact set off camping on the evening of the 21st, after Fang sent her last message. If they did a nighttime drive IMO they would have arrived in Thermal at around midnight. If they camped in Thermal on the night of the 21st/22nd and set off towards Anza-Borrego early on the morning of the 22nd, something could have happened within 12-18 hours of Fang's last message.

I have trouble believing they would have attempted to drive the mountain roads of Anza-Borrego at nighttime.
22nd of july surveillance camera photographed truck in Thermal probably evening of 22nd to 23rd they intended to go to Anza Borrego ...<modsnip: By WS rules, JF is considered a victim>...but also with a possibility that they were both too naïve to neglect the danger of nature during a not well prepared outing there..
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Do we know if JRF's Tacoma was 4 or 6 cylinder? I wouldn't go offroading with a 4 cylinder, myself - and the gear ratios on my 2009 4Runner (we have three of them) is way better for steep (whether offroading or not).

V6. As I noted in post #912 of the #2 thread (posted before the truck was found - or at least, before the news came out - seems like ages ago now), JRF’s 2016 Toyota Tacoma trim is the “SR5 Double Cab Long Bed V6 6AT 4WD”.

Additionally, this trim package has 278 RPM of horsepower, 265 RPM of torque and a “curb weight” of 4,480lbs. Not sure if any of this info is relevant…definitely not my area of expertise.
This guy makes his living towing people out of places they should not have driven:

Apparently Matt works primarily in Utah, Zion Nat'l Park area, no idea if he has video of the ABDP.

Videos are intriguing to watch, and we've never heard him cuss.

People drive their expensive (& inexpensive) vehicles to all sorts of tricky places. Then get stuck!

Still haven't wrapped my head around an Army Ranger seriously mis-judging terrain, how about some sort of breakdown not related to the terrain is a possibility?

IDK, that's for sure!

jmho ymmv lrr
V6. As I noted in post #912 of the #2 thread (posted before the truck was found - or at least, before the news came out - seems like ages ago now), JRF’s 2016 Toyota Tacoma trim is the “SR5 Double Cab Long Bed V6 6AT 4WD”.

Additionally, this trim package has 278 RPM of horsepower, 265 RPM of torque and a “curb weight” of 4,480lbs. Not sure if any of this info is relevant…definitely not my area of expertise.

Thats about a foot longer than a 4 Runner.
Do we know enough about the terrain yet to completely rule out the idea that the Tacoma may have simply broken down from mechanical issues, leaving the two to have to try to walk out, and that the Tacoma was later washed into an inaccessible place by floodwaters from Hurricane Hillary?
Do we know enough about the terrain yet to completely rule out the idea that the Tacoma may have simply broken down from mechanical issues, leaving the two to have to try to walk out, and that the Tacoma was later washed into an inaccessible place by floodwaters from Hurricane Hillary?
I recall someone mentioning that there was not enough water to sweep away / wreck a (4,800lbs truck in Harper Canyon during Hilary I went back and read several pages of comments and cannot find that reference, nor, after quick girdle search) can I find what effect Hilary had on HC. Hopefully the original poster will see your question and repost the info.

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