Match! CA: GRANT, Dennis Lance Age 54 Found 10/6/1997

Social Security Death Index

Name: Dennis L. Grant
Born: 11 May 1943
Died: 6 Oct 1997
State (Year) SSN issued: California (1958)


California Death Index

Name: Lance Dennis Grant
Social Security #:
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 11 May 1943
Birth Place: Illinois
Death Date: 6 Oct 1997
Death Place: Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: Stearns
Possible marriage, California

Name: Dennis L Grant
Age: 19
Est. Birth: abt 1943
Spouse Name: CMF
Spouse Age: 18
Est. Spouse Birth: abt 1944
Date: 29 Dec 1962
Location: Los Angeles
Probably found cousin of some sort:

"To any relatives I may have out there,

I've spent the better part of today chasing down old, out-dated email addresses and decided to let you find me. : - )

My maiden name is Pam Dake. I'm 58 years old, living in Huntington Beach, CA..."

Relatives include:

Charles Dake Grant, son of Caroline Grant, Chicago & Los Angeles, married Ione Grant (don't know her maiden name)

CG, son of Charles Dake Grant and Ione Grant, Los Angeles, born appx. 1940

Dennis Grant, son of Charles Dake Grant and Ione Grant, Los Angeles, born appx. 1942"

Will send info. to Raine about this.
Probable brother is deceased

Name: Charles D. Grant
Last Residence: 90650 Norwalk, Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Born: 5 Oct 1936
Died: 26 Aug 2004
State (Year) SSN issued: California (Before 1951)

From, gives middle name, same as probable father:

Charles Dake Grant was born in 1936. Charles currently lives in Norwalk, California.
Probably has daughter:


California Birth Index
Name: CMG
Birth Date: 5 Aug 1963
Gender: Female
Mother's Maiden Name: F (same as above marriage record)
Birth County: Los Angeles
I am Dennis Grant's Daughter. My name is Cathy Marie Martin. I have been trying for year to get in touch with this side of the family for many years. I just found last year that Dennis passed away. I know he had another daughter before me and a son when I was five, the mother of the five year old killed herself. I think her name was Lisa or Linda. I know That Charles Grant had a daughter Dana. I have been trying to find her also with no luck.

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