CA - Hasanni Campbell, 5, Oakland, 10 Aug 2009 - #1

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Does anyone know which salvage yard Ross was at earlier in the day? I've seen Hayward mentioned and I'm finding 4 in Hayward. But Ross drives a Beemer and I would think he would go to a Foreign/European salvage yard for parts. I see two such salvage yards but they are in Berkeley and Emeryville.
I can't get past the fact the this child was only 3 feet tall. My average sized 2 year old is 35.5 inches tall. If someone took him I'm sure he looked like a toddler. I still don't believe someone did take him though. We were driving on 880 through Hayward today and saw a squad car next to a stroller at the side of the road in the drainage ditch. i'm sure it was not related but it is so sad to think it could be.

Yes, my 17-month-old is 2'8". At 3', Hassani would be easily mistaken for a toddler.
Does anyone know which salvage yard Ross was at earlier in the day? I've seen Hayward mentioned and I'm finding 4 in Hayward. But Ross drives a Beemer and I would think he would go to a Foreign/European salvage yard for parts. I see two such salvage yards but they are in Berkeley and Emeryville.

Pick Your Part
5227 W Winton Ave
Here's the video that shows the reporter timing the walk from the backdoor to the front It also appears that there is no ringer on the backdoor....since I recall a few asking if it had one.

VIDEO: Investagators Searching Car Hassani's was Taken To Store In

ETA: This video has an interview from a neighboor of LWR's & JC's:
VIDEO: FBI Searches Park Near The House Of Missing 5-Year-Old Boy

Watch this video at aprox. 1:46 & look at this picture of Hassani's house I noticed that the upstairs window screen is pushed out some in the bottom right corner! :eek: I highly doubt that Hassani fell through the window without a neighboor hearing it happen, but you never now. I'm just trying to look at every possible angel of what may have happened to him.
VIDEO~OAKLAND: Missing Five-Year-Old's Foster Parents To Take Lie-Detector Tests

5997 Roxie Terrace, Hassani Campbell's home

This video is a good one for reference(taped 2 days after Hassani being reported missing!) IMO
RAW VIDEO: Foster Dad Speaks Of Missing Boy 08/12/09@7:07PM~17:09

In this one at the end of the video, the reporter states that the lawyer was consulted, because LWR was upset that people were saying that computers were taken from their home when LE & FBI searched it. Why is LWR upset over that & why even worry about that!

VIDEO: Search For Missing Boy Expands 08/12/09 6:05PM~2:15

(Still looking for the one that momtective asked about!)
I'll edit to add the other one that momtective was asking about asap!

As well as any others or articles that have something in it that best describes the time-line etc.


Here is the video with the interview of a tenant above the alleyway! :woohoo: :clap:

Sorry this one isn't in the link with the rest of the videos in "The Search for Hassani "! It opens for me with Quick Time Player, but you can choose others

ETA: The reporter interviews the blonde tenant that lives right above the alleyway!!! She also says that her & none of the other tenants have NEVER seen Hassani before. Even though LR said this was routine to drop the 2 kids off twice a week!!!
VIDEO: Latest Details On The Search For 5-Year-Old Hassani Campbell

This video has an interview with Hassani's godmother (as well as other family members) who say she feels that LWR's story appears somewhat strange in her opinion! At aprox. 1:34 into the video.
VIDEO: Police Search Park, Home For Disabled Boy

This one mentions a busy restuarant across the street & no one seen Hassani that day at all. With a lot of people outside at the time LWR left him by the backdoor. Also that the police were there fast & many of the patrons went out imediately to help look for Hassani.
VIDEO: ABC7 newscast about missing boy

Bumping my edited post....Sorry it took so long to find the video! :bang:
Took a break & ate some dinner. :)

Plus I spent some time re-watching all of them again. :crazy:

*Note: I added a few other videos that I think are worth taking a look at again!

Also for those who have difficulty opening KRON's video's (due to them being castfire link's!) you can watch them all here at this link:
The Search for Hassani
*NOTE: All Kron's article's & video's are here!

Yes thank you Angel! That is the one I remember, and what this tenant has to say really caught my attention!
Here is the video with the interview of a tenant above the alleyway! :woohoo: :clap:

Sorry this one isn't in the link with the rest of the videos in "The Search for Hassani "! It opens for me with Quick Time Player, but you can choose others

The reporter interviews the blonde tenant that lives right above the alleyway!!!
VIDEO: Latest Details On The Search For 5-Year-Old Hassani Campbell

This video has an interview with Hassani's godmother (as well as other family members) who say she feels that LWR's story appears somewhat strange in her opinion! At aprox. 1:34 into the video.
VIDEO: Police Search Park, Home For Disabled Boy

This one mentions a busy restuarant across the street & no one seen Hassani that day at all. With a lot of people outside at the time LWR left him by the backdoor. Also that the police were there fast & many of the patrons went out imediately to help look for Hassani.
VIDEO: ABC7 newscast about missing boy

Bumping my edited post....Sorry it took so long to find the video! :bang:
Took a break & ate some dinner. :)

Plus I spent some time re-watching all of them again. :crazy:

*Note: I added a few other videos that I think are worth taking a look at again!

Also for those who have difficulty opening KRON's video's (due to them being castfire link's!) you can watch them all here at this link:
The Search for Hassani
*NOTE: All Kron's article's & video's are here!


Sorry - completely OT, but your sudden appearance just now is pretty eerie... I guess Shutter has some hidden "Angel Signal"...
Here is the video with the interview of a tenant above the alleyway! :woohoo: :clap:

Sorry this one isn't in the link with the rest of the videos in "The Search for Hassani "! It opens for me with Quick Time Player, but you can choose others

ETA: The reporter interviews the blonde tenant that lives right above the alleyway!!! She also says that her & none of the other tenants have NEVER seen Hassani before. Even though LR said this was routine to drop the 2 kids off twice a week!!!
VIDEO: Latest Details On The Search For 5-Year-Old Hassani Campbell

This video has an interview with Hassani's godmother (as well as other family members) who say she feels that LWR's story appears somewhat strange in her opinion! At aprox. 1:34 into the video.
VIDEO: Police Search Park, Home For Disabled Boy

This one mentions a busy restuarant across the street & no one seen Hassani that day at all. With a lot of people outside at the time LWR left him by the backdoor. Also that the police were there fast & many of the patrons went out imediately to help look for Hassani.
VIDEO: ABC7 newscast about missing boy

Bumping my edited post....Sorry it took so long to find the video! :bang:
Took a break & ate some dinner. :)

Plus I spent some time re-watching all of them again. :crazy:

*Note: I added a few other videos that I think are worth taking a look at again!

Also for those who have difficulty opening KRON's video's (due to them being castfire link's!) you can watch them all here at this link:
The Search for Hassani
*NOTE: All Kron's article's & video's are here!


Thanks for all the great links, AWC !!

I'd forgotten about the restaurant that is close to (or on) the other corner of Harwood and College--as I recall, it has kind of a sunken patio where people eat outside. And it's very busy...
Thanks for all the great links, AWC !!

I'd forgotten about the restaurant that is close to (or on) the other corner of Harwood and College--as I recall, it has kind of a sunken patio where people eat outside. And it's very busy...
And that's yet another reason I don't think Hassani was taken from the alley ~ too many people could've (and would've) seen something. MOO
It's nice to know I was missed by you all! :winko:

I appeared back like magic for you all & had the sense you were all wondering what happened to me!! LOL


Based on what I've seen on NG, I like him.
I usually agree with him.
Oh, he's an excellent attorney, and very personable, but I don't always agree with the clients he takes on to represent-such as Timothy Binder.
This video is a good one for reference(taped 2 days after Hassani being reported missing!) IMO
RAW VIDEO: Foster Dad Speaks Of Missing Boy 08/12/09@7:07PM~17:09

In this one at the end of the video, the reporter states that the lawyer was consulted, because LWR was upset that people were saying that computers were taken from their home when LE & FBI searched it. Why is LWR upset over that & why even worry about that!

This is the first I've seen this particular interview with LR. He seems credible to me. He appears comfortable and is articulate. Would you think to provide so many details if you were guilty of a crime? Wouldn't you be squirming, at least internally, to get OFF camera. Some have commented that he doesn't look the interviewer in the eye; don't know if they were referring to this interview, but it sounds like this is a telephone interview. At least, as far as most of the questions asked. The videographer asks a couple of questions toward the end.

LR also clarifies that they consulted Burris to help them navigate through this difficult process of being questioned and investigated by LE, and this makes sense. It was misleading of the press to state that Burris was only a civil rights attorney. It sounds like Burris' advise has been point on BTW.

LR didn't seem hyper-defensive when the reporter asked about the rumors of computers being taken from the house, but I can see why he would want to correct this misperception. It would give the impression that LE suspects the foster parents, and if you're eager to have people looking for the perp who has your child, you don't want them provoked to complacency by thinking it's a wild goose chase 'cause LE already has their guy.

Back to the middle of the fence for me.

ETA: I have just recalled the post defining sociopaths and their behavior, so no need to remind me. I will mull it over again.
Here is some more info on Louis - there sure looks like a definite link to Bowie, MD.

We should see if we can find some more information on the peace order that was issued in 2005. Here are the snaps that I was able to obtain so far - and one for his birthdate:

I would honestly sleuth more on JC but am hitting brick walls. I will start to spend more time on the JC sleuthing.


  • Court Record 1.jpg
    Court Record 1.jpg
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  • Court Record 2.jpg
    Court Record 2.jpg
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  • Birth Record.jpg
    Birth Record.jpg
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Had to look it up to make sure knew the meaning:


What is the Peace Order?
The Peace Order is a form of legal protection for anyone who is experiencing problems with an individual, including someone in a dating relationship, a neighbor, a stranger, or anyone else. The Peace Order enables an individual (petitioner) who wishes to be left alone to ask the Court for an order for the other person (respondent) to stay away and refrain from any contact. A violation of the order will result in arrest.

Am I eligible for relief?
Review who is eligible for a protective order. If you are not eligible under the Protective Order law, you are eligible under the Peace Order law. You cannot file a peace order if you are eligible for a protective order (e.g., married, living together, or if you have a child in common).

What must occur in order for me to file?

An act that causes you serious bodily harm
An act that places you in fear of imminent bodily harm
Assault in any degree
Rape or sexual offense
False imprisonment
Malicious destruction of property

Sounds serious to me ..............
Hi Lindadanette - so much of what Ross says are at two's almost scary.

some conflicts I remember:

Ross said - I was early by about an hour - I was running late....that's why I didn't use my cell.

Ross drives a BMW - why was he at the salvage yard?

Ross said - Hassani freezes when frustrated - he laughs and jokes (your ex.)

Ross is attending school to become a Medical Assistant (very people oriented) - he is a computer engineer or consultant (very detail oriented) IMO that is very strange switch of careers!

Look at how Ross fudges his reports to the media and in interviews - specific details do NOT exist

Appears to be quite articulate, calm, and intelligent when reporting to the media - his details about even the smallest scenario of the day are a disaster

Seems to me that Ross is self-absorbed and totally narcissistic making it difficult to focus on others around him. That would make an accident theory very possible - he just didn't notice the heat and how it would affect a child. If he was as sloppy in getting rid of the little body as he is in reporting - Hussani will be found. all my opinions only

Hi all! I normally lurk here and have never posted however, I just want to point something out (bolded by me) in the post above. Ross said he was an hour early that day dropping the kids off at Shuz because he had a new job orientation before his class that evening and he was running late for that appointment. So this explains the early/late comment by him. Sorry, I don't have a link to this statement by him but I am 100% sure this is what was written in the article I read. BTW, I'm not defending him, just trying to clear up some confusion regarding one of his statements.

Since this is my first time posting I'm not sure I've done this quote and all correctly!

Here is some more info on Louis - there sure looks like a definite link to Bowie, MD.

We should see if we can find some more information on the peace order that was issued in 2005. Here are the snaps that I was able to obtain so far - and one for his birthdate:

I would honestly sleuth more on JC but am hitting brick walls. I will start to spend more time on the JC sleuthing.

elepher it looks like this JWR took the peace order out on a female 'AD'...can we put it on the screen since it's public info?
Hi all! I normally lurk here and have never posted however, I just want to point something out (bolded by me) in the post above. Ross said he was an hour early that day dropping the kids off at Shuz because he had a new job orientation before his class that evening and he was running late for that appointment. So this explains the early/late comment by him. Sorry, I don't have a link to this statement by him but I am 100% sure this is what was written in the article I read. BTW, I'm not defending him, just trying to clear up some confusion regarding one of his statements.

Since this is my first time posting I'm not sure I've done this quote and all correctly!


Welcome Rhyme and reason - You did everything just perfect! Thanks for the clarification...along with Ross giving mixed information, I think the media is doing a terrible job reporting accurately. jmo
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