CA - Hasanni Campbell, 5, Oakland, 10 Aug 2009 - #2

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I wonder what the parking situation in front of the store is. Seems as if double-parking for a few minutes would have been better/easier.
Here is a map showing the route from JC & LR's home to the Pick Your Part Auto Salvage then on to Shuz.

Was it stated that cadaver canine units checked out the Auto Salvage place as well? If we were to think possibly something happened to Hassani and the Foster dad had to "think" fast.
Was it stated that cadaver canine units checked out the Auto Salvage place as well? If we were to think possibly something happened to Hassani and the Foster dad had to "think" fast.

That place is huge...I would think it would literally take an entire day or more to run the dogs through every single vehicle.
Little Hassani could be in the trunk of one of those vehicles. But then I have to think...why would LR have even mentioned the salvage yard if he had left Hassani's body there...:waitasec:
Here's an aerial view of the Pick your part Auto Salvage LR visited
This place in huge and I can sure see how Hassani may have succumbed to the heat if left in the car for any period of time.
(photo here)

Is it not likely that his sister would too? I would think the smaller the child, the more easily the heat would affect them.

Links about heat stroke ... symptoms

says babies are especially prone ...
I wonder if there are security cameras on the businesses in that area that show the sidewalk/street areas. Having one that showed the driveway would be too much to ask ...
OT: UPDATED INFO for all of you on MH! :woohoo:

Grand Jury Indicts Huckaby in Cantu Murder, Poison Attempts
The San Joaquin County grand jury indicted Huckaby on five counts: murder with the allegation of kidnapping; sex with a child 10 years old or younger; child abuse and endangerment; furnishing a harmful substance to a child; and furnishing a harmful substance to an adult.

The murder indictment carries two special circumstances: lewd and lascivious acts on a child, and rape by instrument.

Huckaby had visible marks on her forehead when she appeared in court Monday. A prosecutor indicted Huckaby had made the marks herself Monday morning.

I wonder what the parking situation in front of the store is. Seems as if double-parking for a few minutes would have been better/easier.

BUMPING these for you & everyone else from the 1st thread:

Registered User Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 7

Here are my impressions so far, for whatever they're worth:

1. That driveway has always made me slightly nervous if I'm walking alone at night. It's easy to duck into and be shielded by that building. Vehicles (UPS, work trucks) do tend to pull part way into the driveway of the parking lot for a few minutes to half an hour or so at a time. Likewise, across the street (almost directly) is a basement parking structure accessible by a lower garage door that goes down from the street.

2. Barclay's, the bar/restaurant across the street, is a busy establishment. However, even the outdoor seating is below street level. IMO, the odds of sitting down there (which I've done) and seeing what's going on clearly across the street aren't great.

3. The parking lot is really small, as the blonde woman said in the news video. Through the archway is the apartment parking area, leading to a street that dead ends. However, if someone had a car waiting or idling near there, or around the corner on Auburn (which does not get much traffic during the day), it would be IMO an easy getaway. You would have to move VERY fast, and prepare, but once you make a turn or two, you're pretty much home-free. You have a much higher chance of being noticed if you go down College than if you go down to the other end of Harwood.

4. That all said, there is foot traffic on Harwood throughout the day, especially as people return home around that time. There is a church across the street from that corner, which usually has people out front, in addition to several coffee shops. The time it takes to round that corner is indeed very fast, especially if you were in a hurry and using a quick pace.

5. His reasons for using the parking lot make sense to me, considering what's been going on in Oakland lately. There is honestly nowhere to park along College Ave most of the time, for about five blocks in either direction. You have to park on the side streets, which have 2 hour parking. However, on Harwood during that time of day, you can sometimes have to travel to the roundabout or beyond to find a spot (even if you look at side streets, too). Lately, the City of Oakland has extended the parking enforcement hours and hugely increased parking ticket fines. My friends have parked in front of my house and exceeded 2 hours by minutes, and ended up with $80 tickets. Minor infractions can set you back as much as $300 lately, as Oakland tries to use parking enforcement to balance its very sad budget.

Despite all this, the only scenario that makes sense to me for an abduction is that someone either heavily planned this in advance, had the help of one or both parents, or lives really nearby (there is a house on the other side of the driveway). It would have to be such a quick initial grab. I do see it as possible to go unnoticed, and to exit quickly, but it requires so many "if"s and it's never happened here before.

The Neighborhood Watch Group mentioned that they saw the foster father obviously distraught, asking people if they'd seen Hassani and running up and down College Avenue when this happened. The canine dogs traveled both ends of Harwood that day, as well as the gas station on the corner, and parts of College Ave setting up a perimeter. Additionally, I've been personally questioned by LE and asked to fill out an extensive survey, even mentioning any deliveries I got that day or people who visited me, listing their names and phone numbers. They seem like they've been really thorough, and I only imagine they've been more thorough with those in the dwellings right beside the parking lot.

Also, for what it's worth, I can't think of a single reason you'd travel surface streets between Fremont and Rockridge. Even with the worst of traffic, you'd be faster on the freeway (due to lights, busy intersections, etc.)--possibly 90 min instead of 30-45. Additionally, this is an largely white neighborhood (at least until you go lower than College Ave or beyond Broadway). People are not bigoted here (quite the opposite), but you would tend to notice someone of color a little more easily.

I'd like to also add that the neighbors who are around during the day are quite vigilant. The Neighborhood Watch has people who see a solicitor, or someone snipping their flowers, and call the non-emergency number for the police. Lots of security systems, and lots of video cameras. I have a hard time thinking if anyone suspicious was lurking around they wouldn't be noticed or questioned by neighbors (I've seen it happen).

Registered User Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 7

It would really depend if the first houses adjacent to the corner businesses have video survelliance cameras. Further down the street and sightline for cameras would be difficult. I'm surprised that we haven't heard of video from other shops myself.

Thanks to ForensicsFan for your very helpful posts! :blowkiss:

Didn't know if you all knew or not, but HLN's PrimeTime is covering Hassani today. If you miss it, it'll be on again later tonight. I believe it's on till 6PM CT.

I apologize if this was already posted, I'm still catching up from where I left off last night & posting new media for several different threads.

Didn't know if you all knew or not, but HLN's PrimeTime is covering Hassani today. If you miss it, it'll be on again later tonight. I believe it's on till 6PM CT.

I apologize if this was already posted, I'm still catching up from where I left off last night & posting new media for several different threads.


Hi AWC , I have a really dumb question: what is HLN ?? I've heard of Primetime Live but don't know if it's the same thing.... thanks!! guys been BUSY! The info thread is shaping up nicely. This is great!

ETA: Columbo HLN is Headline News. I think it's a "CNN thing.' guys been BUSY! The info thread is shaping up nicely. This is great!

ETA: Columbo HLN is Headline News. I think it's a "CNN thing.'

Thanks, Shutterfly! I will check out CNN .:blowkiss:
Hey wanted to let you all know that Melissa Huckaby is indicted for MURDRER!!!! :clap:


OT --- but I didn't know where else to put this!

"Huckaby was indicted on five counts in connection with Cantu's murder Monday afternoon. She had two cuts on her forehead, rumored to be from an incident at the jail Monday morning."

I guess karma is already coming around to bite her ???

The autopsy results are going to remain sealed.
Police offer up to $10,000 for information leading to whereabouts of missing Fremont boy

By Kristin Bender
Oakland Tribune
Posted: 08/17/2009 03:19:05 PM PDT
Updated: 08/17/2009 03:19:06 PM PDT

OAKLAND — Police and Crime Stoppers of Oakland have announced a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to the whereabouts of 5-year-old Hassani Campbell, a disabled Fremont boy whose family members say he was last seen one week ago.
Hey wanted to let you all know that Melissa Huckaby is indicted for MURDRER!!!! :clap:


OT --- but I didn't know where else to put this!

"Huckaby was indicted on five counts in connection with Cantu's murder Monday afternoon. She had two cuts on her forehead, rumored to be from an incident at the jail Monday morning."

I guess karma is already coming around to bite her ???

The autopsy results are going to remain sealed.

Here's the link to the Huckaby thread Huckaby Court Date 17 Aug, 2009 @ 1 PM (PT) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Police offer up to $10,000 for information leading to whereabouts of missing Fremont boy

By Kristin Bender
Oakland Tribune
Posted: 08/17/2009 03:19:05 PM PDT
Updated: 08/17/2009 03:19:06 PM PDT

OAKLAND — Police and Crime Stoppers of Oakland have announced a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to the whereabouts of 5-year-old Hassani Campbell, a disabled Fremont boy whose family members say he was last seen one week ago.
Good evening! This is great news! I'd rather hear that Hassani was found, of course, but at least there is a reward which might get somebody to come forward with valuable information. :clap:
I wonder what the parking situation in front of the store is. Seems as if double-parking for a few minutes would have been better/easier.

Hi Noway! College Ave is really, really busy and double-parking would create an extreme inconvenience to other cars trying to use the street. It could even be dangerous if those inconvenienced got angry about it. Especially with two little kids in tow!!
Just my opinion...
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