CA - Hasanni Campbell, 5, Oakland, 10 Aug 2009 - #7

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Merry Christmas Hasanni!
Prayers for Hasanni. I'm glad these volunteers are keeping his name out there.
We're still thinking of you, Hasanni.

Much hope that we'll have some answers soon.
Thinking of you Hasanni - little man, where are you.
When you're just a little one in the hands of the wrong people - life becomes very unfair!
I haven't posted on this thread for awhile, but do check in from time to time. I woke up this am with a strong nagging to check, so I was really hoping there was some new info. Sadly, not. But, I still have the feeling, so the day isn't over. I've been hearing about all the rain and flooding, maybe that's God trying to send him out into the open. Awful thought, I know -- but wanting answers soon!
Hasanni little man you are on my mind today - hoping that you will soon be found.
Always thinking of you Hasanni. Please come home soon sweetie.
Hasanni's parents break up; cut off contact

OAKLAND, CA (KGO) -- The foster parents of a six-year-old boy who went missing in Oakland have split up and cut off contact with volunteers who are still searching for the boy.

Our media partner, The Oakland Tribune, is reporting that Hasanni's foster parents, Jennifer Campbell and Louis Ross, broke up soon after the birth of their daughter in November.

Ross reportedly has moved to Arizona.
Rally outside Oakland Police next week to mark six months since Hasanni Campbell went missing

OAKLAND -- Organizers are gearing up for a rally Feb. 10 at the Oakland Police Department to mark six months since Hasanni Campbell went missing.

Organizers will hold the rally at 6 p.m. Feb. 10 at the Police Department, 455 7th Street in Oakland. Community and church members will be there and anyone who wants to participate can come to the Citizens for the Lost offices at 15976 E. 14th St. in San Leandro between noon and 6 p.m. Saturday to make signs, pick up fliers and learn more about the event, Miller said.

"This is not to bash the police, we hope that they will be involved and come out and speak to the crowd and let the public know that this little boy is not forgotten," Miller said.

Police have said the case is still under investigation.

More at:
Missing Boy's Foster Parents Missing
Updated 7:15 AM PST, Tue, Feb 2, 2010

Organizers and volunteers helping to search for a missing East Bay boy are now having trouble finding his foster parents.

Campbell and Ross split up after their daughter was born in November, search organizer Sherri-Lyn Miller said. She told the Oakland Tribune that she believes Campbell is still living in the Fremont house she shared with Ross and Hasanni. Ross has reportedly moved out of the area, possibly to Arizona, according to the Tribune.

More at:
I think now would be a good time for LE to reinterview Campbell. Lean on her hard, even if she has representation. She has no reason whatsoever to refuse a poly now...IMHO.

If she doesn't speak I hope she breaks some minor law in order to get her in there and get what happened to Hasanni out of her. JMHO.
I think now would be a good time for LE to reinterview Campbell. Lean on her hard, even if she has representation. She has no reason whatsoever to refuse a poly now...IMHO.

If she doesn't speak I hope she breaks some minor law in order to get her in there and get what happened to Hasanni out of her. JMHO.

I'm not sure LE knows where she is. From Duckie's link:
"But the Fremont home is now vacant and for sale, according to people who live in the neighborhood. A neighbor told KTVU that she saw the couple packing up with their newborn baby girl two weeks ago and that someone was helping them clean up and move out."
Posted: 10:01 pm PST February 1, 2010Updated: 10:48 pm PST February 1, 2010

OAKLAND, Calif. -- There was a new twist Monday night in the case of missing Fremont five-year- old Hasanni Campbell who disappeared last August. His foster parents -- who were once suspects in the case -- have moved away from the Bay Area.KTVU has also learned that there has been new police activity at their former home in Fremont.
A neighbor who didn't want to be identified said the couple packed up with their new two-month-old baby two weeks ago. “There was a lot of stuff being thrown away,” said the neighbor. “There was a couple of people who came to help with the move.”At about the same time, another neighbor said she saw police come around and seize one of the couple's cars.“I saw a cop and they had a tow truck,” said neighbor Joey Ann. “They towed a BMW, I think. It was a white car.”Monday night, Oakland police did not confirm any new turns in the case.Ross was cooperative with authorities during the investigation until he and Jennifer Campbell were arrested on suspicion of murder and jailed briefly. Charges were never filed due to lack of evidence.“Once they were arrested, they cut off contact with everybody,” said Sherri Miller.Miller said in December, when volunteers tried to post missing flyers around the couple's Fremont home, Ross told them to "get the hell out."Hearing the couple may be gone for good affirmed her worst fears about their motives.“If you care anything about that child, you'd be doing everything in your power; you'd be on every tv station you could, trying to find this child unless you know there's no hope of finding him,” said Miller. “Jennifer's had her baby. She's recovered. There's no reason for her not to be looking for her nephew and trying to come up with some answers.” more at link:
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