CA CA - Jennifer Wilmer, 21, Willow Creek, 13 Sept 1993

I am glad this thread has been active and appreciate all of the research that has been done.
I wish we had some answers though.
Still think the serial killer who preyed on hitchhikers and lived in a trailer in Arcata needs another look.
Wayne Ford-
There were some UID remains on his property. Don't know if they were ever compared to Jennifer.
He was a long haul trucker, lived in Arcata and picked up hitchikers.
Not sure where exactly he lived in 1993 though.
This and Jason Jolkowski are my 2 cases I focus on the most and I want them to be solved so bad.

I think we can cross off Ford in connection with Jennifer. It appears that he was living in southern CA around 1993. He got married there in 1994.,1437993&hl=en
Has anyone looked at Doe Network for UIDs that could be Jennifer? I am afraid to look at it because I don't want to see actual post mortem photos. Do they just show reconstructions or do they mix in post mortems too? If someone has done a lot of research on there let me know what is on there. If we start in the area Jennifer went missing and work out maybe something would come up. I would assume her family has done this but maybe they stopped looking after a certain amount of time.

I have looked at some UID's over the years to see if she was ruled out. I will go back through them and start the UID's that have been ruled out for Jennifer Wilmer. Not always do they show pictures. A lot of them have no pictures what so ever. Some do have postmortem pictures, On Doe they usually warn you and have to click the link. So you don't have to see them if you choose not to.

Several things I think should be done with the Namus Site, is....... One. They should put a list of rule outs for the UID's on the missing persons page as well. and they should link to each other. Two I Think they need to post more reconstruction pictures on some of these cases that don't show anything, also pictures of the belongings are not always shown. Three Some of these missing persons do not have any kind of identification on them. No DNA, No Fingerprints and No Dental. I fear their bodies may have already been found but there is no way to cross reference them. Then there are the unknowns those poor bones and remains may never be identified. Makes my heart sink even thinking about it. Anyway that is just a few things I'd change off the top of my head. I'm sure I could come up with more but for now ill leave it at that.
I have looked at some UID's over the years to see if she was ruled out. I will go back through them and start the UID's that have been ruled out for Jennifer Wilmer. Not always do they show pictures. A lot of them have no pictures what so ever. Some do have postmortem pictures, On Doe they usually warn you and have to click the link. So you don't have to see them if you choose not to.

Several things I think should be done with the Namus Site, is....... One. They should put a list of rule outs for the UID's on the missing persons page as well. and they should link to each other. Two I Think they need to post more reconstruction pictures on some of these cases that don't show anything, also pictures of the belongings are not always shown. Three Some of these missing persons do not have any kind of identification on them. No DNA, No Fingerprints and No Dental. I fear their bodies may have already been found but there is no way to cross reference them. Then there are the unknowns those poor bones and remains may never be identified. Makes my heart sink even thinking about it. Anyway that is just a few things I'd change off the top of my head. I'm sure I could come up with more but for now ill leave it at that.

Thank you for the UID info. In light of that it is entirely possible Jennifer's remains were found and are some that have no DNA, fingerprints, dental etc. Although there are many places in the area you could put someone and they would never be found.
I read a little more on the Wayne guy. He supposedly didn't start killing people until 1997. But I would like to know where he was living in 1993. It's all so grotesque that I can't read too much of it.
My eyes are tired, but this case is fascinating! I'm surprised more WS's aren't involved. I'm off to look at pics.
This case gives me more questions than answers.
Here are a few:
1. The day Jennifer vanished the Grateful Dead (GD) were playing in Philly, so one question I have is why weren't Jade and the others at the shows? Now it could be as simple as they didn't want to follow the GD on fall tour, but I just wonder what they were up to instead.

2. Is the roommate Mingo the same as MG, and were meth and heroin factors in what happened to Jennifer? Did Jennifer actually stick her thumb out and hitch by herself, or was that what the friends used as a story in order to cover up what really happened by fabricating a convenient "bad move" such as hitchhiking.

3. Why did police chalk it up to her leaving of her own volition? Was Hawkins Bar too far removed from Eureka for police to spend much time on the case?

I am glad to see this thread getting attention again..
I will do my best with these answers as I can.

1. I do not believe they were following the dead at that time. The area that she was living was within the lifestyle tho of a wanderer. She was trying to make it on her own and was supposedly headed to introduce herself to a farm owner for possible future employment. Which meant her plan was to stay. She also was dating someone Tro Peterson If memory serves. (It was said he commited suicide 10 years almost to the day when Jennifer went missing.) Also keeping her in the area.

2. Mingo. The only one mentioned by name in her short note. Suspicious since she was dating the other guy. There is a Mingo in the area still. According to local papers he and his gf are mixed up in the drug worlds. The roommates also shaved their heads shortly after she went missing. All those dreads. That could me several things according to people who wear them. But to me it seems like maybe there was something they were trying to rid themselves of. Also why was there a good bye to this Mingo. Where did he disappear to right after she went missing? This is where I think some answers may lie with what really happened to Jennifer Jade Wilmer.

3. Eureka is at least an hour by car to where she was living. maybe more. In fact part of it was because in that recent move to hawkins bar it put her in Trinity County, not Humboldt County. Plus I think they didn't care cause she was living a "TRANSIENT LIFESTYLE". Seems a lot of sheriff offices are corrupted, Depends on who you do and do not know, JMO.
I will do my best with these answers as I can.

1. I do not believe they were following the dead at that time. The area that she was living was within the lifestyle tho of a wanderer. She was trying to make it on her own and was supposedly headed to introduce herself to a farm owner for possible future employment. Which meant her plan was to stay. She also was dating someone Tro Peterson If memory serves. (It was said he commited suicide 10 years almost to the day when Jennifer went missing.) Also keeping her in the area.

2. Mingo. The only one mentioned by name in her short note. Suspicious since she was dating the other guy. There is a Mingo in the area still. According to local papers he and his gf are mixed up in the drug worlds. The roommates also shaved their heads shortly after she went missing. All those dreads. That could me several things according to people who wear them. But to me it seems like maybe there was something they were trying to rid themselves of. Also why was there a good bye to this Mingo. Where did he disappear to right after she went missing? This is where I think some answers may lie with what really happened to Jennifer Jade Wilmer.

3. Eureka is at least an hour by car to where she was living. maybe more. In fact part of it was because in that recent move to hawkins bar it put her in Trinity County, not Humboldt County. Plus I think they didn't care cause she was living a "TRANSIENT LIFESTYLE". Seems a lot of sheriff offices are corrupted, Depends on who you do and do not know, JMO.


The cutting of the dreads could also be from lice. In the GD scene entire groups of people would figure out they had lice and have to chop off their dreads. The lice were itchy and nearly drove people crazy. That happened regularly in those days, so that is not as concerning to me. What I think you drive home, and I agree with you, that it is very suspicious how M allegedly disappeared right after she did

Maybe he will get in trouble for something and they can question him. He does have a very different and memorable name, if that is even what he goes by at this point. Jennifer's family deserves answers. Jennifer deserves justice. I hope they can take another look at her case.
Maybe the segment will result in some viable leads! Thanks for posting BillyJensen. I hope we can finally find out what happened to Jennifer.
I still think she is referring to the farm as a pot farm. Plenty in the area. Growers at the time were very paranoid and private. Being gone several months to trim harvest wouldn't be unheard of. They have to act fast to trim, dry, keep it from getting mold. If she was able to get a job, she wouldn't know when she would be back. Could be the whole season. She hoped she see them when she got back. The reality is, she was new to the area, so she might have over-estimated her "connections" with the farm. I could easily see this. I had an experience going to a farm once with folks that did know the owner and his son. And it was extremely uncomfortable. Very. Be interested to see what farm the friends knew about.
I still think she is referring to the farm as a pot farm. Plenty in the area. Growers at the time were very paranoid and private. Being gone several months to trim harvest wouldn't be unheard of. They have to act fast to trim, dry, keep it from getting mold. If she was able to get a job, she wouldn't know when she would be back. Could be the whole season. She hoped she see them when she got back. The reality is, she was new to the area, so she might have over-estimated her "connections" with the farm. I could easily see this. I had an experience going to a farm once with folks that did know the owner and his son. And it was extremely uncomfortable. Very. Be interested to see what farm the friends knew about.

I agree that it was very likely a pot farm. I've been looking for an opportunity to post a link to this article reprinted on Kym Kemp's news blog about sex trafficking in the marijuana industry. This seems as good a place as any. I imagine this was going on back in 1993 to some degree and Jennifer may have become a victim and then killed. One of the victims mentioned in the article who escaped after several months had a thread here on WS for awhile last year. It ended up shut down because Kym's blog was the only source of info, aside from a friend (no MSM). I was glad to hear she made it out alive. It's scary stuff.
Bump for Jennifer "Jade" Marie Wilmer......

Came across something doing with the Mingo that has been in the news over the past few years mentioned above in post #257. He was again arrested for drugs and even abandoning his own baby.

This Eureka man Mingo Gaitan and his gf are back in the news again. Was in court on August 29 2016 about the abandoning of their baby. Still unsure if this is the same Mingo that was mentioned in the note Jen wrote. He is due back in court Nov 7 2016. I think Jen's roommates should be questioned again. more than 20 years later, couldn't hurt.
Here is the story I wrote about Jennifer, in its print form.
We will be doing a segment on the Humboldt 5 on Crime Watch Daily this fall.

Hi everyone, sorry I have been away for so long but I have been reading all of your posts and you are all really amazing people. I was only 5 years old when she went missing and starting doing my own investigation on her in my early 20s. A lot of the information I gained was because of you guys. I am happy to say that with the help of you, Billy Jensen, and a few people i cannot mention yet, her story is going to be featured on a new crime series. This is only the very beginning and I can only say so much at this time. Im still looking for any and everyone who has any information about her case so please feel free to PM me.
Hi everyone, sorry I have been away for so long but I have been reading all of your posts and you are all really amazing people. I was only 5 years old when she went missing and starting doing my own investigation on her in my early 20s. A lot of the information I gained was because of you guys. I am happy to say that with the help of you, Billy Jensen, and a few people i cannot mention yet, her story is going to be featured on a new crime series. This is only the very beginning and I can only say so much at this time. Im still looking for any and everyone who has any information about her case so please feel free to PM me.

Keep us posted Jess!
Hi everyone, sorry I have been away for so long but I have been reading all of your posts and you are all really amazing people. I was only 5 years old when she went missing and starting doing my own investigation on her in my early 20s. A lot of the information I gained was because of you guys. I am happy to say that with the help of you, Billy Jensen, and a few people i cannot mention yet, her story is going to be featured on a new crime series. This is only the very beginning and I can only say so much at this time. Im still looking for any and everyone who has any information about her case so please feel free to PM me.

Bumping for Jennifer.

Any news when this crime show episode will air? and will it just be about Jennifer Wilmer or about all the humboldt girls missing?
Has anyone found out which crime show will feature this case yet?
Not sure if this was posted yet but thought I'd share it anyway.

Jennifer's mother helped get a bill passed named Jennifers Law for funding for a national database of Missing adults. This database has advanced over time and now we have Namus.

Still think that the missing persons page should reflect the unidentified Persons they have been ruled out o as being like they do on the unidentified pages and the missing.
Bumps for Jennifer "Jade" Wilmer. Still thinking of you and hoping some truth about what happened to you comes to light sooner rather than later. Her bday just pasted 2 weeks ago on April 13. She would be 45 now. Missing for to long.

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