CA CA - Karlie Lain Gusé, 16, Mono County, 13 Oct 2018 #2

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“Yeah, that was a false story. Because I wasn’t – it was a lie about checking in on Karlie. Because it was in the beginning, and I didn’t know what to say and – I shouldn’t have even done the interview.” ~ Melissa Guse

Even had I not been immersed in this case, that quote alone would've sent up a major red flag.
The truth isn't confusing and certainly doesn't make you lie.
Agree. Coupled with the damaged car and her heavy involvement in directing the searches the first week, it is basically what not to do if you don't want to look guilty.

Of course, even if you suspect her, she had a very limited window to hide anything that should have been easy to uncover by now. Whether you believe foul play or Karlie wandering until she succumbed to the elements, the fact that they haven't found a body yet is troublesome.
Agree. Coupled with the damaged car and her heavy involvement in directing the searches the first week, it is basically what not to do if you don't want to look guilty.

Of course, even if you suspect her, she had a very limited window to hide anything that should have been easy to uncover by now. Whether you believe foul play or Karlie wandering until she succumbed to the elements, the fact that they haven't found a body yet is troublesome.
To quote my favorite Orange County DA, "for an innocent man [woman], there's no reason to lie about anything."

The cover-up always being worse than the crime, I've often wondered if the seemingly connected SM didn't locate KG outdoors very early and reason with herself, 'KG is dead, and nothing we can do about it now,' and had KG's body moved/disappeared. MOO
Throwing in my 2 cents...

Somewhere in the threads I'd read that Karlie and the SM arrived at home several hours prior to Karlie going missing. FWIW and IME the effects of smoking marijuana have never lasted more than a few hours at most. Maybe someone gave her Datura, lsd or psilocybin in order for her to have been out of it for that long. Just saying.

It just struck me as odd that at 5-6 a.m Karlie would've still been feeling out of it to the point of wandering away from home. Also, I'm thinking that if she was on something and still felt in distress wouldn't she still take her phone and try texting someone or something?

As others said, if Karlie did innocently wander off on her own due to some kind of drug induced state and she didn't survive, it seems strange that no traces have appeared during searches.

Lastly, did SM know that Karlie was struggling with her mental health? Just thinking... if Karlie had already taken drugs on her own and had negative effects (what luck), if someone close knew she'd been having mental health issues, wouldn't that have been the perfect "alibi"? Instead of making up some convoluted story about being high and wandering off, wouldn't it make more sense to blame the victims mental state? FWIW.
Throwing in my 2 cents...

Somewhere in the threads I'd read that Karlie and the SM arrived at home several hours prior to Karlie going missing. FWIW and IME the effects of smoking marijuana have never lasted more than a few hours at most. Maybe someone gave her Datura, lsd or psilocybin in order for her to have been out of it for that long. Just saying.

It just struck me as odd that at 5-6 a.m Karlie would've still been feeling out of it to the point of wandering away from home. Also, I'm thinking that if she was on something and still felt in distress wouldn't she still take her phone and try texting someone or something?

As others said, if Karlie did innocently wander off on her own due to some kind of drug induced state and she didn't survive, it seems strange that no traces have appeared during searches.

Lastly, did SM know that Karlie was struggling with her mental health? Just thinking... if Karlie had already taken drugs on her own and had negative effects (what luck), if someone close knew she'd been having mental health issues, wouldn't that have been the perfect "alibi"? Instead of making up some convoluted story about being high and wandering off, wouldn't it make more sense to blame the victims mental state? FWIW.

KG had been living with her dad and SM since she was about age 4 so there were really no secrets here.

From very early in the case, we learned that KG was especially known to tattle on herself long before she could get in any trouble, and this incident before she disappeared was said to be very typical of KG and raised no immediate flags. These were good kids.

I recall KG, her boyfriend, and a small group were supposed to attend the football game after school but instead went to a party at somebody's house. By around 7:30 pm, KG called SM and tattled on herself that she didn't go to the game and asked for a ride home. And the first thing KG did when SM arrived to collect her was to tell SM that she had smoked weed. Since this (Oct 12) was early in the school year, KG felt bad for breaking her promise to stay clean and failed in the first school quarter. (It's not been reported how long KG had been clean before she used weed on this fateful night).

By all accounts, nothing about school or the evening including the weed use was considered to be out of the ordinary for the family dynamics. And more importantly, the other kids including KG's boyfriend corroborated the same details about the night, and nobody else except KG reacted differently.

Also, I'm not recalling reports of any diagnosed "mental problems" or concerns about KG's mental state other than typical 16 yr old teen angst, whether or not her parents would allow her to get a driver's license -- especially since they'd just moved to a new development outside of Bishop. IMO, I also think there was some angst about how long she'd have to wait before receiving approval to return to Bishop HS. I know the link I posted up thread cites KG was attending the Alternate school to improve her grades, I also recall this was a decision made at the end of the last school year by the School Administration when the kids were caught smoking in the restroom. MOO

Crimeonline's article of 10/25/2018 linked below is probably one of the better sources of early info as we first learned it -- before everything (including SM as the family spokesperson) went to private FB groups (not approved here), and/or the machine took over to rewrite the facts that perhaps would be more acceptable to what at the time, was probably considered a critical public.

Karlie Gusé, 16, reportedly disappeared from her Mono County home on October 13, somewhere between the hours of around 5:45 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. The girl’s stepmother, Melissa Gusé, told CrimeOnline she picked Karlie up the night prior in “town,” miles away from the family’s rural home on the outskirts of Bishop. Karlie was then brought home, according to Melissa, near White Mountain Estate Road in Chalfant, which lies around 14 miles north of Bishop.

Melissa told CrimeOnline that her stepdaughter admitted to her that she had smoked marijuana on the evening of October 12 while out with her boyfriend and a few friends, and said the teen seemed disoriented and “acted paranoid” when she picked her up at around 8 p.m. The stepmom, who said Karlie was alone when she picked her up, stated she eventually she got the teen calm and even slept in her room with her all night to make sure she was OK.

At around 5:30 a.m. the following morning, Melissa reportedly woke up and when she looked over, Karlie was next to her, lying awake. At some point, Melissa dozed off again for a short period, then woke up again at around 7:15 a.m to 7:30 a.m. and Karlie was gone.

There were no signs of forced entry into the home and the front door, according to Karlie’s biological mother, Lindsey Fairley, was slightly ajar.

ETA: Reportedly, SM took a video of KG at home during the evening before KG disappeared that she intended to show to KG as confirmation of her squirrely behavior after the weed indulgence. To my knowledge, nobody has seen this video to be able to independently report on it. I recall KG's birth mother offering that there could have been a scuffle at the end of the video but it's not been confirmed here.

Lindsey indicated that the recording ended before she could determine if there indeed was some sort of altercation, but it left her feeling bewildered and worried. Lindsey is now pleading for help and hoping someone, somewhere will come forward with information.
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KG had been living with her dad and SM since she was about age 4 so there were really no secrets here.

From very early in the case, we learned that KG was especially known to tattle on herself long before she could get in any trouble, and this incident before she disappeared was said to be very typical of KG and raised no immediate flags. These were good kids.

I recall KG, her boyfriend, and a small group were supposed to attend the football game after school but instead went to a party at somebody's house. By around 7:30 pm, KG called SM and tattled on herself that she didn't go to the game and asked for a ride home. And the first thing KG did when SM arrived to collect her was to tell SM that she had smoked weed. Since this (Oct 12) was early in the school year, KG felt bad for breaking her promise to stay clean and failed in the first school quarter. (It's not been reported how long KG had been clean before she used weed on this fateful night).

By all accounts, nothing about school or the evening including the weed use was considered to be out of the ordinary for the family dynamics. And more importantly, the other kids including KG's boyfriend corroborated the same details about the night, and nobody else except KG reacted differently.

Also, I'm not recalling reports of any diagnosed "mental problems" or concerns about KG's mental state other than typical 16 yr old teen angst, whether or not her parents would allow her to get a driver's license -- especially since they'd just moved to a new development outside of Bishop. IMO, I also think there was some angst about how long she'd have to wait before receiving approval to return to Bishop HS. I know the link I posted up thread cites KG was attending the Alternate school to improve her grades, I also recall this was a decision made at the end of the last school year by the School Administration when the kids were caught smoking in the restroom. MOO

Crimeonline's article of 10/25/2018 linked below is probably one of the better sources of early info as we first learned it -- before everything (including SM as the family spokesperson) went to private FB groups (not approved here), and/or the machine took over to rewrite the facts that perhaps would be more acceptable to what at the time, was probably considered a critical public.

Karlie Gusé, 16, reportedly disappeared from her Mono County home on October 13, somewhere between the hours of around 5:45 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. The girl’s stepmother, Melissa Gusé, told CrimeOnline she picked Karlie up the night prior in “town,” miles away from the family’s rural home on the outskirts of Bishop. Karlie was then brought home, according to Melissa, near White Mountain Estate Road in Chalfant, which lies around 14 miles north of Bishop.

Melissa told CrimeOnline that her stepdaughter admitted to her that she had smoked marijuana on the evening of October 12 while out with her boyfriend and a few friends, and said the teen seemed disoriented and “acted paranoid” when she picked her up at around 8 p.m. The stepmom, who said Karlie was alone when she picked her up, stated she eventually she got the teen calm and even slept in her room with her all night to make sure she was OK.

At around 5:30 a.m. the following morning, Melissa reportedly woke up and when she looked over, Karlie was next to her, lying awake. At some point, Melissa dozed off again for a short period, then woke up again at around 7:15 a.m to 7:30 a.m. and Karlie was gone.

There were no signs of forced entry into the home and the front door, according to Karlie’s biological mother, Lindsey Fairley, was slightly ajar.

ETA: Reportedly, SM took a video of KG at home during the evening before KG disappeared that she intended to show to KG as confirmation of her squirrely behavior after the weed indulgence. To my knowledge, nobody has seen this video to be able to independently report on it. I recall KG's birth mother offering that there could have been a scuffle at the end of the video but it's not been confirmed here.

Lindsey indicated that the recording ended before she could determine if there indeed was some sort of altercation, but it left her feeling bewildered and worried. Lindsey is now pleading for help and hoping someone, somewhere will come forward with information.

Thank you for the outline and refreshing my memory!

These are the details that I'd recalled. In particular, the detail about the video Karlies' SM had supposedly taken. Somewhere back a few pages I'd read that Karlie had called a helpline for her mental health a month prior but am unsure if this is a fact. I should have been more specific about this as I don't mean to spread false information.

Karlie reminds me of myself at 16. I would tell my mom on myself anytime I did something bad and I too got in trouble for smoking in the bathroom. Despite lying and smoking pot, Karlie seems like she was a good kid trying to make better choices in her life.

Hopefully Karlie will be found someday.
Hopefully Karlie will be found someday.

Yes, indeed.

Wow, I just saw that Lindsey Fairley participated in a youtube about Karlie and phoned into the show. The creator isn't WS approved but it's easily searchable -- uploaded on 8/22/2022:
Somewhere back a few pages I'd read that Karlie had called a helpline for her mental health a month prior but am unsure if this is a fact. I should have been more specific about this as I don't mean to spread false information.

LF (mom) confirmed (8/22/22 call-in show) that KG looked up the phone number for the teen suicide helpline but never called the number per the phone records. Mom reports that KG's boyfriend had episodes of depression and that it would be typical of KG to act as the caretaker for her boyfriend or any other friend. Mom describes KG as nurturing and mothering and had no record of mental illness.

Also, any reference to a therapist was actually the school counselor at the alternate school which corroborates the earlier angst KG allegedly had about the date she'd be able to return to Bishop HS. LF states KG did not have a therapist and had never been in treatment. MOO
From 10/18/2020 or 2 year anniversary missing:

From the October 2020 series of videos by the FBI, we learned that Bishop Union HS did issue Karlie her Class of 2020 High School diploma. It's on top of her dresser in her bedroom. I think I'd missed this before but it was definitely a knife in my heart knowing how much Karlie really wanted to to be allowed to leave the alternative school and get back to Bishop HS. :(
Throwing in my 2 cents...

Somewhere in the threads I'd read that Karlie and the SM arrived at home several hours prior to Karlie going missing. FWIW and IME the effects of smoking marijuana have never lasted more than a few hours at most. Maybe someone gave her Datura, lsd or psilocybin in order for her to have been out of it for that long. Just saying.

It just struck me as odd that at 5-6 a.m Karlie would've still been feeling out of it to the point of wandering away from home. Also, I'm thinking that if she was on something and still felt in distress wouldn't she still take her phone and try texting someone or something?

As others said, if Karlie did innocently wander off on her own due to some kind of drug induced state and she didn't survive, it seems strange that no traces have appeared during searches.

Lastly, did SM know that Karlie was struggling with her mental health? Just thinking... if Karlie had already taken drugs on her own and had negative effects (what luck), if someone close knew she'd been having mental health issues, wouldn't that have been the perfect "alibi"? Instead of making up some convoluted story about being high and wandering off, wouldn't it make more sense to blame the victims mental state? FWIW.
As for the effects lasting long, I always suspected that SM gave something to Karlie to calm her down / get her to sleep. It could have interacted with something else Karlie took that night or simply had an adverse effect on Karlie. That would fit with SM texting the boyfriend in the morning asking him what else Karlie took as if almost in a panic.

If SM gave Karlie something and Karlie was acting especially strange or possibly struggling at 5 am, SM could have panicked and thought that what she gave Karlie was interacting with something. SM could have kept that secret thinking that what she did contributed to Karlie's disappearance or worse.
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