CA CA - Khadijah Britton, 23, Covelo, 9 Feb 2018 *POI* *Reward*

I wonder what this is all about. This young woman is FB friends with Khadijah and her family, plus both Negie Fallis and Antonia Bautista-Dalton. Scary stuff in Covelo! Is there a connection perhaps?

Quoting article:

Jessica Durazo entered the female’s house holding a pump action shotgun. Durazo said she was going to “kill” one of the female’s family members who was sitting in the living room.

Durazo then pumped the action of the shotgun, at which time the female told Durazo to get out of her house because she was calling 911. Durazo left the house breaking windows on a vehicle parked in the driveway.


Deputies learned Durazo was on summary probation out of Mendocino County and had an outstanding warrant for her arrest for violation of probation. Durazo was placed under arrest without incident.


Woman Arrested After Firing Shotgun and Threatening to Kill Victim

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Khadijah Britton

Khadijah Britton

Negie Fallis

Antonia Bautista-Dalson
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This is a post from the official Khadijah FB page explaining how Khadijah and Antonia are related in two different ways...cousins of some sort I assume. If Antonia knows what happened to Khadijah (probable), being family makes it even worse!

Kz Locz

I wonder when these “numerous rumors” surfaced and if they have anything to do with the arrest I posted upthread (#61). Hoping someone is talking.
On 3/11/2019 the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office and Mendocino County Search and Rescue responded to the Covelo Area to continue the search effort for Khadijah Britton who disappeared in February of 2018. This search effort was limited to a pond on lands belonging to the Round Valley Indian Tribes. The pond was located within 1/3 miles of the residence Khadijah was reported to have been kidnapped from. The pond was approximately 1/3 acre in size. During a recent search of the area a California Rescue Dog Association (CARDA) K-9 team indicated a dog showed an interest in the pond. Due to the pond being in close proximity to the area Khadijah was last seen and the dog interest the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office approached the Round Valley Indian Tribal Council with a request to drain this pond to further the search effort. This request was granted and after consulting with several environmental and or water management agencies a plan was developed to drain the pond with several large water pumps.

Searchers Drain Pond in Covelo Area Searching for Missing Woman, Khadijah Britton

more at link..
I live in the area and I have immediate family from the Native Reservation she is from. I am pretty certain the person they suspect, is in fact the person. I don't know the rules on posting info about suspects, but I know quite a bit, stuff I am positive law enforcement already knows.
More from above article:



Suspect Negie's FB Negie Fallis
He is a member of the (self redacted) gang aka I.P, a subordinate gang to the (self redacted) Mafia.
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I don’t think this article from December saying that her ex is in San Quentin was posted yet:

COVELO — The main suspect in the disappearance of a Native American woman from Covelo was sent to San Quentin Thursday morning to serve a four-year term for an unrelated firearm conviction.

Local and federal authorities made the announcement in Mendocino County, voicing hope that the man’s imprisonment will lead to a break in the case involving Khadijah Britton, a Round Valley tribal member who has not been seen since February.

With key suspect in prison, investigators seek break in Khadijah Britton's disappearance
I live in the area and I have immediate family from the Native Reservation she is from. I am pretty certain the person they suspect, is in fact the person. I don't know the rules on posting info about suspects, but I know quite a bit, stuff I am positive law enforcement already knows.

Welcome! You can post info from MSM (mainstream media). Unless you are a “verified insider” on Websleuths (family or friend), you can’t post what you know. Info from locals would be considered “rumor” on Websleuths and against the rules.

He is a member of the (self redacted) gang aka I.P, a subordinate gang to the (self redacted) Mafia.

If this is the case, his being in San Quentin wouldn’t make anyone feel safe enough to share info with LE. It sounds like he would still have dangerous connections in the area.
Welcome aboard, Redbeard. Your input is most welcome, although your caution in joining the discussion is understandable. The restriction on basing postings on MSM may seem daunting. However, there is nothing that would prevent you from confidentially confiding in a reporter (hint, hint). We journalists have our own oath of omerta, and the resulting article could be posted. If I were in your situation, I would be looking at the Anderson Valley Advertiser. They are the ballsiest of our local media.
Negie Fallis was on the loose again. He has exited prison, apparently without public notice...but not for long. He seems to have served a whopping eight (8) months on a four year (48 month) sentence. Now he's been caught doing a few things verboten for felons...and he's being charged with eight (yay, 8!) felonies. BTW, the clip linked below has links in its comments sections, yet. Special treat for the astute reader.
Man Suspected of Probation Violation Found With Stolen Gun, Says MCSO – Redheaded Blackbelt
And now the Feds have Fallis: Family Members of Khadijah Britton Attend a Protest for Missing and Murdered Indigenous People on the Same Day the Suspect in Her Disappearance Faces Federal Charges – Redheaded Blackbelt

Fallis was caught with a meth pipe, a loaded Glock pistol, and an assault rifle. The article doesn't say why these are federal offenses. If I had to hazard a guess, I would think the federal status of the Round Valley Reservation plays into the charges.

At any rate, our local DA isn't dropping charges yet on Fallis.
Feb 1 2021
23 unforgettable North Coast cold cases and where each stands now

''Slide 5 of 23
Unsolved missing person case: Khadijah Britton was last seen about midnight Feb. 7, 2018 at a friend’s home in Covelo. Witnesses told law enforcement that her boyfriend, Negie Fallis IV, forced her out of the house at gunpoint, although she was never found. A week before the 23-year-old’s disappearance, she told domestic abuse counselors and police that Fallis attacked her and tried to kill her with a hammer. Fallis currently is serving a four-year sentence at San Quentin State Prison for a firearm conviction unrelated to the case. The Mendocino County Sheriff’s Department still is investigating Britton’s disappearance. (Beth Schlanker/The Press Democrat)''
From your link (thank you):
Mendocino County Sheriff Matthew Kendall, in corroboration with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), will be hosting a “Facebook Live” announcement on Friday February 5, 2021 at 11:30 A.M.

This virtual event is being held regarding the disappearance of Khadijah Britton of the Round Valley Indian Tribes. Khadijah disappeared 3 years ago in Covelo, CA and the investigation remains active and unsolved. Sheriff Matthew Kendall and Scott Schelble, Assistant Special Agent in Charge of Violent Crime in the San Francisco Division of the FBI, will be present during this virtual livestream event.

Updates to the status of this ongoing investigation will be provided during this live event, hoping to encourage a renewed effort to seek information from the public about this case.

As time permits during this virtual event, the Sheriff’s Office intends on answering questions from the Facebook livestream chat.

Anyone interested in watching this Facebook livestream event can do so by visiting the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page at the following link:

This event is being held in a virtual format to comply with current COVID-19 regulations, local public health orders, and social distancing protocols. Due to these circumstances, members from the public and press will not be able to attend this event in person.

Members of the media can contact the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office Public Information Officers if they have inquiries that are not addressed during the virtual Facebook livestream announcement.

Public Information Officer Contact Information:

Captain Gregory L. Van Patten –

Lieutenant Quincy Cromer –
Falis is NOT serving a four year sentence. He served just eight months. See post #72 above.
Khadijah Britton disappeared three years ago in Covelo, CA. According to the MCSO she was last seen being forced into a car at gunpoint by her boyfriend Negie Fallis.

Fallis has never been formally charged in connection to Britton's disappearance. Official said Wednesday the investigation remains active and unsolved.

The virtual update takes place on Friday Feb. 5 at 11:30 a.m. on the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office Facebook page.

Sheriff Matthew Kendall and Scott Schelble, Assistant Special Agent in Charge of Violent Crime in the San Francisco Division of the FBI, will provide updates on the status of he ongoing investigation hoping to encourage a renewed effort to seek information from the public about the case.

The MCSO said it intends on answering questions from the Facebook livestream chat as well.
MCSO, FBI host virtual investigation update on disappearance of Khadijah Britton

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