Found Deceased CA - Kiely Rodni Missing From Party Near Prosser Family Campground in Truckee #2

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Didn't Kiely message her mom around 11:30pm saying she would be leaving the party & heading home within the next 45 minutes or so? That time matches up to the time where she was believed to have left. She also told her friend that she had found a ride home. I'm not sure I agree with the idea she attended an afterparty.
Yes that happened. See the video below for confirmation.

I don’t know- I just have a weird feeling. Especially because of the quote on the sweatshirt. How she was saying that she wanted to get ****ed up at the party. I really worry about a creep at the party seeing the sweatshirt plus her being intoxicated as an easy target. I just feel like there is no such thing as coincidences in a case like this.
People are really making something out of nothing with that sweatshirt, IMO.
I have been very curious about this call. For a few days. In my experience teens and 20 somethings do not talk on the phone. They text, snap, video, everything but talk. You can call them and they do not answer, but will text 2 seconds later. Unless I have read wrong and it is possible, it seems like all KR’s previous communication were by text but she called SS? Had she tried texting and did not get a response? Not insinuating anything, just curious. Also, do we know who SS left with?
Agree. BUT, if I was ready to leave to make curfew and/or my phone was about to die I’d call instead of waiting for a text response.
I get it, but all that matters is that law enforcement is exploring that option. At the same time, they are covering their bases by also exploring a criminal angle.

If she's in the water, that means she's no longer alive. I get why friends and family wouldn't want to to accept that.
I disagree. Its not clear that LE has any clue at all. If important people in the search effort are disregarding logical outcomes then there is a problem. IMO
This case reminds me a bit of the events that inspired the 80s film "Rivers Edge". Boyfriend "accidentally" kills girlfriend, circle of acquaintances know but remain silent because of mistrust of LE, not wanting to snitch on a friend, fear of being charged as an accessory, etc. Hopefully some people start talking.
I’m late to respond to this, but…

Yes, I’ve been thinking about this story a lot in relation to Kiely’s disappearance.

It happened where I’m from; 14-year-old Marcy Conrad was murdered by her boyfriend, who dumped her body in a ravine. He bragged about it at school and allegedly took at least 10 friends back to go see the body. It took two days for anyone to report it.


So yes, teenagers can keep secrets . . . but for how long?
Because she was at a party? If he knew she was drinking, he was concerned?
Agreed. My 20 y/o daughter left this afternoon with friends to go to a 3 day concert down the shore. I texted her the following, which is not uncommon when I know she (or even my son) is venturing out where there are people she may not know, crowds, drinking, etc. They are both good kids - as are their friends - but it’s just a reminder to them to be aware of things around them and remember all the warnings I have tried to instill in them without making them paranoid.

Have fun, be safe, be smart!
Love you!! ❤️❤️
it's not looking likely unfortunately.
The sweatshirt is Lana Del Ray merch sold in Urban Outfitters. One of America's most popular musicians with teens and one of America's most popular high street fashion stores.

Basically there is no significance to it.
It is just very scary out there, IMO , and I think Kiely could have been slipped a mickey, was more messed up than what she thought she was but thought she could drive home ( 12 miles, IIRC ) and is off the road, either down a ravine or in water.
Hi Sparty - ^rsbm

She may have pulled over to sleep it off, and succumbed to alcohol poisoning or a drug. Posters have said it already, parking lots / businesses along the route home need to be double-checked. Maybe somewhere near Donner Pass. Or she got on Rt 80, got distracted or confused, and overshot her exit back to the Lodge, went on in the direction of Sacramento.
Yes. The recent case of Chrissy Powell, younger mom who went missing in the San Antonio, TX area, was found in her car, deceased, about 18 days after she left for work. In a busy shopping mall complex near a restaurant and REI store. Security noticed it, but didn't really think much to walk up to it until days later... Right on her route to work, basically.
Exactly! To be honest I am not sure I could tell one model year from another or any of those kinds of auto details; given how many like that car there are that look like the missing vehicle. I think I would need to rely on the bull sticker. Especially if the license plate has been changed.
We don’t have freeway cameras like that in California, only at the toll bridges and toll lanes. Municipal parking patrols (“meter maids”) often utilize license plate reading cameras for time limit enforcements and I know that those do search for BOLO cars.
We do have freeway cameras in Northern California that monitor traffic and weather conditions. We also have cameras on
stop lights in towns in Nevada County. We even have license plate readers that catch stolen cars mounted on stop lights
in Nevada county, often enough to make them worthwhile. I am not sure Western Nevada County has reinstated the meter maid but I am not sure they are scanning license plates, but maybe. Our parking patrol was on hold for awhile. Perhaps someone in Truckee would know about Truckee parking patrol and their practices.

We also have cameras in wooded that are useful during fire season. That can be seen on
Ketamine and meth have always been around. Same with shrooms. Unfortunately that is nothing new. I was simply replying to the comment that "kegs aren't in much use in those kind of environments" which is not true. Have you heard of keg stands?
As far as bong rips, they're talking about weed.
One of my main concerns is fent. Young teens typically don't know these days how important it is to "test your drugs" (if they're going to use anyway, at least be safe about it) or they typically don't have the money to buy expensive cocaine and sometimes they don't know the difference (or care) and end up buying laced drugs- which has possible, unfortunately often - fatal consequences.
Not just teens. Adults too. Anne Heche had cocaine and fentanyl in her system. Did she know about the fentanyl? We may never know.
I’m also not comfortable assuming that she took anything beyond alcohol that night unless we get further information. That’s a jump for me that we have no basis for.
She may not have willingly taken anything stronger than alcohol and weed, but it is always possible something was added to her drink without her knowledge.
I’ve got no investments in Truckee but I do feel like it’s important to say that the town and community as well as the Tahoe area in general is filled with caring and courageous people.
If I was lost or missing I can’t think of a better qualified group of trained professionals and volunteers to lead a thorough search, given the elements and conditions they are accustomed to operating in.
I can only imagine that there are cultural and tribal conflicts happening there as an effect of the pandemic, and after an unprecedented influx of folks moved in from other more urban areas. I suppose distrust surges from the lack of bonds normally formed in better, closer interactions and relationships.
Nevertheless, the community ties and basic value system will prevail and recover from those who would influence in a negative way.
They will find out what happened to Kiely and bring her home, I have no doubt. It’s personal and a mission for way more young and old than we can glean from the messaging.
Let’s respect the dignity of Kiely, her family, friends and neighbors, as we ponder and discuss the mysteries. As her Dad said, she is our child, too.
I disagree. Its not clear that LE has any clue at all. If important people in the search effort are disregarding logical outcomes then there is a problem. IMO
The important people in the search effort are the investigators and search and rescue crews. There's clearly a dual angle being looked at here, one that involves an accident (I think this is overwhelmingly likely), as well as a possible abduction.

So you search the water, you search the general area, and you have people interviewing witnesses and gathering potential evidence (video, cell phone data, etc).

We don't see the criminal investigation part, as that's how it's handled.

So I'm a bit confused, who are you referencing in regards to "disregarding logical outcomes?"

If it's her family and friends, well that's standard. They (almost) never want to go there.
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