Found Deceased CA - Madyson Middleton, 8, Santa Cruz, 26 July 2015 - #2 *Arrest*

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wow, i read this same article earlier and they didnt have all that stuff about his mom.

other than her throwing glasses the history itself isnt all that disconcerting. minor brush w law years ago, a lawsuit.... that doesnt create kids like this is most cases. many kids grow up without an involved dad and while they suffer for it, it doesnt end up like this in most cases.

my step kids mother has had way more brushes w the law than that and has filed restraining orders on no less than 6 people for frivolous reasons, and is on her third live in bf in the past five years (for all) yet the court sees no issue w her having custody. sad.

Lots about his chaotic family life and his mother in this article. It wasn't always a "quiet family household"!
I recognized the song, not from having watched the movie, but from having seen Adam Lambert sing it on American Idol. Beautiful rendition![video][/video] or this one:

I also didn't recognize it from any movie. Never seen Donny Darko though I have heard of it. I just know the song because I love 80's music.
The DA has no choice. It's the law.

Cultures that include a lot of violence and are sexually inhibited have many, many, many more instances of violent sex crimes than cultures that do not censor sex, nudity and "vulgarity".

YES! Our culture is still so puritanical and thrives on violence.
Lots about his chaotic family life and his mother in this article. It wasn't always a "quiet family household"!

I read that link earlier but I believe things were added since then. Because I don't recall this part (or maybe I skimmed past it before...)

"Carole said the reason she broke off the friendship was his constant talk of suicide — though she never saw him harm himself. After Carole stopped talking to him, he became “a little bit obsessed” with her and with another friend who also distanced herself. Yet Carole said she never felt threatened."

I am guessing the girl they interviewed for this story is possibly the one he referenced in his Instagram posts. Or not. Maybe he was easily "obsessed" with many different girls.

Mental health professionals are going to have a field day with this kid.
that was me. unfortunately that is how it is with they arent sentenced to LWOP. you can send representatives and or attorneys or advocates as well. my sympathies to her family and i dont know how i could ever go through that for parole hearings, but i wasnt trying to put extra hurt on them. its just reality of a 25L sentence.

some families cant deal w it and i dont blame them at all. attending hearings isnt going to bring back their family member. it could save someone else but it isnt their duty.

My thoughts exactly. Someone upthread mentioned that he is unlikely to get parole in the future if Maddy's family shows up at the hearings. That seems like punishment to the victims.


Yup. That's what the documentary I posted is about. Same kid.

My thoughts exactly. Someone upthread mentioned that he is unlikely to get parole in the future if Maddy's family shows up at the hearings. That seems like punishment to the victims.


He won't get paroled even if no one shows up. I firmly believe that. His crimes are too horrible and times have changed. Society knows how dangerous criminals are who commit violent sexually motivated homicides against children.

On another note, I read a comment at the end of an article about Gonzalez. The comment suggested a connection between violence, homicide and SSRI's, which, if he was treated, he may have been taking. I am not suggesting that's the case - especially because it kind of seems that the homicides or violence linked with the SSRIs are spontaneous and probably part of psychosis, which doesn;t seem to be the issue here - but it is something to discuss:
IMO, AJ was/is a phycopathic pedophile, and wanted to rape, violate, kill and dispose of a young girl. He wanted to show us all (with his videos) how cold and calculated he is. I wish he would've jumped off the building... then beautiful Matyson would be alive.

I know, right ? Since he was 'suicidal'; why not just 'off' himself , and leave everyone else alone ?
I hope he get life w/o parole, but I'm not going to hold my breath !!!
I cannot imagine what it is like to bring up a son as a single mother.

AJG's physicality is in stark contrast to his petite mum. If for the past few years his mothers rule's, consequences and boundaries for AJG were not enforceable because he had become too much to handle and could stand over her. (Hence she resorted to chucking wine glasses at him - this seems like the actions of a struggling mother.) He ignored his mum's instructions and her rules fell on deaf ears and he basically did what he pleased. His mothers lack of control would have been incredibly empowering for him. He was able to act the part in public of a perfect child but really the respect for his mum was gone. She probably figured he was also in a safe environment at the tannery and was not worried as he had other male role models to look up to? (Did he?) Was this crime a way of getting back at his mum? was he jealous of the attention she showed the other kids? Did this contribute to the AJG developing a personality disorder? This YOYO crap screams out to me as some kind of cover for social inadequacy- this kid probably needed psych care from before school but it wasn't recognised.

I know, right ? Since he was 'suicidal'; why not just 'off' himself , and leave everyone else alone ?
I hope he get life w/o parole, but I'm not going to hold my breath !!!

I think the prosecutor already said he would not pursue LWOP.

Which, even in my liberal brain is "WTF???"
Lots about his chaotic family life and his mother in this article. It wasn't always a "quiet family household"!

I was a bit confused by the author of that article. First he set it up by saying how chaotic the household was :

"Court and county records show a tumultous household with lawsuits and an unsteady family situation."

So I was ready for a lot of crazy drama and what not. But this is what he uses as evidence of that:
"In 1994, Santa Cruz County prosecutors convicted Reje Gonzalez of misdeameanor fighting in a public place after another charge of harassment by phone was dropped, according to court records.

In 2008, Factor worked for a Dollar Tree store in Santa Cruz County, which sells discounted food, toys, party supplies and other items. She alleged that her supervisor coerced her into sex “under the promise of preferential treatment in her employment.” She also alleged that he grabbed her, called her at home to make advances, and sexually harassed her. The case was settled out of court, according to an attorney who handled the case.

Factor later worked at a Santa Cruz health care facility, according to her Facebook page."

So 20 yrs ago his mom got a misdemeanor for a fight, and 7 yrs ago she sued her boss for sexual harassment. I don't see how that translates to a tumultuous household. Did he leave something out?

It is much more worrisome that she MIGHT have thrown empty wine glasses at her son. But I still take that with a grain of salt. Kids often exaggerate or manufacture stories while talking to their friends. But who knows. Maybe she was an unstable drunk mom. IDK
that was me. unfortunately that is how it is with they arent sentenced to LWOP. you can send representatives and or attorneys or advocates as well. my sympathies to her family and i dont know how i could ever go through that for parole hearings, but i wasnt trying to put extra hurt on them. its just reality of a 25L sentence.

some families cant deal w it and i dont blame them at all. attending hearings isnt going to bring back their family member. it could save someone else but it isnt their duty.

So if he doesn't get LWOP, and Mady's parents don't attend parole hearings due to their pain etc, he will get out? The family of the victim HAS to attend the hearings in order to keep the murderer Rapist in jail? That doesn't make sense to me. To me, the judge or jury would use common sense and keep someone in jail for life because they committed such horrible crimes, (as AG did) thus are a major threat to society. It's not the same as a 13 year old that murders her father that has molested her all her life. She can be rehabilitated. Her crime was with a motive that applied to only that one person that harmed her.

What difference does it make if the family attends the parole hearings???!!! That's nuts. Besides seeking justice for the victim, the courts are supposed to protect society from violent child rapists!
His mum seems like a feisty woman. Also being a single working mother with lower salaried jobs would mean long working hours, stress of providing for the family, tiredness, and she may not have had enough time nor inclination to connect with her son. I wonder if he was looked after by someone else and if he formed a stable long term attachment to a guardian, when his mother wasn't around. Or was he left home alone a lot since young? Not ideal for a child at all. Whole lot of possibilities here that could contribute to what he did here and not discounting the fact he could also be born more predisposed to certain behaviours. Certainly, those who were closest to him would know more about this than any of us or the reporters. Whatever it is, his mother will now have to live with this the rest of her life even though I don't think it would be fair or worth attributing blame to her for the murder.

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After thirty years of teaching and having hundreds of students because at one time I was an itinerant teacher with 1500 different students every two,weeks, I do not believe in the evil child,

For 25 years I worked with families in stressful situations. The last two,years I worked with homeless families.

I suppose my opinion is skewed as I saw children in dire circumstances. No evil children. But plenty of poor parenting and life choices of parents that impacted the children greatly.

But you have worked with a very small segment of the population. You have worked with parents who tend to make poor choices. So obviously anytime a homeless child has an issue we are going to look to the parents as a source. I don't think you can make a hypotheses about all children if you have worked mostly with low income, itinerant, homeless families.

I agree that MOST sociopaths are created by their environment. But I personally know if at least one that was born that way, IMO.
O/t re the holding therapy.

Isn't that one in Colorado where they put a child in a blanket and she died? The therapksts were tried for murder?

They were working with Reactive Attachment Diisorder kids which I do not think he is. They have unoleasant personalities that no one can stand.

I guess he can simply be a kid filled with rage. But the utter lack of concern and the violence seems far darker than simply rage.

It reminds me of Alyssa Bustamante who killed the little neighbor girl. AB's parents were really dysfunctional. Criminals.

He had braces and piano lessons so inspite of low paying jobs, Mom spent big bucks on him.
Oh sorry. I thought you were implying that exposure to lots of sex, nudity and vulgarity is worse than being exposed to violence, and can cause things like this. That's what I was responding to. It's actually the opposite. In fact, "libertine" nations like France and Holland and Spain which have a lot of uncensored depictions of sex and nudity for all to see, have less violent sex crimes than nations like ours which are more into violence and nervous about sex and nudity. In comparison.

Personally, I had no problems with my kids seeing sexy scenes in movies. Sex, in general, is not harmful. Where I have a problem is the mixture of violence and sex. That is very harmful to a developing psyche, imo.
But you have worked with a very small segment of the population. You have worked with parents who tend to make poor choices. So obviously anytime a homeless child has an issue we are going to look to the parents as a source. I don't think you can make a hypotheses about all children if you have worked mostly with low income, itinerant, homeless families.

I agree that MOST sociopaths are created by their environment. But I personally know if at least one that was born that way, IMO.

Yup. That is why I said that I may not have the most objective outlook. Some well to do parents are the same as some of the low income parents. The well to do have more money to cover up their addictions or their relationship issues.
Yup. That is why I said that I may not have the most objective outlook. Some well to do parents are the same as some of the low income parents. The well to do have more money to cover up their addictions or their relationship issues.

I totally agree.
I don't know about piano lessons actually. I thought he sounded self taught and a bit "mechanical"... He just didn't sound to me like he had lessons. Or maybe he had just only started having them a year or two ago. I will add that I was a trained pianist, all my siblings took lessons as kids, and my kids are doing proper lessons and exams, so I've watched quite a few people grow up learning to play so I am really just judging from my own experiences.

And pianos aren't really expensive if you get a 2nd hand one. In fact sometimes it's so hard to shift an acoustic piano people even give them away for free or at a very very low price, even if the piano is worth more than that and in good condition. I should know because this happened to me quite recently and because of this I will never buy an acoustic piano again. Digital ones all the way for portability, even if the good ones cost more.

In other words I just don't think having an acoustic piano at home is a marker of any degree of affluence.. Digital pianos however... Well if someone has a top of the range Roland or Yamaha digital piano at home, you know they spent a small fortune.

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I don't know about piano lessons actually. I thought he sounded self taught and a bit "mechanical"... He just didn't sound to me like he had lessons. Or maybe he had just only started having them a year or two ago. I will add that I was a trained pianist, all my siblings took lessons as kids, and my kids are doing proper lessons and exams, so I've watched quite a few people grow up learning to play so I am really just judging from my own experiences. And pianos aren't really expensive if you get a 2nd hand one. In fact sometimes it's so hard to shift an acoustic piano people even give them away for free or at a very very low price, even if the piano is worth more than that and in good condition. I should know because this happened to me quite recently and because of this I will never buy an acoustic piano again. Digital ones all the way for portability, even if the good ones cost more.

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Yup. You cannot give a piano away.

I think he sounds really good, so it is interesting to hear from an expert that he isn't.

Self taught? Wow. That is impressive to me who took lessons for years and has no,talent.
Yup. You cannot give a piano away.

I think he sounds really good, so it is interesting to hear from an expert that he isn't.

Self taught? Wow. That is impressive to me who took lessons for years and has no,talent.
Yes he had some talent. And I'm by no means an expert. I just got up to a high grade through years of being pushed by pushy parents... But I know if a teacher is worth his/her salt, and if the student practices daily, and possesses some talent, then the level at which Adrian plays could be achievable in a year or two depending on how motivated the student is. I noticed on his FB in a post (his first publicly viewable post), he said he was writing a song for his Youtube channel. Wonder if that Youtube channel is still around.

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