CA - Polly Klaas, 12, murdered, Petaluma, 1 Oct 1993

There is a great article in our local North Bay paper as well:

I was living up north at the time and drove in and out of Cloverdale so many times while she was missing, not knowing her poor little body was in the woodpile I was passing alongside the freeway. I still think about that every.single.time I have to pass through Cloverdale for any reason.

RIP Polly and peace to her family on this unfortunate anniversary.

And to Mr. Klaas,

As your family grieves on this day, you have thousands of locals grieving with you. I vividly remember seeing your beautiful daughter's face on every bus, storefront window and even private cars as I traveled through Santa Rosa. Hearing that she had been murdered and by such a hideous human being who should never have been let out, was a kick to the gut. That devastation turned to rage for our entire community. Seeing you transform the situation into something that has helped so many people has been an inspiration.

As you hold your family close today you are being held in spirit by people you've never met.

RIP to your beautiful little girl.
Mr. Klaas, I have so much respect and admiration for how you have risen above the tragedy that happened to your sweet Polly and your family. You have helped so many in many ways, mainly by your example of seeking justice for your daughter and doing all you can to prevent this happening to other parents.

Sending much support to you and your family in your remembrance of this horrible day in your lives. May God bless you and give you strength.
Mr. Klaas - sending prayers to you and your family on this unfortunate anniversary.

And I can't believe that piece of ch!t is STILL alive today... when is California going to get it together and put these people on death row to death??!! We need :justice: for all the victims!

:rose: Polly :rose:
20 years already? Wow. It just doesn't seem like 20 years have gone by... :(

Mr. Klaas,

I am thinking of your family and praying for all of you today. Thank you for ALL that you do. I am always filled with relief when I see that you are working with a family who is missing their loved one because I know that they are in very good and capable hands. You are an inspiration and I know Polly would be so incredibly proud of the work you do. God bless your family today and always!

RIP Polly. You are not forgotten precious girl. :rose:

You are an incredible inspiration to us all. Your strength over the years has been amazing. I lived in the Bay Area during that time and it was gut-wrenching. I am positive Polly would be proud of you today for all that you continue to do for others in her name.

God bless you and your family.
Mr. Klass:

Polly's name lives on through the work you do each and every day. Many children have benefited from the work you have done and continue to do.

All good thoughts to you and your family on this very sad anniversary.
Mr. Klass, I'm not sure what more I can add to this thread other than thank-you for turning your tragedy into a positive thing for other families with lost loved ones. I too was here in the Bay Area when Polly was kidnapped.

Keep on doing what you're doing, it's much appreciated!
I live in Petaluma and think about Polly every time I'm near Walnut Park - I've handed out the packets from the Klaas Foundation and hope to be more involved in the future.

Thank God there is more awareness today, however the problem doesn't seem to be getting any better.

RIP Polly.

PS my neighbor is a Sergeant at San Quentin death row and says the perp is one of the creepiest and worse on death row. He has a horrible job.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to you Marc on this 20th anniversary. You and Polly will forever be in our hearts. You have touched so many lives through your own personal tragedy and have inspired us all.

Keep up the good fight, we're behind you!
God bless you Marc Klass, you are a true "earth angel" ; an inspiration; a hero; a class act!
You give meaning to the phrase " courage through conviction".
There is no doubt in my mind that your beautiful daughter Polly lives forever in your heart, guides you and reaffirms your strength of character daily.... She,and all of those who are lost who you continue to seek, and the families that you inspire , may you know that your actions and love speak louder than words ...we are all more grateful for who you are and what you represent...take care kind, gentle strong man....
Death penalty stirs emotions in Petaluma
It has been 20 years since Richard Allen Davis was sentenced to death for kidnapping, raping and murdering 12-year-old Polly Klaas of Petaluma in 1993, bringing to a close a case that shocked and outraged the community while cementing a legacy as the most horrific crime in the city’s history.

But for Marc Klaas, Polly’s father, the case is not closed as long as Davis is still alive. The Marin County resident and president of the KlaasKids Foundation, which aims to stop crimes against children, also is an advocate for the death penalty.

Klaas said he is closely watching two competing state initiatives on the November ballot — one that would abolish the death penalty in California and one that would expedite the process. He said seeing Davis put to death would bring a sense of finality to the case.

“It would give me satisfaction. It would give my daughter closure,” he said. “I think she deserves closure. The only way to get that is for Richard Allen Davis to be put down.”

Much love and respect to Marc and the Klaas family. Polly has never and will never be forgotten :rose:

Eddie Freyer, the lead FBI investigator on the case, told "20/20" that he frequently drives by the site where Polly's body was ultimately found and reflects on how it has become hallowed ground for the community.aa
PHOTO: Polly Klaas headshot.

"Every time I go by there, there's a new addition to this area. A new cross, a ribbon tied in the tree quite often, teddy bears, jewelry spread out and rocks," he said.

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