Presumed Located CA - San Francisco, WhtMale UP7321, 45-55, in Lake Merced, Mar'09


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Dec 18, 2009
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I did not see a thread for this UID who was found on March 14, 2009.

As per Namus, a "Caucasian appearing male found floating in Lake Merced (San Francisco) entangled in reeds approximately 15 feet from open water and 30 feet from shore line, on east side of lake near Lake Merced Blvd. and Winston Dr."

the UID is described as being between 45-55, about 167 lbs with black hair:

no dentals are mentioned but the UID had a surgical screw implanted in his left shoulder along with an 11" scar on the left shoulder.

no rule outs are listed and there is no composite sketch at Namus.
I did not want to set up a thread just for one potential match so I am adding this guy as part of the discussion of the UID.

I found this guy who fits most of the parameters, that being Joel Guye missing from NM April 23, 2006.

as per the missing person links, Joel was 43 in 2006 and had prior surgery to his left shoulder. Joel is noted as mentally challenged so there is no telling where he went after he was last seen in NM.

the dentals would be easy to compare as his lower teeth were crooked, but the UID in SF had no dental information available, which is odd considering they found the whole body.

Joel is Hispanic but that should not be an automatic disqualifier as the UID was noted as "Caucasian appearing".
I submitted Joel Guye as a possible match to Dr. James Fiorica at the SF ME's office (the contact person from the UID's Namus profile).
received an acknowledgement of my submission from the SF ME's Office. they have forwarded it to the person assigned to the matter.
since I'm in an email mode, I followed up on this one. never heard anything else and Joel is not listed as a rule-out yet.
Status Unidentified
Case number 2009-0276
Date found March 15, 2009 16:35
Estimated age Adult - Pre 60
Minimum age 45 years
Maximum age 55 years
Race White
Sex Male
Weight (pounds) 167, Measured
Height (inches) 67, Measured

Hair color Black
Head hair
Black hair measuring approximately 3 inches in length over the crown.
Body hair
Not documented
Facial hair
Moustache and beard. Black with small number of gray strands.


I found this guy, last seen in Oregon, the day before the body was found at Lake Merced.:


Missing Since: March 14, 2009 from Sutherlin, Oregon
Classification: Endangered Missing
Age: 47 years old
Height and Weight: 5'9, 160 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics: Caucasian male. Brown hair, green eyes. Hunter may use the last name Pankey.


Although he was last seen the day before an 8 hour drive away, I've still submitted it as he matches the UID perfectly.
unless they have the date wrong in Oregon I don't see how he decomposed on the same day. the UID was estimated to have been dead one week and the eyes were gone or beyond determining his eye color.
Joels seems like a good match with the should injury background.... less promising matches, but ill share anyway since its been a slow day at work:

Martin Ruvalcaba
-weight, height, hair color match
-missing from CA, about 100 miles from lake merced
-"He has been known to be found walking in fields and near canals."

-general match in height/weight
-missing from weest coast
-4 year gap from missing to UID being found

Edward Vannatter
-unlikely, but not much in way of details

Michael Witt
-weight, height and hair color all match but a bit on the young side
-missing from TN, far enough that its not likely

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