CA - Sergio Aguiar, 2, beaten to death, Turlock, 14 June 2008

I agree. Had I been there, I would have done my best to get him to stop or get the child out of harm's way. When I read that some were 'shoved off' I tried to play the scenario out in my mind but could not see how the bystanders would give up trying after simply being pushed away. He'd have to beat me unconscious before I'd give up trying to save that baby.

Maybe the people witnessing it were in's hard to say what goes through someone's mind when they are witnessing an event as traumatic as this but you would think that one would become angry and their adrenaline would kick in, making them react in putting forth everything they have into saving the child.

I agree, I think I would have tried to pull that baby from his grip. From some of the versions of the stories, there was more than one person there. Just an aweful story:furious:
I hope/pray he was unconscious right away too. I don't know what went on with those who tried to stop him. Maybe it was shock or fear for their own safety? Although, he would of had to kill me...the 'mama' in me would have been out in full (unstoppable) force. This guy got off too easy, but I'm glad he's dead. He doesnt deserve to be provided for in prison. Stories like this break pieces of my heart and I never recover from it.:(
So sad. I wonder where the mom is. No one reported him missing, so does mom know, is she to dead, or is this a visitation gone bad?

In this article it sounds like police know whom everyone is, but need to notify family before releasing names. Also gives the most deatailed description of what the witnesses came upon and what the murderer said:

I don't know what the blood smeared in the truck means. Was the child beaten at another location too or did the perp go back in the truck during the beating on the road? Or, was it from responders frantically looking for ID on this monster and the child?
I feel for all the bystanders that came across this horror. They'll never be able to forget this.

I feel the same way, even if the witnesses gave stopping the guy everything they had they are still probably going to beat themselves up over not succeeding. Not to mention they are probably going to have nightmares about it.
I just read this on FOX.
WHY? What evil drives someone to do this to a baby?
I'll never understand....
Drugs, I'm sure are a cause but there has to be some serious rage inside to do this.
I just can't even imagine.
This story makes me so horribly sad. The child has to be identified by DNA??? Just unbelievable! :furious: OMG, what that child must have endured.
Poor precious child...I too hope he went quickly...

I can't even begin to comprehend how the people who stopped now feel. This will be haunting for a long time.

I wonder why they didn't all gang up on him?
I know I would have fought to the death if I had to. There is no way on Earth I could have stood and witnessed that....just no way.

Prayers of healing to all involved.

I'm glad they shot the SOB but I wish they could have shot him just enough to control him and then tortured the guts out of him! He went too mercifully. Sorry to sound rude but this just really gets to me. :furious::furious::furious:
No need to apologize ember, you are simply stating what we are all feeling. It's truly sickening for sure.
I'm sure the witnesses did everything they could do at the time and they should not be blamed for not being able to stop him. They will be suffering for this nightmare for the rest of their lives.
I'm sure the witnesses did everything they could do at the time and they should not be blamed for not being able to stop him. They will be suffering for this nightmare for the rest of their lives.

I doubt anyone truly blames them, they tried and sought help (911) too. I read one couple are matter how determined, there probably wasn't much they could do. Plus, it would be difficult to fault someone for caring about their own safety. Not to mention, they probably have family to think about as well. In the end, I think they did the best they could.
Well said, Diamond. I don't think anyone places the blame on the bystanders either for those reasons.
Before i even know the history, i'm blaming anyone who knew him. unless he'd never acted psycho before. if anyone who knew him knew him to be alone with the child ever. who knew he was a problem.

if they knew he was a danger to the child, shame on them.
I don't post much anymore but I do "lurk" around. I guess because of the type of work I do, this has affected me deeply. I really don't know how I would have responded in such a situation, but I do know that I tend to "act" before I think.

I came across this at the Modesto Bee:
A mother's grief
PLEASE everyone out there pray for the mother of this child now. She is in shock right now and loved her child SO much. I know her and can tell you she was a loving caring mother who would have died for her only child. May God have mercy on the father's soul as this was totally out of character for him...
I don't post much anymore but I do "lurk" around. I guess because of the type of work I do, this has affected me deeply. I really don't know how I would have responded in such a situation, but I do know that I tend to "act" before I think.

I came across this at the Modesto Bee:
A mother's grief
PLEASE everyone out there pray for the mother of this child now. She is in shock right now and loved her child SO much. I know her and can tell you she was a loving caring mother who would have died for her only child. May God have mercy on the father's soul as this was totally out of character for him...

Thanks for the link.

So it WAS the father who did this. Said so in the article. And his truck looks pretty new...I guess I thought it would be an old beat up truck...

The rest of the comment above says something about him snapping.
Wonder what could make him snap to that extreme?

The little boy had just turned 2 on May 8.

And how odd that he would have secured his son safely in a car seat to take him to the place where he would commit such atrocities on him. I just don't understand.

The father's name was Sergio Aguilar
Mother is Frances Liliana Casian
Oh I am literally in tears here for this little boy. I wish these people who came upon the scene would have jumped this man with tire irons, whatever they had, in unison.

Sounds to me like he is a crackhead or on normal person believes demons exist in little toddlers. That poor baby boy and his family.

This is just heartbreaking.

This is true - and yet, routinely I read of stories where a family kills or harms a child because they are convinced the child is possessed. There was a case here in Atlanta like that last year - or maybe the trial was earlier this year - sometimes they run together.
Thanks for the link.

So it WAS the father who did this. Said so in the article. And his truck looks pretty new...I guess I thought it would be an old beat up truck...

The rest of the comment above says something about him snapping.
Wonder what could make him snap to that extreme?

The little boy had just turned 2 on May 8.

And how odd that he would have secured his son safely in a car seat to take him to the place where he would commit such atrocities on him. I just don't understand.

The father's name was Sergio Aguilar
Mother is Frances Liliana Casian

Without knowing his history, it is so hard to say. But again - the talk of demons leads me to think more of religious extremism or mental illness than drugs. Though drug use is often present in conjunction with mental illness.

I have just recently been reading on the case of the father who snapped and stabbed his twin daughters to death while their Mom went for a haircut. Mental illness was surely a factor in that case. I am interested to learn more about this one. My prayers for the family.
From page 1, first post link
Authorities are trying to find out the relationship between the man and the child. A sheriff's spokesman says the toddler was so badly beaten it will have to be identified through blood or DNA testing.
You will suffer no more little one.
From today's ModBee
Birth records show the baby boy was born May 8, 2006. The mother, Frances Liliana Casian, did not want to comment this morning.

It looks like it could be. I went on and looked at the pictures.
Looks like he has 3 kids....and the youngest looks to be about the same age as the little boy who was killed. He is's so sad. And under his picture, the caption reads "My baby boy"...just heart breaking.
If this is the daddy....he is a very big & muscular guy...I just can't even think about that.....

The guy on the myspace is married...but it doesn't look like it's to the mom. His wife's name is Crystal, not Frances...but I guess she could just go by Crystal...anyway, maybe this was some kind of twisted revenge against the mom.
Very relgious stuff on this guy's page.

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