Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #13 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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If in fact, a stranger took Sierra right in front of her driveway, it just blows my mind. If you look at where her house is situated, it would be so bold for a person to drive up close to her house. Although, it’s rural, there are houses along the street leading to her house and 7:15am or so is a busy time with people going to work, etc. And if it was quiet, then it’s all the more bold because, it seems, like a stranger would stick out like a sore thumb and sound would travel even more. And the street that leads to her house is almost like a driveway and just like if someone was driving down my driveway, a stranger would be noticed!

Just look at these pictures. I think it’s ok to link to it because it’s someone who is talking about the case.

The random stranger scenario (although I know it happens), if true, is just mind boggling to me in it’s boldness and that no one saw anything, including a car on a closed off street where her bag was found. This happened in the day time, not middle of the night. Her area is rural, but not isolated. If anything, you can see out for miles, which is one of the reasons I love Morgan Hill so much.

I just can’t believe she hasn’t been found and that no one knows what happened to her. She is so beautiful and full of life and deserves to live it to her fullest. I’m very sad for her family and friends, as well as all of us parents out there who trust that our kids will, if for nothing else, be safe on their way to school.

I posted the same sentiments a couple weeks ago, but I think most disagreed with me. I feel like it had to be someone who would know her schedule very well and trust that there was no one else in the house with her, even following her out. Her scent from the driveway could mean she was taken from the house. I believe this is why there are no shoes/socks - maybe she didn't have them on yet. They even could've just taken the purse and books to plant them and/or mislead. I find the scenario of an abductor being so "lucky" in so many aspects very hard to swallow, although I would never rule it out. I just don't see the case from that angle myself.
In the earliest days of the case, Marlene did not know what was in the bag that was found but she had immediately noticed that Sierra didn't have her inhaler. This leads me to believe Marlene saw it at the home on March 16.

I'm one who thinks Sierra was interrupted at or around leaving because there was a response to the text she sent her school mate at 7:11 a.m. and Sierra did not make any reply according to that friend, who seemingly expected one.

OMG!! I never thought of this. But if she was supposed to meet that friend before school to talk about "homework" and her friend texted her, and then she didn't show up, why did SL's mom not know she was missing until 6pm???

Maybe this friend just wasn't very smart, but wouldn't she think of telling someone that SL was supposed to meet her, and didn't reply, or answer her phone???

Just a though IMO
Another thing maybe someone can clarify. For a minor in highschool, isn't an inhaler considered a prescription drug? So would it be likely that she would take it with her each day to school? Or would the school nurse's office just keep it for her in case she needed it?

Either way, I think we have a lack of FACT to really determine anything from this (unless someone can supply reliable quotes).

We dont know if her inhaler was missing from home, but NOT in the bag, or whether it was never placed in the bag, and perhaps sitting on her counter at home.

And even still, it is possible she forgot it that day, or doesn't normally bring it and her mom thinks she does.

As for the charger, im not sure. I dont know what the cell phone policies are in schools now, so im not sure if they are aloud to have them out in the open charging. If not, then I see no reason to bring the charger.

I work a full-time job and am away from home for 8-10 hours a day, and my charger sits at home plugged into the wall.

A rescue inhaler is a prescription drug but I do not think it would be feasible for a student's inhaler to be kept in a nurse's office. I believe a rescue inhaler would be allowed to remain in a student's possession. I could be wrong about that, of course, but it seems unreasonable to me to keep an asthmatic separated from a medication that could potentially save their life.

I know that a school in FL did it that way, had to be kept in the nurses office and a second one for home.

Having worked in the school system where I live for many years, I can say that students here are not allowed to keep their inhalers with them. They are kept locked up in the school office! :notgood: Students are not even allowed to carry an aspirin with them here. :snooty: That being said, earlier today I was looking at and look what is near the top of their front page: "Some Schools Don't Let Kids Carry Asthma Inhalers." The article states that all 50 states have laws that allow children with asthma to carry inhalers at school.

:what: Do you think msn reads this thread?! :laughitup:
In the earliest days of the case, Marlene did not know what was in the bag that was found but she had immediately noticed that Sierra didn't have her inhaler. This leads me to believe Marlene saw it at the home on March 16.

I'm one who thinks Sierra was interrupted at or around leaving because there was a response to the text she sent her school mate at 7:11 a.m. and Sierra did not make any reply according to that friend, who seemingly expected one.

I posted the same sentiments a couple weeks ago, but I think most disagreed with me. I feel like it had to be someone who would know her schedule very well and trust that there was no one else in the house with her, even following her out. Her scent from the driveway could mean she was taken from the house. I believe this is why there are no shoes/socks - maybe she didn't have them on yet. They even collude just taken the purse and books to plant them and/or mislead. I find the scenario of an abductor being so "lucky" in so many aspects very hard to swallow, although I would never rule it out. I just don't see the case from that angle myself.

There are a number of us who believe this perp is no stranger to the LaMar's.
I know you bgmiller and Tuba have put forth this theory, and I believe you both have valid reasons supporting this thinking....and I am sure I have missed the many others supporting this theory--Sorry, We know you are out there.:yes:
But than there would be evidence inside the house. Which as far as we know there is none.

Agreed... ? maybe. Its possible someone came in, pulled a gun on her, and made her walk out of the house, or picked her up and carried her out.

Why hasn' it ever been clarified whether or not there were any shoes missing from her home? I know it would be hard to determine what clothes were missing from a room, and some girls might have a lot of shoes, but have they ever said "this xxxx pair of shoes is missing"???

I actually am starting to have a gut feeling that something happened near or in the home, and the evidence that has been found is a misdirection. I didn't feel this way, but when we found out the location and placement of the purse, my opinions changed.

To me, the purse was placed there to LOOk like a run-away, but I dont think any of us here believe that. I think the phone was either thrown to confuse, or out of necessity (she may have been making a call)
Wow...some interesting thoughts coming out from members! I do hope the LE is following this thread as it is full of leads and tips they should have looked into OR be looking at now. However the very fact that they are so quiet tells me something. Not sure what, but the silence is rather deafening.
Speaking only for myself, I don't find it odd that the grey sneakers have not been found. (I would like to know if they were high tops like the red Converse.) Coun
tless people have been harmed & even killed with their shoes on. It is just the strangeness of neatly folded clothes yet no measures taken over the shoes, in other words, the combination, that is puzzling.

If the neatly folded clothes are a deceptive prop, then the criminal who staged this simply forgot shoes. Whereas, if the culprit folded Sierra's clothes or had her do that, the shoes do seem a glaring oversight. If the shoes are high tops, maybe removing them was too much trouble. That points to him undressing her as otherwise he could have told her to remove her shoes too.
YES! It seems wrong until you think it through. I kept getting confused and then it suddenly dawned on me. The confusion is not really about the PHONE being in the photo, it is because of Sierra being in BOTH pictures, and the phone ONLY being visible on the iPhone. The Mac screen would have a POV that was from Sierra's hand, and would not show the iPhone, since its screen shows an image TAKEN with the iPhone.

Seriously, I've sat there for about 20 minutes with the clogs ticking on this LOL I finally get it too! Apologies for all my sureness no mac could be involved.

Ok so what you say we are seeing is

The large image is

-captured by the webcam so can see the idevice, sent to the idevice as the other party in the call, so displayed big, then screen captured on the idevice

The small image is

- captured by the idevice so no idevice is seen, sent to the mac as the other caller where it will be the big image (unseen), displayed small in the corner on the idevice, screen captured

The screen capture is certainly taken with the idevice visible in the big picture.

That all said, "identity" of the other camera capturing the large picture is still unknown in my book. Both cameras are pointed at Sierra and only one got in the picture. It has to be one of a few apple products.

However, I honestly do not think it matters what she was playing with to get this image that has bent my mind LOL She was away for the weekend and probably bought all her digital crap, her friends have stuff too, most likely "facetiming" herself involved her friend's account as from what I've googled, the software won't let you call yourself, so one of the pieces of equipment would likely belong to whomever that pink room belongs to.

Now I've made myself late for taking my daughter dancing cause my brain loves a puzzle, I just wish this could actually help Sierra!!
Speaking only for myself, I don't find it odd that the grey sneakers have not been found. (I would like to know if they were high tops like the red Converse.) Coun
tless people have been harmed & even killed with their shoes on. It is just the strangeness of neatly folded clothes yet no measures taken over the shoes, in other words, the combination, that is puzzling.

If the neatly folded clothes are a deceptive prop, then the criminal who staged this simply forgot shoes. Whereas, if the culprit folded Sierra's clothes or had her do that, the shoes do seem a glaring oversight. If the shoes are high tops, maybe removing them was too much trouble. That points to him undressing her as otherwise he could have told her to remove her shoes too.

You'd still need to remove shoes to remove pants in most cases...whether she took them off or he did...
I'm still not convinced she was wearing the clothes that were found.
Which neighbor's yard was it that the scent dogs hit on and "evidence" was supposedly collected from? If the dogs hit there it would mean her scent was there likely from that morning, right?

Maybe as she left her cat got out and she had to go retrieve it. And with that, was late leaving for her bus? Could someone have helped her with kitty, and been let into the home, and then offered to take her to school?

This exact scenario happened to my daughter one morning, and the next door neighbor drove her to school. She never thought twice about accepting the ride. Maybe Sierra also would not have thought twice if something like this happened.

Just specualting. I know that no one is officially suspected of anything at this time. I am just curious as to how Sierra's scent was tracked to a neighbor's yard when by all I have read, the dogs would only hit on a fresh scent.

I really wish we knew, especially since half no.18 looks like a separate property, and it appears the block is dual occupancy with buildings for a business - a business that had a pretty large turnover. Could whomever reported the scent dogs spending time in the neighbours yard be referring to the area beyond the fence that runs alongside the driveway? If you didn't have a map of the area you may not realise this is the same property.
OMG!! I never thought of this. But if she was supposed to meet that friend before school to talk about "homework" and her friend texted her, and then she didn't show up, why did SL's mom not know she was missing until 6pm???

Maybe this friend just wasn't very smart, but wouldn't she think of telling someone that SL was supposed to meet her, and didn't reply, or answer her phone???

Just a though IMO

IIRC, LE stated that Sierra had sent a text to her classmate at 7:11 AM asking the friend to go over homework with her that morning or to bring something to school (I heard it both ways so not sure which it was.) And that the classmate replied to Sierra by text message, and Sierra did not respond to that reply.

This does not mean the classmate was expecting a text response that just never came. I suspect what happened was LE asked the classmate if she replied to Sierra and s/he stated yes. Then LE asked if they got a reply back from Sierra and s/he stated no. Nowhere have I read that this seemed odd either to LE or to the classmate. It could be as simple as Sierra asked the friend to bring something to school and the friend replied that they would bring it, which could be considered a reasonable end to the discussion. So really, no reply to the friend's response would not necessarily be a red flag to anyone, IMO.

What might be considered odd is the classmate expecting to see Sierra at school that morning after being texted to bring something to school...and Sierra not showing up. However, they are young teens. They tend to shrug things off more often than adults do.
You'd still need to remove shoes to remove pants in most cases...whether she took them off or he did...
I'm still not convinced she was wearing the clothes that were found.

Interesting! Do we know her shoes are missing? Did her mother notice they were gone?

If not even more reason to believe it happened in the house, because she may have still been in her PJ's when assaulted, and they never thought about the shoes. right?:waitasec:
Interesting! Do we know her shoes are missing? Did her mother notice they were gone?

If not even more reason to believe it happened in the house, because she may have still been in her PJ's when assaulted, and they never thought about the shoes. right?:waitasec:

Ive seen that some gray shoes are missing, don't know if that was added later to the description or what...but nothing more specific as far as I know...although Sierra posted that her red shoes were her "Friday" who knows...
If SL came home Thrusday night and then stayed home, would the dogs then just track around the inside of the home and then not go outside to the driveway? Is that how they know she was there Thrusday night, got up, spent time in the home early Friday morning and then went out? So they are sure 100% she went out that door to the end of that driveway?

Oriah or sarx are the experts and I hope they chime in.

Dogs are not infallible and neither are their handlers. It's possible that the dogs were wrong.

However, assuming that the dogs were accurate, then yes--if Sierra came home Thursday evening and never left the house alive, the dogs would search around the house, looking for her living scent.

Dogs naturally track from oldest to newest scent (survival trait; wolves that tended to track the wrong way probably didn't eat all that often). So if a dog couldn't find a fresher scent going out the door than could be found inside the house, the dog wouldn't go out.

Considering that they've used dogs that are cross trained for human remains detection and there wasn't any hit inside the house, it's unlikely that Sierra died inside the house.

And while there was that weird Japanese case where a woman lived in a man's apartment for a year without his knowledge, it seems unlikely to me that Sierra could pull off the same stunt in this case.

I really think the most likely scenario is that Sierra did leave the house alive and her scent could not be detected beyond the end of her own driveway.
Right up top of my information wish list is whether Sierra had worn the folded clothes and that is one fact known from the lab analysis. Another piece of information we don't have is a description of the pants. "Some personal items" were mentioned a couple of times but that could refer to the bra and underpants.
OMG!! I never thought of this. But if she was supposed to meet that friend before school to talk about "homework" and her friend texted her, and then she didn't show up, why did SL's mom not know she was missing until 6pm???

Maybe this friend just wasn't very smart, but wouldn't she think of telling someone that SL was supposed to meet her, and didn't reply, or answer her phone???

Just a though IMO

I wonder if the whole teen solidarity, don't wanna get yer homies in trouble thing kicked in with the friend.

Abduction is so rare in the US, I doubt that would be the first thing a friend would think. I think it's far more likely a friend would think that Sierra missed the bus or was cutting class/ditching school.
Interesting! Do we know her shoes are missing? Did her mother notice they were gone?

If not even more reason to believe it happened in the house, because she may have still been in her PJ's when assaulted, and they never thought about the shoes. right?:waitasec:

AND re these shoes, we haven't been told what she was wearing down to include her shoes because LE stated they don't know what she was wearing recently.

However, Mother keeps a sock to smell to comfort her?????? Maybe one sock was left on the bed/floor and she is keeping this as a memento of her daughter...but to smell it!!!!! really odd action IMO....
But than there would be evidence inside the house. Which as far as we know there is none.

The operative words being "as far as we know" because nothing has been said of any substance since the beginning of this disappearance. I can't believe the case is at a dead-end, so instead i choose the scenario that LE is waiting and watching.

You sleuthers have a lot of experience with prior cases, so you may see a pattern... or not.

Either there are more attempted kdnappings in the Bay Area lately or I am paying more attention to the local news. Either way, it is a sad state of affairs.

Back in my day, the Zodiac was the boogeyman that terrorized us and our parents. He is still the stuff of legends, and his identity remains unknown.
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