CANADA Canada - Christine Jessop, 9, Queensville, Ont, 3 Oct 1984 - #1

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We may as well also add that Leslie apparently called CJ's home at 4:30 and claims there was no answer.

I believe Chipman's call to the Jessop house was around 4:00 pm - and I think that's in both RR and KR. I don't remember ever reading that her call was at 4:30 pm.

Ken and Janet would have been home by then (they arrived home at 4:10 pm and then were asked by police to change their arrival time to 4:30).
Leslie went to the Park to meet CJ at around 4 stayed awhile then returned home to make a call to Cj. That was reposted recently but will look for the link when I get some more time.

Originally the jessops believed 4:30 was a better time estimate. The secretary was contacted (where Janet had paid a bill?) Originally the suspected time was later until Police requested a receipt from the secretary after which the time changed. The Jessops then agreed that had to be accurate. That receipt was apparently lost by Police so no evidence is available. Which is true? The fifth even says some evidence was fabricated, not specific which.
It was in the Kaufman report- reposted by chinacat67 just a few pages back.

Proud walking jingle in the midnight sun Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Southern Girl in the Northeast
Posts: 92

On October 3, 1984, Christine Jessop and her friend, Leslie Chipman planned to meet after school at the park to play with their dolls. Both would be there by four o’clock. Ms. Chipman estimates that she arrived between 3:50 and 4:00. She waited for some time, but when Christine failed to arrive, she returned home. She telephoned the Jessop residence several times, but did not receive an answer until 6:30 that evening.

Pg 955 of Kaufman Report (KR)

This bothers me, if true. If mom and brother were home, as they say, why on earth didn't they answer? Particularly after they began to worry. Nobody answered until 6:30? We didn't have answering machines back then, let alone voice mail, when the phone rang, it rang incessantly until someone answered or the other hung up, right? You really could not ignore the phone back then the way we can now. So she spends 2 hours on and off calling the house and nobody picks up the phone---even though they are home?

Particularly when they start to wonder about Christine. What time was that? Because wouldn't the first person they would call be Leslie, her best friend she was with every day after school??
Not sure why it's assumed Janet and Ken were home or in the house when LC called.
Re: basis to continue dna or not.
The abduction site had to have been the Jessop house (driveway/yard) or the cemetery.

It's the only thing that makes sense.

Mangano - you're wrong.

So I agree - Mangano - you're wrong.

I totally agree on all points. Mangano is... well, a hero. He’s retired, but clearly obsessed with the case, as we all are, and he’s still working the field in his spare time. Still hunting. He’s got his pet-theories like we all do. Hopefully, he’s not so locked in on his store/park-theory that he can’t entertain any others. Also, the guy’s privy to a lot of information that we’ll never know about. The vehicle parked on the tractor trail must make us wonder what other “mind-blowing” things are still buried in the files and unknown to the general public? (And, how did that detail escape Kirk Makin?)

DNA has a purpose and can fulfil a role like no individual logic or personal common sense could. We could all diverge here on personal interpretation, dna wouldn't. Magnano has some points, W has hers, dpm his etc..

Re: Dedpanman
And, she wasn't abducted from the park because the perpetrator would not be stupid enough to take her bike home, then continue on with Christine. That makes no sense at all.

Even a case can be made for this if need be. Perhaps the bike was damaged earlier or even when Christine left home one hand holding the recorder or it slipped out the carrier and caught in the spokes. Bike has minor crash somehow, after fall carrier rubs on wheel. Cj decides to walk.

Or it has been suggesed several times the possibility of two persons involved. Mixed dna and conflicting evidence with suggestion of two personalities involved. Two can create a whole different set of possibilities how things went down. Two vehicles even, one larger for cover, the other to do the deed. That would take planning and premeditation though. How far could that go in so far as even planning for someone to take the fall? To set up GPM you would like the bike found at home.

The store owner and Janet are both problematic in the scenario as well. The store owner was either mistaken or lying about CJ being there or Janet being there or both or neither. As it is, he makes Janet out a liar. Leslie calls the Jessops presumably as she says sometime near and after 4:30 with no answer. Supports the Jessops not being home yet if true. Leslie later admitts the Police asked her to change her story. From what to what is in the Kaufman report but huge grains of salt required after hearing this.

The timing aspects are troubling and apply as well with the bike. The same parties claiming that timing are being called liars and have lost credibility in other timing instances. The obstruction is prevalent throughout. It is hard to fathom to any degree of certainty without questioning everything and everyone. We can't just pick and chose to believe someone on one instance and not another as it suits us.

Magnano may be wrong, but he may also be right. It may be too strange to comprehend right now but no one else really knows how it was pulled off yet either. I'd still leave him and his conclusions in as a possibility.
She telephoned the Jessop residence several times, but did not receive an answer until 6:30 that evening. Pg 955 of Kaufman Report (KR)

"Did not receive an answer," doesn't mean the phone was ringing off the hook at the Jessop house and no one picked up. It could mean that everytime Leslie called she got a busy signal because the Jessops were busy calling around to see if anyone knew where Christine was.

Her first call to the house, around 4:00 pm, when no one answered, before LC went to the park is the really important piece, I think.

Maybe this is all just semantics?

But here's a piece from page 953 of the Kaufman report that backs up my argument about an established pattern of the girls taking their bikes to the store and the park all the time:

Ms. Chipman’s Evidence

Leslie Chipman’s evidence at Mr. Morin’s second trial was summarized by Leo McGuigan as follows:

Leslie Chipman. Leslie Chipman was the 17 year old high school student who in 1984 attended Queensville Public School and was a classmate and close friend of Christine Jessop or, as she describes it, “I would probably say she was my best friend.” They were the same age and used to play together either at the park or at Christine’s home.

She testified that approximately two weeks before October 3rd, 1984 she was at Christine’s house after school. She believes on that day that they met at the store, both were riding their bikes. Christine had taken the school bus home from school. She indicated that she and Christine were playing out in the Jessop driveway or looking out for squirrels when they observed the accused clipping the hedges...

So, here's a reference to another typical day in the life of these girls. Christine takes the bus home, hops on her bike, rides to the store to meet Leslie. On that day (mentioned above) they rode their bikes back to Christine's house.

If Christine went to the store with the intention of meeting Leslie on October 3, 1984 - she would have taken her bike.

The bike was found at home.

She never made the journey to the store.

Minor damage to the handle bar, the carrier, the kickstand (the damaged kickstand might be why the bike was in a fallen state when found) would not have kept her from riding her bike there. A recorder in her hand would not have stymied her.

Mangano and the Fifth Estate, in their reenactment, have Christine walking to the store and getting taken from the park before LC arrived.

It doesn't mesh with the established patterns of behaviour.
I completely agree Dedpanman - there was no reason for Christine and Leslie to break from their established pattern that day and we know that Leslie did not. There was no reason for Christine to walk to the store that day.

Janet and Ken looked for Christine initially - the cemetery, park, store etc. That's where they could have been during some or all of the calls from Leslie, or the line was busy as you mentioned.

Mangano and LE haven't gotten very far in 28 years with their theory, so picking and choosing who to believe, in conjunction with other known events, is not only warranted, it needs to happen to get anywhere, imo. Maintaining Christine walked to the store and was abducted from the park, unseen by anyone, is treading water.
I have no problem with anyone speculating on any different theories or scenarios. I just don't go along with out and out claiming someone like Magnano is wrong. You can disagree with his theory and explain why is fine, you claim he is wrong and thats all there is to it, I have trouble with. Perhaps he knows a little more than what he is saying? He was involved right from the start. He asks all the right stuff and plays the hole card for us to see.

Anyway, the argument that CJ had a usual pattern of bike use as evidenced by previous activities is a good and natural viable argument. imo.. But the one thing that had changed in that pattern was that her bike had been damaged. I know it is stated as minor damage and likely was, but even a bent in fender rubbing on a wheel can disable a bike temporarily. An older person could straighten it in 10 seconds, maybe not a 9 year old girl. Leslie/ the Jessop's would/should have known that if the damage was previous so the damage seems associated to that day and extrapolating further, therefore what happened to Christine.

Kids do have accidents on bikes all the time, not unusual except this kid went missing the same day later found murdered. The 4pm call only accounts for CJ not being there to answer the phone then. (she was to go to the store) The Jessops may not have been home as early as the time window would indicate. (leaving more time for the bike to be returned home if required)

So we jump to conclude whatever happened to the bike, involved whatever happened to CJ. Any other explanation is left aside. Now the bike is found at home so the abduction must have taken place at home. That is entirely logical and we are back to the same theory the Police had when they went after GPM. It is not Magnano's park theory that "treads water", it is the home abduction theory.

No problem with that, the Police went in that direction for a reason too. The Jessop's home is what the Police centered their investigation on and focused on to the exclusion of things like what Magnano and or even Ken Jessop are saying. All of the witnesses at or near the store were virtually written off supposedly by way of some teenage girl seeking attention by claiming she saw CJ pushing her bike home. Seems very little investigation took place aside that. This part bothers me, seems too little to lead experienced investigators so far off course. The fbi even bit.

I readily agree the home abduction theory has an attraction but with some other unknown suspect. That suspect would seemingly have to know that CJ would be alone that day. By that, it's infered someone the Jessops would likely know and who's vehicle would have to brought right to or close to the Jessop's house. Same as the park theory, risky business not being seen there and or dragging a kid across a fence out into the back yard to the cemetery. But it could be as possible as the other alternatives.

So back to the bike in the home abduction theory. Cj would have to have been leaving and was grabbed right then and there by someone waiting in ambush. Minor damage to bike results which is then left laying where it landed. Would a 9 year old hold onto her recorder while being forcefully abducted right from her bike in her carport? Would she not be more likely to drop it and try to fight back or run or freak and kick and scream? The Police fingerprinted the bike that very night /results unknown/ presumed inconclusive. The bike was important and kept the focus of attention at home. A supposed false sighting from a teenage girl and a profile solicited from the fbi sealed the deal. GPM became the prime suspect.

So years later we now know GPM had a virtually air tight alibi and had produced a receipt to prove it. The Police were caught in the act fabricating evidence against GPM while hiding evidence that would exonerate him. He was a musician and a music teacher of sorts. The recorder became instrumental in postulating a theory against him. The recorder was then found prominently displayed by CJ's body when found. Despite GPM "known" innocence, he was arrested and charged.

Did CJ hold onto the recorder while being forcefully abducted? Did she willing go with someone and deliberately brought the recorder along? Why the bike damage if she left willingly? Was she abducted and someone else deliberately picked up the dropped recorder? Why would they? Should the recorder not have been left and found where the bike dropped if Cj had been taken from there?

If the bike had been returned to this location from elsewhere, the missing recorder is much more explainable but in a very bizarre fashion. The situation with the bike and recorder really pointed at one suspect only, GPM. The bike at home, the recorder missing. GPM would now have to be regarded as the victim of a setup. Just as the Police have been demonstrated doing all along. Right about here the room empties, it is not a believable thing to contemplate for most anyone yet that is where the evidence leads. ..imo.. So we seek alternative explanations ..

Like Magnano said, all of this has created a diversion and lost opportunity to investigate other wise. He goes on to add that very important new detail. A car parked at the property where CJ's body was found. He still asks why that property has not been fully investigated and questions who would use that property to dispose of a body with a car parked right there like that. Someone who knew obviously. The Police seem to have avoided investigating or attributing any significance to the property. Why? It seems the Police had attended this property supposedly due to vandalism just shortly before CJ was found there. Was the vandalism a test of neighbors hearing and Police response time? There is some indication CJ had only been moved there sometime after her abduction and murder.

No matter where you look or in which way, possibilities arise. Many remain uninvestigated. The Police despite what they say, seem to want this investigation shut down and left where it is without going any further. No matter what, that is a huge problem (or clue) not to be discounted.

Mr. Magnano touched on this, W touched on the same. The Sunderland property may hold secrets and clues yet to be unearthed. Speculation aside, there may be some harder evidence derived from that property yet.

I still have "hopes" for CJ, but I suspect the usual normal way of thinking and looking at things like this will not prove fruitful here. What happened to CJ and the way the investigation was handled was extremely abnormal. Some of the players who would /should be above reproach may not be what they seem. There is an element at play here that can not be found in any box we know. We should recognize what we are up against and seek a way to avoid the implications instead of walking right into it. The Police may never be helpful.

Having said all that, I really do wish for any measure of success to come from any means possible. Cj deserves whatever justice can be gleaned from whatever facts become known. Even if just by the truth of it all being known.

For that I thank everyone.. and wish you all the best in your continued efforts..
28 years, millions of dollars and no results. I have trouble with that.
We should all have trouble with that W. But, Magnano's theory and LE's theory are not one and the same. The 28 mil was not spent following up on anything to do with Magnano. I don't think it fair to just lump him in and write him off alongside LE. ..jmo..

Mangano and LE haven't gotten very far in 28 years with their theory, so picking and choosing who to believe, in conjunction with other known events, is not only warranted, it needs to happen to get anywhere, imo. Maintaining Christine walked to the store and was abducted from the park, unseen by anyone, is treading water.

Orora – this is a “critical response”, not a personal attack.

Your posted comments in bold.

I have no problem with anyone speculating on any different theories or scenarios. I just don't go along with out and out claiming someone like Magnano is wrong. You can disagree with his theory and explain why is fine, you claim he is wrong and thats all there is to it, I have trouble with.

Yes, I am challenging Mangano’s theory – but I’m doing more than just saying he’s wrong. I’m pointing out the factors that are genuine holes in his thinking. In the Fifth Estate episode he completely ignored the bicycle and how it factors into the scenario of Christine going to the store. (And I’m not talking about the erroneous damage to the bike, but the bike itself.) Perhaps a ten minute segment didn’t allow for him to deal with the bike. The girls clearly took their bicycles to the store on a daily basis. I’m trying to deduce the most viable theory for Christine’s abduction. Chris L, the store owner, claims she was in the store. Mangano believes she got to the store – and got to the park – and disappeared from there. But he avoids dealing with the question of why Christine failed to ride her bike that day when clearly that was her pattern. Leslie biked to the park to meet Christine (as was her pattern) and failed to find her there. Mangano’s scenario demands that the bicycle was not ridden. When one examines the photograph of the bicycle outside the Jessop house taken in the fall of 1984 – sometime after Christine disappeared (notice the absence of leaves on the trees in the background) – you can see that the bike is standing upright on its kickstand. Now, I realize that this is not a great picture, but there doesn’t appear to be anything really that wrong with the bike in my opinion. In Redrum, Makin says the handlebar was bent and so was the carrier. If this damage was done at an earlier date and has nothing to do with the abduction (which is what I’m leaning towards) there is no reason for her not to take her bike to the store on Oct. 3. The only explanation is she didn’t take the bike because she never had opportunity to because she had already encountered her abductor.

Perhaps he knows a little more than what he is saying? He was involved right from the start. He asks all the right stuff and plays the hole card for us to see.

Yes, I am sure that Mangano knows more than what he is willing to share.

Anyway, the argument that CJ had a usual pattern of bike use as evidenced by previous activities is a good and natural viable argument. imo.. But the one thing that had changed in that pattern was that her bike had been damaged. I know it is stated as minor damage and likely was, but even a bent in fender rubbing on a wheel can disable a bike temporarily.

I really don’t understand why you’re introducing factors into the scenario that are not relevant. There was no bent fender rubbing on a wheel. In a previous post you surmised that the recorder ended up in the spokes of the bicycle and caused a mild tumble. There was no damage or scuff marks to the plastic recorder that might be caused by this scenario.

An older person could straighten it in 10 seconds, maybe not a 9 year old girl. Leslie/ the Jessop's would/should have known that if the damage was previous so the damage seems associated to that day and extrapolating further, therefore what happened to Christine.

The damage to the bike was so minimal. It’s completely conceivable that the Jessops didn’t know about it. Christine’s bike could have fallen over from a bent kickstand. I had the same problem with my bike when I was a kid. My stupid kickstand never worked right and my bike was always falling over, so I had to lean it against something to park it. I couldn’t rely on the kickstand. If I did, I would invariably find my bike lying on its side when I had returned. I think associating the damage to the abduction is a big leap. I agree that the bike getting knocked over might have had something to do with the abduction but it’s 50-50. I think the bike and the damage to it is a red herring.

Kids do have accidents on bikes all the time, not unusual except this kid went missing the same day later found murdered. The 4pm call only accounts for CJ not being there to answer the phone then. (she was to go to the store) The Jessops may not have been home as early as the time window would indicate. (leaving more time for the bike to be returned home if required)

I think anyone who proposes that the abductor returned the bike to the Jessop house is hard-pressed to rationalize it, given the enormous risk to the perpetrator. And, what was to be gained by doing that, really? Fool everyone into thinking she had been abducted from the house when really it was the park? Child-abductors don’t think like that. They grab a kid and they get the heck away from the area before they get caught. If the perpetrator wanted to get rid of the bike it could have been tossed at a thousand other places. A ditch. A river. Whatever.

So we jump to conclude whatever happened to the bike, involved whatever happened to CJ.

I do not jump to that conclusion at all. In fact I lean towards the exact opposite. I believe that the damage to the bike likely had nothing to do with what happened to Christine. The fact that the bike was found at home is what is important.

Any other explanation is left aside.

I don’t understand what you mean. What other explanation are you referring to?

Now the bike is found at home so the abduction must have taken place at home. That is entirely logical and we are back to the same theory the Police had when they went after GPM.

No – we’re not back at the same theory. The police theory was that the neighbour’s son was involved. I’m suggesting the contact point and potentially the abduction point was at the Jessop residence or in the nearby cemetery. It’s not one and the same.

It is not Magnano's park theory that "treads water", it is the home abduction theory.

I’m assuming by “tread water” that you mean it doesn’t go anywhere? I’m having trouble connecting your line of thinking. In comparison, how does Mangano’s park theory go anywhere?

Christine getting abducted from the park points most likely to an abduction by a stranger. Christine getting abducted from the Jessop property or the cemetery suggests an offender known (or vaguely known) to Christine. Those are pretty important distinctions.

No problem with that, the Police went in that direction for a reason too. The Jessop's home is what the Police centered their investigation on and focused on to the exclusion of things like what Magnano and or even Ken Jessop are saying. All of the witnesses at or near the store were virtually written off supposedly by way of some teenage girl seeking attention by claiming she saw CJ pushing her bike home.

Not true. The store owner’s (Chris L.’s) adamant account of Christine being in the store that day around 4pm has been held as gospel truth ever since. I’m proposing that he was wrong.

Seems very little investigation took place aside that. This part bothers me, seems too little to lead experienced investigators so far off course. The fbi even bit.

I don’t understand.

I readily agree the home abduction theory has an attraction but with some other unknown suspect. That suspect would seemingly have to know that CJ would be alone that day. By that, it's infered someone the Jessops would likely know and who's vehicle would have to brought right to or close to the Jessop's house.Same as the park theory, risky business not being seen there and or dragging a kid across a fence out into the back yard to the cemetery. But it could be as possible as the other alternatives.

I agree with some of the things you’ve said here.

So back to the bike in the home abduction theory. Cj would have to have been leaving and was grabbed right then and there by someone waiting in ambush.

I think that’s a viable scenario, but I’m not sure she was “grabbed”. Maybe...

Minor damage to bike results which is then left laying where it landed.

Maybe, but I doubt it. The bike could have been knocked over in a struggle, but there’s the issue of the recorder (which you’re coming to next).

Would a 9 year old hold onto her recorder while being forcefully abducted right from her bike in her carport? Would she not be more likely to drop it and try to fight back or run or freak and kick and scream?

This is the most important point you’ve raised here – and a good one. One that I was going to go to in my next post. The answer is no. The recorder was approximately 13 inches long (see the photo of it posted earlier on this thread). If it was in her hand and she was forcibly abducted it’s highly unlikely that she would have held on to it. It should have been found at the abduction site. It should have been a marker for the police to indicate where she encountered the perpetrator. Instead, the recorder goes with her. Why? One could argue that she had it sticking out of her pocket… Maybe. But the thing was 13 inches long. Surely it would have tumbled out or been knocked out and left behind. The only good explanation I’ve ever come across was the poster at UC calling himself Towserdog, who speculated that Christine went with her abductor willingly, recorder in hand, because she had been tricked into going – under the guise of going to see her father.

Why is the recorder with Christine? John Douglas hit on that detail right away, but went in the wrong direction with it. I think this is one area where we could do a lot more work.

The Police fingerprinted the bike that very night /results unknown/ presumed inconclusive. The bike was important and kept the focus of attention at home. A supposed false sighting from a teenage girl and a profile solicited from the fbi sealed the deal. GPM became the prime suspect.

So years later we now know GPM had a virtually air tight alibi and had produced a receipt to prove it. The Police were caught in the act fabricating evidence against GPM while hiding evidence that would exonerate him. He was a musician and a music teacher of sorts.

Where did you come across the detail that he was a music teacher? That’s contrary to what I know. He was a musician and played in a group, but I don’t think he was a music teacher. (?) Could you provide a source for that?

The recorder became instrumental in postulating a theory against him. The recorder was then found prominently displayed by CJ's body when found. Despite GPM "known" innocence, he was arrested and charged.

I question how prominently the recorder was “displayed”. One account has the recorder close to the body which was some distance from the tractor trail. Another account has the recorder very close to the tractor trail. What is known, is that Patterson and his daughters, and then Patterson and his wife (on a return visit to confirm that they had indeed found a body) failed to spot the recorder. It wasn’t found until police arrived on the scene and began searching around.

Did CJ hold onto the recorder while being forcefully abducted?

I don’t think so.

Did she willing go with someone and deliberately brought the recorder along?

I think there’s high probability in that scenario. I think the recorder suggests a certain level of trust with the man. She did not realize she was in danger when she went with him.

Why the bike damage if she left willingly?

Because the damage to the bike happened on a different day and isn’t related to the abduction.

Was she abducted and someone else deliberately picked up the dropped recorder?

Not likely.

Why would they? Should the recorder not have been left and found where the bike dropped if Cj had been taken from there?

Yes. It should have been found where she was abducted if there was a struggle. We can probably be 90% certain of that. Can’t we?

If the bike had been returned to this location from elsewhere, the missing recorder is much more explainable but in a very bizarre fashion.

You need to explain that statement further. How is it more explainable?

The situation with the bike and recorder really pointed at one suspect only, GPM. The bike at home, the recorder missing. GPM would now have to be regarded as the victim of a setup. Just as the Police have been demonstrated doing all along. Right about here the room empties, it is not a believable thing to contemplate for most anyone yet that is where the evidence leads. ..imo.. So we seek alternative explanations ..

So, are you saying that your “pet theory”, the one that makes the most sense to you is a criminal conspiracy masterminded by the police? It’s difficult to nail down some of the things you say. Sorry.

Like Magnano said, all of this has created a diversion and lost opportunity to investigate other wise. He goes on to add that very important new detail. A car parked at the property where CJ's body was found. He still asks why that property has not been fully investigated and questions who would use that property to dispose of a body with a car parked right there like that. Someone who knew obviously. The Police seem to have avoided investigating or attributing any significance to the property. Why? It seems the Police had attended this property supposedly due to vandalism just shortly before CJ was found there.

That is only an assumption – that the police were there following the vandalism to the Culls’ trailer. I’ve never seen anything in print that says they were there. Only that vandalism had been reported to the police.

Was the vandalism a test of neighbors hearing and Police response time?

Not a likely scenario in my opinion.

There is some indication CJ had only been moved there sometime after her abduction and murder.

True. (That there are some indications.)

No matter where you look or in which way, possibilities arise. Many remain uninvestigated. The Police despite what they say, seem to want this investigation shut down and left where it is without going any further. No matter what, that is a huge problem (or clue) not to be discounted.

Again, are you implying a police conspiracy at the heart of this? Not bungling. Not incompetence. But, a carefully thought out conspiracy of some sort?

Mr. Magnano touched on this, W touched on the same. The Sunderland property may hold secrets and clues yet to be unearthed. Speculation aside, there may be some harder evidence derived from that property yet.

Maybe. I’m not sure Mangano touched on what you’re implying.

I still have "hopes" for CJ, but I suspect the usual normal way of thinking and looking at things like this will not prove fruitful here.

I agree. That’s why, instead of riding the merry-go-round around and around, why don’t we commit to a line of reasoning? Produce a theory or scenario that seems to be the most likely? In order to do that, some puzzle pieces will have to be dropped, but I think we must really be critical in deciding which pieces must go (temporarily) to reach that most viable scenario. I think it hinders us sometimes to get hung up on making every little bent and broken puzzle piece fit. The very fact that we can’t make every puzzle piece fit means NOT ALL THE PIECES ARE MEANT TO FIT.

I remember reading an article about a homicide detective once, and he was commenting about how in movies and TV shows, all the puzzle pieces eventually fit neat and tidy, but that the reality of crime is that there are ALWAYS pieces that don’t fit. Even when you have the perpetrator and he confesses, and there’s DNA evidence that proves the perpetrator did it, so you can be absolutely sure you have the right guy - there are still pieces that can’t be fitted into the picture. When asked, the perpetrator who confesses also scratches his head and says, “Sorry. I can’t explain that either.”

What happened to CJ and the way the investigation was handled was extremely abnormal.

Not really. There are lots of comparable cases of child abduction and murder. And there are lots of cases of police incompetence that lead to the conviction of an innocent man.

Some of the players who would /should be above reproach may not be what they seem. There is an element at play here that can not be found in any box we know. We should recognize what we are up against and seek a way to avoid the implications instead of walking right into it. The Police may never be helpful.

In my opinion, you’re at your most mysterious when you write like this. You allude to things but are completely elusive with what you really mean and avoid clarifying explanations. Sorry.

Having said all that, I really do wish for any measure of success to come from any means possible. Cj deserves whatever justice can be gleaned from whatever facts become known. Even if just by the truth of it all being known.

For that I thank everyone.. and wish you all the best in your continued efforts..

Cheers back.
How damaged does this bike look?

Does it look so damaged that a kid wouldn't/couldn't ride it?

I wish we had a better picture of it.



  • Jessop house with bike.JPG
    Jessop house with bike.JPG
    69.2 KB · Views: 83
Much better approach dedpanman.. I will respond to more later but I had a look at the bike. Not much detail can be made out and not sure when the picture was taken in relation that day or what if anything done to it after. The written statements are in contrast with next to no damage.

Back when I first read that the bike was CJ's most valuable possesion and it was reported her bike was left carelessly laying on its side with damage, those two portraits clashed. Still do. A bent handlebar and carrier denotes some unreported incident. Something happened to CJ's most valuable possesion at some time. She never said anything to anyone? No one claims knowing of any other incident before this day? Leslie could have said so, I believe would have said so if she knew there had been to thwart such specualtion as now. The degree of damage is some indication of something. Maybe not hit head on by a car type damage but a much more subtle slow speed thing. Maybe from being thrown in a car trunk, van side door type damage?

I agree this is an important juncture. I believe Leslie and the Jessops could have would have explained more back then if they knew the damage was pre-existing. Maybe even still could today if asked? No one asked then if it were pre-existing? No one knew anything about it? Yet the damage reports are placed in and left in the record uncontested. Someone believed it noteworthy, someone thought it important. If not true, news to me and worthy of rethought. The picture does not quite provide that sort of detail to determine anything.

And I really don’t think we’re beating a dead horse here with this bicycle issue or the issue of whether or not Christine went to the store. The point of abduction is just as important as the body dump site in terms of crime analysis and revealing things about the perpetrator. We have to nail this point down.

More tomorrow but re your take on Magnano's theory-

Mangano’s scenario demands that the bicycle was not ridden.[/B] When one examines the photograph of the bicycle outside the Jessop house taken in the fall of 1984 – sometime after Christine disappeared (notice the absence of leaves on the trees in the background) – you can see that the bike is standing upright on its kickstand. Now, I realize that this is not a great picture, but there doesn’t appear to be anything really that wrong with the bike in my opinion. In Redrum, Makin says the handlebar was bent and so was the carrier. If this damage was done at an earlier date and has nothing to do with the abduction (which is what I’m leaning towards) there is no reason for her not to take her bike to the store on Oct. 3. The only explanation is she didn’t take the bike because she never had opportunity to because she had already encountered her abductor.

All makes sense unless she walked just because she wanted to/ kid with new toy/ couldn't play it on the bus/ takes two hands to play or.. because the bike was returned home after the abduction. If any of that indeed happened, Magnano's theory may still be viable. It is the explanation for why that is the problem. It does not mean Magnano is wrong. In your opinion dpm it may mean his theory is wrong but it doesn't prove he is wrong. I can't speak for Magnano and I realize he had very little time to say anything on the fifth. It has been noted a car following CJ and friend to the park previously. Magnano never mentioned that pattern either. Maybe deliberately? A park is a much more anonymous spot that CJ's driveway to go unnoticed. Magnano would likely have far more to say on his theory than I could.

But good reply and well worthy of discussion. The bike as Red herring now? Not so sure yet myself.. She never took it and left willingly with someone? Ken Jessop had the same thoughts.

The bike damage even minor pre or concurrent with the events of that day is an important point. Agreed.
That was a lot of work Dedpanman in your posts #811 and 812 and I thank you for every patient word.

Part of that effort was having to dispel misinformation once again. It's unfair to all when that happens.
I had at one point come up with a theory to explain the damaged bike, Christine murdered, and the recorder found with the was kindof like Towserdog's scenerio.

The perp may have approached Christine in her driveway as she prepared to leave to go to the store/park. He damaged her bike and then placated her by telling her he would take her to see her Dad in jail and tell him about the bike damage.
That is why she took the recorder, to show her Dad.
And....we all know she didn't make it anywhere safely.
The perp also knew of the area where Christine's body was found. (in my opinion)

I really cannot change that scenerio in my head...yet. It works for me, knowing what I know about this crime. I presented this scenerio ages ago, on another site, and haven't discovered any more clues/info that changes my mind.
I too, can't agree totally with Mangano's theory....for reasons Dedpanman relayed.
There is another part of Mangan's theory on The Fifth Estate that I find a little off.

During the shot of Mangano in the park, he points to the houses across the street and says someone there must have seen something that day, including a suspicious car and hopefully they will still come forward with this information.

Didn't he knock on those doors at the time? What does a suspicious car look like? One that is not usually there? Someone drove it at high speed out of the park? A search effort was underway all over town and someone chose not to speak about something they saw in the park?

Or was there nothing to see?

Mangano - if someone came forward today and said they saw something suspicious in the park that day, would they be believed? Would they need a license plate number that they wrote down at the time?

Why this hope instead of saying 'good thing DNA is available.'
I agree Christine was lured away from her home with a story the killer knew she would believe or buy into. Either to see her father (meaning he was close to the family) or something equally compelling. Your mother and brother were in a car accident and I'm taking you to them? Would you like to see my new puppies - your mom said you could pick one out today?

I think she was then taken only a short distance - to hide her and do whatever he/they wanted over whatever period of time that would take. Starting out on a 50 km journey while it was still light out would have been risky along the way - I believe he knew where he would eventually take her, but only after the owners had closed up the trailer for the winter. The location in Sunderland could just have easily been an after thought once Christine was deceased.

I believe he was visible in the community after the abduction and helped in the search in whatever way he could or should to deflect suspicion. I believe he could have been close enough to start the trip to the store theory that appeared almost immediately. I believe he knew of GPM and could have started or assisted in rumors about him (I think anyone would have been sufficient enough for the killer). In the turmoil and highly emotional time of the search people could be easily steered into thinking anything. I think the killer knew that.

I think the Durham Region Police investigations (first and second trial) lacked leadership and therefore went in all directions by well meaning people with disastrous results.

I think the 1995 - 1998 investigation by Toronto Police had leadership that ended with (but did not start out with) an agenda that served a few. That investigation left the imprint of Christine went to the store that day, so don't bring us information that does not include that. It will never be solved under that condition. Never.

The old diagram has been updated with information from the photograph in the first edition of Redrum, as well as the recent Fifth Estate episode.

See if you agree.

There are still a few things that could go on, but I don't know the exact location and I didn't want to clutter it up too much with guess-work.

- The Culls' vegetable garden
- The Culls' picnic table
- a bench on a "hill"

If anyone can assist with the placement of those objects, it would be appreciated.


Thanks for the updated diagram Dedpanman.

Something just struck me on locations - where would you put the identification van?

There is a line printed on the diagram - 'This roped off area was located approximately 45 feet west of the identification van, which was parked east of the pathway and slightly to the north - KR.'

It suddenly looked to me to be the same location Mangano said this vehicle was permanently parked - east of the pathway and to the north of the body. You asked a very good question earlier - how did this get past Makin?

I have a few reservations now on Mangano's assertion that a vehicle was always left parked on the pathway. It's a great idea, but this was not mentioned when the owners son testified at trial (the owner never testified). The son was testifying to sometimes throwing his cigarette butts into the bush. Why leave out the vehicle?

Hmmmm - Mangano never had the opportunity to actually see this vehicle - he entered the investigation in April 1985. Did he know this all along or is someone jerking him around now by having him say this on camera? Is someone jerking the interested public around?

Sorry, feel free to call me Ms Skepticism.
Thanks for the updated diagram Dedpanman.

Something just struck me on locations - where would you put the identification van?

There is a line printed on the diagram - 'This roped off area was located approximately 45 feet west of the identification van, which was parked east of the pathway and slightly to the north - KR.'

It suddenly looked to me to be the same location Mangano said this vehicle was permanently parked - east of the pathway and to the north of the body. You asked a very good question earlier - how did this get past Makin?

I have a few reservations now on Mangano's assertion that a vehicle was always left parked on the pathway. It's a great idea, but this was not mentioned when the owners son testified at trial (the owner never testified). The son was testifying to sometimes throwing his cigarette butts into the bush. Why leave out the vehicle?

Hmmmm - Mangano never had the opportunity to actually see this vehicle - he entered the investigation in April 1985. Did he know this all along or is someone jerking him around now by having him say this on camera? Is someone jerking the interested public around?

Sorry, feel free to call me Ms Skepticism.

I had begun to question the validity of the mysterious vehicle that Mangano spoke of as well - especially when it doesn't appear in the body dump site photo (from RR first edition) that I posted a page or two earlier. So, why isn't the vehicle in the photo? Was it towed away before the body was discovered in December? Or, was there no vehicle there at all?

I decided to take another look at that picture again. The one I posted was a little fuzzy in terms of detail, so I went back to my original scan and tried to bring out some more detail by adjusting the contrast in Photoshop and reducing just a little of the noise.

Lo and behold - I found it.
It's there - exactly where it's supposed to be.
Right where Mangano said it was.

I've reposted a slightly more detailed scan below with all the vehicles highlighted in red. Then one photo without the highlighting for comparison purposes. That sure looks like the rear/side profile of a hatchback car in the grass to the east of the bend.

Does it not?

That pretty much confirms Mangano - and it really makes me scratch my head now. Why are we only finding out about this car now? It's been there the whole time...

Yet, there's no mention in RR or KR.


  • The Body Site from RR first edition.jpg
    The Body Site from RR first edition.jpg
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  • body site - vehicle revealed2.jpg
    body site - vehicle revealed2.jpg
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  • body site - vehicle revealed1.jpg
    body site - vehicle revealed1.jpg
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