CANADA Canada - CODY LEGEBOKOFF, 21 yo serial killer, Prince George BC, 2009-10

Convicted of 4 counts of first degree murder. Sentenced to 4 concurrent life terms (25 years). Added to the National Sex Offender registry.

There really couldn't have been any other outcome!

"These are not the actions of a simple killer but something infinitely worse," Parrett said. "This is a man who by his actions has demonstrated the absolute need to be separated from society, to protect members of that society and particularly, the most vulnerable of that society who he has targeted."

Parrett pointed to several examples from Legebokoff's own testimony in concluding he demonstrated "a complete void" within him.

"He lacks any shred of empathy or remorse," Parrett said. "He should never be allowed to walk among us again."

Thank goodness he was caught leaving the scene of Loren's murder, otherwise he would have continued to kill.
Convicted of 4 counts of first degree murder. Sentenced to 4 concurrent life terms (25 years). Added to the National Sex Offender registry.

There really couldn't have been any other outcome!

Thank goodness he was caught leaving the scene of Loren's murder, otherwise he would have continued to kill.

from your link I noted that he was 8'' taller than his tallest victim and he was 100 lbs heavier than the heaviest victim - those girls didn't stand a chance.
Wow I never heard of this case until today. What a sick . Sadly there are many more out there just like him in MOO.

I found it interesting the judge would mention the "faint hope clause" to him. Hardly think it will hold water in his case though given the fact he is classified a serial killer. Maybe a case of the judge covering his hiney against an appeal on that instruction.

May you rot in hell you evil . JMHO.

Supreme Court Justice Glen Parrett pointed out the "faint hope clause" to Legebokoff, which could allow him to apply for parole after serving 15 years in prison.

"I just bit my lip, as you can see," was the reaction to the comments about parole from Doug Leslie, the father of 15-year-old Loren Leslie.

"I'm sure he's not ever going to see daylight, but just the way everything was put, the system still seems to lean to the criminal, you know?" said Leslie, who was seen with a bruised lip while standing outside the court.
Here's hoping he finds a person who doesn't like him so much who is 8 inches taller and 100 lbs heavier than he is.....MOO
Serial Killer Appeals Conviction
Vancouver, BC, Canada / (CKNW AM) AM980
Liza Yuzda
February 13, 2015 04:30 pm

Serial killer Cody Legebokoff is appealing his conviction for killing three women and one teen age girl in northern BC.

Because he is well past the 30 day deadline to file an appeal he is also asking for a filing extension.

Cody Legebokoff, Convicted B.C. Serial Killer, Files Appeal
CP - By The Canadian Press
Posted: 02/13/2015 8:00 pm EST

Defence lawyer Eric Gottardi confirms Legebokoff is appealing the verdict, focusing on his client's failed attempt to change the location of the trial.

Legebokoff applied to move the trial to Vancouver, but B.C. Supreme Court Judge Glen Parrett rejected the request.

Gottardi says the judge's written ruling contained disparaging comments about Legebokoff's defence lawyer at trial, which now raises questions about the fairness of the trial.
I sure wish Cody would start talking and tell what he know about the guys he is covering for. No one wants to be known as a rat but when it comes to homicide, do tell please. You community and society as a whole deserves to live in a world free of homicidal maniacs. LE are only human and need the publics support to solve these vicious crimes.
Cody Legebokoff admits being present at deaths of women

Accused killer claims others killed Jill Stuchenko, Cynthia Maas and Natasha Montgomery

CBC News Posted: Aug 26, 2014 7:26 PM PT Last Updated: Aug 27, 2014 4:34 PM PT

The Country Boy Killer: The True Story of Cody Legebokoff, Canada's Teenage Serial Killer is the recently-published sixth volume in the Crimes Canada series that has already produced books on the likes of Robert Pickton, Luka Magnotta and Paul Bernardo.
The book's author, Florida-based writer J.T. Hunter, admits he knew very little about Legebokoff when the series' backers first asked him to tackle the project, but by the end he learned plenty about the chilling and tragic events that cost four lives before Legebokoff was brought to justice.
Legebokoff's relative youth when he committed the crimes - he was just 19 years old when he went on his tear while most serial killers don't start their sprees until the mid-to-late 20s - and the "randomness of how he was caught," stood out the most for Hunter.
In what is a now well-known story locally, Legebokoff's downfall began in November 2010 when RCMP Cst. Aaron Kehler pulled him over for erratic driving on a lonely stretch of highway between Fort St. James and Vanderhoof.
- See more at:
Trial wasn't fair: lawyer
The Canadian Press | May 26, 2016

A British Columbia man convicted of killing three women and a teenage girl deserves a new trial because a judge failed to disclose concerns about his defence counsel's "unethical behaviour" until after he had been sentenced, a lawyer argued Wednesday.

Read more:
[h=1]Convicted killer Cody Legebokoff's appeal dismissed[/h] [h=3]Legebokoff's lawyers had argued the judges comments showed a bias, leading to a miscarriage of justice[/h] By Mike Laanela, Jason Proctor, CBC News Posted: Sep 26, 2016

Legebokoff claimed that had he known "the judge's views prior to the conclusion of the trial, then he might have sought legal advice that could have led him to retain new counsel."

The comments in question concerned the way defence crafted an argument that extensive pre-trial publicity made it impossible for Legebokoff to receive a fair trial in Prince George.
The defence lawyers cited stories which ran on CNN and 48 Hours. The trial judge faulted them for failing to note that both were programs which could be seen throughout British Columbia.
In rejecting Legebokoff's bid for a new trial, the three appeal court justices disagreed with the original trial court judge's assessment of defence conduct, finding his criticism "entirely without merit".
That's in part because most people know how widely CNN and 48 Hours broadcast.
But also because the defence wasn't claiming the shows couldn't be seen all over B.C. — rather that "the risk of prejudice to a fair trial was greater in Prince George than it would be in a larger urban center like Vancouver."
Regardless, the appeal court found "there is no suggestion that the judge's views affected the manner in which he conducted the trial."
Christie Blatchford: Young B.C. serial killer was moved to medium security. As usual, officials won't say why

B.C.'s Cody Legebokoff was still recently trying to leverage some power out of one victim’s missing remains, which hardly speaks well of his desire to reform
Hard on the heels of the transfer that raised hell last fall — the killer Terri-Lynne McClintic from a prison to a healing lodge — the Correctional Service of Canada has quietly moved another controversial inmate.

This time, it’s Cody Legebokoff, Canada’s youngest serial killer, who was recently shipped from maximum security at a British Columbia prison to medium security at an unidentified Ontario institution.



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