CANADA Canada - Elizabeth Bain, 22, Scarborough Ont, 19 June 1990 #1

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there is no evidence of EB's car being moved, only a police theory to fit their theory of robert baltovich being responsible. the ppl at the 3R Auto said that the car had never moved from its spot for the three days. Also there is no evidence RW was either in the area or even in the province at the time, in fact i believe there is a timeline of where he was stationed and living in 1990.
I think PB is responsible and somehow managed to hide her body. He could have put her body in a lake, likely Lake Ontario, and may have used cement like he did with Mahaffy. The time lines up with his rapes during that summer and how his acts escalated to rapes over an hour long. I'm not sure that he would admit to having anything to do with it.
PB is definitely a possibility, however i think when EB is eventually found, the answer will surprise everyone. jmo
Fair enough. PB had just filed for bankruptcy and had violently raped a victim in late May 1990. She is the victim who was able to give the detailed sketch description that was released to the press right afterwards. What if he was trailing EB and she told him he looked like the Scarborough rapist? That sketch was everywhere. His address at the time was 21 Sir Raymond Drive, West Hill, Toronto. Only 11 minutes drive to the campus. He was also a current student of Scarborough Campus, U of T. He carried a knife with him when he attacked his victims, also twine to bind them. He had a leased Nissan so he could have been avoiding using his car directly for his crimes. However, a future victim, Mahaffy, was coaxed into his car. EB was also so tiny and looked so young, someone a person like PB could overpower. JMO

Eyesonly, do you have a theory?
Also, PB suddenly decided to relocate to St. Catharines and that was thought to be odd and "out of his nature". The timing happens to be after the composite sketch and also after EB goes missing. Could be a coincidence.
PB is definitely a possibility, however i think when EB is eventually found, the answer will surprise everyone. jmo

Welcome to Ws eyesonly!

Paul B does seem like a good bet, if he is guilty wonder why he does not simply confess as he does not seem to have anything left to lose?
RW? well I was grasping at straws, but would be interested to know who you
think might be the surprise culprit/s?!
This is an interesting case.

From what I have read, there was no smoking gun or any forensic evidence but the Provence was able to put together a case strong enough to get a conviction. The courts later overthrew the conviction and ruled much of the "evidence" in admissible. The Provence insisted on retrying Baltovich. A judge later rendered a directed not-guilty verdict due to lack of evidence. Ontario LE continuest to insist Baltovich was guilty.

I have been unable to find an account of the original case against Baltovich. All I could ding was that is supposed to have made "inconsistent" statements.

Does anyone know a link to information on the original case? Was there a valid case against the guy?
Although it usually seems to be a male involved in a female going missing, are they sure a female is not involved and that EB was murdered as opposed to injured that day?
EB was gorgeous and I have no doubt a male cause her death/disappearance. An ex-bf of mine went to school with her at Cardinal Newman and said she was a "goddess."

Was the blood found in the car identified as hers? How much blood was there? Was there spatter? What about her purse, ID, etc?

Rosie DiManno Columnist, Published on Thu Apr 24 2008

"Bernardo told police last June he couldn't recall ever meeting Bain, though they attended the same Scarborough U of T campus. The defence, in pre-trial submissions, said it wanted to call a witness who claimed to have briefly introduced Bernardo to Bain five years before her disappearance and that he had "strong feelings" of resentment toward a woman who "looked a lot like Elizabeth Bain;" a restaurant owner who says he saw Bain with a blond man at a restaurant Bernardo had been to in the past; another witness who says he saw Bain arguing with a blond man in a red jeep at a restaurant where Bernardo had been; and a former student who came forward in 2000, telling investigators she had called the police tip line about a week after Bain vanished, reporting a man acting strangely on campus".
I'm convinced Bernardo is our guy here. EB was attracted to dark haired men and I find it odd that she was seen with a blond guy (PB??). And Bernardo would have been prowling around Scarborough at the time of her disappearance. Wasn't that the time of 'The Scarborough Rapist' events?

This is an interesting case.

From what I have read, there was no smoking gun or any forensic evidence but the Provence was able to put together a case strong enough to get a conviction. The courts later overthrew the conviction and ruled much of the "evidence" in admissible. The Provence insisted on retrying Baltovich. A judge later rendered a directed not-guilty verdict due to lack of evidence. Ontario LE continuest to insist Baltovich was guilty.

I have been unable to find an account of the original case against Baltovich. All I could ding was that is supposed to have made "inconsistent" statements.

Does anyone know a link to information on the original case? Was there a valid case against the guy?

I am hardly an expert on this case and anything I read goes back. But to answer your question with what I know I would say the Crown had NO evidence of any kind against Baltovich.

I think B. himself directed LE to her diary which described some bad fights they had had. I understood this to mean verbal fights.

I think one family member of EB I don't want to say who emphasized this point possibly to excess.

Note: blood and thus presumably attack in car does not really fit Bernardo at least no case I know relating to him.

The one weird thing is possibly I could be wrong Scugog as a place her body could be was mentioned before Bernardo. Thus LM?

What I am going to say will make little sense to anyone perhaps and is not investigatible IMO but I think there was a copycat in case of SR or other way round so that not all victims of SR were victims of B. but that is a hopeless angle at this point I think. And I think blonde 2 is the one seen with EB at campus but gain this is probably hopeless at this point.
Thanks for that link Chorley. I was reading up of the PB case and came across this valuable resource. If you read up on the time in 1990 right before June and afterwards and it makes me really suspicious of him. I haven't finished reading your link yet, there is a lot there.

Warning, the info in this link is really disturbing. What do you think? Could PB have killed EB?
there was absolutely no evidence that RB was responsible. The detectives twisted information, and hid a key witness reports from the defence that threw a kink into their whole theory and timeline. i believe they got tunnel vision and saw what they wanted to see in RB as a suspect. i also believe if im not mistaken it was an election year in 1990. that would mean the detectives were put under alot of pressure to solve EB's disappearance to quell the publics fear because of the scarborough rapes going on and now a murder.
RB's statements were never inconsistent, when the crown said RB lied about being on the floor above her classroom at 9pm looking down at a guy waiting at the door of the class, he thought that person might be someone waiting for her. There was an actual witness report taken from that person waiting outside the classroom who admitted to seeing RB on the floor above him looking down. But the police never forwarded this report to make it look like RB was lying. RB never waivered from this statement.
The blood in the car was found to be consistent with that of a female offspring of EB's parents. EB's barrett was found in the car.
The police hid another witness report, a man came forward to the bains house after he seen the missing flyer and they sent him to the police to do a report. This man's name and number as well as a quotation "Seen liz's car?" appears in the bains 1990 personal phone book. This man reported seeing liz in her car in the passenger seat on the 401 being driven erratically, she had her face against the passenger window yelling for help. this gentleman described her and her car and he had her licence plate written down to but one number off. This gentleman showed up at the trial and asked the detectives why they werent calling him as a witness, they told him he wasnt needed and to go home.
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