Canada - Girl Sexually Assaulted In School Washroom, Edmonton, April 2006


Proudly Canadian
Nov 27, 2004
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Edmonton police are searching for a man who sexually assaulted a Grade 2 student in a school washroom.

The morning assault happened when the young girl rushed into the washroom on her way out to recess, police said.

A strange man who was hiding in the washroom dragged her into a stall and sexually assaulted her before running away, they said.
School's fault. They should have teachers or aides on duty in the hallway at all times, to monitor the students and make sure adults have the appropriate passes. Surely someone noticed a stranger entering or leaving the building or in the hallways....
Actually most schools do not have people monitoring the halls inbetween classes.

Adults are to check in at the office ..
Sadly duting busy times like during drop off and pick up it would be very easy for an adult to sneak into most schools.
I have had children in several different schools and the degree of security varies from an open school. To one with only one entrance unlocked through the office.
I had to go back to my high school last year to get my transcripts and they even have a security office...I walked right in and to the guidance office and no one said a word to me (btw my mom was also with me so it wasn't like they just thought I was a the very least they should've stopped my mom). I just kept thinking how glad I was to be out of there since their security obviously sucks.
There was a case in Lincoln, ne sometime within the last year where a boy in elementary school was assulted in the bathroom there by someone staying at a halfway house around there (the house was for previous offenders)
We need to make some tropical islands into places to release violent prisoners and "previous" offenders. One island for each. Just air drop supplies to them and let them live out their lives with no rules but their own desires. No guards, no bars, no medical staff and no protection from each other. Just supplies and if they want a roof over their heads they could build one themselves.
This was in Edmonton. The horror. Not far from me. You know, this IS something I think of often. Whether I'm in a restaurant, kids play places or at church. Opportunity is what they seek. :(

If I find this SOB first...... that will be the last you'll hear of him. :furious:
I just took an 8 hour road trip with my 6 and 7 year old boys to visit family a couple of weeks ago. I was the only adult, and of course, I'm a female. So when we have to stop for potty breaks, I am a nervous wreck. I stand right outside the mens bathroom door and wait for them to come out. I tell them we will use antibacterial wipes on their hands instead of washing (just THIS time, dont take any longer than you absolutely have to. Get in- Get out. I always make them go in together and I tell them to look out for strangers.. etc.. But the entire time they're in there, if I know there's an adult male in there, I'm a mess. I will NOT stop at wayside rests. I will NOT let them into a busy bathroom.

I don't know if this is irrational on my part, but if anything ever happened, and it was because I was lax on things, I'd NEVER forgive myself. I'd rather be irrational I guess.
I'm with you Mssheila, it is just too risky. I have heard of other moms checking the mens bathroom first to see if it's empty and if so standing at the door to let the boys in and if a man approaches, asking him to wait a minute that your children are in there and they will be right out.

Better yet take them to the ladies restroom with you, too bad if someone thinks they are too old. It's just too risky. I always take my 5 and 3 year olds with me into the ladies room, don't give a *advertiser censored* what anyone thinks, I know they are safe with me and I would never consider letting my 5 year old go into the mens restroom by himself. This story is an exact example of why.
2beautifulboys said:
I'm with you Mssheila, it is just too risky. I have heard of other moms checking the mens bathroom first to see if it's empty and if so standing at the door to let the boys in and if a man approaches, asking him to wait a minute that your children are in there and they will be right out.

Better yet take them to the ladies restroom with you, too bad if someone thinks they are too old. It's just too risky. I always take my 5 and 3 year olds with me into the ladies room, don't give a *advertiser censored* what anyone thinks, I know they are safe with me and I would never consider letting my 5 year old go into the mens restroom by himself. This story is an exact example of why.
I took my son into the ladies restroom up until he turned 12. I didn't give a damn what anyone thought. I never had anyone complain, either. It's not like he was going to be looking under the stall doors or anything! He's 13 now, and if he has to go into a public men's room, I look for empty or near empty ones whenever possible. Sometimes I'll even open the door and yell in (without looking of course) to check on him. A good friend of mine used to work as a counselor for teenaged sex offenders. She said that most of them trolled in public restrooms for victims.
natasha-cupcake said:
I took my son into the ladies restroom up until he turned 12. I didn't give a damn what anyone thought. I never had anyone complain, either. It's not like he was going to be looking under the stall doors or anything! He's 13 now, and if he has to go into a public men's room, I look for empty or near empty ones whenever possible. Sometimes I'll even open the door and yell in (without looking of course) to check on him. A good friend of mine used to work as a counselor for teenaged sex offenders. She said that most of them trolled in public restrooms for victims.
Being a guy, it was easy for me to accompany my son into public restrooms to make sure he was alright.
This was not possible at school though.
Our kids are suppose to feel safe in school. What is going on with this world? My opinion they need to start shipping all theses perverts to an island and just forget about them. Let them play with each other. My son school is completely locked down anyone that does not belong there is not getting in...:woohoo:
Mssheila....I know and understand exactly how you feel. I have 3 boys, and this very issue has always been forefront in my mind when they have to use the bathroom in a public bathroom. I also have been known to stand directly outside the door, and when someone else has gone in while my boy(s) were in there, I hold the door open after the person and yell to my son "Hurry Up, You've got 10 seconds or I'm coming in to get you!" And I always try to make direct eye contact as the man is going through the door....kind of like a silent "Don't mess with my kid" glare. I know...not really fair since the majority of guys are not perverted freaks, but in this particular instance, one rotten apple spoils the bunch. I always have my guard up and after gleaning all the info on Websleuths and reading about these creeps, I am now suspicious by nature I guess. I'd rather err on the side of caution, ya know?

One of the malls here has a Men's bathroom, a Women's bathroom, and a 3rd bathroom labeled "Families Only". It's great, there's no stalls, and only one party can access it at a time, as the door gets locked whenever in use. As soon as I discovered that, I would take my boys to that particular mall more often just for that reason. They could be the "big boys" they wanted to be without Mommy coming in the bathroom with them, and I wouldn't be hyperventilating because they were together, safe, and behind a locked door.
Amraann said:
Actually most schools do not have people monitoring the halls inbetween classes.

Adults are to check in at the office ..
Sadly duting busy times like during drop off and pick up it would be very easy for an adult to sneak into most schools.
I have had children in several different schools and the degree of security varies from an open school. To one with only one entrance unlocked through the office.
While it's true that any visitor must check in at the office, and many schools lock all doors but the one leading into the office (or they have a buzzer and you have to be buzzed in), teachers usually still have hall duty. This is for student protection from one another as much as from strangers. Also to make sure that the students are doing what they are supposed to be doing.

I agree with cathieq -- it's the school's fault. That person should never have gotten into the school and the bathroom should have been monitored. Your child should be safe at school.
I've walked into the back doors of my kids school many times. The horrific thought of all this??? About 5 years ago PARENTS FROM THE SAME DAMN SCHOOL RECOMMENDED PARTNERS TO THE WASHROOM. AND IT WAS NIXED AS "OVER DONE".

hUUMM......Well, the school can now be sued tremendously!

One positive outlook. I've put together an entire safety stragedy program for my kids at their school. We are going to teach the children how to EMPOWER THEMSELVES AS APPOSED TO being afraid.

These children at the end of the day are going to learn it is ABSOLUTELY OK TO GET ANGRY AT AN ADULT WHO IS TRYING TO HURT YOU!

Kids don't realize they have permission to be rude or angry towards a stranger. We teach them to always be nice.

So wish us luck. We have the experts helping us.
If you are a parent and your kid's school doesn't lock their doors during school hours, you should go to the next board meeting and bring up safety. Bring this article with you as back up, and start being really vocal about school safety. No one should be able to walk right into a school. Things won't change until parents start speaking up -- LOUDLY.
My kid's school is like a campus. The restrooms are only accessable from the outside, so anyone could hide in there.
gardenmom said:
My kid's school is like a campus. The restrooms are only accessable from the outside, so anyone could hide in there.
Please tell me the teachers monitor the bathrooms, halls, courtyards, etc. Not just to protect against strangers, but from other students!
EDMONTON -- A 10-line message from a girl sexually assaulted in an elementary school washroom picked up the atmosphere of students at Oliver School yesterday.
And police continued to receive tips about the suspect, including one from a south-side Edmonton hair salon where workers said he showed up looking to dye his hair.

"I miss you all," wrote the young victim to her classmates in a letter that included a happy face in the shape of a heart. "I'm sorry I can't come to school! I hope you're OK because of the lockdown."
The picture above is a sketch of the man who commited this crime.

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