CANADA Canada - Lindsay Buziak, 24, Victoria, BC, 2 Feb 2008

I did some more reading. It turns out that the day after Lindsay was killed, another young female realtor there got a strange phone call from a woman with a "heavy foreign accent ".The woman said that she wanted to buy a house in the million dollar range. The young realtor, Jasmine Parsons, had oreviously dated.... Jason Zailo, Lindsay's boyfriend.

What if the couple didn't speak english as a firat language, and didn't watch local news ? And so they didn't know about the murder ? And they left the country soon after ? What if they really did want to buy a house, and hence the call to Jasmine Parsons ? In such a small group of young real estate people,it could have been a coincidence that Jason had dated Jasmine.

According to this article, Jasmine Parsons said that the woman called saying she wanted to list her house, but then when asked the address, said she didn't know. That would be very peculiar behaviour if it's true.

If someone targeted Lindsay, could they have then made the peculiar call to Jasmine to make people think they were targeting real estate agents in general, to throw investigators off the trail?
My other theory won't hold water ; LE won't say if the potential buyers asked specifically to look at that house,or if Lindsay selected that house to show them...

Although the language isn't totally precise, this article seems to imply that the couple specifically asked to look at that house.

"Buziak was lured to the home by a man and a woman who said they were interested in viewing the million-dollar property at 1702 De Sousa Pl. in Gordon Head...The victim was asked to show the house at 5:30 p.m., even though she wasn't the listing agent."

That would fit with all the other signs of careful planning.
This is an unusual murder because the victim was "low risk" and there is no known motive yet the victim was specifically targeted. It was not random. It is very likely that the perp saw an advert with Lindsay's picture, her name and business phone number.

Although there was apparently no evidence of an "sexual" assault, stabbing with a knive can, itself, be a "sexual" act. There have been cases where men have carried out "stabbing" fantacies without "genital to genital" contact. I would think the wound patterns would be a tip off if the motive were sexual. 54 stab wounds were clearly over-kill but I would expect completly different patterns from a sexual stabbing than from an "anger" stabbing.

Real Estate agents are certainly at risk because they can find themselves alone in an isolated situationwhere a Perp would have no ties to the site. There have been enough realtors murdered to put most "on guard" when things are a little fishy. I'm a little surprized a RS company would allows an agent on her own to meet a client at a house that had not been seen at the office.

It is not unheard of for a preditor to use a woman accomplist. (think Karla and Paul Bernardo). Using an untracible cell phone suggest some sophistication but is hardly a sigh of "professionalism" or criminal genius.

I don't see why anyone would think Lindsay knew her killers. She would have mentioned that the appointment that "bothered" her was with someone she knew and it is reasonable to expect that she would have "smelled a rat" if she arrived for the appointment and found it was with someone she knew who was using a false name.
Jason felt the need to hire a high profile criminal defense attorney. Oddly, it was originally stated that Jason went over to the house with a friend. But when LE had Jason re-enact what happened that evening, there is no mention of a friend. Only Jason and his lawyer. I wonder if, when people say that Lindsay knew her killer, are they meaning Jason ? Because there was,in the brief span of time,nly the couple ( woman who originally called Lindsay ), and Jason ( maybe with a friend ) around the area.... I'm still wondering if it waqs Jason who provided LE with that detailed description of the couple ? Was he possibly parked down the cul de sac from the house ? And,could he have gone into the house just after the couple left ? Lindsay had asked him to meet her there.... Unless there was another witness, who L;E has never identified....
Although the language isn't totally precise, this article seems to imply that the couple specifically asked to look at that house.

"Buziak was lured to the home by a man and a woman who said they were interested in viewing the million-dollar property at 1702 De Sousa Pl. in Gordon Head...The victim was asked to show the house at 5:30 p.m., even though she wasn't the listing agent."

That would fit with all the other signs of careful planning.

Thanks for the article. I did notice that the article stated thatLindsay asked Jason to " check up on her ", presumably by phone. Another article I read,though, stated that Lindsay asked him to actually meet her at the house...
According to this article, Jasmine Parsons said that the woman called saying she wanted to list her house, but then when asked the address, said she didn't know. That would be very peculiar behaviour if it's true.

If someone targeted Lindsay, could they have then made the peculiar call to Jasmine to make people think they were targeting real estate agents in general, to throw investigators off the trail?

This article is very different from the other ones that I read about Jasmine. For one thing the article only states that Jasmine knows Jason. But,the other article said that they had dated. Considering that Jason has a mortgage company,it's not surprising that he would know Jasmine. The story about the phone call is very different I had read that Jasmine said she got a call from a woman with a heavy accent, saying that she wanted to buy a house in the 1 million price range. Odd,those differences. Maybe just bad reporting ?
One other question : why has LE declined to identify the type of accent the woman who made the phone calls had ?

Are there a lot of Asian buyers up in B.C. ? But then, I wonder about the "Paulo Rodriguez ' phone. Paulo is the Portuguese version of Paul. Could it have been a Brazilian accent ?
This is an unusual murder because the victim was "low risk" and there is no known motive yet the victim was specifically targeted. It was not random. It is very likely that the perp saw an advert with Lindsay's picture, her name and business phone number.

Although there was apparently no evidence of an "sexual" assault, stabbing with a knive can, itself, be a "sexual" act. There have been cases where men have carried out "stabbing" fantacies without "genital to genital" contact. I would think the wound patterns would be a tip off if the motive were sexual. 54 stab wounds were clearly over-kill but I would expect completly different patterns from a sexual stabbing than from an "anger" stabbing.

Real Estate agents are certainly at risk because they can find themselves alone in an isolated situationwhere a Perp would have no ties to the site. There have been enough realtors murdered to put most "on guard" when things are a little fishy. I'm a little surprized a RS company would allows an agent on her own to meet a client at a house that had not been seen at the office.

It is not unheard of for a preditor to use a woman accomplist. (think Karla and Paul Bernardo). Using an untracible cell phone suggest some sophistication but is hardly a sigh of "professionalism" or criminal genius.

I don't see why anyone would think Lindsay knew her killers. She would have mentioned that the appointment that "bothered" her was with someone she knew and it is reasonable to expect that she would have "smelled a rat" if she arrived for the appointment and found it was with someone she knew who was using a false name.

I hear you about the stabbing. But... it seems like such a huge amount of planning for such a brief moment . If a sexual thrill from stabbing was the motive,why not abduct Lindsay,and have much more time with her ? One possibility : the man had originally said that he would be there alone. But,the woman must have been there too, based on the description. I wonder if she brought a camcoder with her, ostensibly to maybe video the inside of the house,but actually to videotape the killing ? IF the motive was a stabbing/sexual thrill thing.
Quite a bit of information from a police news release here...

"We do know that in late 2007 a cell phone was purchased in the Vancouver area and used exclusively for this crime. This phone was activated in the Vancouver area in January 2008.
We know that a woman with an accent made contact with Lindsay using this crime phone. This is the woman who is believed to be involved in Lindsay’s murder.
We know that the phone travelled from the Vancouver area to Greater Victoria within 24 hours of Lindsay’s murder." (BBM)

"A year ago we held a media conference which focussed on two people, a man and a woman, who we believe murdered Lindsay. They are still our primary suspects.

The man is described as:
* Caucasian
* About 6’ tall
* With a Medium build
* Dark, possibly brown hair
* Wearing a light to medium brown jacket
* Overall he was well dressed

The woman is described as:
* Caucasian
* 35 to 40 years old
* With short blonde hair
* Wearing a distinctive white, black and red/pink dress"
Was there a video tour of the house on the realtor's website ? There usually would be for a home in this price range. I wonderr if the killer(s) used the video tour application to familiarize themselves with the house ?

Also, does anyone know where the description of this couple came from ?

I'm thinking that possibly the " heavy foreign accent " and the "Paulo Rodriguez " cell phone were red herrings,meant to distract LE from searching close to where the murder happened ? Is it possible that,as unlikely as it appears, the answer might lie somewhere in Lindsay Buziak's life ?

One other question : why has LE declined to identify the type of accent the woman who made the phone calls had ?

Are there a lot of Asian buyers up in B.C. ? But then, I wonder about the "Paulo Rodriguez ' phone. Paulo is the Portuguese version of Paul. Could it have been a Brazilian accent ?

This happened in my hometown, very sad, puzzling case.....

Probably the only one who talked to the lady on the phone/could identify the accent is Lindsay herself. Maybe it was an uncommon/not easily recognized accent....she probably told someone in her office that she got a call from someone with an accent, not a British/Russian/German/whatever specific kind of accent.

Yes, lots of Asian buyers in B.C.

I'm looking forward to the Dateline special, I hope it generates some new tips. Police seemed to have hit the wall, and apparently Lindsay's family has hired a private investigator trying to solve things/find answers.
liz b. said:
2. Did Lindsay obtain and note any names in her appointment calendar ? Also, I read that the house was priced at just under 1 million. Most realtors would obtain some financial information from a potential buyer before they would show a house like that. Did Lindsay note any financial information, such as an employer ?

Million dollar homes aren't that uncommon around here....real estate prices are through the roof. An average 3 bedroom house costs $500,000+, even condos can go higher than a million dollars. My point being the fact that they called and asked to see a million dollar property wouldn't be that - it wouldn't be the biggest, best house in town.

Couple more questions :

2. Concerning the Paulo Rodriguez cellphone, did LE get a list of all calls made BEORE the woman called Lindsay ? How about cell phone pings ?

Some ideas :

A lot of planning went into this killing, even down to the cell phone alias. Lindsay may have been targeted based solely on her bio on the realtor's website : she was the youngest realtor.Did the killer(s) think she was also the most naive ? Did they believe she would be easy to fool with regard to their financial assets ? And therefore,did they believe she would show them the house without too many questions ?

They seemed to want to kill her inside the house. They seemed to have a huge amount of anger.

I was interested to read that the owner of the land sold it to a developer ; the houses were not occupied, and not all of the houses were even finished. Looking at photos of the area, it is just beautiful. Very serene.

I am wondering if this killing could be the work of an environmental extremist group ? They have been arsonists, could they have stepped over the line to commit murder, and make a point,send a message ?


As far as I remember the phone was purchased/activated in late January in Vancouver and wasn't used before the call to Lindsay asking her to show the house. Cell phone pings are interesting....I'm sure they looked into this. I wonder where the call was made from?

So many questions why....why Lindsay? Why so much anger towards her? 54 stab wounds?!
"To nail down the sequence of events, police looked at the time when the lock box was accessed on the home’s front door, which is consistent with the 5:30 p.m. scheduled meeting between Buziak and the couple, and with testimony from witnesses who saw Buziak greet the pair at the front door."

Thanks for the link, this is a very informative article. Some things that stand out for me :

1. The lack of forensic evidence at the crime scene, and all DNA found was traced back to Lindsay.

2. The cell phone seems to have been purchased and used only to communicate with Lindsay. After the murder it was deactivated.

3. Lindsay was responding to text messages while she was showing this couple the house, she seemed to have no idea that she was about to be attacked.

4. Lindsay was not apprehensive about showing the house,and she did not ask her boyfriend to check up on her or meet her there. He showed up at the house with some real estate papers for her to sign.

5. It is thought that the couple were dropped off and picked up near the house.

My thoughts are that it really sounds like a professional killing.Sounds like it was planned with almost military precision. It does not sound like a sexual/stabbing thrill kill. The why of it would have to be somewhere in her life, in her contacts and background.

I do find it a bit odd that Lindsay's boyfriend would show up at the house after she had just been murdered, with some papers for her to sign. IIRC, they lived together ? And she would probably have been home soon. So, IMO,his presence there just seems.... off somehow.

I wonder if someone hired this couple to kill her ?

Million dollar homes aren't that uncommon around here....real estate prices are through the roof. An average 3 bedroom house costs $500,000+, even condos can go higher than a million dollars. My point being the fact that they called and asked to see a million dollar property wouldn't be that - it wouldn't be the biggest, best house in town.

As far as I remember the phone was purchased/activated in late January in Vancouver and wasn't used before the call to Lindsay asking her to show the house. Cell phone pings are interesting....I'm sure they looked into this. I wonder where the call was made from?

So many questions why....why Lindsay? Why so much anger towards her? 54 stab wounds?!

I'm in the Seattle area, so am a little bit familiar with the area. The only reason I mentioned the million dollar price tag of the house is that most realtors would want some info on a prospective buyer for such a house. However, I now think that even if Lindsay had gotten some information about the couple,it would not have mattered. I think that they were a "construct " from beginning to end. By that I mean that they would have had a carefully constructed story,and all of it would have likely looked good. But,their story would actually have all been fake IMO. It almost sounds like they had some kind of professional training....

I'm not sure that the couple are the main focus in this murder; I do think they may have been hired to kill Lindsay.
Thanks for the link, this is a very informative article. Some things that stand out for me :

1. The lack of forensic evidence at the crime scene, and all DNA found was traced back to Lindsay.

2. The cell phone seems to have been purchased and used only to communicate with Lindsay. After the murder it was deactivated.

3. Lindsay was responding to text messages while she was showing this couple the house, she seemed to have no idea that she was about to be attacked.

4. Lindsay was not apprehensive about showing the house,and she did not ask her boyfriend to check up on her or meet her there. He showed up at the house with some real estate papers for her to sign.

5. It is thought that the couple were dropped off and picked up near the house.

My thoughts are that it really sounds like a professional killing.Sounds like it was planned with almost military precision. It does not sound like a sexual/stabbing thrill kill. The why of it would have to be somewhere in her life, in her contacts and background.

I do find it a bit odd that Lindsay's boyfriend would show up at the house after she had just been murdered, with some papers for her to sign. IIRC, they lived together ? And she would probably have been home soon. So, IMO,his presence there just seems.... off somehow.

I wonder if someone hired this couple to kill her ?


A lot of things, like #1, 2 and 5 do seem to point to quite a bit of planning, and thus possibly a hired killing.

The thing that seems to me not to fit with that is that she was stabbed so many times. I wonder if that is rare for a professional killing. I would think that hired killers would want to get the job done quickly and cleanly, without doing anything unnecessary.

On the other hand, if it was done for a "thrill," then if #5 is true, it would seem surprising that even more people would be involved.

Very puzzling!
A lot of things, like #1, 2 and 5 do seem to point to quite a bit of planning, and thus possibly a hired killing.

The thing that seems to me not to fit with that is that she was stabbed so many times. I wonder if that is rare for a professional killing. I would think that hired killers would want to get the job done quickly and cleanly, without doing anything unnecessary.

On the other hand, if it was done for a "thrill," then if #5 is true, it would seem surprising that even more people would be involved.

Very puzzling!

I think stabbing versus,say, shooting is consistent with the killer(s) leaving nothing tangible at the crime scene. Not even a slug,or slugs. It is mind boggling that they were able to do this. IIRC, the article states that the house had just been professionally cleaned before the showing. And the only DNA at the scene came from Lindsay herself.

Stabbing versus shooting also has the advantage of being silent. IMO it all points to such careful,meticulous planning. Way ahead of time.

The only obvious drawback with stabbing is : wouldn't the killer(s) have risked having blood splatters on their clothing ? Especially since they left the house, and apparently were picked up nearby.... However,the male wore dark clothing,so it would not have shown.

Is there a sketch of the man around ? The sketch of the woman is not so good IMO. Probable reason is that she deliberately wore a bright,distinctly printed dress. Anyone who looked would remember the dress more than her facial features,height,etc.And,sure enough, the witness was able to give a good description...of the dress. Very clever,and just another sign,IMO,that they were professionals.

The question,IMO, is : who would have wanted Lindsay dead ?
The question,IMO, is : who would have wanted Lindsay dead ?

The last theory put out by the police here is that it was a case of mistaken identity or something like that. They've been through Lindsay's life, computer, etc with a fine tooth comb and couldn't find anything obvious that would lead someone to kill her or want her dead. She was a well liked, decent person. It doesn't make sense.

Lindsay's family has recently hired a private investigator to look at the case. I hope they can come up with something. It's so puzzling. I can't imagine what her poor family is going through.....not only is their daughter dead, but there's no real reason why and no one is beng held responsible.
Yes, I hope that they find some answers for her family.

LE believe that the couple were dropped off and picked up at the house, but they have not released any description of a vehicle, right? If they had a description, I wonder if there are videos of vehicles getting on the ferries to and from the Island. However, it may be that witnesses did not see any other vehicle in front of the house, so that's why it is assumed that they were dropped off...

"Police said Ms. Buziak arrived at 1702 De Sousa Place in Saanich around 5:30 p.m. on the night of her murder, and that shortly afterward witnesses saw a man and a woman enter the home."
The last theory put out by the police here is that it was a case of mistaken identity or something like that. They've been through Lindsay's life, computer, etc with a fine tooth comb and couldn't find anything obvious that would lead someone to kill her or want her dead. She was a well liked, decent person. It doesn't make sense.

I know the police said they have turned to that possibility because they can't find any motive, but it would seem strange for a group of well-organized killers, who have planned all these other details for months in advance, to get the identity of their target wrong!

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