Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #19

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I guess we do...but I will say a lot of those "disturbed" people I know telling offensive and "abnormal" jokes have degrees from Tier 1 colleges, professional jobs, etc.

Like Ted Bundy? There are many serial killers who held degrees. Tells us nothing.

Hitler is personally responsible for the death of 6 million people. Pretending to find his picture sexually arousing, and thinking that is in any way funny, potentially shows how deeply disturbed Bryer was.

Also, the fact that his classmate still remembers his remarks years later shows how deeply disturbing they were.
Just a thought - I don't think these videos showed/told any information regarding the killings or concrete information otherwise I believe they would be charged with LF & CD murders which they weren't and still only remain suspects. Although, I'm unsure if you can charge a dead person with a crime.
On the contrary, I thought it was a pretty standard "socially awkward teenager trying to be edgy and troll people" joke. Honestly I think it was very basic and lacking in creativity as far as "edgy" humor goes. I've heard way more "offensive" jokes than that from people I know who have no criminal history.
Well, combined with what else we have heard, such as his violent fantasies of chopping people's heads off, it might be viewed as a little disturbing.
Point of clarification.

In Canada, families do make emotional appeals on TV to their loved ones, with police standing by their side. That did not happen in this case. No family members made a direct public appeal to BS or KM on TV or otherwise. Therefore, no police stood by their side on TV, because no such appeal was made.

I hope that this will not be misconstrued.
But would it have made sense to go on tv when KM and BS had no tv and no use of data/smartphone or computer?
Why is she even encouraging this train of thought, that he "will be able to talk" about the video contents in the future? The media needs to stop this, and he he needs to stop responding to their requests. Just because he has the right to talk, doesn't mean it's the moral thing to do. I'd appreciate hearing from someone in AS's situation after some time has passed and the victims' famlies have had a respectful amount of time to grieve.

I think she probably has included a time frame and limitations in the non-disclosure. I think it’s smart for her to make these statements. It’s pressure on the RCMP to keep in check regarding communication with AS and she is acting for the best interest of her client.
PA tourism shouldn't be expecting many New Yorker tourists anytime soon, infamy or not.

At SteamPunk Café, a popular spot in downtown Port Alberni next to a park where local drug addicts shoot up, a young woman with a nose-ring confided that one popular theory in town was that the botanist had killed the young couple, prompting the teenagers to kill him after he went after them, and then fleeing and being killed by vigilantes in Manitoba.

We've only ever stopped at PA to gas up before continuing on to Tofino, but that popular cafe now seems to offer much creative conversation. To appreciate it best perhaps, would require a wee visit to that next-door park before ordering.

NYT despite its 127 Pulitzer prizes, seem to have mashed this piece together from web-trolling.

Yes, I agree. To their credit, the good folks of PA weren't forthcoming with much juicy gossip, so photos of signs, houses, gardens etc became the focal points.

And of course, the parks of NYC are drug-free.

More than the article itself, the reader comments are really interesting.
Just a thought - I don't think these videos showed/told any information regarding the killings or concrete information otherwise I believe they would be charged with LF & CD murders which they weren't and still only remain suspects. Although, I'm unsure if you can charge a dead person with a crime.
They are not charging anyone anymore because they are dead.
Just a thought - I don't think these videos showed/told any information regarding the killings or concrete information otherwise I believe they would be charged with LF & CD murders which they weren't and still only remain suspects. Although, I'm unsure if you can charge a dead person with a crime.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure a dead person cannot be charged.
So unfortunately it doesn't tell us much.
How do you see post number on mobile? Anyone know?

"Leamon said that RCMP wanted a non-disclosure agreement because they are continuing to investigate the case. She said police may release portions of the video to the public at a future date, at which point Al Schmegelsky would be able to talk about the contents.

She said she expects that a public inquiry into the case will occur in the future and that her client would participate."
Try turning your phone to see the post numbers.
Like Ted Bundy? There are many serial killers who held degrees. Tells us nothing.

Well I also don't think my friends and husband have killed anyone.

Hitler is personally responsible for the death of 6 million people. Pretending to find his picture sexually arousing, and thinking that is in any way funny, potentially shows how deeply disturbed Bryer was.

As I said, South Park and Family Guy have way worse jokes than that and are watched by millions of people.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
But just the fact that he thinks that's funny is immensely disturbing. To me there were plenty of signs that this was a deeply troubled young man. I mean just that one statement to his former classmate (where he said he wanted to kill her and then himself) reveals violent fantasies and suicidal ideation, if taken seriously.
Yeah, I think so too.
I worked with kids with emotional problems in an Alternative Ed school, and even my students thought that kind of thing was disturbing! Imo
By the way, I think it is highly unlikely that AS had contact with BS after leaving. He showed us the unanswered texts. He received no answer to texts sent on July 12, 13, 14, and 15. He would have said something if there was contact. His lawyer is mistaken, in my view.
Exactly. If AS had received any text or call, he would have bragged about it in the TV interviews.
We have no context for most of what has happened in this case. It bears repeating now, in light of new information, that none of the parents made a direct public appeal to their children to give themselves up. That is not a judgment. It is a fact.
RCMP tentatively connected them to the murders on July 19, soon after their burning truck and a nearby body was reported.

Their cellphone records between July 12 and July 19 were collected before they were named as suspects. We can assume KM/BS took measures to prevent locating their phones after July 19.
Well I also don't think my friends and husband have killed anyone.

As I said, South Park and Family Guy have way worse jokes than that and are watched by millions of people.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

We sure will.

The overall picture we have a Bryer before his crimes is quite disturbing to me. While you could dismiss any one of these things, of course, it shows a consistency, to me, that just shows where his head was at. Because it's not just him pretending to masturbate to a framed photo of Hitler. There is far, far more.

How about a list?

- First and foremost, we have the benefit of hindsight. This man was a willing participant in the brutal murder of 3 innocent victims. He then killed himself to avoid capture.

- "an Army Surplus store eight months ago ... Bryer was excited about the Nazi items there." (source)

- "when they were playing video games, like 'Can you imagine if this was real?' kind of a thing. And he'd get a little too excited about it." (source)

- “There were times he would tell me and my friends ways he wanted to kill us and then himself, which is scary,” she said. “One of my friends commented that Bryer said he wanted to kill his whole family.” (source)

- "Other people who say they went to school with Schmegelsky described similar encounters." (source same as previous)

- "One friend said he was on a camping trip with Mr. Schmegelsky and Mr. McLeod. Mr. Schmegelsky was wearing a Nazi armband and military fatigues and using a replica Nazi knife to crush up Ritalin tablets and snort them. “I’m so dumbfounded that Kam would be a part of this,” said the teen." (source)

- "Another online gamer recalled Mr. Schmegelsky making jokes on SnapChat about cutting people’s heads off." (same source as previous)


And that's just some of what we know about.

This was not a guy with a quirky sense of humor. This guy should have been dealt with long before he killed three people. If there is an inquiry, that's what it's going to be about. This is not a normal person, and it seems blindingly obvious that he had violent, homicidal, and suicidal fantasies.
But she doesn't know what's on the other videos. KM and BS could admit to things, could have taken crime scene photos, basically could made it clear that they were behind the three murders...and then what would there be to inquire about?

I think an inquiry is only necessary when there are unanswered questions, and the phone videos could answer the question of who murdered LD, LF and CD. Are they going to do a public inquiry into BS and why he became the person he is, and put his family on trial in the report? I think not. I don't think Leamon would view that as a positive outcome either.

The only recent Canadian inquiry involving homicides that I can think of is after Wettlaufer plead guilty to murdering nine seniors in nursing homes, an inquiry was held to determine how her various nursing home employers were unable to detect that she was killing patients, even though several of the families questioned the circumstances of the sudden deaths of their family members who were in her care. The entire focus was on nursing home hiring and management procedures and given nursing homes hold the responsibility of protecting patients, how this women got away with nine undetected murders. The recommendations all involved more stringent protocols and this is the function of public inquiries, so that anyone with a vested interest is allowed input.

Inquiry report seeks to prevent a repeat of the Wettlaufer case in Canadian nursing homes | The Star

“The four-volume, 1,500 page report — to be released at noon Wednesday — “identifies the systemic vulnerabilities” that allowed registered nurse Elizabeth Wettlaufer to murder nine elderly people in her care by injecting them with insulin overdoses, says Mark Zigler, co-lead counsel for the provincial public inquiry into the killings...”
We can assume KM/BS took measures to prevent locating their phones after July 19.
Can they do this if they were filming videos here and there on a phone, maybe after July 19th?
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