Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #19

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This may have been discussed and I missed it, if so please disregard. Could Prof Dyck have picked them up while hitchhiking? They probably looked like young college boys and not intimidating at all. Maybe they had already torched the truck and camper and were walking down the highway.

After a couple of kms they may have made him pull over or he pulled over because his hinky meter went off. Or it was just fate and they killed him at the roadside where he had stopped and they found him. But then they both would have had to drive a vehicle to take the truck to the burn spot. Just thinking about what happened. MOO
Agreed. Perhaps I’m just being too impatient. I understand they have a lot to work though, and the case is being watched over by Australia and America as well. It must add a lot of extra red tape, I imagine.
The RCMP has the job of excluding all other suspects without a doubt right now. Once they release the report, they are saying they will not look for any other persons, for proven reasons. They have to get that part right first and foremost.

I don't think it's bureaucracy that is slowing them down (the courts are no longer involved) but the need to perform due diligence. If they are going to give up on hunting for the murderers of LF, CD and LD, they have to be dead certain that KM and BS did it.

Some of the forensic tests may take time to return from other groups of investigators: matching bullets to guns; toxicology for KM and BS; location data on the cellphone(s). The lead investigators could have only gotten the raw forensic reports recently, and had little time to fit that to the rest of the picture.

Another touchy issue is releasing the cellphone videos. The RCMP stated that they may or may not release portions to the public. They have to balance releasing video that proves their case with withholding video that would inspire copycats or be offensive to the families or public at large.

The last thing they want to do is release a report that could be ripped to shreds by the family and public. The bar is set very high.
If Kam and Bryer did indeed kill Lucas and Chynna I would really like to know what happened in Dease Lake four days later that scared them so much? Why was it complete silence until Thursday afternoon the 18th, then whatever went down on Friday the 19th.

That is the main thing I thought of as well. Not to mention the short window from the time they left Port Alberni to the time Lucas and Chynna were found murdered was such a short window. And I do wonder what they were doing from early 15th to the 18th. So the theory that they actually went to Whitehorse, or close to Whitehorse is doable because if they made it to Whitehorse or close and decided that wasn't going to work, heading back down maybe to head closer to home, Jade City would be on their way.
This also had stuck out for me too. This makes me think like they may have saw something they should've or the death regarding Leonard was an accident and they were scared and took off, and trying to act as natural as possible.

Dr Dyck's sister has stated publicly on social media that her brother was murdered.
Releasing partial information is not going to stop people from speculating: to the contrary, it may just add fuel to the fire.

If they tell us where they got the guns, for example, then that ends speculation on where they got the guns.

If they tell us how they were killed, it ends speculation on how they were killed.

If they tell us the ballistics all match, that would go a long way toward ending a lot of speculation.

etc., etc.

The more facts are nailed down, the less there is to speculate about.
This may have been discussed and I missed it, if so please disregard. Could Prof Dyck have picked them up while hitchhiking? They probably looked like young college boys and not intimidating at all. Maybe they had already torched the truck and camper and were walking down the highway.

After a couple of kms they may have made him pull over or he pulled over because his hinky meter went off. Or it was just fate and they killed him at the roadside where he had stopped and they found him. But then they both would have had to drive a vehicle to take the truck to the burn spot. Just thinking about what happened. MOO

There was some discussion a few weeks back about whether or not it was Kam and Bryer who were reported seen hitchhiking by the Jade Store store owners mother (as I recall, it was her mother?) She allegedly saw two guys walking both sides of the road trying to get a ride but I've not heard any other follow up on that. I had to wonder though, that time of year, are hitchhikers a fairly common sight on these stretches of highway? I'm thinking with the amount of people traveling up and down both Hwy 37 and the Alaska Highway, camping, backpacking, biking and considering it's summertime, hitchhikers are probably a fairly common sight. Here's a question though which had been asked a few weeks ago, would you really want to pick up two people hitchhiking aside from even just one? I'm a guy, 36, same size as Kam and I would most definitely stop and pick one of them up, especially if it's a guy round my age but I'm not so sure about two of them together. Especially if I was driving alone. I guess it would depend on the first impression I get stopping and talking to them on the side of the road and how desperate they were. Most times your instincts can tell you if someone is going to be trouble or not. I would definitely be less inclined to stop if I encountered two guys or even a guy and girl or two girls walking each side of the road clearly together. Here's another thing I wondered, if Leonard did in fact pick both of them up, is it possible he pulled over like if one of them had to pee and he stopped at that little pullout and that's where they killed him in broad daylight? Did one of the boys sit shotgun and one sat in the back seat and when they stopped in the pullout, they strangled Leonard right inside the RAV?
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There was some discussion a few weeks back about whether or not it was Kam and Bryer who were reported seen hitchhiking by the Jade Store store owners mother (as I recall, it was her mother?) She allegedly saw two people walking both sides of the road trying to get a ride but I've not heard any other follow up on that. I had to wonder though, that time of year, are hitchhikers a fairly common sight on these stretches of highway? I'm thinking with the amount of people traveling up and down both Hwy 37 and the Alaska Highway, camping, backpacking, biking and considering it's summertime, hitchhikers are probably a fairly common sight. Here's a question though which had been asked a few weeks ago, would you really want to pick up two people hitchhiking aside from even just one? I'm a guy, 36, same size as Kam and I would most definitely stop and pick one of them up, especially if it's a guy round my age but I'm not so sure about two of them together. Especially if I was driving alone. I guess it would depend on the first impression I get stopping and talking to them on the side of the road and how desperate they were. Most times your instincts can tell you if someone is going to be trouble or not. I would definitely be less inclined to stop if I encountered two guys or even a guy and girl or two girls walking each side of the road clearly together. Here's another thing I wondered, if Leonard did in fact pick both of them up, is it possible he pulled over like if one of them had to pee and he stopped at that little pullout and that's where they killed him in broad daylight? Did one of the boys sit shotgun and one sat in the back seat and when they stopped in the pullout, they strangled Leonard right inside the RAV?

Dr Dyck taught young people of Bryer and Kam's age at UBC for many years; he was renowned for being helpful and supportive of his students. Perhaps he just naturally trusted them. Sadly, he was wrong this time.
I had to wonder though, that time of year, are hitchhikers a fairly common sight on these stretches of highway? I'm thinking with the amount of people traveling up and down both Hwy 37 and the Alaska Highway, camping, backpacking, biking and considering it's summertime, hitchhikers are probably a fairly common sight.


I just remembered that in one of the original news videos about the murders, they asked the locals about how safe they felt, and two of the people they spoke to were hitchhikers, a man and woman. I think they had French accents...

Anyway...I'm sure you're correct, probably not that uncommon in the summer. I see them often in Jasper, AB heading south to Banff or west to BC.
Dr Dyck taught young people of Bryer and Kam's age at UBC for many years; he was renowned for being helpful and supportive of his students. Perhaps he just naturally trusted them. Sadly, he was wrong this time.

I absolutely agree, I mentioned a couple weeks ago, the fact that he was a professor, seemingly a lone adventurer and then given Kam and Bryer's ages, he most definitely had a soft spot for them if they were indeed hitchhiking even if it meant picking up both of them. I always had really good relationships with my older age professors as well. There was truly something special about them.
They said there was "significant evidence" linking the three murders during the press conference on August 7th and that they "had no reason to believe there were any other suspects."

That's hardly a definitive statement. There will be no trial so surely, rcmp are not bound by the relevant procedures involving said bureaucracy. Seeing 'no reason' is quite different to 'having proof '. Can the rcmp prove with confidence they did it or not? I can wait for details.
Here's the article again of Kam and Bryer reportedly hitchhiking. I wished they had gotten a specific date out of Adam's mother of when she allegedly saw them exactly. Was it Friday morning the 19th for example? Curious also about this statement: "The two men were recognizable, as was their truck. Some residents of Dease Lake recalled them camping in a lot outside town, and RCMP searched there." Now remember the truck was found about 35 miles south of Dease Lake, did they mean the RCMP searched where it was found burning or did they search another pull out closer to town? As I said earlier, perhaps Kam and Bryer were asked to move and whomever that someone was alarmed them.

Searching for answers: Sense of unease lingers in B.C.’s isolated north as police hunt suspects in remote killings
If they tell us where they got the guns, for example, then that ends speculation on where they got the guns.

If they tell us how they were killed, it ends speculation on how they were killed.

If they tell us the ballistics all match, that would go a long way toward ending a lot of speculation.

etc., etc.

The more facts are nailed down, the less there is to speculate about.

I don't think the RCMPcare if people speculate. They deal in absolutes and when they do release a report it will be based on facts and analysis that they've assembled. To release anything less will cause further speculation and to have to reverse their findings, based on late lab results would be a huge mess.

Just because the two suspects are dead, doesn't mean any further charges may be laid. The RCMP will be investigating how they came to have the firearms, if they were purchased legally, borrowed legally or illegally obtained and charges could be laid there.

I have contined to wonder if someone aided Kam and Breyer at some point but if someone did, knowing they were fugitives, charges could be laid.

Disclosing any of those details at this point, could very well tip off someone who will be charged in coming days. When the RCMP were killed in Mayerthorpe, Rozco was also dead but further investigation resulted in charges for two men who aided him.
Here's the article again of Kam and Bryer reportedly hitchhiking. I wished they had gotten a specific date out of Adam's mother of when she allegedly saw them exactly. Was it Friday morning the 19th for example? Curious also about this statement: "The two men were recognizable, as was their truck. Some residents of Dease Lake recalled them camping in a lot outside town, and RCMP searched there." Now remember the truck was found about 35 miles south of Dease Lake, did they mean the RCMP searched where it was found burning or did they search another pull out closer to town? As I said earlier, perhaps Kam and Bryer were asked to move and whomever that someone was alarmed them.

Searching for answers: Sense of unease lingers in B.C.’s isolated north as police hunt suspects in remote killings
There was a third crime scene searched closer to town. I think at the time we assumed it was where they were camping. There were three altogether: 1) LD's murder scene pull-out, 2) burning truck 2 km north of that, 3) vacant lot where they might have been camping, about 50 km north of the burning truck.
Anyway...I'm sure you're correct, probably not that uncommon in the summer. I see them often in Jasper, AB heading south to Banff or west to BC.
Yes, gap-year students sometimes plan to hitchhike in BC/AB parks, after taking the bus from Edmonton, Calgary or Vancouver. Regular International students are more cautious because of campus sessions about personal safety.

Owen Rooney from Australia hitchhiked multiple times after the Aug 2010 Shambala music festival in Salmo, BC. He disappeared after walking out of a hospital, and his body was found 7 years later in 2017.

Alison Raspa, another Australian, disappeared in Whistler, BC a few months later. Her body was found sooner. Both deaths were deemed accidental, but there are unanswered questions.

I expect young Australians will be more cautious in Canada after Lucas Fowler murder.
There was some discussion a few weeks back about whether or not it was Kam and Bryer who were reported seen hitchhiking by the Jade Store store owners mother (as I recall, it was her mother?) She allegedly saw two guys walking both sides of the road trying to get a ride but I've not heard any other follow up on that. I had to wonder though, that time of year, are hitchhikers a fairly common sight on these stretches of highway? I'm thinking with the amount of people traveling up and down both Hwy 37 and the Alaska Highway, camping, backpacking, biking and considering it's summertime, hitchhikers are probably a fairly common sight. Here's a question though which had been asked a few weeks ago, would you really want to pick up two people hitchhiking aside from even just one? I'm a guy, 36, same size as Kam and I would most definitely stop and pick one of them up, especially if it's a guy round my age but I'm not so sure about two of them together. Especially if I was driving alone. I guess it would depend on the first impression I get stopping and talking to them on the side of the road and how desperate they were. Most times your instincts can tell you if someone is going to be trouble or not. I would definitely be less inclined to stop if I encountered two guys or even a guy and girl or two girls walking each side of the road clearly together. Here's another thing I wondered, if Leonard did in fact pick both of them up, is it possible he pulled over like if one of them had to pee and he stopped at that little pullout and that's where they killed him in broad daylight? Did one of the boys sit shotgun and one sat in the back seat and when they stopped in the pullout, they strangled Leonard right inside the RAV?
I've travelled the north including Alaska Highway to the Yukon, Hwy 37, etc a few times. It was more than 10 years ago, but I wouldn't say that "hitchhiking" was very common in the far north. More so, in central, southern BC. If you did see them, they were usually set up near a gas station or store. Perhaps the hitchhiking was a ploy to nab their next victim including a vehicle. Maybe even LD :(
There was a third crime scene searched closer to town. I think at the time we assumed it was where they were camping. There were three altogether: 1) LD's murder scene pull-out, 2) burning truck 2 km north of that, 3) vacant lot where they might have been camping, about 50 km north of the burning truck.

There was a third crime scene? Could someone link me to this?
I don't think the RCMP is going to wade thru the 'history' of Kam or Bryer to try and calculate motive, concentrating mainly on method and means , which is the purpose of a report.

Unless they both, independently have made a pre mortem statement of intent. ..

It would be the equivalent of the RCMP reading tea leaves and chicken entrails to try and deduct a motive,, a reason, based on 'history'.

One would have to know, definitively, how they saw their history, not how anyone else saw their history. Such as it is.

does anyone think that for some reason (?) BS and KM had agreed that they would each commit a murder and due to circumstance, the first incident became a double murder, but that they each had possibly agreed to commit one? that would explain why there were two crime scenes and no further ones. I am without any hypothesis whether they initially thought that they could commit their crimes, go undetected and sometime return to BC, but the way they burned vehicles and computers makes me think that they did not have "return home" plans. I guess I am wondering if they dared each other or made a pact or something. there is something slightly methodical about them, even if what they did was senseless and sick.
@Moriarty thank you for posting that link. I had no idea they investigated a third scene. So Kam and Bryer were camped just outside of Dease Lake for a number of days. Then possibly asked to move. I have to wonder how long they had set up camp at the spot where they torched the Dodge and Camper. Just seeing the image of that dutch oven set up (also not burned interestingly) tells me they must have been there for at least a couple nights, but who knows, maybe it was just Thursday night?
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