GUILTY Canada - Taylor Van Diest, 18, beaten to death, Armstrong, BC, 31 Oct 2011

Does anyone that followed the trial have any verdict predictions?
While I don't have a prediction, it's interesting to note the same ridiculous 'he didn't mean to kill her' defense is currently being used in Toronto's so-called 'web-cam' murder.

Both men approached their female victims. Both men sexually assaulted their female victims. Both men used a form of asphyxiation on their female victims. Both victims died.

Neither perp came forward to turn themselves in, explaining 'gee whiz I didn't mean to kill her'. LE had to hunt them down - with acknowledged help from the public.

First degree, imo, but I'm not a member of the jury.

Seriously! He wanted " consensual " sex with a stranger at railroad tracks, AND had no intention of killing Taylor, yet strangled and hit her head multiple times with a flashlight!

"The defence is calling for a verdict of manslaughter, saying Foerster was seeking consensual sex but that when Van Diest fought back, he pushed her down and caused her to fall and hit her head on a steel pipe.

But the Crown has said Foerster hit the teen on the head six times with a flashlight and tied a shoelace around her neck".
The thing that has always shocked me the most about this case, is the protection that the 'accused perpetrator' (hoping to change that to simply 'perpetrator' soon) received from his family.

I agree that this is likely not the only victim.

'Foerster was seeking consensual sex' is an unfinished statement, imo.

So when Taylor said no - Foerster .......? Pushed her six times so she fell and hit her head six times? Tied something around her neck because ........

He didn't mean to get caught maybe?
Of the many horrific cases on websleuths this one is really getting to me. I think it's the fact that the father was protecting his predatory son that makes it so much worse. Like how do you sleep at night knowing at any moment your son could hurt and kill an innocent just because? What a terrible family.

This man is a monster, not fit to walk among the rest of the population. My brain can't compute how you could do this to another person.

With cases like these I wish Canada had the death penalty.
There's no question in my mind that this was a straight forward predatory murder where the suspect stalked the victim (that evening) until she was in a dark secluded area, and then he attacked her. When she fought back, he used deadly force to subdue her. I think that he should receive a first degree murder conviction. Anything less could result in him being in a position where he could do this again to another unsuspecting young woman.
That monster should never be let out. Ba*tard. I'm so furious and devastated reading about Taylor's fight. She was murdered with the same object as Jessica Lloyd. After being brutally sexually assaulted. From the depths of depravity comes monsters and their enablers. Horrifying
Beautiful - guilty of 1st degree murder.

A jury in Kelowna, B.C., has found Matthew Foerster guilty of murder in the first degree in the case of Armstrong teen Taylor Van Diest.

I don't know why, but I'm shaking right now. I am so glad that this was the outcome. This young woman deserved to live a life with ups and downs...but deserved to live a life!!

Hugs to Taylor's family. :grouphug:
Thoughts are with Taylor's family and their precious girl.

Rest in Peace, Taylor
Why was Matthew in Armstrong the day he attacked Taylor?

How did Taylor's DNA get in his truck?
Not aware Taylor's DNA was found in MF's truck. His DNA was found under her fingernail(s).

Other than hunting for a victim, do not recall seeing why MF was in Armstrong that night.
The thing that has always shocked me the most about this case, is the protection that the 'accused perpetrator' (hoping to change that to simply 'perpetrator' soon) received from his family.

I agree that this is likely not the only victim.:banghead:

RCMP Insp. Brendan Fitzpatrick said police received 1,250 tips from the public after releasing a composite sketch of a suspect, based on the information from the alleged assault at the escort agency.

Matthew Foerster is also charged with sexual assault and unlawful confinement in relation to an alleged incident at a Kelowna, B.C. escort agency April 12, 2005.

He faces additional charges in a 2004 home invasion in which a 19-year-old woman was assaulted in Cherryville, B.C., a community located east of Vernon.
Not aware Taylor's DNA was found in MF's truck. His DNA was found under her fingernail(s).

Other than hunting for a victim, do not recall seeing why MF was in Armstrong that night.

None of the articles say what Matthew did for a living. Apparently he lived in Cherryville, BC before he was apprehended and arrested at a hotel in Ontario. The RCMP received 1250 tips from the public after they released a composite sketch of a suspect based on the information from the alleged assault at the escort agency in 2005.

On Google maps, Cherryville is north of Armstrong. Cherryville is on the Vernon Slocan (#6) highway. The driving distance from Cherryville to Armstrong is 74 kilometers (46 miles). The driving time is estimated to be 1 hour 5 mins.

Several media reports said investigators found Taylor’s DNA in Matthew’s truck which he sold after he assaulted her.


The accused’s DNA was found in fingernail clippings taken from the victim while she was in hospital, court heard. The victim’s DNA was also found in a Ford F150 truck that was owned by the accused and later sold by him. After Foerster was arrested in April 2012, investigators obtained DNA from both the victim and the accused in the vehicle.
When MF was hiding in Collingwood, Ontario (where he was apprehended) he was working for a local painting company - also his fathers trade. Have not seen an MSM article to back that up - it was the local rumor at the time.
When MF was hiding in Collingwood, Ontario (where he was apprehended) he was working for a local painting company - also his fathers trade. Have not seen an MSM article to back that up - it was the local rumor at the time.

Wonder if they ever happened to use a white van with large letters on the side that spells " SMOOTH"?

"Published Thursday, August 29, 2013 12:34PM EDT

Cold case investigators have released a composite photo of a unique cargo van that they say was driven by a man who sexually assaulted two sex-trade workers more than a decade ago.

Police are hoping someone recognizes the van &#8211; white in colour with the word &#8220;Smooth&#8221; in large letters on the side &#8211; and knows the identity of the suspect in the Sept. 27, 2002, incidents.

&#8220;I&#8217;m hoping (the photo) will jog the memory of the public,&#8221; Det. Ali Ansari told &#8220;Somebody might have known this person.&#8221;
Ansari said &#8220;something&#8221; prompted police to take a closer look at the case, but he would not reveal what that &#8220;something&#8221; was.

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Wonder if they ever happened to use a white van with large letters on the side that spells " SMOOTH"?

"Published Thursday, August 29, 2013 12:34PM EDT

Cold case investigators have released a composite photo of a unique cargo van that they say was driven by a man who sexually assaulted two sex-trade workers more than a decade ago.

Police are hoping someone recognizes the van – white in colour with the word “Smooth” in large letters on the side – and knows the identity of the suspect in the Sept. 27, 2002, incidents.

“I’m hoping (the photo) will jog the memory of the public,” Det. Ali Ansari told “Somebody might have known this person.”
Ansari said “something” prompted police to take a closer look at the case, but he would not reveal what that “something” was.

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I doubt it because Matthew lived in Cherryville, BC until he assaulted and beat Taylor to death on October 31, 2011 and these crimes occurred in September 2002 in Toronto, Ontario. According to the media reports, Foerster went to Ontario after he attacked Taylor.
Matthew assaulted two women in 2004 and 2005 and I don&#8217;t think these crimes were reported to the Police until after he attacked and assaulted Taylor and the police sought the public&#8217;s help because this article said &#8220;Foerster is now facing additional charges in a 2004 home invasion in which a 19-year-old woman was assaulted in Cherryville, B.C., (where he lived) and for sexual assault and unlawful confinement in relation to an alleged incident at a Kelowna, B.C. escort agency in April 12, 2005.&#8221;

Fitzpatrick said police received 1,250 tips from the public after releasing a composite sketch of a suspect, based on the information from the alleged assault at the escort agency.

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