CANADA Canada - WhtMale, 35-60, 3356UMBC, "Mac Nebels" at Vancouver hotel, Sept 1999


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May 7, 2020
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I encountered this Doe Network UID profile from Vancouver.

*modnote*/adding information from link
Physical Description

Estimated Age: 35-60 years
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11" - 6'
Weight: 230 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eye Color: Brown/Green
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Surgical scar on his right shoulder and corrective dental work, including a prominent gap and/or splaying between his upper front teeth. Surgical pins in right shoulder.


Dentals: Unknown
Fingerprints: Unknown
DNA: Unknown

Clothing & Personal Items

Clothing: Unknown
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Circumstances of Discovery

The deceased registered as Mac Nebels from Atlanta, Georgia at the Hotel Dakota, now The Comfort Inn, at Nelson and Granville Streets on Sept. 11, 1999. The male was found deceased from natural causes in his room on Sept. 14, 1999.

A Joseph Mack Maples MP file exists in NamUs along with this Doe Network case profile.

Similarities I identified between the two profiles:

*Both have gaps between front teeth.
*Both have prominent noses.
*Indications of surgical scar and pins in UID shoulder which were named in MP's profile.
*MP profile specifies heart problems were a concern; UID died of natural causes (unspecified).
*MP sold off everything he had and donated to Humane Society and took a flight to Dallas, leaving behind his car, in August 1999. UID was found deceased in Vancouver hotel room September 14, 1999.
*UID told hotel staff his name was "Mac Nebels." This was suspected of being an alias. (There is no indication that personal identification was found on the UID or in hotel room.) Mack is the middle name of the MP.
*Heights match.

I emailed the BC Coroner's Services last night and received a response this morning that they have been pursuing this identity for a while and are in the late stages awaiting DNA results.
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I reported your post because we don't have an identification yet. Despite this, Joseph and Mac just HAVE to be the same person.
Could it be that he wrote Mac Maples but his handwriting was bad and it looked more like Nebels?
I reported your post because we don't have an identification yet. Despite this, Joseph and Mac just HAVE to be the same person.
Thank you, the thread is now in Unidientified forum, where it should have been also opened in the first run, until there is a formal identification match taken place (also other proposals may be posted). This needs to happen prior a thread moves to I.dentified forum
I believe this is a match, and I just got word from the coroner that they should know if Mac and Joseph are the same person in a few months. But how the heck can someone go from 175 to 230 pounds in a matter of weeks?? That's rare.
I actually just made this match to and came across your forum in search of more information about him. I think everything is the same also. Hopefully they match.
I believe they are still doing DNA work....when they said it would be a few months, I think they were just hoping the testing would take that long. "Mac Nebels" was also removed from Canada's Missing because of the new developments. If it turns out that Mr. Maples is not the decedent, the case will be re-added.
Was this guy identified as

Joseph Mack Maples from Birmingham Alabama?​


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