Cantu Case on Dr. Phil at this very moment


Apr 16, 2009
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I didn't realize this was even going to be on today. They just interviewed the Aunt and mother of SC. He has Jennifer Wadsworth on and had Sheneman via satellite I hope someone is taping this!
Dr. Phil isn't on in the Southeast until 5 pm, so there's an hour and a half before he might have the same show you're seeing here. The TV Guide lists another topic, though. Maybe he changed the line-up for this current event?
Oh great I wonder how screwed up he will do this one? And since there is now a GAG order do not except any earth shaking news.:crazy:
In the S.F bay area he is supposedly on at 8 p.m on KRON.

Correcting myself!! : Actually he is also on at 3 p.m. but the listing said the show was going to be about something else...I bet they changed the show before they could change the listing. Anyway, when I saw the listed program I figured maybe the show about Sandra Cantu was going to be on in the evening. Sorry.

Find out what happened on the show.

Why Was Little Sandra Murdered?

It's the story everyone is talking about: The horrific murder and alleged rape of 8-year-old Sandra Cantu. Dr. Phil has been flooded with e-mails and questions asking what kind of a person would commit such a heinous crime. Is it possible that a mother could do something like this to someone else's child? People are asking, do I need to worry about my neighbor? How do I spot a person who might be a threat to my child? How do I talk to my children about this?
Dr Phil on J Leno right now ............he says nothing to compare a female sex murderer like MH. 4% of women are like her. BUT he says that people who are sex offenders usually have 100's under their belts! So if she is the one who did the SEX offender part of this murder, there will be more little victims out there!!!!
Dr Phil on J Leno right now ............he says nothing to compare a female sex murderer like MH. 4% of women are like her. BUT he says that people who are sex offenders usually have 100's under their belts! So if she is the one who did the SEX offender part of this murder, there will be more little victims out there!!!!

I didn't watch, I didn't know that it would be on. I think that its great that he is bring awareness that this can happen, but to be honest my first thought was that he was being Dr. Media Who7e.

But maybe he is trying to reach the audience of parents that don't watch the cable networks that usually report of these kinds of things. It would be a scary thing for parents to go through if MH has had any kind of past contact their baby's, but if they can get them help at a young age that would be good right?

Did he talk about the best way for parents to talk to their children about this without creating a "culture of fear" type of thing. Aside from those who might have been victims of MH it would be good for any parent to know how to deal with this kind of situation. What signs to look for when choosing a care giver, meeting families of their kids friends, teachers etc? That would be helpful to help parents not to get caught up in fear themselves, let them know there are preventive steps and ways to get help, that they are not helpless. I dunno...
I am offended to the max by the choice of "psychologist" he used on the show, Dr. Brenda Wade, and her PERSONAL BRAND of woo-woo "me-me-me" psychology.

Paraphrasing her ... the pattern of acting out behavior MH exhibited was a cry for help. because no one noticed, what did you expect. Fires, means she's hot angry about something and we didn't notice. Poor girl - she is really the ONE who needed our help and society failed her, others are to fault here, for not helping her to stop her from escalating. Punctuated by her personal brand of air quotes. Barf. Puke.

Sorry, I have words for you Dr. Wade,and they are these: "it's precisely your pathetic brand of psychology that incubates 'stink-think' that leads to more and more heinous crimes.

If what you espouse is true, then what do we do with you? Clearly your muddled thinking is your own cry for help, perhaps we should do an intervention before you incubate more killers.

Your brand of psychology is an attack on the millions of people who have overcome all sorts of human on human cruelty, it happens every day Dr. Wade, and they don't run out and rape little girls -if you can take time out of your plastic surgeon's office long enough you'd notice"

I am looking for her email to send her this. Otherwise she can read it here.
does anyone have a transcript of this show? i didn't realize Sandra's mother was to be interviewed and i was working so i couldn't have watched anyway. i tried the almighty google but all i got was the dr. phil website and i think you have buy it. i'm not buying dr. phil, but i would really like to hear what Maria had to say. tia if anyone can help...
In response to Sweetie PI's post.....there is not one way in heck I would EVER consider what MH ("allegedly") has done to poor Sandra Cantu an "acting out" or a "cry for help". BULL!!!!

I did not see the show so cannot comment on it but if what I am understanding is correct....and some psychologists are saying MH's actions were a cry for help for something done to her in the past?? NO, NO, NO, I don't buy it. I don't recall anyone raping and KILLING MH as she is still here! And just to imply that a victim will cry for help/act out what happened to them as if that is a REASON for what they did, NO! Unless you're a sociopath, you wouldn't want to victimize someone the way you were.

NOTHING explains or justifies MH's actions in any way to me except she's a evil woman who committed a vile and evil, inexcusable, heinous act upon a sweet and innocent child victim. :furious: and just to make point again: :furious: !
I, too, don't even want to hear the bleeding-heart shrinks talking about a cry for help. Sounds like a euphamism for a cry for committment to a mental hospital. Yes, her family should have seen the signs.. the signs of a sociopath and psycho. They should have taken it to court to have her committed. Then she could have been no harm to others.

But now we will all have to sit through this trial, where excuse after excuse will come up, and MH will never take responsibility. If I have to hear about her being molested, I think I will scream. MILLIONS of women in the WORLD are molested... some of them, by multiple offenders, over many years. In some foreign countries, little children are traded like commodities. So how many of these MILLIONS go on to kidnap, rape, and murder a little girl???? MH is one of a kind... a true sociopathic, narcissistic, psychopath, and she really be best off with the DP. She serves NO purpose in society, and should never re-enter it. JMO.

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