Caylee Anthony 2 years old #11-General Discussion

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I can't imagine Casey would not be talking if others were involved in the disappearance of Caylee, someone may have helped in the cover up of what happened but I think she is responsible for Caylle death.
It seems to me that the police aren't bothering to talk to Casey (as her atty complains) because 1. they know she is a compulsive liar, and 2. they are busy conducting their own investigation. I think they must be checking out the Olveida (?) house, for example. Despite what Baez says, "finding Caylee" and "prosecuting Casey" are going to be one and the same. And Casey is proving useless in the former. Investigate, gather the evidence re; Casey, and you'll have your answers. No one needs Casey's "input," thank you.
Just saw the piece on the Today Show. What is this that shows GP moving out of the house? The narrator said he was leaving to aid the search (or st to that effect). He also was shown saying "We are very very close (to a resolution). That's all that I can say." What's going on here? Why is he moving out (I have my own thoughts about that!)

I don't get the Today show for another 20 this new? should I watch?
It seems to me that the police aren't bothering to talk to Casey (as her atty complains) because 1. they know she is a compulsive liar, and 2. they are busy conducting their own investigation. I think they must be checking out the Olveida (?) house, for example. Despite what Baez says, "finding Caylee" and "prosecuting Casey" are going to be one and the same. And Casey is proving useless in the former. Investigate, gather the evidence re; Casey, and you'll have your answers. No one needs Casey's "input," thank you.

Agreed I watched Baez last night and he knows that Casey is responsible, he is just trying to save her azz, I would love to know what Casey's answer was when the police asked her when is the last day you say Caylee.
Yes - just let us know if you think the same thing...It's a quick story by Meredith Viera. followed by short interview with GM and Baez. Nothing new in the latter, but watch the footage on GP.....interesting......
Yes - just let us know if you think the same thing...It's a quick story by Meredith Viera. followed by short interview with GM and Baez. Nothing new in the latter, but watch the footage on GP.....interesting......
OK, off to watch TV.
I am watching now on GMA....grandma is a head-case. Says she has a new tip in Corneilia Georgia. I live in GA and will check on it. Funny how grandma keeps focusing on these tips and keeps the public's focus off of the car smell and the fact they are digging in your backyard!!!!
If she said Cornelia Georgia, that isn't too far from me. I will be interested to see how much these tips unfold. I would think that if Caylee is with a "kidnapper", she would be under lock and key at this point. Not out petting puppies in a park. Let's hope to GOD that this is true though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
isn't that what GP said Caylee called him...he's finally getting the hell out dodge??
Cindy and Bauz are talking on the Today Show now.
ok,.. I am still trying to catch up but I wanted to throw out this story I thought of last night. My heart doesn't want to think that Casey could actually murder her own daughter so I was trying to think of all these ways a babysitter could be involved and her is what I came up with. Its a little far fetched but it might have some truth in it.
Casey has been dealing drugs for money. Something happened to a LARGE amount of money or drugs. Either someone stole money or drugs from her or she spent the money or "shared" the drugs with friends for a party. This would explain why she was always at clubs. She was partying with friends and selling drugs at the same time. Well her dealer tried to get his money and she didn't have it. So SOMEHOW he got a hold of Caylee because he knows how much she means to her. For the 5 weeks she is missing, she is trying to come up with the money to give to her dealer. And that's why she wouldn't go to the police or her mother. She would be in trouble for selling drugs. In her mind she thinks she can find Caylee on her own because she doesn't want to go to jail for drugs. She is 22 so she still is very immature. She steals the money and checks from Amy so she can pay off the drug dealer, plus whatever money she has taken from who knows who. Remember Lee saying that she told him that TOMORROW she could take him to see Caylee. Maybe she had all the money by then but GM got to her before she could "contact" her dealer. And of course GM would not have liked the fact that she was selling drugs.
The only thing that I could come up with about the hit on the trunk would be if a friend overdosed and she helped "move" them away from the party location with other friends. But I don't understand the smell then.

I know that this makes no sense and we all seem to know that Caylee is not with us anymore but I just had to think of a way that Casey's story could be true. IT hurts my heart to think that she is dead and its because of her mother. :(
If she was selling drugs, wouild she need to steal from everyone around her? I think she probably did drugs but didn't sell them.
It looked to me like GP was heading for Georgia with an ice chest in the back and a gun on his hip. I don't think he's moving out. Two more tips says GM and for us to picture Caylee with blond hair. They have not seen the sketch.
If she was selling drugs, wouild she need to steal from everyone around her? I think she probably did drugs but didn't sell them.

If she was taking them as well she wouldn't make a profit. I had a friend who dealt drugs when I was younger and with his profit he would just do the drugs and give the money to his dealer. Some drug dealers sell drugs to support their habit. if she was selling something that was very popular with her friends, I am sure she was doing them with them.
Sorry if this has been said already, but do you think the newfound interest with the tips in Georgia are because Jesse said in one of his myspace or facebook messages that he would be moving to Georgia?
If she said Cornelia Georgia, that isn't too far from me. I will be interested to see how much these tips unfold. I would think that if Caylee is with a "kidnapper", she would be under lock and key at this point. Not out petting puppies in a park. Let's hope to GOD that this is true though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First, to all our newbies


I too am in GA. South Met ATL. I do accounting for a trucking brokerage and we load in Cornelia/Murrayville. I have 20/25 truckers going in/out of that area. Do we have a quick link for poster already created?

I honestly, am not leaning towards her being here...but, ya neva know. We can't just sit idol, if we have an op. to help, we should.
First, to all our newbies


I too am in GA. South Met ATL. I do accounting for a trucking brokerage and we load in Cornelia/Murrayville. I have 20/25 truckers going in/out of that area. Do we have a quick link for poster already created?

I honestly, am not leaning towards her being here...but, ya neva know. We can't just sit idol, if we have an op. to help, we should.

Good morning, boss!!!
I don't think this means anything necessarily but when Cindy first went on TV didn't she say something to the effect "I thought I was here to talk about a beautiful life" which coincidently is Casey's tattoo.
Casey and Cindy remind me so much of my sister and mother. A lot of people are referring to Casey as spoiled. No way, not in the traditional sense anyway. My mother and sister, are partners in crime, they go through a lot of misery to protect each other, occasionally they may benefit one another but it's no kind of life. They use the phrase "You and Me against the world" with each other, not so much as code but as a reminder when they can't really talk that they're "there for each other".
I don't think this means anything necessarily but when Cindy first went on TV didn't she say something to the effect "I thought I was here to talk about a beautiful life" which coincidently is Casey's tattoo.
Casey and Cindy remind me so much of my sister and mother. A lot of people are referring to Casey as spoiled. No way, not in the traditional sense anyway. My mother and sister, are partners in crime, they go through a lot of misery to protect each other, occasionally they may benefit one another but it's no kind of life. They use the phrase "You and Me against the world" with each other, not so much as code but as a reminder when they can't really talk that they're "there for each other".

Must be fun for you! Perhaps you are shedding some light as to why Lee seems so removed from the rest of the family dynamics....and howdy neighbor, btw!!!
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