Chicago Tribune tracks attempted abductions


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2010
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The Trib as we call it has a very interesting, and frightening, special report about attempted child abductions in Chicago. They actually have a map of all the attempted abductions in the city and break it down into what abductions actually led to an arrest. There are hardly any, it is pretty scary. They share some of the stories and include mugshots of those that have been arrested.

I grew up in a suburb just outside of Chicago that was, and still is, very safe. I have never given it much thought but after reading this article I realize there were two instances in my childhood, in this very safe neighborhood, which I feel today were attempted abductions and definitely would have been considered so by the way the Trib says the CPD defines it.

The first one, I don't recall how old I was but I was in early grade school, about 6 or 8 - I was walking home from my bus stop just around the block by myself. A woman was parked in the street in a really dingy old car and called out to me "Hey little girl, want some candy?" and I ran home crying and screaming and my dad went to where she was parked and she was gone. I do not know if this was called into the police.

The other time, a few years later, I was riding my bike to a friends house. I noticed a car was slowly following me. I was probably 10 or so at the time but even then my hinky meter was going off - I kept my attention on the car but was pretending like I didn't notice. As soon as I turned into my friends driveway the car sped off. It was really creepy. I never told anyone about that, not sure why!
I'm very pleased that the Trib is doing this. I honestly think that the public's outrage about these crimes (and forums and advocates like WSers) are making a positive change.

Posters who live in the Chicago area; I recommend firing off a short email of thanks to the editor. It only takes a minute but really lets them know they are on the right track.

And IMO, everyone needs to pay close attention to Claudette's words. She lived in a safe area. She obviously had parents who were "present" and she still didn't tell about two separate really frightening experiences. We all wonder why, why, why children don't tell. Claudette might not even considered the reasons herself. My theory is that beloved children (especially) try desperately to protect their families from worry. Children who live in sketchier situations are terrified of upsetting the applecart. All these precious children are silenced but the toll of silence is so high.

(((Hugs to you Claudette))) for sharing that timely reminder.
I think you're right Missizzy. Looking back it probably was me trying to protect my family from worry. My mom did (and STILL does) worry a lot. Plus, my little kid brain was thinking "I'm safe and unhurt so it isn't worth letting them know" but I didn't even think about it happening to other kids.

The map, I want to add, only tracks attempted abductions from March 2008 through September 2010.

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