Cindy's BoA Checking Account

The Walgreens purchases are bothering me. KC spent $364.69 between 2/23/08 and 3/11/08. (16 days) I realize how expensive Rx are, so on the surface that amount doesn't seem too shocking. However, I don't believe KC would have forged 5 different checks .... or even ONE for a prescription. She would have asked CA for something like that. A Rx would be a genuine NEED and I just don't think KC would hesitate to ask for that money. So what on earth can you buy at Walgreens that would make sense of spending over $364 during 16 days???
I live in Orlando. I recently bought an ice pack for $30 at Walgreens which leaked so I sent my son to return it for me. He came back with cash in evidently they will accept returns purchased with a credit card and give cash back with returns.
Walgreens also sells gift cards to many other stores.
I just got around to reading the whole doc dump, and I think I figured out how Casey was cashing Cindy's checks with her own driver's license! Not only did she pre-write her DL# on the checks, but look at the signature on Casey's DL- Pg.88 of 244 on .pdf, Casey used Cindy or Shirley's signature on her DL, then uses her own on Cindy's checks so that they don't look identical!!!:doh:
On page 231 of this doc dump link:

It shows two deposits that appear to be US Treasury to Shirley Pleasa (covered but I would bet that is what it says!) but why would CA be depositing her checks???? Probably tax refund checks <----- just a guess, btw!

:waitasec::waitasec::waitasec::waitasec::waitasec: Boy for grown ups they sure don't know how to manage money! LOL

OKAY -----------------> Those are Shirley's account records! DUH!
On page 231 of this doc dump link:

It shows two deposits that appear to be US Treasury to Shirley Pleasa (covered but I would bet that is what it says!) but why would CA be depositing her checks???? Probably tax refund checks <----- just a guess, btw!

:waitasec::waitasec::waitasec::waitasec::waitasec: Boy for grown ups they sure don't know how to manage money! LOL

OKAY -----------------> Those are Shirley's account records! DUH!

Automatic Social Security and/or disability checks I would venture to quess.
Automatic Social Security and/or disability checks I would venture to quess.
Yes, just ignore my post - I thought they were CA statements till I saw the balance was much healthier on the next page -- then went back and saw this was Shirleys account!
After finally getting to read the discovery, the SPlesea emails state that George pays the utilities and his car payment with him money earned. The only utility I noted was to BrightHouse for $157 IIRC.

I also noticed Cindy's last deposit from Gentiva was 7/25/08.

BBM ~ With all due respect, the email states that George is SUPPOSED to pay the utilities and his car payment but SP tells her sister 'he can't even do that.'

I'm wondering if GA wasn't buying things at Wal-Mart because wasn't he working near the airport during that time?

Purchases at Wal-Mart:

Wal-Mart Store #(blacked out)
2-25-08 $055.34
Wal-Mart Store 7 E(blacked out)
2-25-08 $073.34

I didn't see any listings for March and April - Did I miss them?

Wal-Mart Store #089(the rest is blanked out)
5-05-08 $071.84

Wal-mart Store #1084, 3838 S. Semaron Blvd, Orlando
5-19-08 $046.68
6-03-08 $189.67
6-02-08 $211.68

Wal-Mart Supercenter Store #3782, 5991 New Goldenrod Road, Orlando (North of airport)
6-16-08 $178.48
6-23-08 $121.07
6-30-08 $122.37
7-03-08 $045.27
7-07-08 $052.29
7-14-08 $055.22

The statement says 'date posted' versus knowing for sure if that was the date the customer visited the store. Were these debit card purchases? There aren't copies of checks for Wal-Mart included with the statements.

Cindy was on vacation June 2 and 3.
Beginning in mid June, TL states that KC spent most of the time with him (would this be the convenient Wal-Mart from his place?) I remember we discussed pings near the airport before Caylee's body was found.
On June 30, KC drives TL to the airport as he goes to NY.
On July 05, KC picks TL up at the airport.
On July 15, KC picks up Amy at the airport.

On June 16, if the purchases were made that day, I wonder what time? We know KC pinged from Hopespring most of the afternoon and was supposedly sleeping there in the AM as per GA and CA. After the flurry of calls, KC went directly to TL's, video store, etc. If the purchases were made in the AM by KC, that means KC was not home as stated by GA, that is, if she is the one who made the purchases on June 16.

I'd love to see the itemized receipts.

Also I noticed that the Walgreens purchases occur in scheduled (weekly?)trips as if someone may have been picking up prescriptions. Usually peeps pick up their prescriptions monthly, but if two adults take several meds each they may pick up different ones at different times. When I pick up medicine/prescriptions at Walgreens, usually several other items get added to the cart. :blushing: If husband picks up, no extras!

Something else just occurred to me - SP told her sister that Cindy had been working hard on the yard. She said that GA poured the cement and CA layed down the pavers after they removed all the bushes from the border of the house. Could some of the charges prior and around July 4, have anything to do with that project? Home Depot on June 30 and July 7, Kmart on June 30, etc.

Didn't KC go to Ikea with WW? When was that as there's a charge for $42.12 on June 6.
<snipped to address>

Didn't KC go to Ikea with WW? When was that as there's a charge for $42.12 on June 6.

IIRC, WW said that neither he nor Casey made any purchase at Ikea that day. And I believe that was in July.
There are way too many checks there obviously signed by Casey for Cindy not to have been aware of them. And the account balance was too modest for the holder of the account not to be aware that money was going out of the account.

Some questions I have:
1.) There are numerous deductions at "Costco", sometimes two or three within a month. And these are "even money" amounts, such as $200 or $300. Gift cards? Cash withdrawals? Normal purchases don't usually come out to an even money total.
2.) There are times when Cindy's checking account gets a "cash infusion". $1200 once and $4000 if I recall correctly, another time. Where would this cash be coming from? Guesses anyone?

And I also noted that Casey told TL she has $14,000 in a savings account and, lo and behold, her grandmother happens to have $14,000 and change in her savings account!
There are way too many checks there obviously signed by Casey for Cindy not to have been aware of them. And the account balance was too modest for the holder of the account not to be aware that money was going out of the account.

Some questions I have:
1.) There are numerous deductions at "Costco", sometimes two or three within a month. And these are "even money" amounts, such as $200 or $300. Gift cards? Cash withdrawals? Normal purchases don't usually come out to an even money total.
2.) There are times when Cindy's checking account gets a "cash infusion". $1200 once and $4000 if I recall correctly, another time. Where would this cash be coming from? Guesses anyone?

And I also noted that Casey told TL she has $14,000 in a savings account and, lo and behold, her grandmother happens to have $14,000 and change in her savings account!

The $1200 was deposited on June 24. George said in all of his interviews that on June 24, he and Cindy met at the bank and deposited stimulus checks. The bank records back his statement up.

The $1200 was deposited on June 24. George said in all of his interviews that on June 24, he and Cindy met at the bank and deposited stimulus checks. The bank records back his statement up.

GA said that they sold a car and deposited $4000, then he recalls that KC was going to pay them back $4000 and the deposit slip she gave them looked "funny," like she has reused the deposit slip from the car $ deposit. He also says that when the money KC supposedly deposited did not hit their account, some checks bounced.
However, I thought this was when she was lying about working at Sports Authority, so this may be well before these records-Need to go back and figure out when GA said this happened-Will edit this post when I find it.

- 07/24/2008 interview George told OSCO there was something fishy about a $4,000 deposit ticket Casey gave her mother.
- 07/24/2008 interview George told OSCO it seemed strange, same amount ($4,000) he sold his Camry for in Aug 2006

Starts page 30, don;t see a date, but it was during Sports Authority time:
Respectfully Quoted Solace :cool2:

:clap: ITA Thank you.

You would think its their personal mantra or family motto, "what ever you do make sure to lie." To add to your examples, the one that really blows my mind is Cindy, George and Casey lying to everyone at Rick's wedding about Casey being pregnant. Here, they ask normal human beings to deny what they see right before their eyes, to ignore what all their senses tell them- including common sense: that Casey was very pregnant and standing right in front of them. And, that is what they are doing with this case: the Anthonys and JB, they want us to believe their lies and agree we all don't see the obvious. That Casey killed Caylee.

There was a kid who was a part of the friends my brother hung out with who got caught lying to everyone all the time. And, like my brother said-he would lie for no reason. My brother said, if you called him and asked what he was eating, he would lie and say he was eating pizza when he was really eating tacos. Why lie? Maybe someone who knows more about psychology can chime in, why would people lie when there is nothing to gain? Cindy's mother and brother come across as truthful people, in my opinion-so I wonder where Cindy got this from(then passing it on to Casey).

There has been the discussion of a sister(IIRC)of George's who has been described by him as "having issues" and George has said that of Casey per Richard Grund, "Casey has issues." I wonder what George's definition of issues is? A guy who (allegedly) threw his father through a plate glass window, has been suicidal, has a gambling addiction, trouble holding down a job or providing for his family, has been accused by his daughter of molestation and has (allegedly) committed adultery; think issues are?

As you said perfectly, the whole family is bizarre.


THanks Chiquita. The case is now building up again - May will be here before long. A lawyer I spoke with said she thinks it will be settled. I disagreed saying that if they plea bargain with her, KC will have to tell everything that happened to the "t" and I do not believe it is in her "sociopathic makeup" to admit anything. She believes what no one sees, no one can prove.
GA said that they sold a car and deposited $4000, then he recalls that KC was going to pay them back $4000 and the deposit slip she gave them looked "funny," like she has reused the deposit slip from the car $ deposit. He also says that when the money KC supposedly deposited did not hit their account, some checks bounced.
However, I thought this was when she was lying about working at Sports Authority, so this may be well before these records-Need to go back and figure out when GA said this happened-Will edit this post when I find it.

- 07/24/2008 interview George told OSCO there was something fishy about a $4,000 deposit ticket Casey gave her mother.
- 07/24/2008 interview George told OSCO it seemed strange, same amount ($4,000) he sold his Camry for in Aug 2006

Starts page 30, don;t see a date, but it was during Sports Authority time:

I heard that interview and with every sentence George states "you gotta be kiddin me". That is his line. Can you, in your wildest dreams ever accept a made up deposit slip. Reminds me of the odd couple where he tells his daughter "honey, you can't draw the stamp on the envelope, ask Mommy for one". Cindy had no problem with it.
THanks Chiquita. The case is now building up again - May will be here before long. A lawyer I spoke with said she thinks it will be settled. I disagreed saying that if they plea bargain with her, KC will have to tell everything that happened to the "t" and I do not believe it is in her "sociopathic makeup" to admit anything. She believes what no one sees, no one can prove.

I will be very disappointed if this does not go to trial...I don't really care if she gets life or death but I do want her to sit through the trial and be held accountable for what she has done. To allow a plea would be another win for KC, she wouldn't have to face the music...just the consequences.
I also can't believe that after all that has been spent in this investigation that anyone would even consider a plea.
In the death penalty case being decided right now in Massachusetts where the guy killed the doctor's wife and two daughters in their home, it was mentioned last week on TrueTV that shortly before the trial began the defendant's lawyer approached the prosecutors requesting a plea deal in exchange for life without parole instead of a trial with the death penalty on the table.

The prosecution said "No thank you, no deal".

It sure looks like the prosecutors have a strong case against Casey. And I don't think they have any doubts this was a premeditated murder of a helpless child. I think they are going to continue to seek the death penalty. Period.
GA said that they sold a car and deposited $4000, then he recalls that KC was going to pay them back $4000 and the deposit slip she gave them looked "funny," like she has reused the deposit slip from the car $ deposit. He also says that when the money KC supposedly deposited did not hit their account, some checks bounced.
However, I thought this was when she was lying about working at Sports Authority, so this may be well before these records-Need to go back and figure out when GA said this happened-Will edit this post when I find it.

- 07/24/2008 interview George told OSCO there was something fishy about a $4,000 deposit ticket Casey gave her mother.
- 07/24/2008 interview George told OSCO it seemed strange, same amount ($4,000) he sold his Camry for in Aug 2006

Starts page 30, don;t see a date, but it was during Sports Authority time:

Just how stupid do you (KC) have to be to deposit a fictional amount and not realize CA/GA are going to start bouncing checks in days and figure it out? Sometimes KC's actions just astound me..
I wonder what CA did about this? Anything?

During the Sports Authority time GA went to the store to check if KC actually worked there and they confirmed his suspicions - when he told CA she asked him why he was spying on KC. Astounding too!
Just how stupid do you (KC) have to be to deposit a fictional amount and not realize CA/GA are going to start bouncing checks in days and figure it out? Sometimes KC's actions just astound me..
I wonder what CA did about this? Anything?

During the Sports Authority time GA went to the store to check if KC actually worked there and they confirmed his suspicions - when he told CA she asked him why he was spying on KC. Astounding too!

KC wasn't stupid and didn't think she wouldn't ever get caught, she just didn't care. She knew they'd find out but Cindy would probably just yell at her and George would just ignore her and then she'd do it again. I think this is how it worked every time and it had been going on for years. KC was never held responsible or faced any consequences for her actions until she was arrested July 16, 2008.
In the death penalty case being decided right now in Massachusetts where the guy killed the doctor's wife and two daughters in their home, it was mentioned last week on TrueTV that shortly before the trial began the defendant's lawyer approached the prosecutors requesting a plea deal in exchange for life without parole instead of a trial with the death penalty on the table.

The prosecution said "No thank you, no deal".

It sure looks like the prosecutors have a strong case against Casey. And I don't think they have any doubts this was a premeditated murder of a helpless child. I think they are going to continue to seek the death penalty. Period.

BBM. From your mouth to God's ears....

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