CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #25

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Well for anybody that just keeps looking and can't decide I offer;

Duck test
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For the use of "the duck test" within the Wikipedia community, see Wikipedia:DUCK.
A duck.

The duck test is a humorous term for a form of inductive reasoning. This is the usual expression.

“ If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. ”

The test implies that a person can identify an unknown subject by observing that subject's habitual characteristics. It is sometimes used to counter abstruse arguments that something is not what it appears to be.

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Wishing you luck! I bet your time on here will be greatly reduced soon....LOL.....Unless you can use the computer and breastfeed/bottle at the same time :)

I was a champ at NAK (nursing at keyboard):rocker:
I don't post here anymore, but wanted to stop by for a minute to wish you the very best. God bless you and the wee one ... about to be born. Best to you and yours. <3

Thank you, Ransom. I hope you are well. :heartluv:
Maybe if MR would become involved with ER and CR together, that would put focus in a different direction. But he is not doing that. This is what makes me suspicious, along with several other things......

Thank you! If they would UNITE, it would get national attention, and get DR's face on national tv, which by the way is the point of media when a person goes missing. JMO:banghead:
I just wanted to post and let you all know that apparently this baby is too stubborn to come on her own so I am being induced on the night of the 14th (that's tomorrow night here in AUS). I'm praying that while this is happening, Dylan will be found. :please:

Good luck! I held my neighbor's new baby today (delivered on Tuesday) and oooooh that was fun. Little babies are awesome! But so are older ones. Just tucked mine in for the night. Came here to figuratively tuck in Dylan in my brains as well, I guess. Best of luck for a safe delivery!
The relationship between MR and ER seems to acrimonious for them to unite -- even to appear united in the search for their son. I'm not sure if people who have had such a contentious history can even play act any semblance of unity -- it could wind up making MR appear even more negative. If I had an ex who accused me of doing harm to my child, I'd do my best to work together but it would be difficult for me to appear -- well -- in unity with that person
I just wanted to post and let you all know that apparently this baby is too stubborn to come on her own so I am being induced on the night of the 14th (that's tomorrow night here in AUS). I'm praying that while this is happening, Dylan will be found. :please:

I was just scrolling through to see if there was anything new; I'm so glad that I saw this post! Good luck FruitTingles, I wish you all the very best. Cherish these first few days, they fly by far too quickly! Take care and make sure you get your rest. :)

On a very sad side note, Dylan has almost been missing for two months now, and we still don't know much more than we did in the beginning... but I'm still praying for Dylan's safe return every day. May he be reunited with his family soon, and may they find the strength to face this challenge until Dylan is found. :candle:
Well for anybody that just keeps looking and can't decide I offer;

Duck test

I thought this was the duck test:
Please let Dylan b e in from the cold and inclement weather tonight! It is so cold!
The relationship between MR and ER seems to acrimonious for them to unite -- even to appear united in the search for their son. I'm not sure if people who have had such a contentious history can even play act any semblance of unity -- it could wind up making MR appear even more negative. If I had an ex who accused me of doing harm to my child, I'd do my best to work together but it would be difficult for me to appear -- well -- in unity with that person

And this is exactly why I cling to the shred of hope that this child is still alive. These two adults have a contentious relationship, and its possible the child ran off to avoid dealing with them, or the father. I realize the time lapse makes this unlikely, but there is still a possibility. Let's pray this slim chance is a reality. Come home Dylan.
And this is exactly why I cling to the shred of hope that this child is still alive. These two adults have a contentious relationship, and its possible the child ran off to avoid dealing with them, or the father. I realize the time lapse makes this unlikely, but there is still a possibility. Let's pray this slim chance is a reality. Come home Dylan.

If he run off, what could he possibly do at 13 years old? He can't support himself.
I don't believe this is a possibility.
Fruit Tingles. Good luck. I hope you return soon to tell us all about it. How exciting, your baby will be here soon. Can't believe how stubborn she's been. I hope that doesn't continue.
If he run off, what could he possibly do at 13 years old? He can't support himself.
I don't believe this is a possibility.

It is not possible. At least not in a way that he would be still be okay. He only could be if he had an adult friend that no one is aware of and that too seems impossible. Kids his age are just not that good at keeping or making secret friends and plans, IMO. Besides, why would he do it? He only had to spend a matter of days with his father and then be back in CS, where he appears to have been in a good place, making friends, and starting a new life, while still staying close to,his old friends.

I think that even if Dylan was not overjoyed about missing out on the holiday at home, he was taking it in stride, knowing he could see R and others and making the best of it.

Now if had a fight with his father on Sunday night, I guess it is possible he ignored the wake-up time on purpose, determined to not even take a ride from him, say, if Dad caused his phone to be destroyed for example. And thus, possible he set off on foot,and took a "bad" ride.

Somehow, I feel that even if Dad is innocent, he may be leaving out some things that went down between father and son on Sunday night.
This case of missing Dylan is kind of interesting in that the two people in charge of his life can't come together to help LE find what happened to him.

Two warriors for going onto 8 years on the field of divorce battleground are now supposed to bury the hatchet and align with each other!

I find it particularly interesting that the very morning of Dylan's disappearance the at that time parent in charge was sitting in an attorneys office rather than spending time with him.

How ironic was that?
If he run off, what could he possibly do at 13 years old? He can't support himself.
A 13 year old may not necessarily think that. Kids tend to be rather optimistic about their chances if they go off on their own.
I've "talked" to a lot of people about this case and all of them have said that the reason they are still on the fence is because there is not any strong evidence that Mark harmed Dylan. Not with what we've got. And each one of us have stated that we aren't sure he didn't harm his son. We just can't say without a doubt that he did. There are still other possibilities of what could have happened without unequivocally stating that without a doubt Mark did something to Dylan.

I hold myself to a certain standard. One of not jumping to conclusions, one of being certain before I will go out on a limb and accuse someone of committing a heinous crime. This is serious business, these accusations that someone you don't know is capable of murder.

I know that Mark doesn't have a great relationship with his children, or his ex-wives. So I can see he's a difficult man. One that's not easy to get along with.

But all his other children were not killed by Mark. They may not have a great relationship with him but they are alive and well and from what I see, thriving. And maybe it's to no thanks from MR, but at the same time, he has not killed any of them, nor to my knowledge has he attempted to, assuming he'd be in the pokey if he had.

So without that, I can't get there, I can't get to him murdering his son.

Parents kill their children all the time. I was reading about a case this morning about parents who haven't produced their 18 month old son in 5 years, they are both blaming the other for not knowing where the child is. Bones were found in the yard of the home they lived in when that child disappeared. Odds are, one or both of the parents killed that little guy. Then we have Casey Anthony. With no thought or conscience, she walked away from her dead child without looking back. So I know what is possible.

I just haven't seen enough evidence in this case that the parent killed him. Right now, there is nothing to show he's dead at all. Nothing. No body, no clothing, no blood, no DNA, no backpack, nothing.

I've never been one to say that MR is a nice guy. I don't know the man from Adam. But I also don't know him well enough to state that he's a murderer either. JMO
A 13 year old may not necessarily think that. Kids tend to be rather optimistic about their chances if they go off on their own.

They can be dreamers. Like they are going to ride the rails, or go to spring training camp and be a pro baseball player. Or getting a job and hiding out in another town. They do have some grand ideas at 13 years old.
This case of missing Dylan is kind of interesting in that the two people in charge of his life can't come together to help LE find what happened to him.

Two warriors for going onto 8 years on the field of divorce battleground are now supposed to bury the hatchet and align with each other!

I find it particularly interesting that the very morning of Dylan's disappearance the at that time parent in charge was sitting in an attorneys office rather than spending time with him.

How ironic was that?

Even Desiree, who had the best of reasons to hate Kaine, came forward and stood by him for months, until later on when she learned some things that seemed to indicate that he should have known all was not well for Kyron at home with Kaine and his second wife. That angered her, with good reason, IMO, but she still is on his "side" due to Kyron.

I feel MR is acting very un-parent like, to say the least. Even if Dylan had not gone missing on his watch, he should, IMO, have the decency to rise above his ex wife's emotions and what he may see as harsh words, and get with the program. His refusing to talk to the public, his son, or his ex is totally making it about himself, despite his claims of wanting it to be all about Dylan.

Also, i am still not convinced that he continues to cooperate. A sentence posted earlier from an article and/or press release stated that "family members continue to cooperate..." No mention of him, and it did not say "all" family members. Could have been referring to ER and CR, for all we know.
I've "talked" to a lot of people about this case and all of them have said that the reason they are still on the fence is because there is not any strong evidence that Mark harmed Dylan. Not with what we've got. And each one of us have stated that we aren't sure he didn't harm his son. We just can't say without doubt that he did. There are still other possibilities of what could have happened without unequivocally stating that without a doubt Mark did something to Dylan.

I hold myself to a certain standard. One of not jumping to conclusions, one of being certain before I will go out on a limb and accuse someone of committing a heinous crime. This is serious business, these accusations that someone you don't know is capable of murder.

I know that Mark doesn't have a great relationship with his children, or his ex-wives. So I can see he's a difficult man. One that's not easy to get along with.

But all his other children were not killed by Mark. They may not have a great relationship wiht him but they are alive and well and from what I see, thriving. And maybe it's to no thanks from MR, but at the same time, he has not killed any of them, nor to my knowledge has he attempted to, assuming he'd be in the pokey if he had.

So without that, I can't get there, I can't get to him murdering his son.

Parents kill their children all the time. I was reading about a case this morning about parents who haven't produced their 18 month old son in 5 years, they are both blaming the other for not knowing where the child is. Bones were found in the yard of the home they lived in when that child disappeared. Odds are, one or both of the parents killed that little guy. Then we have Casey Anthony. With no thought or conscience, she walked away from her dead child without looking back. So I know what is possible.

I just haven't seen enough evidence in this case that the parent killed him. Right now, there is nothing to show he's dead at all. Nothing. No body, no clothing, no blood, no DNA, no backpack, nothing.

I've never been one to say that MR is a nice guy. I don't know the man from Adam. But I also don't know him well enough to state that he's a murderer either. JMO

I think most of us here hold ourselves to a certain standard, or else we would be on forums that are free-for-alls, with no rules.

I think Dylan has been harmed, perhaps beyond human help. i do not know if it happened at the hands of his father or not. But for me, LE 's behavior indicates a possible lack of concern with regards to a roving bad guy. This type and degree of silence from LE can mean they are watching and hoping to build a case. Since they seem unable or unwilling to rule MR out, in my mind, it is quite possible he could be their focus.

Or they could simply have no idea. Sometimes LE is not as competent as we hope, as seen in the case of Ebony Jackson, who was found murdered this week.
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