Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #53

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On the very, miniscule chance that LS is found "NGRI", LS would still go to prison, the mental health care area. And probably not be allowed out for at least 10 years or more?

Will her daughter be testifying? Did the police ever charge her?
I recently asked the same thing; someone said she is on the witness list. I have to wonder if she'll be loyal to her mother or if she's grown up and will testify against her now. I think HH's testimony could be the most damning of all. She was old enough to know what was going on in that house and she bought all the cleaning supplies and traveled with her mother to FL with poor little Gannon in a suitcase in the same vehicle.

As manipulative as her mother is, however, I kind of doubt they'll charge her with anything, but who knows?
I recently asked the same thing; someone said she is on the witness list. I have to wonder if she'll be loyal to her mother or if she's grown up and will testify against her now. I think HH's testimony could be the most damning of all. She was old enough to know what was going on in that house and she bought all the cleaning supplies and traveled with her mother to FL with poor little Gannon in a suitcase in the same vehicle.

As manipulative as her mother is, however, I kind of doubt they'll charge her with anything, but who knows?

Yes. Because I have always wondered about what HH knew, and when she knew it. Or if she had participated in injuring Gannon before she went to work.
Listening to Tolini? carry on with his thoughts are that he wants absolutely no one chosen for this jury. And furthermore, I am waiting for one of them to cut to the chase,to say " Dude! I'm sitting on top of the fence! Can't you see me? "

Secondly....he has the audacity to constantly claim Dear Gannon as a "dead innocent eleven year old kid" I cringe when he speaks.


I was thinking the same thing. If they can't seat 16 jurors, would they have to take to a bench trial?.

#Correction, 18 jurors.
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What I just heard within the instructions--
The jurors will not be deciding punishment. One potential juror was worried about being able to decide that, but there is no juror involvement in deciding the punishment.
Some people that were called for jury duty had strong opinions about crimes against children, others said they experienced abuse as a child. Many also said past news media coverage of Stauch and Gannon could impact their bias.

The investigations unit with the EPSO then used the same number Letecia called to speak with an employee of the company, who provided law enforcement with the questions Letecia allegedly selected for her polygraph along with her answers.

  • Do you intend to answer these questions regarding your stepson truthfully? (YES)
  • Is your birthday August 4, 1983? (YES)
  • Did you participate in any way in causing harm to your stepson? (NO)
  • Did your stepson return with you to your home? (YES)
  • Did you participate in any way in causing the death of your stepson? (NO)
"I submit to the court that if Letecia had nothing to hide, she would not have to pay for fake polygraph results," Det. Bethel writes in the affidavit.
Asked of potential jurors--
Does everyone have a "yellow ticket"? Okay, you're going to report here in a separate area on April 3rd. Be patient, wait out in the hallway. If a family member asks what you're doing, just tell them the Judge has instructed you not to talk about it. Potential jurors dismissed.
On the very, miniscule chance that LS is found "NGRI", LS would still go to prison, the mental health care area. And probably not be allowed out for at least 10 years or more?
Will her daughter be testifying? Did the police ever charge her?
If acquitted using NGRI, there is no set time allowance such as 10 years:

When defendants receive an acquittal by reason of insanity, the judge may commit them to the custody of the Department of Human Services or have them evaluated as an outpatient.

Acquittees who get committed go to a mental hospital such as the Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo. They remain there until if and when their condition resolves. This could be for longer than what the prison sentence would have been. Some people remain confined for life.

I don't see a chance of LS prevailing here.

For example, James Holmes -- with a long, documented history of serious mental illness, used the NGRI defense which was rejected when he was not found criminally insane per the law. He was sentenced in 2015 to life plus 3318 years in DOC without parole.

However, Holmes did not last but a couple of months in DOC before the prison transferred him to the Mental Hospital Prison Unit where he's been ever since.

ETA: I noticed that DA Alan attempted to interject the James Holmes case during juror questioning but this was protested by the defense. Nonetheless, I think his case is a good measure of how the NGRI defense more often than not fails in Colorado.
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What I just heard within the instructions--
The jurors will not be deciding punishment. One potential juror was worried about being able to decide that, but there is no juror involvement in deciding the punishment.

Yes. To my knowledge, Judges in Colorado have always determined punishment with the exception of capital punishment where a judge could not impose death without the agreement of the jurors. No longer applies here since Co was the 22nd state to abolish the death penalty.
Werner started out the day by asking every single person to state if their lives would be greatly impacted by the expected length of the trial, which made up a significant portion of the initial 75 people called in for jury selection.

Of the 75 people called to start the day, 48 indicated that being a jury member for Stauch’s trial would impact their lives.
Common reasons for people not being able to attend jury trial included the length of trial impacting their jobs, impacting their studies in college and impacting an upcoming vacation.

Some other people’s reasonings included one older woman who will be traveling to Uganda, Mongolia and the United Kingdom to teach and a younger man who indicated he is about to become a prosecutor working under Michael Allen for the 4th Judicial District. The soon-to-be prosecutor was the first person dismissed by Werner on Monday morning.

Two of the people indicated to Werner they are unavailable because they are going to the same person’s wedding in North Carolina in May.

Of all the potential jurors 15 indicated they had some sort of bias that could impact their ability to be on the jury, including three different people who stated they had family members who were killed in the past which they stated would make it difficult for them to take part in this trial.

Several more stated they already had a strong bias against Stauch based on news coverage and social media coverage of her case thus far.

Defense starts asking about potential hardships if they were to serve on the #LeteciaStauch jury. Defense attorney doesn't want jurors to experience potential hardships serving on a jury. But his 'only obligation is to that woman right there' - as he points to Letecia.

Ugh! @WS Admin can we please get a puke emoji added to the post reactions? I feel like we are gonna need one everytime Tolini opens his mouth :(
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I recently asked the same thing; someone said she is on the witness list. I have to wonder if she'll be loyal to her mother or if she's grown up and will testify against her now. I think HH's testimony could be the most damning of all. She was old enough to know what was going on in that house and she bought all the cleaning supplies and traveled with her mother to FL with poor little Gannon in a suitcase in the same vehicle.

As manipulative as her mother is, however, I kind of doubt they'll charge her with anything, but who knows?

Jurors don't like to see this. IMO, the state sees no value in bringing a daughter (raised under the influence of LS) to testify against her mother.

If this was the plan, I think HH would have already been pressured years ago by investigators when she was said to not be cooperating, and not willing to talk to investigators voluntarily. (I believe this was cited in the AA). HH could also plea the 5th if called.

This is a smart team -- don't call a witness that you don't know in advance of their response to your inquires.

If anything, I can see HH submitting an impact statement to the court prior to sentencing. MOO

ETA: From the AA...

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I hope someone can answer my questions. This jury selection seems like it can take a long time. I need to know what to expect. After all this process, say they end up with 110 potential jurors that report back on April 3rd. Then... this is the part I'm fuzzy about... does each side, defense and prosecution, get about 1/2 hr. each to question potential jurors and weed them out? That would take over two weeks! I know the Judge will move this along, but it's a tedious process. (Was today part of the process of the actual weeding out? I listened, but could only hear some of the jurors.) So, the actual trial won't start on April 3rd, but the voir dire could go on over a week or two?

This is for federal, but it seems it still might apply to the process.
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