CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, found deceased, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #56

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Wow. Seems like she was plotting all night. Moo. Texting the assistant principal in the middle of the night. Intent
I think her plan was evolving (devolving). IMO she didn't know exactly what direction she'd take her day. She was stalling for time.

Did she think none of this would come back on her?

Her step-dad dies for the second time the same day she is beaten and raped -- and her stepson goes missing.

I was going to say the only thing missing from that day -- pulling the fire alarm. But I guess she did that too.

She is chaos in pants.

Dark force. It's best not to look directly at it.


Next witness Kevin Clark, director of crime strategies and intelligence for 4th Judicial District Attorney's office.

In 2020, Clark was with Colorado Springs PD. He was asked to assist as lead analyst on the Stauch Case. He assisted with search warrants to cell phone providers for call detail records.

Clark says the number Letecia put down as a reference for Connie Huddle, is the number for Gannon Stauch's phone.

Clark will be testifying again, at least two more times, throughout the trial.

Lunch recess starting early. Back at 1:15 pm.
For some reason I thought there was no court yesterday or today! o_O Not sure how I screwed that up so badly! It's been a crazy week but not so crazy that my brain should have turned to mush...and yet here we are. ;) I'm gonna go back and read the thread but anything big happen that I missed?
For some reason I thought there was no court yesterday or today! o_O Not sure how I screwed that up so badly! It's been a crazy week but not so crazy that my brain should have turned to mush...and yet here we are. ;) I'm gonna go back and read the thread but anything big happen that I missed?
There was a CSI who examined the body and DNA tech who tried a bunch of different techniques to get a partial profile... both talked a lot about decomposition. The CSI testimony about all the stab holes in Gannon's clothing was particularly hard to hear. One girl who was a motel clerk where LS and HH stayed in Florida, very young and nervous but both sides were gentle with her. Two LE, one who has a specialty in tech who was only on the stand for five minutes but will be recalled later, and a teacher in a leadership role who had decided to hire LS before Gannon disappeared.
I think she probably did.
Ms. Hicks said it was a woman that answered and said no, she wasn't the person Ms. Hicks was trying to reach.
If it were LS that actually answered the phone, wouldn't she say something like "I can take a message for her" ??
Now I'm wondering if it was someone else in the home that answered the phone.
I'm also wondering why that wasn't questioned further.
And why she was still offered the job as a resource teacher, in charge of teaching special needs kids when her references didn't check out and her alledged doctorate wasn't even verified???
So when Ms. Hicks called the reference LS gave (the 2nd number, Gannon's phone number)... who answered the phone?
We never found out because the defense objected to the line of questioning. The prosecution said, in reply to the defense's objection, that she was not asking what was said by the person who answered, beyond saying: No, she was not Connie. The prosecutor was stifled by the judge. (At least, that's the way I took it!)
There was a CSI who examined the body and DNA tech who tried a bunch of different techniques to get a partial profile... both talked a lot about decomposition. The CSI testimony about all the stab holes in Gannon's clothing was particularly hard to hear. One girl who was a motel clerk where LS and HH stayed in Florida, very young and nervous but both sides were gentle with her. Two LE, one who has a specialty in tech who was only on the stand for five minutes but will be recalled later, and a teacher in a leadership role who had decided to hire LS before Gannon disappeared.
Thank you! Doesn't sound like I missed anything earth-shattering...thanks for the recap!
Ms. Hicks said it was a woman that answered and said no, she wasn't the person Ms. Hicks was trying to reach.
If it were LS that actually answered the phone, wouldn't she say something like "I can take a message for her" ??
Now I'm wondering if it was someone else in the home that answered the phone.
I'm also wondering why that wasn't questioned further.
And why she was still offered the job as a resource teacher, in charge of teaching special needs kids when her references didn't check out and her alledged doctorate wasn't even verified???
Me, too. Do you think it could have been HH who answered the phone? Or maybe even the little sister of Gannon?
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Thank you! Doesn't sound like I missed anything earth-shattering...thanks for the recap!
Also, the suitcase was walked around the courtroom (wrapped in plastic) and immediately removed. The blankets and clothing found with and on Gannon's body were only shown in photographs. The reason for both was the odour of decomposition was still so strong on these items it would not have been possible to have them in the courtroom for longer than they did.

The stab wounds in the clothing were notable in that they were in both the front and back. This suggests he was either moving, was turned over by his attacker, or that some of the stab wounds penetrated his body fully. Nothing known for sure, though, until Monday. I'm sure the ME will talk about the individual wounds.

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