GUILTY CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, found deceased, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #69

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Al and Landen gave the most heartbreaking impact statements I’ve ever heard. I’ve cried with them for the last half an hour or more, Al breaking down sobbing apologising to Gannon for leaving him with T is the most devestating thing I’ve ever seen. My heart is broken. Those poor families.

And then she has the nerve to smile and laugh, not 5 minutes later it’s just beyond words how vile she is!
Watching her utter lack of normal, natural facial expressions over the most gut-wrenching things leaves me to believe 100% that this woman is entirely evil.

She actually frowned when Albert mentioned that she shot Gannon point blank. She appeared indignant that he might have got that detail wrong. That's what she showed expression about.

Yep, 100% evil, no question about it.
Tolini asks for her to be imprisoned outside Colorado. Judge says he doesn't have the power to determine where she goes.

LS has nothing to say.

Judge is leaving for ten minutes, will return to sentence after that.
Thanks and also to others who heard it. Lol, I thought I was mistaken at the ridiculousness of what I thought I heard, but nope, just Letecia being her self-absorbed self.

I hope all her meals have freezer burn.
Not caught up on the thread yet, didn't come in whilst I was watching

That was heart wrenching but Landen and Al are so strong. They did Gannon proud.
I've not always been Al biggest fan, but I felt him in my soul today, and his wife's father standing up there for Laina was just beautiful.
That both Al and Landen included Harley, and Landen included Al's new son, shows the kind of people they are.
He begged her for his child's last words.
She understood what he was asking of her.
She had an opportunity, she was asked twice.

not because she decided to spare them
but because she saw it as a way of maintaining power over them. Spirit of Malice.

This was really a death penalty case and I don't know if I ever said that before, well, I did, yYZhing.
How was she able to hide this much evil and dysfunction for so long, such that people trusted her?

I hope her daughter is doing okay. Poor kid.

She was conniving and manipulative. I think she held back her true self so she could get what she wanted. The life in Alaska and Colorado was not fairy tale. Her daughter is estranged from the Stauch family and seems to be okay as far as it seemed when she testified. Gannon's sister sounds like a pistol from the impact statements. This nightmare is never over but I hope they can piece their lives together. The murderer cares for no one but herself--- once again it is about her.
Food and lodging requests while smiling. Thank goodness it is over.
Defense is requesting LS be sentenced to Women's DOC located in Pueblo and Judge refused to make a recommendation -- this is the determination by DOC and not the Court.

Actually, I believe the defense actually requested San Carlos which is the mental ward for women located in Pueblo! The nerve to suggest LS housed where NGRI inmates are sent! :mad: :mad:

... The San Carlos Correctional Facility (SCCF) is a Residential Treatment Program (RTP) designed to assess and treat incarcerated people with acute serious mental illness and intellectual and developmental disabilities.

LS will next go to Denver's Women's Correction reception for assessment and transition from jail before being sent to her last residence.

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