CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #8

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This is pure speculation on my part, but we had a 'bank robber' that lived in our neighborhood. He was a well respected retired businessman. He initially robbed banks a few hours away from here, and did not get caught. But then, perhaps out of laziness, he robbed a few local banks and was recognized by a customer in the bank.

So, it is possible, that a local perp was routinely driving out of state to hunt for prey. And for some reason he decided to commit a crime in his own neighborhood this time. Maybe he escalated so quickly that he could not control himself, if he came upon the perfect opportunity.

I usually just lurk here, but just wanted to jump in for a second because this is kind of the same thing I was thinking. I was thinking about the possibility that this monster may have committed these crimes outside of his normal surroundings in the past, to avoid being caught, but is now going for a bigger thrill by doing this in his own backyard, so to speak. He may have grown cocky and arrogant and is now showing the police what he is capable of right under their noses. All just speculation, of course, but something I have been mulling over reading these posts the last few hours.
Still thinking about meanings / symbols eg: Andrew / Alpha...

I just realized that there is a location involved called "Superior". Not sure anymore if this was the drop site area for the back pack... or how it tied in, but there is a location called "Superior".

When thinking about street names / location names etc... it could well be just one (or one more) reason they're describing the guy as organized.
Andrew---Alpha----wonder if his name is Andrew?

Maybe he wants the public to know that he's invisible in nice neighborhoods with lots of children even after a child has been abducted.
So looking at the video of the location of the body, you can see that it wasn't actually near the tree but just on the other side of the fence.

WHAT IF the perp hid her in the drain pipe, and an animal pulled her out just past the fence? Then it wasn't hidden in plain sight at all and some of the profiling goes out the door.

If it was put just past the fence, that could also be someone who meant to take the body farther, but was somehow stopped, meaning there could be someone who was traveling that road while the body was being left, and just doesn't know they saw something important. (This is not even a blip on the news in my area)

There was a RUMOR posted earlier that she had been found inside a pipe.
IF true, that would mean (to me) that he was not displaying her, wanting her to be found, etc...

Either way, I am not convinced he wanted her found easily. Need more info to form that conclusion.
I remembered this link from another poster (sorry I can't remember the name to give proper credit!) from a couple of threads back. Lots of graffiti (even named one building "Love Shack" apparently) so I would imagine the area is a hangout of sorts.

There are several photos labeled "Pittridge Park" (I know it's misspelled but you can see by the accompanying map that it's the right place) so be sure and look through them all:

Possibly he made use of one of the abandoned buildings? Then it could be that animals moved the body or whatever.

Just speculating.
The definition of Alpha on is: "the first; beginning"

Maybe he's saying this is his first murder and more are to come...?

Alpha is of Greek origin So is Andrew.
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The person might not have seen anything, or rather, there might not have been anything to see. The perp could have seen headlights coming for a long way on that road at night and had enough warning to dump everything and hurry back to his car, and a body would be hard to spot in the dark.
True, but there COULD be someone who saw something they don't know about. That's all I'm saying.

I'd like to think that there could always be someone out there who suddenly sees an account of something like this, goes "Holy car on the side of the road, Batman!" and calls LE because they realize they saw a 1994 Ford Ranger, with license plate XXXXXXXX on THAT specific night and just thought the guy was relieving himself. Doesn't happen hardly ever, but I can hope.
If it's the same guy, his mo could be the same, it's just that the bodies have not been found. And if he is dismembering the body, then maybe he has them hidden better then this one.
possibly he is responsible for abducting/killing other girls. He maybe ticked off that the other bodies haven't been found and that he's not getting enough credit/attention. This time he decided to leave the body in a more obvious place so he can get the attention. Maybe he thought the place he had left others WAS obvious enough but they just haven't been discovered so he has become more bold with his placement and clues?
Possibly he made use of one of the abandoned buildings? Then it could be that animals moved the body or whatever.

Just speculating.

That shack is one of the creepiest buildings I have ever seen. I, a grown adult, wouldn't be able to go there without being creeped out.

There is a very large "A" on the back of the shack. Alpha, Andrew...

Don't think it's connected. I don't really think I buy into the "Alpha, Andrew, Superior" stuff.

I think his drop point of the backpack and the street names are coincidental at best.
Concerning the location of Jessica's body:

At 00:08 into this video, you can see, what I belive is, the exact location of jessica's body (red circle):

And here is a screen shot:


So, IMO there is no doubt that Jessica's body was found behind the fence, and NOT in the drain pipe.

The suggestion, some posters have made, that an animal might have moved her body from the drain pipe does not work IMO because an animal would not have been able to move it pass the fence.
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