Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #10

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Sorry and sad this is happening to you, please do not despair, and consider the idea that if someone you care about opposes your opinion, and stops you from talking about your side of an issue, consider what you have negotiated. Your opinion counts.
"You have enemies? Good. That means you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." Winston Churchill

Thank you. Considering that the people online that say this stuff to me cannot put together a coherent sentence and use caps a lot in their replies, it would be silly for me to waste any time feeling bad about what they say to me. Sadly I think a lot of the more hard core fanatics are not the stereotypical old men with their guns, the worst seem to be young men. It's revealing that what really gets them going is when you mention mental health issues!

I had forgotten the Churchill quote, it sure applies to a lot of things doesn't it. God that man was something.
Thank you. Considering that the people online that say this stuff to me cannot put together a coherent sentence and use caps a lot in their replies, it would be silly for me to waste any time feeling bad about what they say to me. Sadly I think a lot of the more hard core fanatics are not the stereotypical old men with their guns, the worst seem to be young men. It's revealing that what really gets them going is when you mention mental health issues!

I had forgotten the Churchill quote, it sure applies to a lot of things doesn't it. God that man was something.

BBM. I'm noticing this trend too. I am also surprised at the number of my female friends of all ages, with and without kids, who oppose any sort of gun law reform.
Newtown Calls for Armed School Officers

“After what happened in our community, I just think we should go over and above and provide a shining example for the rest of the world and protect our kids,” said resident Donna Lorenz.
So they sided with NRA, basically... as NRA called for Armed School Protection all along...

lol .. someone wrote elsewhere on the net:

"I wonder if Piers Morgan will berate the Newtown School Board the way he has the NRA??"
Newtown Hearings Giving Way To Expedited Legislative Schedule

The Hartford Courant
7:34 p.m. EST, February 1, 2013

Four public hearings on the Newtown school massacre have generated an historic outpouring of ideas, drama and dispute. The next step for the legislative task force is to distill that information, much of it contradictory, into a bill that state legislative leaders want to pass by Feb. 28.

Read more:,0,6401937.story
Newtown parents urge more school security

Nanci G. Hutson, Published 6:18 pm, Friday, February 1, 2013

NEWTOWN -- Donna Lorenz was one of several parents who told the Board of Education Thursday night that they are pleased school and town leaders are looking to enhance school security but are concerned that planned measures are not enough.

Armed police patrols at elementary schools may seem a foreign, even unwanted, sight, but the tragedy at Sandy Hook has left many families with young children certain that times have changed, parents said. Several, including one who is an out-of-state trooper, said such protection is now critical so teachers and students don't fear for their safety.

"After what happened (the shooting of 26 children and educators on Dec. 14), we have to go above and beyond to protect our children,'' Lorenz said. Her comments came after the board voted unanimously to recommend the town assign four additional school resource officers -- armed and specially trained police officers who not only patrol but engage with students and staff throughout the school day -- to cover the town's elementary schools. School resource officers are now assigned to the district's three other schools: Reed Intermediate and both the middle and high schools.

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Newtown parents thankful for support from Ravens

The Associated Press, Posted Feb 01, 2013 @ 05:25 PM


The parents of one of the children killed in the Newtown school shooting say they appreciate the support they have been receiving from the Baltimore Ravens.

Bob and Michele Gay, who are originally from Maryland, are the parents of 7-year-old Josephine, who died in the Dec. 14 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

The devoted Ravens fans say they attended the playoff game in Baltimore against the Indianapolis Colts through the generosity of Ravens cornerback Chris Johnson. The team also hung a memorial banner for their daughter and gave pins to their employees with Josephine's name.

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Piers Morgan Hassles Sheriff Who Encourages Citizens to Arm Themselves

By Matt Hadro | January 30, 2013 | 12:42

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Chelsea Handler Tells Piers Morgan 'You Can Suck My A--!'

By Noel Sheppard | January 31, 2013 | 11:04

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CNN's Piers Morgan had a rather vulgar exchange with E! Entertainment's Chelsea Handler Wednesday night.

“I’m not pretending to be a great interviewer,” Handler said. “I'm not even pretending to be good at my job.”

“Both things clearly apparent today, but I can help you,” Morgan pompously declared.

“You can suck my *advertiser censored*,” replied Handler.

After some laughter, Morgan said, “Funny now, that was exactly what I was going to suggest.”

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Piers Morgan Pushes Gun Control on The Tonight Show

By Matt Hadro | February 01, 2013 | 16:20

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Mass media is telling us that Mrs. Nancy Lanza died on 13 Dec 2012
and that her son Adam Lanza committed suicide on 14 Dec 2012.

rachaellouise quote> "Has there been anymore word on the fact Adam Lanza was certified as dead the day before the shooting?"

Okay, yeah, from everything I could find online, this rumor, which from what I could tell is completely unfounded, is part of the absurd conspiracy theories flying around. With that, I'm dismissing that entire idea. The story doesn't ring true, the "screen shots" of the SSDI listing could easily have been doctored--in short, I call shenanigans!

This webpage above links to 6 subscription places where you can see the SSDI records.
I have checked 2 of them & both say that Adam LANZA died @20yrs on 13 Dec 2012.
The 2 that I checked were GenealogyBank and
So that eliminates any question about a doctored image.

I have also checked the same 2 places for the death of his mother
Mrs. Nancy Lanza and her death date is given as 14 Dec 2012.

So the dates on the SSDI records are opposite to what the journalists are telling us.
While it is a fact that the Social Security Death Index lists his date of death as certified 12/13/2012, it also has other errors, such as listing the state issuing the certificate as NH, when we know the autopsy was conducted in CT, and therefore the death cert would have been signed there as well. It simply a typo.

The SSDI has errors on many other individuals, as well. My stepfather, who died between August 30 and September 4th of 2008 is listed in the SSDI as certified dead on 9/14/2008. That's the date his body was found, but was most definitely not the date he died. Once again, just a typo or a crossed wire somewhere between the issuing agency and the person entering the info into SSDI.

I wouldn't read anything at all into it except that someone made a mistake. It isn't the official record, keep that in mind.

These comments were made by someone who has NO familioarity with the
Social Security Death Index (SSDI).

1st ... The mention of New Hampshire on Adam Lanza's SSDI record has NOTHING to do with his death.
That refers to the state where the social security number was ISSUED ... and
Adam Lanza was born in Kingston, New Hampshire before his parents moved the family to Connecticut.

2nd ... Whenever there is uncertainty concerning a death date (such as in a suicide when the
deceased was all alone and the death could have occurred over a few days time) instead of guessing,
it is the accepted policy of medical professionals and law enforcement and government officials and the SSDI to ALWAYS to list the death according to the date the dead body was found as there is certainty attached to that date.
This is WHY having armed security is in schools, public buildings is more important now than ever...Great job by the officer

A student opened fire at an Atlanta middle school on Thursday afternoon, wounding a 14-year-old in the neck before an armed officer working there was able to wrest the gun away, the police said. Multiple shots were fired in the courtyard of Price Middle School, just south of downtown, about 1:50 p.m., Police Chief George Turner said. The boy who was wounded was taken “alert, conscious and breathing” to Grady Memorial Hospital, a police spokesman said. Hospital officials said the boy had been discharged by Thursday night. The police said charges were pending against the boy who opened fire. Investigators said that they believed it was not a random shooting and that the 14-year-old was the target
So the dates on the SSDI records are opposite to what the journalists are telling us.

Here is a link to the obituary of Mrs. Nancy Lanza which states that she died on 14 Dec 2012 ...

The estates of Mrs. Nancy LANZA & her son Adam are being administered by the surviving son Ryan
& his father Peter who obtained physical possession of their property on Christmas Day 2012.
In order to do so, the court would have to have seen the death certificates.
If there was any error on those documents, then the court would NOT have proceeded.
Here is a link to an aritcle about a court descision regarding the Lanza estates ...

Here are links to the SSDI transcriptions for the Lanzas ...

Here is a link to an article that includes a SSDI screen capture for Adam Lanza ...

The SSDI is based on the death certificate which has been attested to by professionals
... typically a doctor or medical examiner (coroner) who have personally examined the deceased.
This is evidence that WOULD be admitted in a court of law.

In this particular case where there have been over 20 deaths on the same day, it is my opinion
that it would be very unlikely for the coroner to have made a mistake with the date of death.
This is a very high profile case and With all the internet talk about this date mistake,
my opinion is that it would be corrected pretty quickly.

We all know that one time mistakes can happen, but this is one of the biggest recent stories
and it is my opinion that such a simple mistake would have been caught by the cornoner or
the secretary typing up the death certificate or one of the law enforcement officials
when they put the death certificate into their files.
Mass media is telling us that Mrs. Nancy Lanza died on 13 Dec 2012
and that her son Adam Lanza committed suicide on 14 Dec 2012.

rachaellouise quote> "Has there been anymore word on the fact Adam Lanza was certified as dead the day before the shooting?"

This webpage above links to 6 subscription places where you can see the SSDI records.
I have checked 2 of them & both say that Adam LANZA died @20yrs on 13 Dec 2012.
The 2 that I checked were GenealogyBank and
So that eliminates any question about a doctored image.

I have also checked the same 2 places for the death of his mother
Mrs. Nancy Lanza and her death date is given as 14 Dec 2012.

So the dates on the SSDI records are opposite to what the journalists are telling us.

Can we cut to the chase on this question?

What are you implying about the death of Adam Lanza?
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