Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen-#2

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Matthew Keys @TheMatthewKeys
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow: Law enforcement says Connecticut school shooter carrying "hundreds of rounds of ammunition"
I believe we will find out that AL used his mothers credit card. Assault Rifles are not typical weapons purchased by women. Then again, if she bought them what does that tell us about her. What was she so afraid of....?

They werent assault weapons.

One was a .223 which is a standard semi-automatic used mostly for hunting and it was left in the vehicle and never used.

The others were just handguns. A Sig and a Glock iirc.

I am a woman and I own 5 deer rifles and three which is a Glock.

no misinformation has been " chosen" to be given to the public imhoo.. I am watching this live right now and see the reporter trying not to cry his eyes out..

this is an evolving situation. that is all.
He wasn't there in the woods. R was in Hoboken, NJ, and learned of what was going on when LE arrived to take him into custody for questioning. He is not a suspect and Le believes they have the person responsible, per LE reports.

Everything you said is correct but one small correction. I think that RL learned about the tragedy just before he arrived home and was taken in. Because he posted on his twitter page and said incredulously " I am not a killer, I am on the bus home from work, WTH?'

So I don't even think he knew it was his brother that did this. He probably thought it was someone else named RL.
A Gunman, Recalled as Intelligent and Shy, Who Left Few Footprints in Life

He carried a black briefcase to his 10th-grade honors English class, and sat near the door so he could readily slip in and out. When called upon, he was intelligent, but nervous and fidgety, spitting his words out, as if having to speak up were painful.

In his brief adulthood, Mr. Lanza had left few footprints, electronic or otherwise. He apparently had no Facebook page, unlike his older brother, Ryan, a Hoboken, N.J., resident who for several hours on Friday was misidentified in news reports as the perpetrator of the massacre.

Adam Lanza did not even appear in his high school yearbook, that of the class of 2010. His spot on the page said, “Camera shy.” Others who graduated that year said they did not believe he had finished school.

Matt Baier, now a junior at the University of Connecticut, and other high school classmates recalled how deeply uncomfortable Mr. Lanza was in social situations.

Several said in separate interviews that it was their understanding that he had a developmental disorder. They said they had been told that the disorder was Asperger syndrome, which is considered to be a high functioning form of autism.

“It’s not like people picked on him for it,” Mr. Baier said. “From what I saw, people just let him be and that was that.”
I disagree.. they are trying to get information to a nation.. no a world.. as this horror unfolds.

there will be errors along the way.

The reporters I am watching now live are so viscerally effected and affected by this. Everyone is. I am not sure how else to classify this other than another 9/11 type tragedy where the info develops and changes. It has nothing to do with the reporting imhoo.

And may God be with these reporters who are so obviously affected by this story. I see many right now as I am watching live that can hardly form a sentence.

This affects us all..

I agree. It's always like this but as time goes on the facts begin to solidify.

Just takes patience. It is still very soon. JMHO
Anyone and everyone on twitter with the name RL seems to be being harassed. I wish people wouldn't do that!
It's not about the guns, since the same thing happened today in China, just with a knife. They were five year olds. If he wanted to, he could have taken them out with his bare hands.

Even if it was the guns, who cares, at this point? In this case, right now, 18 little bodies are lying in a classroom, still waiting to be identified positively and laid to rest. There are Christmas trees all over that community with gifts under them that were lovingly picked and wrapped for children that will never open them. There are parents struggling to explain to older siblings and younger siblings, grandparents, and themselves what happened today and why it can never be undone.

More guns, fewer guns, more video games, fewer video games, less TV violence, more TV violence...none of these things matter to a mentally ill person that is set on violence. If he was going to kill 20 kids today, he would have done it with a butter knife if that was his only option. The only thing that could have stopped it was proactive measures from the school and proactive measures fro the mental health community.

MOO, but can we at least let their bodies cool before we start in with blaming the guns and TV and video games?

In China, not one child died in the most recent attack.
A spate of attacks on schools in China began in March 2010 and carried on into 2011. Given the recent attacks in Guangxi and and Henan this year, I think it's fair to say the 'spree' has continued. However, in all those attacks, knives or other edged-weapons were used. As Andrew Sullivan points out, there were a total of 21 fatalities in all of the Chinese attacks over a two year period (24 if you include the attacks in 2012). The recent shooting in Newtown, Connecticut alone left at least 27 people dead.
That's the difference.

I don't believe in outlawing guns and certainly don't believe even if we took every gun away from every American would stop violence. But we need to address this problem and not pretend it doesn't exist.
Anyone and everyone on twitter with the name RL seems to be being harassed. I wish people wouldn't do that!

People just jump to conclusions too fast.

They need to be sure who the person is first before they go off on someone that may be totally innocent.

Times, they are a changin, Beyond Belief..

Duck and Cover (1951) - YouTube

Oh my. THANKS isn't enough! That was what I was subjected to, as a child. Can you imagine? If you see something that looks like distant lightening, hit the ground, go into the fetal position, and hold your head. Can we all agree that will NOT save you from being harmed by an ATOMIC BOMB?? Jumping off your bike and laying in the curb until an older person comes to grab you isn't a good strategy. :(
In his twisted mind, knowing that he had mental health issues, and these small children did not?
Maybe, Mom, talked about her wonderful students, and he took it as a slap to him, that these kids were good /perfect, and he wasn't?
I can find no other reason, why he would kill his Mother, then drive to the school and kill her students.
So many unanswered questions. I hope LE finds something from the internet, or a journal, that he kept.
If only to be able to identify someone that might become an imminent danger to others.

If, as it is being reported, Mom, bought these guns, knowing that her son was unstable, I am crazy curious as to Why???

Ok, Fox news is reporting the mother was killed off campus at her home. Why on earth would this guy kill her, then go to the school and kill all the kids? Pure Evil is the only reason I can think of.

It made a little more sense when it was reported that his mother was a teacher and he went to the school to specifically target and kill her, but then killed the kids as well, which will never make sense.

If he had a problem with his mother, why on earth couldn't he just stop after killing her?
Problem is....some don't want to be anything, they don't want to do anything. I guess we can thank Dr. Spock and his "don't spank your children" garbage for that.

I'm sorry but I really get sick of the "children aren't being spanked" bull****. The majority of children ARE spanked. If anything, spanking teaches children that violence to solve problems is A.O.K.

Please, go ask murderers and criminals if they were spanked and report back to me. I can guarantee they were.

As someone who doesn't spank my children and has very sweet, polite, well-adjusted children, I take great offence to people telling me I should be physically assaulting them or I'm not doing enough as a parent.
They werent assault weapons.

One was a .223 which is a standard semi-automatic used mostly for hunting and it was left in the vehicle and never used.

The others were just handguns. A Sig and a Glock iirc.

I am a woman and I own 5 deer rifles and three which is a Glock.


Here is an article.. They do not have the make of the .223 but they describe it as a civilian grade assault weapon. Similar to the AR-17. basically, a weapon used by the military. The DC Sniper used a Bushmaster .223
In China, not one child died in the most recent attack.

That's the difference.

I don't believe in outlawing guns and certainly don't believe even if we took every gun away from every American would stop violence. But we need to address this problem and not pretend it doesn't exist.

I read tonight that all teachers in Israel are armed and have been armed for years.

My heart bleeds for the victim's families, the innocent victims, the children and the community. May they have the strength to get through this terrible tragedy. There are no words to describe the agony in my heart.

I know. I have had a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes since I found out at lunch. It is incomprehensible.

Thanks, Pen. yes, I stepped away as soon as my DS came home. He's 15 and knows what happened. He didn't want to talkk about it, but I could see the fear on his face. I hope he wants to talk about it soon, because he needs to be prepared, and I certainly don't think his high school is.

His band room is the first room off the unsecured main entrance, and usually has over 100 kids in it. The front door is always open, as the kids use it as a hang out, practice room, etc. There are 2 exits - one into the main hallway, and 1 outside (lunchroom hallway). It's a prime target. Unfortunately, even if all kids tried to get out the other entrance (if a gunman entered one entrance), they would bottleneck. Frightening, as there are no hiding places.

The classrooms, otoh, are pretty secure (mostly bungalows that lock) but windows could be easily broken into.

I think I need to have a chat with the principal about this, but know I will most likely be ignored. Ughhhh!

My thoughts are with the precious children tonight, and for the future safety of our own. May God be with us.



Mel, you put your concerns in writing to the principal. Talk to him or her in person and follow it up with an e-mail. Then they will know that if they fail to act and something happens, there is record of at least one parent warning the school of the danger. That warning could open them up to serious liability if they fail to even look into it. If you can get other parents to sign the email, even better.

Problem is....some don't want to be anything, they don't want to do anything. I guess we can thank Dr. Spock and his "don't spank your children" garbage for that.

The lack of corporal punishment has zero to do with what evil happened today. The vast majority of criminals in our nations prisons were spanked, whooped, whipped etc. Please.
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