Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #6

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Maybe I am in the dark, but what are these preppers prepping for? Can these groups of preppers be considered some form of a cult?

It is mostly about survival during a catastrophe to an extreme degree.


The Experts

Yet both men’s contrasting training, experience, and skills complement one another when it comes to advising people on how to systematically prepare to survive cataclysmic disasters, ranging from devastating hurricanes to more protracted crises, such as a massive electromagnetic attack that might wreak havoc upon our technological infrastructure, paralyze government and cause the collapse of order.

Beyond that, Hunt and Kobler seem to share a common philosophy. While many in the prepper subculture seem fixated upon conspiracy theories that predict very specific scenarios for upheaval, neither man seems inclined toward such gloomy predictions. Instead, they preach the importance of flexible preparedness that would enable people to survive a broad range of challenges--from the short-term disruptions frequently caused by weather, to so-called “black swan” events, the rare cataclysmic extremes that may catch a society off guard because they seem so unlikely.
Interesting that a judge ordered that NL would be the one who made final decisions regarding the upbringing of AL. WoW! I think this speaks volumes as to why the dad might not have had contact in 2 years.

In light of references to the bodies of NL and AL not being claimed, DH and I discussed last night the possibility that AL might have been named Executor of NL's Estate. She was awarded custody in the divorce settlement and was essentially in charge of her younger son's life. If NL spent most of her time keeping an eye on AL's behavior, she probably had limited, if any, contact with RL and, presumably, no contact with her ex. NL might have appointed AL to be her Executor (with specific supervision by a an attorney, bank, etc.). :moo:
Maybe I am in the dark, but what are these preppers prepping for? Can these groups of preppers be considered some form of a cult?

I can only speak for my family member and it was truly mental illness.

Now there is a very smart and reasonable way to prepare for power outages, water main breaks, etc....but it is not usually because some "world event" will cause the disruption. KWIM?
I am mostly a lurker here, love the work you people at WS due - outstanding and always up-to-date.

I keep reading like everyone else, sick of heart, and wanting to know what drove this "shooter" to do such a thing. I just read that he wasn't on any medication they think and I have to ask myself "Where is his father in all this"? Shouldn't his father be able to give some in-sight. I know they were divorced, but did he spend anytime with his son?

His father is/has spoken to police and the FBI. He doesn't owe the press any interview or release of personal information.
In light of references to the bodies of NL and AL not being claimed, DH and I discussed last night the possibility that AL might have been named Executor of NL's Estate. She was awarded custody in the divorce settlement and was essentially in charge of her younger son's life. If NL spent most of her time keeping an eye on AL's behavior, she probably had limited, if any, contact with RL and, presumably, no contact with her ex, NL might have appointed AL to be her Executor. :moo:

Maybe there isn't a will and therefore no executor of her estate.
Maybe I am in the dark, but what are these preppers prepping for? Can these groups of preppers be considered some form of a cult?

If all else fails, these are people that are ready, so to speak. I knew a guy that had his neighborhood mapped out. He even had tablets that would allow him to make his neighbors pool water drinkable. Some people do plan ahead.
Maybe there isn't a will and therefore no executor of her estate.

I can't imagine a woman who owned a large, expensive home and received substantial alimony wouldn't have a Will. It seems from reports that NL was detailed and meticulous with her affairs. :moo:
It's just a little sad that there are thousands of popular video games that deal with killing and shooting and destroying and practically none that I can think of that you can win by displaying altruistic, prosocial behaviors, cooperating with others to help people in need and being considerate of others.

In my offline life one of my research projects involves being part of a team that investigates the roles of empathy, altruism and citizenship in a variety of immersive experiences, including video games. One problem with heavy gamers is what we call "psychological parity" between online and actual worlds -- experimental data and standard self-report alike suggest that some gamers with some games can find it difficult to separate role-identities and behaviours from world to world, and this is can have some troubling consequences. Again, rarely in both cases.

There is a genre known as "serious gaming," with titles like Darfur is Dying and the many areas of Better World Island in Second Life. These sorts of experiences focus on different incentives for players -- you can find and play it for free, and many have.

The good news is that they can work very well -- the bad news is that they're not as a genre particularly well-made or marketed. But that may change.

Maybe I am in the dark, but what are these preppers prepping for? Can these groups of preppers be considered some form of a cult?

Everyone has explained well.

Think of the apocalyptic films, like "Escape from New York", "Mad Max", "Soylent Green", "Water World". Those are what people believe they are preparing for.

A list of films to help see what they are thinking:

List of apocalyptic films - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
CNN just said that nothing will be reported about the bodies being released
until after they are buried per the family's request...
Biblical "end times," economic collapse, paranoid conspiracies, stray meteorites, Mayan "prophecies," that sort of thing.

It has been said that hers was regarding financial collapse, not religion.

We do not have a sustainable food supply in the US. It's theoretically possible that if we were to hit economic collapse, there would be food and clean water shortages- in part because humans have lost touch with how to get these things from the land. If that were to happen, robbery and pillaging would likely ensue.

It's not as crazy as it sounds when it's not based on dooms day predictions.
Regarding the prior posts about the spanking/child abuse topic that was discussed on the last thread.
No posts were removed from the other thread regarding the spanking discussion.

All posts were removed after the request to stop was posted; regardless of content or position.
SOP and I would appreciate those that want to inquire- especially in an accusatory way that thing are done unfairly- please do it privately rather than on the board.
thanks very much- we try not to remove posts but still move the conversation forward.
Interesting that a judge ordered that NL would be the one who made final decisions regarding the upbringing of AL. WoW! I think this speaks volumes as to why the dad might not have had contact in 2 years.

All that suggests to me is that the parents didn't agree on how to best care for the teen but the dad had decided not to engage in a court battle over it.

There was a quote in the previous thread saying that the killer took the divorce hard and refused all contact with his father after the divorce although the father was trying. So I don't imagine that he knows much about what was going on very recently.

I wonder if the smashing of the hard drives was symbolic somehow. He didn't go quite as far as throw away the pieces in an unrelated dumpster or a ditch or a bush somewhere; that would have made almost 100% certain that the police never find the pieces, let alone dig up any information on those destroyed hard drives.

Last night on NG Rita Cosby(Crosby?) was on live in front of Mothers home, she was stating that the hard drive was reported earlier to have been destroyed, when in fact it was not.......

Havent read much today, was wondering if there has been any offically notification of the condition yet. But then again with todays technology they have other ways of getting the info may take more time though.
I can't imagine a woman who owned a large, expensive home and received substantial alimony wouldn't have a Will. It seems from reports that NL was detailed and meticulous with her affairs. :moo:

Plus she was so involved in the care of AL that I too would bet she had a Will in case something happened to her to ensure that he was taken care of.
I can't imagine a woman who owned a large, expensive home and received substantial alimony wouldn't have a Will. It seems from reports that NL was detailed and meticulous with her affairs. :moo:

ITA. However there are a lot of people out there who just never get around to it.
If he physically opened the hard drives and destroyed the platters (disks themselves) it will be nearly impossible to obtain data from them. If he damaged the drive without opening it up the data MAY be salvageable depending on how he damaged it. If he was "into" computers he could have sanitized the hard drives then physically smashed them which would render any data stored on it unrecoverable.

BUT...keep in mind - that our Internet history "lives" on more than just our computers hard drives....

Vance said sorting through the amount of forensic evidence recovered from the home, where Lanza killed his mother Nancy before going to the school, will be a “painstaking process.” The computer “appeared to have been badly damaged with a hammer or screwdriver.”

I expect that he knew to damage the drives internally.

Along with a search history and any indicators Lanza may have given over social media, the FBI hoped to find out who the killer corresponded with online. At this time it’s unclear if or when they’ll be able to do so.
Biblical "end times," economic collapse, paranoid conspiracies, stray meteorites, Mayan "prophecies," that sort of thing.

You forgot the Zombie Apocalypse. :)
ITA. However there are a lot of people out there who just never get around to it.

Because like myself, we think we are going to live forever. We dont like to think of dying. I only have 1-child and times like this makes me say okay I need to get my will done. But I will let it slip by again. :banghead:

I dont think this is the case here though.
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