Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #9

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I have a friend who has gone to college for law enforcement, psychology and is
a parole officer.
He said that allot of officers relate 4 shots to mothers face as a sexual assault.
Any others weight in on this????
Just opinion of a friend

Interesting thought. I think he shot her out of pure rage.
At this point we don't know what she did or didn't do.

Unless I missed something. I admit I haven't read every post/article on this.

It appears he lived in the basement at age 20 playing video games. No job. No school.

That is a couple years past high school graduation , but in his case he graduated younger.

I don't know about others, but letting someone of that age sit at home is a bad idea. I don't know of anyone who think a parent is doing the child a service by allowing this kind of behavior for many many months
It appears he lived in the basement at age 20 playing video games. No job. No school.

That is a couple years past high school graduation , but in his case he graduated younger.

I don't know about others, but letting someone of that age sit at home is a bad idea. I don't know of anyone who think a parent is doing the child a service by allowing this kind of behavior for many many months

But if your 'child' has mental health issues, and has OCD and various other disorders, then there is not a lot anyone can do to change their daily behaviors.

My brother used to lock himself into his bedroom, and would not come out when anyone else was inside the home. He would use a makeshift bathroom inside his room rather than coming out if anyone else was home.

If he did ever come face to face with someone he would look down and run past them, quickly. But when my mom would get a medical professional to come into the home and assess him, he would muster all of his strength together, and 'act' normal. He passed several assessments by pretending to be just fine. Then when alone with us again, he would scream and rant and cry, and say that the voices ' kept quiet' for him as a favor, because ' they knew' we were trying to put him away. He thought our older brother was a plant by the CIA, who was trying to have him shipped off to China.

So when I read posts saying that Nancy shouldn't have ' let him sit in the basement' it upsets me. When a grown man decides for himself that he is going to withdraw and isolate himself, there is not a lot his mommy can do about it.

If he was sane and rational, she could kick him out for being lazy. But if he has mental health issues, you cannot do that. As a caregiver, you are stuck.

ETA: Basically we were told that our options were limited, until and unless my brother harmed himself or someone else or committed a crime. If so, we could have him committed or arrested. OTHERWISE, we could not force him to seek or accept treatment. NOR could we kick him out on the street, because he could not care for himself. AND THAT IS WHAT NANCY L. WAS FACING TOO, IMO.
For people who like photographs as much as I do, this is an interesting article:

The Story Behind the Iconic Photograph from Sandy Hook

Read more:

"At 9:59 last Friday morning, Shannon Hicks pulled her 2006 Jeep Wrangler off the road just outside Sandy Hook Elementary school. As associate editor and photographer for Newtown, Connecticut’s local paper, The Newtown Bee, she was responding to a radio dispatch heard over a local police scanner.

“I thought it was going to be a false alarm,” Hicks tells TIME, remembering the call last week. Gunshots fired inside an elementary school? No. Not here, she thought.

But as she pulled up to the school, what she saw and heard removed all doubt.

“Parents just started yelling their children’s names,” remembers Hicks, careful to grab her camera off the passenger seat as she climbed out of her vehicle and into the chaos of the scene."

We do have knowledge that Adam was withdrawn from school and home schooled.

Yes - but we don't have knowledge as to why he was withdrawn from school & homeschooled, other than a media report that stated that NL disagreed with a school board decision or something along those lines. Furthermore, AL went on to college after that, and seemed to have done well academically during his time @ Western CT University, so the homeschooling point is moot, IMO.

We do have knowledge that Adam had not spoken to either his father or brother in two years.

Cutting off contact with a family member is not a predictor of future violent behavior.

We do have knowledge that Adam was withdrawn socially

I think the key here is whether or not he was socially withdrawn due to Asperger's Syndrome, or some other affliction as yet unknown to the public.

had knowledge of and knew how to use his mother's arsenal of weapons, played violent video games and spent much time alone in the basement.

I agree that it's not healthy for anyone to spend the majority of their time in isolation, whether they're playing video games (violent or otherwise) or reading, or doing crossword puzzles, regardless of their circumstances. Isolation is not conducive to mental health.

Regarding the firearms: if it turns out that he'd been diagnosed with a mental illness, or if it turns out that he'd acted out violently in the past, then I'll be the first to say that it was a recipe for disaster. Unless & until we hear that AL was in fact mentally ill and/or violent in the past, I'll reserve judgment regarding the weapons in the home (which, btw, were purported to have been locked up when not in use @ the shooting range).

In hindsight, it's easy to point to these things and declare "Aha!!!" I've been guilty of doing that exact thing as I've followed this case. However, as I've calmed down and tried to be more objective, I've decided that these factors may or may not have had any significant bearing on AL's decision to murder 27 people.

We do know that his mother told a babysitter to never turn his back to Adam. We do know that his mother told friends that the situation was deteriorating.

I highly doubt that NL told the sitter not to turn his back on AL because she believed that AL would do harm to the sitter. It's been reported that AL had a pain insensitivity disorder (CIPA?). I think this was more than likely why she advised the sitter to pay close attention - to protect AL from potentially harming himself.

IMO, the triggering event for AL's homicidal rampage was the likelihood that his living arrangements were on the verge of changing. NL had been looking into placing him in a residential facility.
You are assuming Adam was treated by a professional. And the fact is that a mentally disturbed person who played violent video games DID massacre a large group of people. How many such attacks is it going to take to convince you that mentally disturbed people should not engage in violent hobbies?

While there may be a lot of men playing Call of Duty, I doubt they are unemployed and isolated in Mommy's basement. There are pretty clear signs but one has to open their eyes to see them or open the front door so others can see them.


Nevermind the video games, why on earth should he have had access to the weapons that he did?
Claim seeks $100 million for child survivor of Connecticut school shooting

A $100 million claim on behalf of a 6-year-old survivor is the first legal action to come out of the Connecticut school shooting that left 26 children and adults dead two weeks ago.

The unidentified client, referred to as Jill Doe, heard "cursing, screaming, and shooting" over the school intercom when the gunman, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, opened fire, according to the claim filed by New Haven-based attorney Irv Pinsky.

"As a consequence, the ... child has sustained emotional and psychological trauma and injury, the nature and extent of which are yet to be determined," the claim said.

Pinsky said he filed a claim on Thursday with state Claims Commissioner J. Paul Vance Jr., whose office must give permission before a lawsuit can be filed against the state.

"We all know its going to happen again," Pinsky said on Friday. "Society has to take action."
Either AL had issues or he didn't.

People are saying not to judge.

I am judging that no matter what the situation, letting a person be in isolation with no expectations is of no help.

Just something to think about . Tough love is no fun for sure.
Claim seeks $100 million for child survivor of Connecticut school shooting

A $100 million claim on behalf of a 6-year-old survivor is the first legal action to come out of the Connecticut school shooting that left 26 children and adults dead two weeks ago.

The unidentified client, referred to as Jill Doe, heard "cursing, screaming, and shooting" over the school intercom when the gunman, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, opened fire, according to the claim filed by New Haven-based attorney Irv Pinsky.


Wow. Foreseeable harm? You must be kidding me.

And to call a lawyer before the bodies are even buried? I have no words.

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Claim seeks $100 million for child survivor of Connecticut school shooting

A $100 million claim on behalf of a 6-year-old survivor is the first legal action to come out of the Connecticut school shooting that left 26 children and adults dead two weeks ago.

The unidentified client, referred to as Jill Doe, heard "cursing, screaming, and shooting" over the school intercom when the gunman, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, opened fire, according to the claim filed by New Haven-based attorney Irv Pinsky.



Wow - within a week of the shooting, he was hired by "Jill Doe's" parents. They got on the horn mighty quick. They didn't even wait until after all their child's schoolmates had been buried. Ugh!

They filed a $100 million claim????

Their child survived. While I understand that their little girl undoubtedly experienced fear & trauma during AL's murderous rampage - she's alive. She's alive FGS!!!

I think they're entitled to compensation for any mental health counseling that their child is in need of, but I don't know that the school district is responsible to pay for it.

$100 million???? That's beyond excessive, regardless of who's responsible.
Claim seeks $100 million for child survivor of Connecticut school shooting

A $100 million claim on behalf of a 6-year-old survivor is the first legal action to come out of the Connecticut school shooting that left 26 children and adults dead two weeks ago.

The unidentified client, referred to as Jill Doe, heard "cursing, screaming, and shooting" over the school intercom when the gunman, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, opened fire, according to the claim filed by New Haven-based attorney Irv Pinsky.

OMG....really???? AL could have stormed in through this families front door of their home, or in a public park. If someone like AL is going to go into a shooting rage it could happen anywhere at anytime. This was not the fault of the school or school board. I do feel for the trauma that these children had to endure, but wake up, what more could anyone at this school have done to protect people of "foreseeable harm".

The nature and extent of the trauma is yet to be determined, as it was only one week after....but yet they are able to determine the dollar do you spell greedy??????
"Pinsky said he filed a claim on Thursday with state Claims Commissioner J. Paul Vance Jr., whose office must give permission before a lawsuit can be filed against the state."

The Claims Commissioner is the son of Lt. Paul Vance, Spokesman for the Connecticut State Police.
It said they had failed to provide a "safe school setting" or design "an effective student safety emergency response plan and protocol."

Really....what more does a school have to do, no one saw this coming, no one was expecting this, no one could stop him. Even if they had armed guards at the front door, AL could have shot him before the guard drew his gun. All schools plan and practice for lockdown situations. If someone is going to go on a mass shooting rampage, what could stop them to make the kids safe?????????

Everyone wants to keep their children all times, but what was this parent expecting the school to do in this situation?
It saddens me when stuff like this comes out. I realize your child is traumatized, but how about you go about it in effective ways like therapy? This just makes them seem greedy asking for 100 million in midst of a tragedy, and trying to blame things that aren't to blame. Shame. Shame. IMO
Just my 2 cents....

At first, I'll admit I was somewhat angry at NL for being in denial about her son and using poor judgement when it comes to mental illness and guns...


the more I thought things through, I began to envision a distinct possibility that NL's life at home may have been pure hell living with AL. Was he prone to rage, physical violence, bizarre rituals, manipulations? Was NL a prisoner in her own home and eventually came to realize things had to change? She really never had anyone over to the house so I would bet the situation there was much worse than what we think.

What if NL was living in a daily fear of AL and really saw it getting worse and worse? She may have saw a blooming monster before her eyes each and every day?????? We just don't know yet........
It could be, but she was at a spa for a couple of days before it all happened.

In Bretton Woods, about 5 hours away
It could be, but she was at a spa for a couple of days before it all happened.

In Bretton Woods, about 5 hours away

Exactly......and look at what that got her? If my theory is correct, AL would have been enraged at her for going against his wishes and deserting him. How dare she?

My point is that I'm thinking NL had a lot less control over her life and the home---I think she may have been living in fear of AL, and it was growing???
I was diagnosed with bi-polar at 19 after my grandmother (who mostly raised me) killed herself. In that next year, I took 36 different medications trying to control my illness. Eventually, I stopped taking any meds, because, let's face it, that many meds in a years time, means that you are seeing the wrong doctors.

In the next 6 years, I held good jobs, had a son, and eventually got to the point that I again realized, I needed help.

I played Everquest for 11 years, WOW for 4 and many other mmorpg intermittent along that time. To be honest, I still play EQ.

I was almost born with a gun in my hand. I have been taught to shoot in some form since I was able to hold a gun. I have been deer hunting, (10 and 12 point bucks and 3 does under my belt) quail hunting and rabbit hunting. I have frog gigged and even staked some pond turtles eating our fish.

Right now, I can get several semi-autos in my hand and more handguns then most of you would be comfortable with.

What I am trying to say...

It is NOT the games...
It is NOT the guns....
It is NOT that these people didn't have help...

IT IS EVIL! Pure and simple. I am shocked that so many can't see that. After all, we (Websleuth) read ALL the horrors of the world, and still want to question.

Sometimes, no matter what is done.....


I was diagnosed with bi-polar at 19 after my grandmother (who mostly raised me) killed herself. In that next year, I took 36 different medications trying to control my illness. Eventually, I stopped taking any meds, because, let's face it, that many meds in a years time, means that you are seeing the wrong doctors.

In the next 6 years, I held good jobs, had a son, and eventually got to the point that I again realized, I needed help.

I played Everquest for 11 years, WOW for 4 and many other mmorpg intermittent along that time. To be honest, I still play EQ.

I was almost born with a gun in my hand. I have been taught to shoot in some form since I was able to hold a gun. I have been deer hunting, (10 and 12 point bucks and 3 does under my belt) quail hunting and rabbit hunting. I have frog gigged and even staked some pond turtles eating our fish.

Right now, I can get several semi-autos in my hand and more handguns then most of you would be comfortable with.

What I am trying to say...

It is NOT the games...
It is NOT the guns....
It is NOT that these people didn't have help...

IT IS EVIL! Pure and simple. I am shocked that so many can't see that. After all, we (Websleuth) read ALL the horrors of the world, and still want to question.

Sometimes, no matter what is done.....




Bless you!
I am so sorry for what you have been through!
:seeya: So proud that you have been able to cope!

AND... think you may be right! ~ sadly...
Ya can't fix evil.

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