Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #24

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FRANKFORT, KY. (AP) — Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear preached social distancing during a daily update on Saturday and said that one newly diagnosed coronavirus patient had resisted a quarantine.

Beshear said Kentucky now has 18 cases, and officials are awaiting more than two dozen test results. The newest positives for the novel coronavirus were in Fayette, Montgomery and Nelson counties.

The patient in Nelson refused to self-quarantine, Beshear said. The man was being kept at home Saturday with a law enforcement officer nearby.

“It’s a step I hoped I never had to take, but we can’t allow one person we know who has this virus to refuse to protect their neighbors,” Beshear said.

(I think this will happen a lot as time goes on. Some that test positive after presenting to a hospital, never imagining they will be isolated for a couple weeks. I bet this man didn’t think he had CV & didn’t understand the ramifications once he was tested. I hope his wife or SO is safe locked up with him for two weeks, if he has a housemate. Moo)

Am I inferring correctly, that they are holding this man in quarantine in his own home against his will?
You realize the numbers are not reaching astronomical levels ~*BECAUSE*~ we are "shutting down the world," right? And that waiting until many people get infected/die is too late and completely idiotic and downright evil, right?
No one should "panic," but we need to be cautious and prepared. If schools need to close down, if people need to stay home from work, so be it.
And those numbers are not "real" especially in the countries that tested very few people (like US).
They are a tip of the iceberg. For communal transmission, which is happening, at least 1 % of the population has to be already infected.
So my question is this....I see the numbers for CV compared to the flu, up thread. The seasonal flu seems to have lots of cases. How come it does not overwhelm the health system like CV is feared to do? ( I have had trouble posting, double posts and missing links so this post has no link in terms of actual numbers) I am asking a general question.
Newborn baby tests positive for coronavirus in London
''A newborn baby has tested positive for coronavirus in what is thought to be the youngest case of the disease in the UK, it has emerged.

The child’s mother, who was taken to a north London hospital days before the birth with suspected pneumonia, has also caught the virus.

The mother tested positive at North Middlesex hospital, in Enfield, with results coming through after the birth. The baby was tested for Covid-19 minutes after being born.''

''It is not known whether the child contracted the disease in the womb or was infected during birth.''
They will be different. As more people are tested, the relative death rate will go down since most people are experiencing no/mild/moderate symptoms and almost no one is dying.

I think you are correct and the death rate will also go down because there are treatments being trialed.
NIH clinical trial of remdesivir to treat COVID-19 begins

I was encouraged today when our county health dept. director said she thinks it takes 10 minutes of breathing near each other for "community spread" to take place. Our state now has 18 confirmed but only one community spread. The woman traveled to NY AFTER she was experiencing symptoms. No deaths so far and the remdesivir trial is underway.

Sorry for the rant here but what I truly do not understand is why the Washington nursing home patients have not been treated with the same meticulous quarantine and biocontainment protocol which the early cruise ship patients received. There is also no quarantine put in place for employees and now many are infected. Does the nursing home even have ventilators and respiratory techs available? Why the place hasn't been shuttered by the State is beyond me. For families to have to climb through shrubbery to go reach outside windows to communicate is beyond cruel and inhumane. It sounds like these folks have been ignored by the State health dept. I don't blame the families for their outrage. As a nation, we can do better.
Something I keep and make weekly is jello. I stocked up enough for 4 weeks. It may not have a lot of nutritional value but it makes a nice snack. It's cheap, takes little cupboard space and all you need is boiling water. It also comes in sugar free.
Darn it, why didn't I buy jello, and the green tea, and the instant mashed potatoes?!! Kicking self.

CNN said that, not google. One of their companies, Verily, commented with some work they were doing.

In the hours after the president’s remarks, Google officials distanced themselves from the project, directing question to Verily, where a spokeswoman said the company was merely “in the early stages of development.” The 1,700 engineers Mr. Trump mentioned were actually just Google employees who said a day earlier that they would be happy to volunteer their time on the project if needed.

Now, with Google executives eager to show they are working with the president, the company is racing to meet the promise even as they acknowledge that the debut of the website will be far more limited than Mr. Trump has suggested. A person familiar with the project said Verily was planning to start on Monday with a website that could direct people in the San Francisco Bay Area to as many as three virus testing locations.

Trump Oversold a Google Site to Fight Coronavirus
They had been treated in nursing home in Washington state with ventilators and such. Orginally before it was known this was covid, paramedics were treating them right there at the scene (as was protocol), before taking them to the hospital, that's how they think the virus spread so widely there. If you shutter the place, where exactly do you place the patients infected with corona virus? No other nursing home will take them.
The reason the death rate there is so high is because almost all of them got infected, and they are old sickly people with pre-existing conditions. But they were treated, unlike in Italy, which can't even provide treatment to elderly because of the strain on their medical system brought on by covid.
Something I keep and make weekly is jello. I stocked up enough for 4 weeks. It may not have a lot of nutritional value but it makes a nice snack. It's cheap, takes little cupboard space and all you need is boiling water. It also comes in sugar free.

I love jello. My grandson gets mad because I eat it all before he has a chance to have any. mmm, jello.
They had been treated in nursing home in Washington state with ventilators and such. Orginally before it was known this was covid, paramedics were treating them right there at the scene (as was protocol), that's how they think the virus spread so widely there. If you shutter the place, where exactly do you place the patients infected with corona virus. No other nursing home will take them.

I've been trying to get as much useful info as possible within the last 12 hours or so.

To put this into perspective, NY has roughly 19M people. But the state has a total of maybe 3100 or so ICU beds.

Extrapolate that across the U.S., some states will have much less beds, some much more. But there simply are not enough beds and equipment, period. That and as the WA State example shows, the residents of a care facility will have to stay in place while they're being treated.
I think you are correct and the death rate will also go down because there are treatments being trialed.
NIH clinical trial of remdesivir to treat COVID-19 begins

I was encouraged today when our county health dept. director said she thinks it takes 10 minutes of breathing near each other for "community spread" to take place. Our state now has 18 confirmed but only one community spread. The woman traveled to NY AFTER she was experiencing symptoms. No deaths so far and the remdesivir trial is underway.

Sorry for the rant here but what I truly do not understand is why the Washington nursing home patients have not been treated with the same meticulous quarantine and biocontainment protocol which the early cruise ship patients received. There is also no quarantine put in place for employees and now many are infected. Does the nursing home even have ventilators and respiratory techs available? Why the place hasn't been shuttered by the State is beyond me. For families to have to climb through shrubbery to go reach outside windows to communicate is beyond cruel and inhumane. It sounds like these folks have been ignored by the State health dept. I don't blame the families for their outrage. As a nation, we can do better.

DBM. Double post
I've been trying to get as much useful info as possible within the last 12 hours or so.

To put this into perspective, NY has roughly 19M people. But the state has a total of maybe 3100 or so ICU beds.

Extrapolate that across the U.S., some states will have much less beds, some much more. But there simply are not enough beds and equipment, period. That and as the WA State example shows, the residents of a care facility will have to stay in place while they're being treated.
Some of them were taken to hospitals. But they are old and sickly so they still died.
Really angry about this.
These pukes should be hunted down like a murderer.
Every law in our land should be thrown at these Puke People.
I have zero tolerance for anyone trying to make money and put innocent people at risk, so they can make money.
Furious. I am.
We have laws.
They need to be prosecuted to the full extent of our laws and made an example.
So, seriously.

Suspected fake Covid-19 tests seized at LAX, came from UK.

Suspected fake COVID-19 test kits seized at LAX
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