CT- Annie Le, missing from Yale, thread #3 BODY FOUND

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I don't want to generalize,but in my experience when encountering "brilliant" people of the level you are referring to,many are very socially inept.They are only barely interested in other people on a human level.They could easily see others as expendable and not worthy of needing to live another day.I sound extreme,but it's just the very brilliant people I know,some in my hubby's family,aren't always empathetic.It was suggested by one of them that the money spent on saving our son [adopted],who has medical and developmental challenges,was a waste. They often seem to have tunnel vision where their work and their interests lie,to the exclusion of their family life.

MissJames, my precious dear person, I'm so very sorry you had this horrible experience with the very people that are meant to help somebody...especially family. I'd go to hell and back for my children, as well as a total stranger - which is why I'm an organ donor. My oldest son has put us in the hole with $$$ for years b/c the idiot is so careless and could probably make a killing off of his own Jackass movie! You're right, people that are considered do sometimes, maybe even most of the time, believe others are beneath them and most certainly get tunnel vision!
The basement is where she did most of her research, I believe it's where her lab is/was...

I know but has it been assumed that was why she was there or do we know for sure? I interpreted Bennett's statement to mean she was supposed to be with her 8 member team and they grew increasingly alarmed when she did not show up.
The book was open as she walked.

I thought it looked like a 'Facts and Comparisons', the kind that is updated monthly. Big with a middle binder and tabs. The new 1010 edition is about to be released in a couple weeks...a must for anyone in pharmacology. just my thoughts
The basement is where she did most of her research, I believe it's where her lab is/was...

Wow, I hadn't thought of it from that angle. I mean obviously she would go into this place regularly to do her experiments, and we don't know at this point if she had a set type of schedule or if sometimes it would be impromtu. But, will be interesting to find out if something or someone called her to come to this building at that particular time with the motive to kill her.
Yes or a large textbook....like a biology textbook. Perhaps she was reviewing the lesson for her 12 noon TA class. JMO

Jerseygirl, Thanks for volunteering to enlarge the pic. I'm grateful for sleuths like you who are tech saavy!..otherwise I'd be :banghead:


There was something else below that book also but from the angle of the shot I couldn't identify.
I'm getting the feeling that it wasn't anything to do with stopping her in her research findings, etc. that would make up a murder mystery.

I think the fact that she was in a "secure" building, accessed by only a few people, aided the perp. in making sure not many people were around.

I agree with those who think it probably is a maintenance worker who targeted her for sexual assault and he killed her. JMO It's as simple and horrible as that.
I know but has it been assumed that was why she was there or do we know for sure? I interpreted Bennett's statement to mean she was supposed to be with her 8 member team and they grew increasingly alarmed when she did not show up.
that is what I recall as well. The basement was allegedly the animal area... but darn if I can find that link now! I will go look.... there is also a link that showed where Bennet's lab was... iirc it was not in the basement of the building.
She was his TA, he canceled his class, he reported getting an email at noon, he was questioned by police, said he was like a parent, immediately worried when no one could find her, and also, said Annie did not feel safe in New Haven. I admit it's not much but, it's more than we've heard of anyone else.

Does anyone know what time the class was supposed to take place? I was assuming it was after 12:00, but only because Schlesslinger says he got an email at noon.

There's no information that Annie was Schlessinger's TA. Actually, we don't know who she was a teaching assistant for. (Seems she was a research assistant for Bennett.) We don't know whose class was canceled, if anyone's. An unnamed professor has been reportedly taken in and questioned by the police, but the speculation is that was Bennett. As for saying he was like a parent, if he said that, it's just the kind of BS a department chair will say. It was Bennett who reportedly said he was worried when no one could find Annie. As far as how Schlessinger would know Annie didn't feel safe in New Haven, he might have read the article she wrote on that subject.
So, you see, Schlessinger doesn't have that many connections to Annie on that day or any other time, that we know of.
the killing of a person whose body was found stuffed behind a wall in a high-security laboratory building at Yale University is not a random act.
New Haven police spokesman Joe Avery told The Associated Press on Monday that police don't believe that anyone else on the Ivy League campus is in danger. He would not say if police have a suspect, but says nobody is in custody

is it just me or does anyone else think that they already are about 99% sure who did this
iirc, Annie had reserved the lab for 10 and the class she was a TA in was 2pm or so. Please disregard if this is not correct.
that is what I recall as well. The basement was allegedly the animal area... but darn if I can find that link now! I will go look.... there is also a link that showed where Bennet's lab was... iirc it was not in the basement of the building.

Correct... a link was posted yesterday indicating his lab was in the Sterling building. ( I do not have the link so take it as a IIRC )
Breaking News on who is responsible after commercial on FOX
I recall reading in one of the previous threads that Annie had reserved a block of time in the lab beginning at 10 am yet no blocks of time had been reserved by anyone immediately after hers. For how long does one usually reserve lab time for research? And many graduate students research indepently in the lab. This is according to sleuths' personal experience in a lab setting shared in this thread.
Murder of Yale student Annie Le hits close to home and I'm not worried about my daughter
Monday, September 14th 2009, 4:00 AM
The question my daughter asked when she called Sunday night was not one you expect ever to hear when your kid is at Yale.

"Can you check if they found the body?"

I knew she meant the body of Annie Le, the Yale graduate student who had gone missing five days before she was to be married. I figured rumors must be flying around campus.

I made a quick call and then dialed my daughter's cell phone. I said something you do not expect ever to say when your kid is at Yale.

"They did find the body."

Right about then was when I would have been expected to be afraid for her safety. I was not.

And the discovery of Le's body did not make me worry for my daughter at Yale.

The added shock of it happening at Yale was not because I feared more bad things would happen there, but because so many good things happen there. It truly is a place of learning and truth. A killing there is as upsetting as a killing in a church.

More than anything, I felt exactly what my daughter was feeling when she later called back.

"It's so sad," my daughter said. "They found her on her wedding day."

I asked her if she was all right.

"I'm just crying," she said.

I would've hugged her if she were still at home.

I said what I would have said if tragedy struck down the block.

"I love you, my Monkey," I told her.

"I love you," my Brooklyn Yalie replied.

Yale graduate students leave after setting up a vigil for Annie Le on Sunday.

Students express shock after grisly discovery
Published Monday, September 14, 2009
As news spread Sunday night that a body had been found at 10 Amistad St., the Yale building where Annie Le MED &#8217;13 was last seen, students across campus expressed fear and uncertainty about their safety.

&#8220;It&#8217;s really sad, and it&#8217;s also really terrifying for campus mentality because it was in a Yale building,&#8221; Laura Vrana &#8217;11 said, standing in a small group of students in the lower courtyard of Davenport College.

While the medical school campus was quiet as police established a one-block perimeter around 10 Amistad St., Levin&#8217;s message elicited shock from many students walking around central campus.

&#8220;I&#8217;m kind of creeped out because it happened probably less than half a mile from my dorm,&#8221; Zach Dean &#8217;13 said as he left the Branford College library for his Old Campus suite.

Meanwhile, on the otherwise quiet medical school campus, four graduate students left bouquets of carnations, roses and daisies and two burning candles by the entrance to Amistad Park, across the street from Le&#8217;s laboratory.

A prayer vigil for Le will take place in the Davenport courtyard today at 8 p.m.

Police set up a one-block perimeter around 10 Amistad St. late Sunday night. Human remains were discovered inside the laboratory building around 5 p.m. Sunday.

Vigil planned for Yale student (with multimedia)
Published: Monday, September 14, 2009
Yale University officials are planning a candlelight prayer vigil for a graduate student whose body is believed to have been found hidden in the wall of a university laboratory building.

The vigil for 24-year-old Annie Le is scheduled for 8 p.m. Monday at the Ivy League university. The Yale Daily News says an e-mail to the Yale community invites participants to "bring a candle and join us in solidarity."

Photo slideshow of investigation

Police shoot down report about polygraph
Monday, September 14, 2009
9:20 a.m.
The past few days have seen a number of incorrect rumors about Annie Le MED '13, including that a professor was the prime suspect in her disappearance (reported Friday), that her body had been recovered (reported Saturday) and that she was buried somewhere in a landfill in Hartford (reported Sunday).

Today brought another such report: The New York Post and the New York Daily News suggested in their stories that a student may have failed a polygraph regarding Le's disappearance &#8212; a report that police officials quickly shot down.

&#8220;It&#8217;s absolutely not true,&#8221; New Haven Police Department Assistant Chief Stephanie Redding said by telephone late last night.

Body found in 'chase' at Yale lab, police sources confirm
Published: Monday, September 14, 2009
Police sources today confirmed the female body recovered in a Yale lab building was discovered stuffed inside a mechanical chase.

A chase is an enclosed vertical channel inside a wall that holds utilities for a building, like electrical wiring and plumbing. It typically goes from the basement to the roof and has &#8220;fire stops&#8221; between each floor. There also usually are access doors on each floor.

The body was found in the basement area, Yale University reported.

A construction worker who said he worked at 10 Amistad said chases in the building typically are about 5-feet-by-5-feet. He was working Monday on a private job across the street from where Le lived on Lawrence Street in the city&#8217;s East Rock neighborhood.

If the body was discovered in a chase, he said, whoever put it there likely was familiar with the layout of the facility.

&#8220;You have to have that knowledge of the building,&#8221; the man said. He only would identify himself as Carlos V.

&#8220;I think that it suggests it was someone who could get into that space,&#8221; he told the newspaper. &#8220;It certainly would be extremely difficult for someone from outside of Yale to get into that space. Not impossible, but extremely difficult.&#8221;

As TV cameras stand sentry, 10 Amistad St. remains cordoned off
Monday, September 14, 2009
8:02 a.m.
The authorities are maintaining a one-block perimeter around 10 Amistad St. this morning as the investigation continues into the apparent killing of Annie Le MED &#8217;13, who was found yesterday hidden behind a wall in the building&#8217;s basement.

Predictably, the area behind the police cordon is something of a media circus, with camera crews packing virtually every inch of the sidewalk near the intersection of Cedar Street and Washington Avenue. Le&#8217;s apparent killing was the top story on NBC&#8217;s &#8220;Today&#8221; show, which had a correspondent broadcast live from Washington Avenue at precisely 7 a.m., and representatives from all of Connecticut&#8217;s local television stations were also on hand.

&#8216;An idealistic young woman&#8217;
Published Monday, September 14, 2009
She was upbeat, friendly, always armed with a smile. Since going missing Tuesday afternoon, Annie Le MED &#8217;13 has been sorely missed by all who knew her.

Following the discovery of a female body presumed to be Le in the building at 10 Amistad St. on Sunday evening &#8212; the same day Le was to wed her college sweetheart &#8212; friends, family and colleagues are mourning her loss.

Described as sweet, spunky and smart, the 24-year-old pharmacology student and Placerville, Calif., native was scheduled to be married Sunday to Jonathan Widawsky, a graduate student at Columbia University whom she met at the University of Rochester.

Associate professor of pharmacology Anton Bennett, Le&#8217;s faculty adviser, said Le &#8212; who received a National Science Foundation grant in 2008 &#8212; had &#8220;tremendous potential.&#8221;

&#8220;I can tell you that we are fond of all our graduate students, and among them Annie was a bright spot,&#8221; pharmacology professor Gary Rudnick wrote in an e-mail message Sunday night. &#8220;She almost always had a smile when I saw her in the hallways. &#8230; This is a very tough loss for all of us in the department.&#8221;

Classmate Tiffany Filice described the close relationship Le developed with Filice&#8217;s grandmother, who was a patient at the Marshall hospital. Le logged extra hours visiting the woman, who gave Le a graduation gift in appreciation.

Pursuing her passion for science at the University of Rochester, Le received a bachelor of science in cell and developmental biology in 2007. She graduated *advertiser censored* laude with awards for her achievements in biology and her leadership on campus, a spokeswoman for the university said.

But despite her heavy academic workload at Rochester, Le always found time for her friends, who called her energetic and &#8220;the happiest girl you&#8217;d ever know,&#8221; as college friend Mark Biery said in a phone interview around noon Sunday. &#8220;She would work those crazy hours, but she would still take time out of her day to come see us, or we would come see her.&#8221;

Grad students place flowers outside Amistad Park in honor of Annie Le.

Body found in Yale lab, police focus turns to homicide probe (with story archive)
Published: Monday, September 14, 2009
It was supposed to be the day she would marry her college sweetheart and celebrate at a reception in a tony section of Long Island.

In a four-minute press conference attended by top ranking local, state and federal authorities, New Haven Assistant Police Chief Peter Reichard confirmed human remains had been found by the state police &#8220;secreted inside a wall&#8221; at 10 Amistad, and that New Haven police had assumed the lead role as the case moved &#8220;from a missing persons case to a homicide investigation.&#8221;

Law enforcement officials Sunday said those clothes were not the same ones Le was seen wearing Tuesday as she passed a security camera entering the building. They continued to test them and had not linked them to Le as of Sunday.

It could not be determined Sunday if the clothes Le was wearing when she entered the building had been recovered from somewhere other than the ceiling.

STORY ARCHIVE: The Annie Le case
Published: Monday, September 14, 2009
NEW HAVEN &#8212; A body believed to be that of missing Yale graduate student Annie Le was found Sunday hidden inside a wall at 10 Amistad St., the building where she was last seen alive. Here is a story archive of the case.


I don't want to generalize,but in my experience when encountering "brilliant" people of the level you are referring to,many are very socially inept.They are only barely interested in other people on a human level.They could easily see others as expendable and not worthy of needing to live another day.I sound extreme,but it's just the very brilliant people I know,some in my hubby's family,aren't always empathetic.It was suggested by one of them that the money spent on saving our son [adopted],who has medical and developmental challenges,was a waste. They often seem to have tunnel vision where their work and their interests lie,to the exclusion of their family life.

{{{HUGS TO YOU}}} My son and some members of his paternal family are "extreme" geniuses and they seem to lack empathy as well. However, if I call them on the carpet about it, they stop and show quite a bit of caring in their own "special" way. I don't know that one's IQ kills the empathy factor ~ I think it just hides it. I've seen a lot of lack of empathy in "plain folk" as well.

I'm not offering advice to you, Miss James. I don't know all the ins and outs to your experience in order to throw out my two cents worth. It sounds to me like these family members are just too dang LAZY to care, from the little bit you've shared. Makes me want to slap them!

{{{HUGS}}} again. (My son has Asperger's, so I know how a lack of family concern can be discouraging!)
She was his TA, he canceled his class, he reported getting an email at noon, he was questioned by police, said he was like a parent, immediately worried when no one could find her, and also, said Annie did not feel safe in New Haven. I admit it's not much but, it's more than we've heard of anyone else.

Does anyone know what time the class was supposed to take place? I was assuming it was after 12:00, but only because Schlesslinger says he got an email at noon.

The way the killer hid her body makes me think someone she knew, also I'd like to know why there wasn't any blood evidence in the basement? Was she killed, did someone say on the roof of the building? Was her frame concealed in an elevator or are there no survelliance cameras on outside fire exits?

This knew this building really well!
that is what I recall as well. The basement was allegedly the animal area... but darn if I can find that link now! I will go look.... there is also a link that showed where Bennet's lab was... iirc it was not in the basement of the building.

I posted about this in the previous thread with a link- She signed up for a time slot in that building- it was where here research animals were kept. I speculated that it was for a procedure room in a basement animal facility.
Her lab was in Sterling.

There is confusion because the media is calling several locations her "lab"
Per Fox....killing not a random act....
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