CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #62

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I agree that yesterday was a turning point for the trial, in that it honed in toward pinpointing MTs role in conspiracy.

Thus far we’ve seen hindering prosecution (with her lies to LE, alibi scripts) and tampering (with her DNA on trash bag, Starbucks trip, etc-more to come with the car wash) as well as motive (hateful sentiments for JFD, “2 years of hell in CT”).

But evidence of conspiracy- before or during the murder, not just helping with cleanup or misleading LE in its aftermath- hadn’t been established.

Yesterday, the state introduced evidence that laid the framework for conspiracy, which has been missing thus far (and is the most serious charge MT is faced with. Ie, potential for serious prison time).

What may have seemed like tedious repetition of line by line testimony about micro movements of FD phone around 4JC the morning of 5/24 (when FD was in NC, or at least not home as we will hear MT clearly say when interview #3 is introduced) and the fact that numerous calls and text messages- some persistent and repeated such as the text asking for a time to show a real estate client 80MS-went unopened, unread and unanswered, save for ONLY ONE CALL from Andreas consistent with the alibi script and repeated twice by MT in LE interviews-lays the foundation that the non-FD person who answered that call to set the alibi during the time FD was in NC murdering Jennifer was actively participating at the time of the murder, and that these actions with the phone had been planned and choreographed in advance. Conspiracy.

As a little bonus thrown in, we saw the grossly visual “anything is better than spending the rest of my life with my wife” meme sent to FDs phone by Andreas during the murder, and the MT message to the large group chat that she was naked (with tongue out) the afternoon of the murder during which JFDs blood soaked clothes were cut off and removed from her body. While not necessarily proving anything, these add to the disturbing visuals in the jurors minds and if not directly connecting dots at least visually coloring the dots in.

Hopefully on Tuesday we will have the sturdy John Kimball back on the witness stand to walk us through MTs 3rd interview where she admits she lied repeatedly to LE in previous interviews, that FD was not home that morning, and that SHE in fact was the one that answered that ONE phone call the morning of 5/24 at the time the murder was taking place in NC (while all other calls and messages went ignored and the phone moved subtly around the interior of 4JC and up and down stairs.)

Hopefully to rub it in, the state will ask Kimball on the stand: “Did MT at any point in time, during this interview or at any other time up until now, say that she answered any other phone call or text on 5/24 between 5am and 1:33pm on FDs phone?”
“Was the FORE office where MT said she answered FDs phone up a flight of stairs from the rest of the house?”

People, be patient. Yesterday’s testimony might have seemed tedious and boring, but it takes time to build a bonfire and carefully put each stick in its correct place. May the state on Tuesday strike the match that will send all of MTs lies and the beige facade of innocence she’s trying to hide behind up in flames.

PS: does anyone remember after the murder while LE were searching MIRA and MT/FD were barred from contact, MT would post pics of asado al palo on her IG? IIRC she even posted one on JFDs birthday.
Maybe, like so much of her involvement in this case, it is now coming back to haunt her…apologies for more stomach turning visuals (courtesy of MT).
View attachment 482083
Yes, seemed like so many were cryptic messages also. I have a few saved.
What was the story with JFD’s phone connecting with the Suburban? Was it her’s, in New Canaan, or fD’s in Farmington?
It was in NC and iPhone user connected to her Suburban. All so odd. I do believe they said it was from the phone in which they had her call log. I have to go back and listen more closely. The forensic detective said a phone can connect up to 50 ft as long as the car is running.
What was the story with JFD’s phone connecting with the Suburban? Was it her’s, in New Canaan, or fD’s in Farmington?
I heard it as being connected to the suburban parked on Lapham Rd by Waveny in NC. So Jennifers car. its a loose end that would seem to be in need of typing up.

Was JFD's phone thrown in the bushes/underbrush, then randomly picked up by someone ? Maybe that someone saw an opportunity for a new iphone and was removing the sim card and that action could show up as an connection/event? IDK -
The P just let it dangle ....there was no recross on that

That loose end plus the fact that the dna guy did not have Kents dna to test against the items at the lab - another loose end

I sure hope we have a healthy KM show up and testify. After that dna comment left dangling out there, if the P really has no comeback on that, I am sure KM feels he has more leverage and wants a sweetened deal to testify.
He is in a stronger position I think to get it.

I heard it as being connected to the suburban parked on Lapham Rd by Waveny in NC. So Jennifers car. its a loose end that would seem to be in need of typing up.

Was JFD's phone thrown in the bushes/underbrush, then randomly picked up by someone ? Maybe that someone saw an opportunity for a new iphone and was removing the sim card and that action could show up as an connection/event? IDK -
The P just let it dangle ....there was no recross on that

That loose end plus the fact that the dna guy did not have Kents dna to test against the items at the lab - another loose end

I sure hope we have a healthy KM show up and testify. After that dna comment left dangling out there, if the P really has no comeback on that, I am sure KM feels he has more leverage and wants a sweetened deal to testify.
He is in a stronger position I think to get it.

Don’t let JS b#%%s#*+ lure you in!!

“From Jennifer’s suburban, Newth testified an iPhone connected to Bluetooth at 2:56 p.m., but he couldn't say who it belonged to. The defense brought up the call history of that iPhone, implying it indicates it was Jennifer’s phone.”
Note: the was JS “testimony” on the courthouse steps, not the trial itself. If there was enough evidence to prove that, it would have been admitted. MOO.

Don’t let JS b#%%s#*+ lure you in!!

“From Jennifer’s suburban, Newth testified an iPhone connected to Bluetooth at 2:56 p.m., but he couldn't say who it belonged to. The defense brought up the call history of that iPhone, implying it indicates it was Jennifer’s phone.”
Note: the was JS “testimony” on the courthouse steps, not the trial itself. If there was enough evidence to prove that, it would have been admitted. MOO.

Yeah....I thought it was always: Jennifers phone was shut off around 11am and never active again?
I believe that FD was floating the 'winning' status in his Family Court situation around to anyone who would listen was to counter any motive for murdering JF. As in I was winning and was going to finally gain custody of my beloved (trust funded) children, why would I murder my ex wife? That's also why he began cordially communicating with JF in the months approaching her demise IMO. We were getting along, I even had Greek Easter at her house.

And, he texted her in March about repairing their relationship---- the text that made Troconis fall apart in interview 2 and say it was her turning point in trusting him.
What was the story with JFD’s phone connecting with the Suburban? Was it her’s, in New Canaan, or fD’s in Farmington?
I've had that question forever- I remember Patti's talking about it and thinking, dude, that might mean your client had her phone!

But I never knew what it was about

Don’t let JS b#%%s#*+ lure you in!!

“From Jennifer’s suburban, Newth testified an iPhone connected to Bluetooth at 2:56 p.m., but he couldn't say who it belonged to. The defense brought up the call history of that iPhone, implying it indicates it was Jennifer’s phone.”
Note: the was JS “testimony” on the courthouse steps, not the trial itself. If there was enough evidence to prove that, it would have been admitted. MOO.

During the testimony that I watched last night in bits and pieces - I thought I saw the call log and all the identifiers ( or JS had the witness call those out ) of the phone that connected to the suburban that afternoon and they were the same as the identifiers of the phone used to call Jennife'rs Mom etc early that morning - if it had been BS I don't know why the P did not call JS out on recross?
When asked who the phone belonged to that called Jennifers Mom etc - Newth said he could not identify that user. Same with the phone that called her suburban - Newth said he could not identify that user - they both just popped up as "iphone" iirc.
So if you assume the person who called the doctor/ Gloria etc that afternoon was Jennifer - and that same phone connected to the car later ....you are left with the impression that JFD's phone connected that afternoon.
I did not see JS outside the courthouse or read anything he said.

But I will rewatch the video. From my first viewing - I was def left with the impression that was JFD's phone / its an assumption from testimony that needs to be clarified with the jurors
During the testimony that I watched last night in bits and pieces - I thought I saw the call log and all the identifiers ( or JS had the witness call those out ) of the phone that connected to the suburban that afternoon and they were the same as the identifiers of the phone used to call Jennife'rs Mom etc early that morning - if it had been BS I don't know why the P did not call JS out on recross?
When asked who the phone belonged to that called Jennifers Mom etc - Newth said he could not identify that user. Same with the phone that called her suburban - Newth said he could not identify that user - they both just popped up as "iphone" iirc.
So if you assume the person who called the doctor/ Gloria etc that afternoon was Jennifer - and that same phone connected to the car later ....you are left with the impression that JFD's phone connected that afternoon.
I did not see JS outside the courthouse or read anything he said.

But I will rewatch the video. From my first viewing - I was def left with the impression that was JFD's phone / its an assumption from testimony that needs to be clarified with the jurors
IIRC there were several phone events that I think were actual calls JFd made, all in the esrky morning. Then the outlier event after 2pm.

But.... we know that LA tried to reach Jennifer midday IIRC and of course later afternoon.

Is it possible that her phone was synced with her vehicle until 2pm when the engine petered out? So it was the last ping/handshake and not a phone call at all?

Admittedly my grasp and memory are razor dull -- I got questions, no answers.

I heard it as being connected to the suburban parked on Lapham Rd by Waveny in NC. So Jennifers car. its a loose end that would seem to be in need of typing up.

Was JFD's phone thrown in the bushes/underbrush, then randomly picked up by someone ? Maybe that someone saw an opportunity for a new iphone and was removing the sim card and that action could show up as an connection/event? IDK -
The P just let it dangle ....there was no recross on that

That loose end plus the fact that the dna guy did not have Kents dna to test against the items at the lab - another loose end

I sure hope we have a healthy KM show up and testify. After that dna comment left dangling out there, if the P really has no comeback on that, I am sure KM feels he has more leverage and wants a sweetened deal to testify.
He is in a stronger position I think to get it.


KM was in Farmington at the time of the murder and I assume they tracked him that day. Maybe they will go through that to prove he could not have been in NC (or helped with the cleanup) so there was no need to test his DNA. I'm hoping he was mostly meeting with clients or in court so he has a solid alibi.
KM was in Farmington at the time of the murder and I assume they tracked him that day. Maybe they will go through that to prove he could not have been in NC (or helped with the cleanup) so there was no need to test his DNA. I'm hoping he was mostly meeting with clients or in court so he has a solid alibi.
I think the most we can say is that his phone was in Farmington.

I hope we get to see what his vehicle and cellphone/carrier data shows.

Ah yes....the roasting animal pictures that went on for awhile iirc. That is quite the 'blast' from the past! I think we were next treated the animal rugs for a period of time too..... Had totally forgotten about these images.

I don't think it was ever clear exactly what she was referring to with the fire and animal on spit imagery and the speculation ran the gamut from the mundane to the preverse iirc. Many thought it referred to JF too but I was never sure. Maybe it was as simple as the signal to tell FD it was day for "netflix and chill"? IDK....

I know that the animal being roasted in your image isn't a chicken but I think the funniest answer someone posted ages ago was that MT was sending 'Smoke signal" to FD for their ongoing hookups and the image was a reference to 'roasted chicken'. Whole thing was hilarious as LE knew the couple were still hooking up and I don't think they ever did anything about it either.

FD dumped her shortly after all these photos were shown I think and Anna Curry moved in to support FD in the manner to which he had become accustomed! I do think that FD really was a 'pimp' at heart as it seemed he always wanted others to do the work while he just 'supervised'!

Think this was also the period when MT alleged called someone in Greece (always unclear but it might have been Rena or her daughter) and said that, "...she still loved FD....". I mean, can you imagine being told by LE that you cannot see you lover for very obvious reasons and yet you still are proclaiming your love?

What a totally twisted 'love' affair was FD and MT....

Replying to myself on the MT fire image.

For those curious check out urban dictionary, spit roasted.

My error as I thought she meant “roast chicken” but a colleague pointed out my error…

Oh well.

MT never fails to disappoint….

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Replying to myself of the image.

For those curious check out urban dictionary, spit roasted.

My error as I thought she meant “roast chicken” but a colleague pointed out my error…

Oh well.

MT never fails to disappoint….

That woman is a piece of trash plain and simple. Everything filthy and disgusting- she wants in.
During the testimony that I watched last night in bits and pieces - I thought I saw the call log and all the identifiers ( or JS had the witness call those out ) of the phone that connected to the suburban that afternoon and they were the same as the identifiers of the phone used to call Jennife'rs Mom etc early that morning - if it had been BS I don't know why the P did not call JS out on recross?
When asked who the phone belonged to that called Jennifers Mom etc - Newth said he could not identify that user. Same with the phone that called her suburban - Newth said he could not identify that user - they both just popped up as "iphone" iirc.
So if you assume the person who called the doctor/ Gloria etc that afternoon was Jennifer - and that same phone connected to the car later ....you are left with the impression that JFD's phone connected that afternoon.
I did not see JS outside the courthouse or read anything he said.

But I will rewatch the video. From my first viewing - I was def left with the impression that was JFD's phone / its an assumption from testimony that needs to be clarified with the jurors
Replying to myself
attached is the link for testimony that shows the phone that reconnected to Jennifer's suburban on 5/24 that afternoon was the same phone that also called Caroline Luft and Dr G that mornning and missed a call from Gloria Farber earlier.
The witness was unable to identify the phone as it popped up as just "Iphone" both times but the device connection number/identifier was the same for both the morning calls and the afternonn connection and the witness testified it was the same phone
So the Prosecution defnitely has one BIG loose end to explain

Start at approx 1:44 – pairing of the iphone to JFD suburban – admitted in full by Defense as exhibit N and I believe exhibit CC
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