Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #4 *ARRESTS*

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Forget the father for now as he is far away (hope he gets it together soon to protect his daughter IMO), where are the child protective authorities in CT? I don't see how a child loses their place of residence and moves into a local hotel with their mother who has just been served with serious charges which might also include murder charge at some future date and this is ok for the child? Who is looking out for the child here? In my mind this is totally not ok for a child of 13. We just witnessed the child dodging press outside the hotel.

How traumatic would this entire series of events be for any child? Will not even go there on the choice of any parent to subject a child to what by all accounts has been a highly stressful and dysfunctional environment at the Farmington house for nearly 2 years. I am simply not getting why this is being permitted to occur by the State? Are they asleep or don't they have jurisdiction to do anything?

Its not even clear to me that MT is a resident of the State of CT? Does anyone know for sure? Do the CT Police and Authorities know whether MT and her daughter are residents of the State? IDK as MSM has danced all around the issue of who exactly MT is and isn't but we still don't know basic details as to her residency. Not adding up in my mind.

Very disappointed in how this has all played out as this child is another victim of this horrendous situation. MOO.

They lived in CT for several years, she worked in CT and the daughter is enrolled in school. They are residents. They are legal tenants of FD’s house I assume (no lease agreement or rent payment is required). She probably expects to move back to the house once the cops are done with it.
Knowing him, probably some sort of Ponzi scheme.

Yeah, he probably learned about those in all his (really hard!) business classes at Brown and Columbia.

I'm now openly speculating about the possibility that Brown and Columbia both offer remedial business classes.

I've decided I'm just going to keep mentioning Brown and Columbia at every opportunity.

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I looked up MT’s daughters school and it is a boarding school. I’m not sure whether the daughter is a CT resident either at this point.

Even if she was at a boarding school, her permanent residence is still where her family lives, just like for a college student going to school out of state. Residency doesn’t change for that unless the person makes the choice to establish residency in the location they are living for school.
This is true, but it also makes me wonder wth the two hours at the Mountain Spring property were, you know? Nothing makes sense here. It never did, but it's slowly getting worse.
Unfortunately, that’s what makes MT so important.

I say “unfortunately,” because she may benefit in the form of a lenient deal.

She can clear a lot of things up, and bury FD.
Warning: If you guys discussed this exhaustively before I arrived here to drive myself crazy with yet another pair of criminals, just ignore and keep scrolling.

If you were going to kill your wife so the children inherited her $2m trust fund over which you hoped to maintain control, wouldn't you plan for her to die in such a way that her body would be found quickly, making sure you were way out of town (skiing in Italy?) when it happened?

If the body couldn't be found wouldn't you figure everyone would think she ran off and it would be a long, long time before the money would be released? Not a good thing for you and the dying no-houses-selling business, right?

This is what makes me think he killed her in a wild fit without much planning....

Or he's really the dumbest criminal around which I thought was a shared trophy on the shelves of Chris Watts and Patrick Frazee.
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I'd like to know how they know JD left the garage door open.
Sez who?

I think it’s just someone’s opinion that someone else mistook for fact and then stated it in a way that made others think it was a fact. If JD was afraid of FD, she wouldn’t be leaving her garage wide open. I don’t know why anyone would do that.
This is true, but it also makes me wonder wth the two hours at the Mountain Spring property were, you know? Nothing makes sense here. It never did, but it's slowly getting worse.

Yes, the mysterious missing hours on the timeline. Each time I remember those hours to puzzle what occurred, more and more sinister ideas form in my imagination.
So perhaps during her what was reported as 'voluntary meeting with LE' this evening, she mentioned to them the garage was left open. Otherwise I am not sure how they know this. I thought since she seemed to be in fear of him that she would automatically close her door. But in morning hours could easily let guard down knowing school is just down the street and she would return in minutes, so why not leave it open or heck maybe it didn't fully close on its own..that happens to me. Who knows- the murderers seemed to have a lot of dumb luck while in NC that morning. But they were completely morons, thank goodness, discarding the evidence. And if that was FD banging at 5am at his property then another stupid move. Houses there aren't so far apart..he thought no dogs/neighbors would hear.

I'm glad LE is doing everything they can to find where Jennifer's body is for her family. I assume they told them many days ago they consider it homicide. I can only hope there is no mercy on the insane girlfriend and they BOTH never see the light of day again. Edited to include I love the post saying it is a good thing none of us here (and most anywhere) can really understand/get into what their nutcase heads were thinking. I thought that as well.
MT's actions are reprehensible: involving her daughter in the move-in on the wife scheme to get JD out of the house, Having the daughter live with FD during the custody battle. Speaks volumes to the lengths she will go to.

At this point, her daughter is a just prop, who exists only so MT can be photographed doing mom-things to improve her PR image.

No point whatsoever to draw attention to the child.

I might be wrong and if I am, please correct me. But wasn’t the daughter living with her father when MT moved in? She moved in and enrolled in the kids’ old school after that?
I agree, gitana. I wonder if he let her think he controlled all that money and she saw herself getting another payday down the road after marriage and divorce.

That would have truly been poetic justice, wouldn't it?
You would think this but I'm not so sure.

How could she really be the manager of the Fore Group if she didn't understand what was going on with the money situation? OR, was her role strictly for show and insurance? Did she actually do anything for the company or was she just arm candy for FD?

Also, in a small company this size I can see perhaps having 1-2 houses in inventory but to get to 6 houses unsold and also be sitting on land, I have to sit and ask the question what was really going on with the Fore Group? I also wonder in the current real estate market whether these houses would sell at auction for 50 cents on the dollar? That would be a sad outcome for the estate of JD and the interests of her children. The NC house on Sturbridge doesn't look completely done so my guess is FD ran out of cash.

Where did the money come from to build these houses that are now in investory and with no income and investment from JD family how was he carrying 6 houses and land? Also, what are the prospects for selling any of the houses in the near term given their current notoriety? My guess is that Mrs. Farber is one or two steps ahead of us here and will be taking control of the assets on behalf of her daughters estate in short order.

The other day I was going to do an estimated P/L but then I figured why waste the time when FD himself said he had no cash flow in 2019. How was he surviving from a cash perspective and how was he paying MT who so far as I can tell is the only remaining employee of the Fore Group.

I do hope the FBI and State of CT are involved and looking at the money situation here as the misuse of funds going back a long could be a major issue for Estate of JD IMO.
Yeah, he probably learned about those in all his (really hard!) business classes at Brown and Columbia.

I'm now openly speculating about the possibility that Brown and Columbia both offer remedial business classes.

I've decided I'm just going to keep mentioning Brown and Columbia at every opportunity.

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