Date of Death?

Everyone initially getting the date wrong (June 9th) was because Cindy got it wrong and everyone ran with that. She incorrectly recalled that Father's Day was the 9th. Casey's comment about the 31 days is the most accurate and fits exactly to the last verified sighting of Caylee.
I'm sorry but KC's claim of not seeing her daughter for 31 days is one of the most inaccurate things she has said (but then again just another lie).
Why?????? did she specifically say 31 days?????
If you go back 31 days from July 15th it brings you to June 14th......and that makes absolutely no sense if she was with KC at the A's home on the 15th and 16th the day GA said he saw her and Caylee before he left for work!!!!!!!!
Again.....lies that do not fit!!!!!!!
I'm sorry but KC's claim of not seeing her daughter for 31 days is one of the most inaccurate things she has said (but then again just another lie).
Why?????? did she specifically say 31 days?????
If you go back 31 days from July 15th it brings you to June 14th......and that makes absolutely no sense if she was with KC at the A's home on the 15th and 16th the day GA said he saw her and Caylee before he left for work!!!!!!!!
Again.....lies that do not fit!!!!!!!

I thought the same thing, look at a calendar, start at July 15th (including the15th) count back to june 15, don't add just count.
I have never trusted from day one GA ,CA,LA or KC this is the weirdest mp case I have ever seen and i think that it why were all attracted to it!! Really though I don't believe 100% anything they have said. I always thought GA was lying about the 16th that interview ..again..The sign in at the Nursing home doesnt make sense either. I have brought my 3yr old in before and she never signed in.just me. I think the nurses could have easily had their dates mixed up..I don't know if the 16th is the right day ..hmm
kc was zanaxing caylee, on 6/06 she goes to fusion, she tells ah and ric that her boss sent her there to check on daughter ric states that she showed up at his apartment at around 11:30 that night, with caylee and they spent the night. Earlier when kc was at fusion who was watching caylee ? She was zanaxed and in the trunk of the car. (I wonder if le asked ric if caylee was only wearing a diper when kc brought her in the apartment) kc zanaxed caylee numerous times between 6/1 and 6/16. I'm sure there was a fight on the 15th but it is irrelevant, I'm sure there were alot of fights. The 16th of June, the call from the a's home to kc's cell was probably to tell kc to get up and come out of her room and take care of her daughter. I believe ga did see kc and caylee leave at 12:50, but they didnt go far, they were right by the a's home waiting for ga to go to work, after ga left they came back. kc then leaves the a's house heading toward tones, she starts making phone calls ga ca ah, she was trying to get someone to watch caylee. Then it looks like she stops somewhere on the way to tone's. she stopped probably took caylee's sipee cup that had juice in it, and crushed up a zanax in it, she waited then for her to go to sleep, took caylee's clothes off, and put her in the trunk. Off to tone's and leaves her car in the parking lot with Caylee in the trunk asleep, this time was different though, she either had chloroform in a container in her trunk or spilled some in her trunk, anyway because of the chloroform there was no oxygen and caylee was probably dead before she even got to tone's. I bet that she checked on her sometime that evening and knew that she was dead. I dont think she did this on purpose but when kc zanaxed her that was felonious assault and death during the comission of felonious assault is 1st degree murder. So date of death imho was early evening on june 16th. (thank you Joyce for pointing out the ping info for the 16th and thank you bondjamesbond for idea of what all the calls were about that aftrenoon)
kc was zanaxing caylee, on 6/06 she goes to fusion, she tells ah and ric that her boss sent her there to check on daughter ric states that she showed up at his apartment at around 11:30 that night, with caylee and they spent the night. Earlier when kc was at fusion who was watching caylee ? She was zanaxed and in the trunk of the car. (I wonder if le asked ric if caylee was only wearing a diper when kc brought her in the apartment) kc zanaxed caylee numerous times between 6/1 and 6/16. I'm sure there was a fight on the 15th but it is irrelevant, I'm sure there were alot of fights. The 16th of June, the call from the a's home to kc's cell was probably to tell kc to get up and come out of her room and take care of her daughter. I believe ga did see kc and caylee leave at 12:50, but they didnt go far, they were right by the a's home waiting for ga to go to work, after ga left they came back. kc then leaves the a's house heading toward tones, she starts making phone calls ga ca ah, she was trying to get someone to watch caylee. Then it looks like she stops somewhere on the way to tone's. she stopped probably took caylee's sipee cup that had juice in it, and crushed up a zanax in it, she waited then for her to go to sleep, took caylee's clothes off, and put her in the trunk. Off to tone's and leaves her car in the parking lot with Caylee in the trunk asleep, this time was different though, she either had chloroform in a container in her trunk or spilled some in her trunk, anyway because of the chloroform there was no oxygen and caylee was probably dead before she even got to tone's. I bet that she checked on her sometime that evening and knew that she was dead. I dont think she did this on purpose but when kc zanaxed her that was felonious assault and death during the comission of felonious assault is 1st degree murder. So date of death imho was early evening on june 16th.

This would answer why Caylee had no clothes on.......What temp was it in FLA on that night..........I bet very hot!
at some party (after Caylee was missing???) didn't KC cry and carry on to friends about a miscarriage (death of Caylee) and everyone comforted her in the bathroom for hours because she would not come out???? Hald truths??? was that the only time she broke down? the date could be important......she could of buried her that date?????
I want to know if the Strangle thing really happen. is there a statement beside LP?
at some party (after Caylee was missing???) didn't KC cry and carry on to friends about a miscarriage (death of Caylee) and everyone comforted her in the bathroom for hours because she would not come out???? Hald truths??? was that the only time she broke down? the date could be important......she could of buried her that date?????

I know I wrote that down but cant find it, looks like a bunker in my computer room , sticky notes, hand written maps, I'll find it eventually ! I think that was before she went missing, but if its the party I'm thinking of, I think she was in the trunk knocked out by the zanax. (its hard to even type that) I'll post when I find it. I'm going to go day by day until I get each one figured out. So much info and cross-referencing.
kc was zanaxing caylee, on 6/06 she goes to fusion, she tells ah and ric that her boss sent her there to check on daughter ric states that she showed up at his apartment at around 11:30 that night, with caylee and they spent the night. Earlier when kc was at fusion who was watching caylee ? She was zanaxed and in the trunk of the car. (I wonder if le asked ric if caylee was only wearing a diper when kc brought her in the apartment) kc zanaxed caylee numerous times between 6/1 and 6/16. I'm sure there was a fight on the 15th but it is irrelevant, I'm sure there were alot of fights. The 16th of June, the call from the a's home to kc's cell was probably to tell kc to get up and come out of her room and take care of her daughter. I believe ga did see kc and caylee leave at 12:50, but they didnt go far, they were right by the a's home waiting for ga to go to work, after ga left they came back. kc then leaves the a's house heading toward tones, she starts making phone calls ga ca ah, she was trying to get someone to watch caylee. Then it looks like she stops somewhere on the way to tone's. she stopped probably took caylee's sipee cup that had juice in it, and crushed up a zanax in it, she waited then for her to go to sleep, took caylee's clothes off, and put her in the trunk. Off to tone's and leaves her car in the parking lot with Caylee in the trunk asleep, this time was different though, she either had chloroform in a container in her trunk or spilled some in her trunk, anyway because of the chloroform there was no oxygen and caylee was probably dead before she even got to tone's. I bet that she checked on her sometime that evening and knew that she was dead. I dont think she did this on purpose but when kc zanaxed her that was felonious assault and death during the comission of felonious assault is 1st degree murder. So date of death imho was early evening on june 16th.

HUH? Links please. Are you serious?
I want to know if the Strangle thing really happen. is there a statement beside LP?

the only person that I've heard talk about the strangle thing was lp, mf reported on greta that a neighbor heard the fight on the 15th , but mf never said anything about the strangle thing. The only neighbor that is scheduled to testify for the state is bb and in the 2 interviews that he did with le there is no mention of the fight.
This would answer why Caylee had no clothes on.......What temp was it in FLA on that night..........I bet very hot!

I've lived in Florida almost my entire life and June is brutal (not as bad as July and August ) and the humidty is very high year round.
This would answer why Caylee had no clothes on.......What temp was it in FLA on that night..........I bet very hot!

In Orlando, the week of 6-17-08 and 6-24-08, the high was 90* low was 72* average temp was 81*.

Unless it was done with the intent to kill, there is no way KC could have been 'storing' Caylee in the trunk of her car. It runs 45 degrees hotter in the car than the air temperature and it only takes 15 to 30 minutes for the car to hit maximum temperatures.

Toss in the humidity just before a tropical storm, pretty hot and sticky.
very serious, what links do you want ? please explain, I'm not sure what you mean by links.

Ladonna is asking where you got your information. She wants to read the reports etc that lead to your summary. Links would be the short cuts to the long forms of your information.
kc was zanaxing caylee, on 6/06 she goes to fusion, she tells ah and ric that her boss sent her there to check on daughter ric states that she showed up at his apartment at around 11:30 that night, with caylee and they spent the night. Earlier when kc was at fusion who was watching caylee ? She was zanaxed and in the trunk of the car. (I wonder if le asked ric if caylee was only wearing a diper when kc brought her in the apartment) kc zanaxed caylee numerous times between 6/1 and 6/16. I'm sure there was a fight on the 15th but it is irrelevant, I'm sure there were alot of fights. The 16th of June, the call from the a's home to kc's cell was probably to tell kc to get up and come out of her room and take care of her daughter. I believe ga did see kc and caylee leave at 12:50, but they didnt go far, they were right by the a's home waiting for ga to go to work, after ga left they came back. kc then leaves the a's house heading toward tones, she starts making phone calls ga ca ah, she was trying to get someone to watch caylee. Then it looks like she stops somewhere on the way to tone's. she stopped probably took caylee's sipee cup that had juice in it, and crushed up a zanax in it, she waited then for her to go to sleep, took caylee's clothes off, and put her in the trunk. Off to tone's and leaves her car in the parking lot with Caylee in the trunk asleep, this time was different though, she either had chloroform in a container in her trunk or spilled some in her trunk, anyway because of the chloroform there was no oxygen and caylee was probably dead before she even got to tone's. I bet that she checked on her sometime that evening and knew that she was dead. I dont think she did this on purpose but when kc zanaxed her that was felonious assault and death during the comission of felonious assault is 1st degree murder. So date of death imho was early evening on june 16th. (thank you Joyce for pointing out the ping info for the 16th and thank you bondjamesbond for idea of what all the calls were about that aftrenoon)

There is no absolutely no way that KC was placing a drugged Caylee in the trunk of the car in June, in Florida! If she were doing that, then Caylee would have died the very 1st time that KC did that!! I live in Orlando, right around the corner from where all of this is happening & trust me when I say that it gets HOT here! Plus, like someone else stated a car in Florida will run almost 30 degrees hotter than the actual outside temperature. I could only imagine how much hotter a trunk of a car would get in Florida! I just about die in the summer each day when I leave work at 5 PM and open the car for the 1st time. You have to put the air on full blast and sometimes it still takes a good 10 minutes to reach a bearable temp to drive home! You literally....sweat your *advertiser censored** off when you get in! Thankfully, I don't have leather seats but my friend does and her bottom is literally soaked when she drives around in her car in the summer.
I'm not saying that she wasn't drugged and placed in the trunk, but there is no way that she was doing it for an extended period of time. It may have been the 1st time that she did that and that is when Caylee died. All, MOO, of course.
There is no absolutely no way that KC was placing a drugged Caylee in the trunk of the car in June, in Florida! If she were doing that, then Caylee would have died the very 1st time that KC did that!! I live in Orlando, right around the corner from where all of this is happening & trust me when I say that it gets HOT here! Plus, like someone else stated a car in Florida will run almost 30 degrees hotter than the actual outside temperature. I could only imagine how much hotter a trunk of a car would get in Florida! I just about die in the summer each day when I leave work at 5 PM and open the car for the 1st time. You have to put the air on full blast and sometimes it still takes a good 10 minutes to reach a bearable temp to drive home! You literally....sweat your *advertiser censored** off when you get in! Thankfully, I don't have leather seats but my friend does and her bottom is literally soaked when she drives around in her car in the summer.
I'm not saying that she wasn't drugged and placed in the trunk, but there is no way that she was doing it for an extended period of time. It may have been the 1st time that she did that and that is when Caylee died. All, MOO, of course.

I think her storyline was very valid and it's what i've suspected all along, that caylee was baing stored in there while CA went out.

I must ask, does the temp drop at night?
In Orlando, the week of 6-17-08 and 6-24-08, the high was 90* low was 72* average temp was 81*.

Unless it was done with the intent to kill, there is no way KC could have been 'storing' Caylee in the trunk of her car. It runs 45 degrees hotter in the car than the air temperature and it only takes 15 to 30 minutes for the car to hit maximum temperatures.

Toss in the humidity just before a tropical storm, pretty hot and sticky.

I was just going to post the same thing here - no way was Casey putting Caylee in the trunk unless she had the intentions of killing her - no way would you survive even a short period of time in a trunk in the SUMMER IN FLORIDA!
Tonight on NG, Lp said KC murdered Caylee on June 16, between 1-2 am...............
Tonight on NG, Lp said KC murdered Caylee on June 16, between 1-2 am...............

We all have opinions based on facts and suppositions. LP has an OPINION, just like the rest of us. I do not think even LE will state, 100%, the date and time Caylee died.
Tonight on NG, Lp said KC murdered Caylee on June 16, between 1-2 am...............

I have always thought it was june 16 between 1-3 pm. I felt it was shortly after she left the house at 12:50 when GA saw them. She didn't go far. Maybe to the end of suburban drive???? Wasn't it just after 3p.m. that she was franticly trying to get a hold of her mom?
The Decomp in the trunk baffles me though. I was really expecting it to come back as maybe rotting hamburger or raw chicken. Since she was always taking groceries to TLs house.
This case almost has too much evidence. It contradicts any logic.

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