Defense doesn't want GA & CA in the courtroom....why?

Yep, things are going to get NASTY for GA and CA. Casey is already turning the knife deeply into their hearts. They are dying, staring up at her, asking, "Why?" And the trial hasn't even started yet.

Damn, but that's stone cold. Three years in prison, three years of not really seeing her parents, and then a kiss of death send off before the trial starts. I bet that A house is rocking with anger tonight. And Casey is lying in her cell, smirking in the dark...

I think she gets more out of torturing them than caring about her fate. It's about hurting them as much as possible, and that courtroom is about to be her grandest stage to do it.

Things have more gotten interesting than I ever thought they would...I'm wondering more and more about what the DT and Casey are going to do during the trial that they don't want GA and CA there. Up until now, I thought the A's and the DT were working somewhat together, a tenous working relationship, but a working one. I thought Casey and her parents were getting along somewhat behind the scenes, at least writing letters back and forth that are passed through Baez, while having the family drama and such in front of the camera. I never thought I'd see her actually turn on them like this. I figured she wanted them there to hear the every hurtful thing in person. I figured she would welcome them into the courtroom, and then spring her trap of hate and anger on them.

But I think about it, and what is worse than all of their dirty laundry, all of their dark secrets, all of the most hideous lies and stories Casey can make up, coming out for the world to hear, and Cindy's not there to try to control it or make it stop? They are going to lose their minds having to watch this trial and be totally, completely helpless against Casey and her wrath.

What they must have felt the moment they realized Caylee was gone is nothing compared to how they're going to feel once this trial starts. Talk about their worst nightmare, their monster daughter destroying them in front of the world.

No wonder Cindy was shaking in court the other day. Wow. This is like one of those books that suddenly starts to get really good and I don't want to put it down until I get to the end!
It would be a lot harder to villainize two parents that are in the courtroom everyday showing their support. CA/GA claimed to want to be there as Caylee's next of kin, but in reality they would have sat behind KC and gazed at her adoringly. Getting them out of the courtroom except during their own testimony is a good defense move (can't believe I just said that!) if the plan is to steamroll them. And I think that is the plan.

I only hope it makes CA/GA so mad that they change their allegiances. At least they'd finally get some repect. Lord knows, they never got any repect from KC.
in addition to the divide, and discredit pro and the possibly throw them under the bus option = it is also beneficial to the defense if they can get the A s out of there because, lets face it, the A s will leave a bad taste in the jurors mouths.

Their bizarre behavior, their facial expressions during testimony, the ball of dysfunction that is their family and that JB has already stated he intends to cover during the trial. Disassociating his very unpopular but attractive client from the rest of the A s who are irritating and unlikable as well can only help the defense.

This! :goodpost:

I completely agree that the DT wants to make sure that CA and GA are NOT in the gallery making faces, standing up and pointing, shaking theirs heads and smirking, all in front of he jury. IF the jury were to see them act in the manner that they have thus far, it would be very damaging to ICA, imo. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and the DT has a tough enough job trying to deal with everything that KC has done. They don't need the added garbage that the people who raised her would demonstrate sitting in that courtroom. moo.
Yep, things are going to get NASTY for GA and CA. Casey is already turning the knife deeply into their hearts. They are dying, staring up at her, asking, "Why?" And the trial hasn't even started yet.

Damn, but that's stone cold. Three years in prison, three years of not really seeing her parents, and then a kiss of death send off before the trial starts. I bet that A house is rocking with anger tonight. And Casey is lying in her cell, smirking in the dark...

I think she gets more out of torturing them than caring about her fate. It's about hurting them as much as possible, and that courtroom is about to be her grandest stage to do it.

Things have more gotten interesting than I ever thought they would...I'm wondering more and more about what the DT and Casey are going to do during the trial that they don't want GA and CA there. Up until now, I thought the A's and the DT were working somewhat together, a tenous working relationship, but a working one. I thought Casey and her parents were getting along somewhat behind the scenes, at least writing letters back and forth that are passed through Baez, while having the family drama and such in front of the camera. I never thought I'd see her actually turn on them like this. I figured she wanted them there to hear the every hurtful thing in person. I figured she would welcome them into the courtroom, and then spring her trap of hate and anger on them.

But I think about it, and what is worse than all of their dirty laundry, all of their dark secrets, all of the most hideous lies and stories Casey can make up, coming out for the world to hear, and Cindy's not there to try to control it or make it stop? They are going to lose their minds having to watch this trial and be totally, completely helpless against Casey and her wrath.

What they must have felt the moment they realized Caylee was gone is nothing compared to how they're going to feel once this trial starts. Talk about their worst nightmare, their monster daughter destroying them in front of the world.

No wonder Cindy was shaking in court the other day. Wow. This is like one of those books that suddenly starts to get really good and I don't want to put it down until I get to the end!

I totally agree with everything in your post.

Why would this defense team specifically file a legal objection, somewhat at the nth hour, against their client's parents, the only people in the world who love this defendant, being in the courtroom for the trial??

I think we will be left with our jaws on the floor once this trial gets going....

Cheney Mason signed and filed this objection, and alluded to something regarding G&C in his cozy interview with Jean C for InSession TV.
It would be a lot harder to villainize two parents that are in the courtroom everyday showing their support. CA/GA claimed to want to be there as Caylee's next of kin, but in reality they would have sat behind KC and gazed at her adoringly. Getting them out of the courtroom except during their own testimony is a good defense move (can't believe I just said that!) if the plan is to steamroll them. And I think that is the plan.

I only hope it makes CA/GA so mad that they change their allegiances. At least they'd finally get some repect. Lord knows, they never got any repect from KC.

I do not believe that Cindy will stand behind this decision for the DT to demonize she and George. I think there is a chance that it will force Cindy to become a full on team member of the prosecution. That could be really bad for casey in the end. imoo
I think that bus has morphed into a train........

Ok...everyone has really sound reasons, but I focused on the "hearing" part of it...for all we know this all a little dance to keep the trial from starting. I just think all these last minute motions are a defense ploy to some extent. I mean...they didn't know about this sooner? FPS...let's just get on with the trial.
I think we are going to need that BUS Smilie on our Smilie page. It is going to come in handy starting next week, imo.



This is a very "interesting development" that the DT does not want the A's in the courtroom .... hmmm...

Yep ... it is possible that the "bus" is coming for "someone" ... or could it be a "train" heading straight towards the A's ?

I agree Tulessa and I as I said in another thread, I wouldn't be surprised if they say Casey never saw Caylee after Cindy took her to the nursing home.

Casey's lies are going to slap George and Cindy in the face and she doesn't want to witness it IMO.

Whatcha think about this?

"George and Cindy Anthony will likely be subject to impeachment by the testimony of other witnesses," the motion read.


I've thought about this possibility for a long time - that all Casey has to say is that after her mother tried to choke her, she fled the house leaving Caylee there, and never saw Caylee again.

The last person to see Caylee alive outside the immediate Anthony family was Cindy's mother, SP, who fixed dinner for Cindy and Caylee before they went home on the late afternoon of June 15, 2008. So, we're left with the statements of GA, CA, and KC, all three of whom have a history of lying.

The only thing that puts Caylee in Casey's care is the car, with the odor of decomposition, concentration of chloroform, and stain in the trunk. But, Casey could say that she smelled an odor and opened the trunk and found Caylee there.
I bet Cindy is really shaking now. She has to be utterly furious with the defense... I would even wager a bet that she believes Casey has no role in this (because that is what she does) and thinks that it is all the defense's doing. Her best friend would never do this to her, would she??

Well Cindy, yes she would. She hates you. Your own mother said Casey hated you. So much so that she murdered Caylee to hurt you, but that wasn't enough for you. I personally think that you pushed Casey's buttons, like only you can, and in Casey's mind... you forced her to take this next step. She murdered Caylee to hurt you... so you wrote her letters stating that you did not believe Caylee was even deceased. That you would both look for Caylee alive when she gets out of jail!

I believe that Casey feels that after all she has done to destroy Cindy and George that they are insulting her by claiming that Caylee is alive. That they are still playing games with her... like " we don't believe you... so you can't hurt me." By refusing to believe that Casey had anything to do with Caylee's murder and then to insult her by claiming that Caylee is not even deceased... Casey feels she accomplished nothing in her actions and I think it royally ticks her off.


I don't know how much weight this holds, but I really think that Cindy and probably GA knew that little Caylee was dead long before she was found in the woods because of this article by Lillian Glass:

Cindy had a Freudian slip on camera on a news show where she spoke about Caylee being in the WOODS. River then emailed me the link to a video which documented this. This was at the time when the WOODS weren’t even a consideration because everyone was out searching for Caylee everywhere possible.

I don't know how credible or not credible Lillian Glass, but take this for what it's worth. I personally feel like it says a lot. I wish I had the video to back it up.
I've thought about this possibility for a long time - that all Casey has to say is that after her mother tried to choke her, she fled the house leaving Caylee there, and never saw Caylee again.

The last person to see Caylee alive outside the immediate Anthony family was Cindy's mother, SP, who fixed dinner for Cindy and Caylee before they went home on the late afternoon of June 15, 2008. So, we're left with the statements of GA, CA, and KC, all three of whom have a history of lying.

The only thing that puts Caylee in Casey's care is the car, with the odor of decomposition, concentration of chloroform, and stain in the trunk. But, Casey could say that she smelled an odor and opened the trunk and found Caylee there.

But this is where the '31 Days' comes in. During that month, Cindy told people that she was looking for Casey because Caylee was missing. And she posted that on her Myspace, explaining exactly what transpired. Cindy told her co-workers what was going on, and asked for their advice. And Cindy asked Lee to look for Casey and try to find out where Caylee was.

Casey on the other hand...well, we all know what she was up to during those 31 days. She lied and covered up the fact that Caylee was missing.

So even though the entire family lied, only Casey lied about the child being missing.
Late Thursday night, WESH TV posted this report:

[ame=""]Casey Defense Doesn't Want Parents Observing Trial[/ame]
I totally agree with everything in your post.

Why would this defense team specifically file a legal objection, somewhat at the nth hour, against their client's parents, the only people in the world who love this defendant, being in the courtroom for the trial??

I think we will be left with our jaws on the floor once this trial gets going....

Cheney Mason signed and filed this objection, and alluded to something regarding G&C in his cozy interview with Jean C for InSession TV.
Well, CM has recently become very close to ICA and I guess it will be his part to paint her as the poor abused child and product of the asylum she was brought up in on Hopesprings DR. This is the part of the trial I think he feels will be "fun"!
From his Insessions interview-
"yes. i enjoy fighting the government, when they need to be fought, on what ever level, and i enjoy the pursuit of justice. it may sound corny, but it's the truth, and i look forward to exposing hypocrites, um, liars, and only us old horse lawyers know how fun it can be, to hold a card close to your chest, when you know that some witness is going to get up there and lie, and you can crossX them, and expose 'em".

I'm sure the bus is headed for GA and CA probably knew that-what she may not be aware of is that she is probably going to be part of CM's poker hand when he plays this card that he's holding close to his chest!
CM states he and JB have divided up their witnesses and I assume JB is in charge of the forensic witnesses and their evidence. CM "old horse lawyer" that he is can't deal with the new age of forensics and cutting edge science.
Hold on-I think we are in for quite a performance from CM and he doesn't want any attention from the jury taken away by the Anthony's! This is all about damage control!! IMO
It must be quite shocking that at the 9th hour everything you thought you knew-

you now realize was a delusion!!:twocents:

ORLANDO, Fla. -- In the case against Casey, the defense filed a motion on Thursday objecting to the Anthonys' move to try to sit through the entire trial, even before they testify.

<mod edit for copyright infringement>

When JB had GA on the witness stand during the hearings of March 2, 3, and 4, he asked GA if he would do anything for his daughter and granddaughter, to which GA replied (words to the effect of), "he would do anything for his daughter and granddaughter."

JB's immediate response to that was, "even if I told you to not come to court?" (not exact, but words to that effect). GA said yes, he wouldn't come to court.

I think keeping the Anthonys out of the courtroom has been a DT plan for some time. This is not something they just came up with.

CM made a statement that there would be devastating news about the Anthonys at trial. A question for all.............Where's Lee in all this? If the DT paints a picture of GA and CA being abusive and that Casey was afraid of her parents, is Lee going to go along and testify to that?
I think this is all part of the plan. The A's filed this motion purposely, knowing the DT was going to object to it and the judge would Deny it. It is all part of the plan to show that the A's WERE working with the state, lying against KC because they were angry about the money stolen, etc. The DT is trying to disconnect from the A's so that when he throws them under the bus, the jury will say "no wonder she did not want to see them for 3 years". She refused their visits for the same reason. I have a feeling JB will also object to the visit that the A's want. All part of the process.
Well, CM has recently become very close to ICA and I guess it will be his part to paint her as the poor abused child and product of the asylum she was brought up in on Hopesprings DR. This is the part of the trial I think he feels will be "fun"!
From his Insessions interview-
"yes. i enjoy fighting the government, when they need to be fought, on what ever level, and i enjoy the pursuit of justice. it may sound corny, but it's the truth, and i look forward to exposing hypocrites, um, liars, and only us old horse lawyers know how fun it can be, to hold a card close to your chest, when you know that some witness is going to get up there and lie, and you can crossX them, and expose 'em".

I'm sure the bus is headed for GA and CA probably knew that-what she may not be aware of is that she is probably going to be part of CM's poker hand when he plays this card that he's holding close to his chest!
CM states he and JB have divided up their witnesses and I assume JB is in charge of the forensic witnesses and their evidence. CM "old horse lawyer" that he is can't deal with the new age of forensics and cutting edge science.
Hold on-I think we are in for quite a performance from CM and he doesn't want any attention from the jury taken away by the Anthony's! This is all about damage control!! IMO
It must be quite shocking that at the 9th hour everything you thought you knew-

you now realize was a delusion!!:twocents:

Oh yes - interesting statements from Mr Mason. We'll see.

I so look forward to Baez explaining the 31 days in his opening statement- he said it will become clear and should lay to rest any questions. Should be one hell of a shocker - since it's been the number one question on most peeps minds. Has there ever been a logical answer or theory regarding this from anyone?
A very wise lawyer who taught me everything he knows about criminal law once told me about the various approaches and strategies for trying a case. He said if you think your client actually has a chance of being acquitted, then you focus on the major facts of the case and you sometimes let a lot of objectionable stuff slide in an attempt to win favor with the judge and jury.

On the other hand, if you think your client doesn't have a chance, then you object to everything imaginable so as to preserve issues for appeal and to fluster the other side. You see, in most instances, if you don't object during trial, you can't later raise that issue on appeal. The problem with this method is that it tends to tick of the judge, and the jury suspects you of "playing games" and trying to get your client off on a technicality. But, when you pretty much know the jury is going to find your client guilty, your stop caring about what the jury thinks, and you focus on the end-game. The appeal.

I think they are practicing the latter strategy. They know their client doesn't have a chance, so they are making every effort to preserve any issue they can for a later appeal. I actually think this is a good call on their part, whether it was planned and coordinated with the A's or not.
Oh yes - interesting statements from Mr Mason. We'll see.

I so look forward to Baez explaining the 31 days in his opening statement- he said it will become clear and should lay to rest any questions. Should be one hell of a shocker - since it's been the number one question on most peeps minds. Has there ever been a logical answer or theory regarding this from anyone?

Imo, the ONLY thing that could fully justify her behavior during the 31 days is if she 'thought' the child was being well cared for by someone, and then when she found out she wasn't, then it was too late and she was then being threatened to be quiet and pretend like things were okay, or she would be killed herself. And that she was being 'framed.'

An 'accident' wouldn't justify her behavior,because she was so happy and care free.
Somebody abducting the child would not justify her behavior for the same reasons.

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