Defense doesn't want GA & CA in the courtroom....why?

Imo, the ONLY thing that could fully justify her behavior during the 31 days is if she 'thought' the child was being well cared for by someone, and then when she found out she wasn't, then it was too late and she was then being threatened to be quiet and pretend like things were okay, or she would be killed herself. And that she was being 'framed.'

An 'accident' wouldn't justify her behavior,because she was so happy and care free.
Somebody abducting the child would not justify her behavior for the same reasons.

ITA. But on top of that, she lied over and over again to various people about the child's whereabouts during that carefree, happy, 31 days. Maybe she can explain away lying to her mom, but why lie to so many random people like a tattoo shop guy, and a friend's mom she ran into at the store? They have no interest or concern with who is caring for Caylee. There is no reason to lie to them. If she really thought the child was being taken care of by someone, she wouldn't have told so many different stories. That's why I think she'll never be able to justify any of this, no matter what story she comes up with at trial.
As they always say, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. I'm sure the jury will be saying this as well.
Imo, Aedrys upthread nailed it .........snipped....
I think she gets more out of torturing them than caring about her fate. It's about hurting them as much as possible, and that courtroom is about to be her grandest stage to do it.
Even if the DT are trying to keep GA and CA out because they were going to throw them under the bus and use the abuse/fear defense. I honestly dont think the jury will buy it. To try imply she was afraid of them so she was out partying and going to the bar with friends doesn't exactly show someone that is living in fear.Once the jury hears how easy it was for ICA to lie to police it wont be hard to believe she doesnt exactly know how to tell the truth. Plus there might of been a time when it was easier to make the jury believe of a abuse instead of a young pretty mother killing their child but those days are long gone. We are seeing more and more young pretty mothers being convicted.
Or it could be, IMO, that ICA is sayin "you could not get me out of this one, so I have no use for you", she knows she is guilty. MOO
A narcissist only has use for people who can help them, compliment them, give them money, make them feel important or buy them things. If u don't fill one of those slots, you r not in their thoughts.
I think this is all part of the plan. The A's filed this motion purposely, knowing the DT was going to object to it and the judge would Deny it. It is all part of the plan to show that the A's WERE working with the state, lying against KC because they were angry about the money stolen, etc. The DT is trying to disconnect from the A's so that when he throws them under the bus, the jury will say "no wonder she did not want to see them for 3 years". She refused their visits for the same reason. I have a feeling JB will also object to the visit that the A's want. All part of the process.

I guarantee you, the state pros know exactly what they're up to. They will be ready.;)
And a lot of us thought recently the DT wanted the A's in the courtroom. I agreed with the posters that thought when they filed the motion to not be sequestered that they may create some kind of outburst and have a mistrial declared.
Cindy and George know what's going to happen to them in court. Rosebud will become Mommy Dearest (not saying she doesn't deserve the title) and George...well, we know what terrible things he will be accused of. ALL to save ICA. When they save ICA, they are saving themselves, in their own twisted way. What a mess.
Sounds like they are going to try and pin this on George and maybe even Cindy being an accomplice in the clean up I am thinking..:waitasec: What other reason could they really have? The DT has kept Cindy and George away from Casey since Oct 2008 for a reason, that reason being that worse comes to worse they will throw them under the bus to save Casey and/or cause reasonable doubt. JMO though..:cow:

Is the defense planning to pin Caylee's murder on George Anthony?
Motion Filed To Keep Casey's Parents Out Of Courtroom

"Snip" Updated: 6:32 pm EDT May 5, 2011

I have to wonder though if the DT tries to throw GA or CA under the bus if it won't backfire on them. If the jury sees through this it will only strengthen in their minds all that much more that ICA is a cold-hearted _itch.
The bus is headed for GA. ICA doesn't want GA in there to see it coming and she doesn't want CA in there because of the lies that GA and CA used together and she is afraid that CA will never forgive her because GA and ICA had secrets behind her back and the truth is about to come out. GA and ICA had been lieing to CA for years about the nanny, money, etc...covering for each other. They were both scared of CA because she controled the purse strings. JMHO
The bus is headed for GA. ICA doesn't want GA in there to see it coming and she doesn't want CA in there because of the lies that GA and CA used together and she is afraid that CA will never forgive her because GA and ICA had secrets behind her back and the truth is about to come out. GA and ICA had been lieing to CA for years about the nanny, money, etc...covering for each other. They were both scared of CA because she controled the purse strings. JMHO

For the life of me, I can't figure out where you are getting this.:waitasec:

It was GA that was on to Casey and it was CA that was upholding ICA in every thing she was doing wrong. GA even went as far as to try and follow her one night, because he suspected that she was NOT working.
CA has already changed her testimony, she can't be trusted, she's a loose cannon..She has done the most harm, IMO second to ICA...the team knows the discord, the contempt between these two determined ladies..if you look back on the jailhouse visits with GA alone with ICA, you'd never know that ICA has any fear of him...or CA..but you can see the pleasure ICA seems to have in seeing her mother break down and cry...Why is she crying already, ICA asks GA....I believe this is one wickedly, evil daughter who gets great pleasure in torturing her family...I only hope a jury can figure this out in two short months....we've had almost three years to see this discord...I wonder if CMason was thinking about these parents when he said he will expose the hypocrits and the liars...hope he also sees that in his client...she too lies just because...CA with her rose colored glasses, GA with he'd so anything to save his daughter...they cannot be trusted to say the right things they easily sway their testimony...Baez asked YMelich about being "false friends" to GA...which is exactly what he is doing with the Anthony parents...he's pretending to be their friend because they are going to come under fire but not for the death of Caylee more of the reason why ICA is who she is...

Mason already alluded to an awful, tragic death...

ICA's entire police interview was nothing but lies. No ZFG ever found, NO Jeffrey Michael Hopkins who has a son Zach, never found and she also claimed JMHopkins introduced her to this alleged nanny. The alleged apartment ICA said she left Caylee at the stairwell with this imaginanny, had been empty for 142 days. ICA states the last one she saw with Caylee was this imaginanny and she didn't bring Caylee back. ICA said she waited for them to return but by 8pm she's seen with TonyL renting vids at Block Buster...I don't see where this can be blamed on the grandparents of this beautiful child...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
It's priceless really. And so very ironic. (yep - the irony is INDEED rich ;) )

All the disgusting lies and machinations the A's have perpetrated to try to protect the murderer of their precious granddaughter - about to be twisted into some sort of "truth" that will see one of THEM painted as a the killer!

If they had kept their filthy mouths SHUT they would have given the Perp nothing to work with!

We have been discussing this oncoming freight train heading straight at Ma and Pa A since late 2008. It is quite surreal to see it now approaching and gaining speed at such an incredible pace.
It's priceless really. And so very ironic. (yep - the irony is INDEED rich ;) )

All the disgusting lies and machinations the A's have perpetrated to try to protect the murderer of their precious granddaughter - about to be twisted into some sort of "truth" that will see one of THEM painted as a the killer!

If they had kept their filthy mouths SHUT they would have given the Perp nothing to work with!

We have been discussing this oncoming freight train heading straight at Ma and Pa A since late 2008. It is quite surreal to see it now approaching and gaining speed at such an incredible pace.

I agree! And what makes it even sweeter (if you can consider any of this sweet) is that every last bit of the SODDI will be debunked by the state through Casey's very own visits, letters and statements, which will further paint her as a 1st degree murderer!
For the life of me, I can't figure out where you are getting this.:waitasec:

It was GA that was on to Casey and it was CA that was upholding ICA in every thing she was doing wrong. GA even went as far as to try and follow her one night, because he suspected that she was NOT working.

GA was trying to find ICA that day because he always believed that if ICA told CA that she was taking Caylee to the nanny's that Caylee was with ICA with the boyfriends, etc... When GA saw ICA with no Caylee he started to get concerned that ICA might be leaving Caylee with the boyfriends and started to actually get concerned for Caylee's safety. That is why he followed her. He was starting to want to know the real truth...where was Caylee if she wasn't with ICA. The whole time Caylee and ICA weren't home, he was just assuming that ICA was getting away from CA for a while and staying with a boyfriend. He knew she was not working from time that he found out she wasn't working at Sports Authority.
CA has already changed her testimony, she can't be trusted, she's a loose cannon..She has done the most harm, IMO second to ICA...the team knows the discord, the contempt between these two determined ladies..if you look back on the jailhouse visits with GA alone with ICA, you'd never know that ICA has any fear of him...or CA..but you can see the pleasure ICA seems to have in seeing her mother break down and cry...Why is she crying already, ICA asks GA....I believe this is one wickedly, evil daughter who gets great pleasure in torturing her family...I only hope a jury can figure this out in two short months....we've had almost three years to see this discord...I wonder if CMason was thinking about these parents when he said he will expose the hypocrits and the liars...hope he also sees that in his client...she too lies just because...CA with her rose colored glasses, GA with he'd so anything to save his daughter...they cannot be trusted to say the right things they easily sway their testimony...Baez asked YMelich about being "false friends" to GA...which is exactly what he is doing with the Anthony parents...he's pretending to be their friend because they are going to come under fire but not for the death of Caylee more of the reason why ICA is who she is...

Mason already alluded to an awful, tragic death...

ICA's entire police interview was nothing but lies. No ZFG ever found, NO Jeffrey Michael Hopkins who has a son Zach, never found and she also claimed JMHopkins introduced her to this alleged nanny. The alleged apartment ICA said she left Caylee at the stairwell with this imaginanny, had been empty for 142 days. ICA states the last one she saw with Caylee was this imaginanny and she didn't bring Caylee back. ICA said she waited for them to return but by 8pm she's seen with TonyL renting vids at Block Buster...I don't see where this can be blamed on the grandparents of this beautiful child...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

BBM-I think the SA's will methodically lay out the evidence in order for the jury to capture the true essence of ICA in a very quick manner. I don't think it will take a jury that long to find out what an evil, calculating person ICA is. While it is true it has taken us here 3 years of following this case, we were only able to glean from it what we could sleuth from every available source but the jury will be handed the case in a nice, neat package.
I also think the jury will be quick to decide on ICA's character when it is brought to the jury's attention that ICA never, in 31 days or after, notified LE about her missing child and the icing on the cake will be ICA's first phone call home after her arrest. Those two pieces of evidence alone, IMO, will seal ICA's fate with the jury.
I think this is all part of the plan. The A's filed this motion purposely, knowing the DT was going to object to it and the judge would Deny it. It is all part of the plan to show that the A's WERE working with the state, lying against KC because they were angry about the money stolen, etc. The DT is trying to disconnect from the A's so that when he throws them under the bus, the jury will say "no wonder she did not want to see them for 3 years". She refused their visits for the same reason. I have a feeling JB will also object to the visit that the A's want. All part of the process.
Hmmm you just made me think of something.....
You'd think that a victim of alleged serial abuse wouldn't be stupid enough to steal from her abusers, let alone serially steal from them. Most abused kids attempt to be invisible and perfect to avoid further confrontation and abuse. I wonder how the DT plans to wrap our minds around that one. I mean she didn't need to steal to put a roof over her head or feed her baby. She stole from the ones doing that for her. So WTH?
I hope the SAO shuts down any bus headed towards the A's. This whole line of defense might be acceptable if ICA were 17 but she isn't. She was a fully formed woman free to choice her path in life. Her parents weren't so abusive it prevented her from trusting them with Caylee. She let them into the delivery room for her birth. The RN's would have questioned her privately on that and her wishes would have been respected even if it meant GA and CA were escorted out by security.
When did the abuse stop?
I don't know how much weight this holds, but I really think that Cindy and probably GA knew that little Caylee was dead long before she was found in the woods because of this article by Lillian Glass:

Cindy had a Freudian slip on camera on a news show where she spoke about Caylee being in the WOODS. River then emailed me the link to a video which documented this. This was at the time when the WOODS weren’t even a consideration because everyone was out searching for Caylee everywhere possible.

I don't know how credible or not credible Lillian Glass, but take this for what it's worth. I personally feel like it says a lot. I wish I had the video to back it up.

Bold mine

Within days of Caylee being reported missing Joyce and Bailley Dickens (neighbours of the Anthonys and the Torres family) told Police about Kio Marie Torres and Kio's mother's belief as to Caylee not only being dead but that her body was likely dumped in the wooded area off Suburban and behind the school. Well albeit they figured the other side of the road, it seems the Torres family were right.

Point being, I'm sure Cindy Anthony and Baez were well aware of the local rumours about woods that were circulating around Hopespring from very early on. So no Freudian slip imho.

That said, I believe both George and Cindy knew Caylee to be dead before she was found. How long before?........ is always going to be a talking point.


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