Dr. Timothy Huntington testimony (Asst Professor of Biology at Concordia in Nebraska)

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Afternoon Session Friday June 17, 11

Dr. Huntington w/JB -

HHBP hopes jury had a good lunch (hopefully they didn't have nausea from this morning testimony IMO)

JB - items in trunk of Pontiac Sunfire - opinion of insect activity regards to the garbage bag - anything found outside garbage bag that was of evidentiary value (object-sustain rephrase)

any evidence outside of garbarge bag - insect sweepings ...2 samples outside garbage bag that contained insect material...there was very low number of insect recovered outside - same inside the bag very low numbers.

difference between trash and garbage - specific Webster dictionary - not in dictionary of entomology - he uses them interchangably

aware of paper towels in the trash....maggot activity? paper towels did contain a number of humpback scuttlefly empty puparia cases.....articles in the trash not surprised @ all...maggot looks for spot to pupate hidden, tight fitting ....paper towel has lots nooks and crannies to pupate - often use paper towels in the lab for them to pupate in....

that paper towel used for anything to clean up something that was not a dead body??
specific insects pupate on that area - anthing on that paper towel to see if it was used to clean up decomp material or anything else (object - overrule)

pupation site -ie: paper towel - it associates itself other than food source....they leave source - presence of them indicative of an absence of food.....empty coco0n stage - flies already emerged as adults leave puparia behind....

not during feeding stage - maggots fed pupated and they left - empty crysallis on a tree is analagous....

JB stumbles 3 times for questions....

what attracks these insects to garbage (object-sustain)

what attracted these insects to this trash - tobacco spit...body fluid....decomposes itself these particular type flies very attracted to these....he saw a piece of meat in boloney container.....his professional opinion tobacco spit

these flies are very small - restricted food sources - found them in sealed plastic bucket used to hold anatomical specimines - breeding in there - doesnt suprise him @ all.

Lunch over at 1:30


JB - it appears that JA is going to attempt to inquire of Dr. H as to whether he was a student of Dr. Haskel. JB feels that is improper bolstering of Dr. Haskel.

JA - who he studied under is part of his qualifications. Doesn't feel it is a question he should not be allowed to ask.

HHJBP - well, it depends. The reason I say that - it depends on whether or not the defense attempts to discredit the qualifications or the opinions - well, discredit the qualifications of Dr. Haskel; and if it does, then the rule is that you can bolster, and more specifically - under Mr. Mason's book - Ehardt... It really depends on what happens now.

JA - These 2 experts may have different opinions, but I do not intend on challenging the qualifications of Dr. Neal Haskel.

HHJBP - It really depends, and I will have to see at the end of the conclusion of your direct examination of your witness, whether or not that question is fair game. So, at that point ya'll can approach the bench and I will say yes or no.

HHJBP - also remember one thing, you went into his qualifications regarding diplomat and the express purpose of that was to talk about his abilities to testify or not testify and there may be some relevancy as to whether or not he was a "student". We'll get to that in the end. We can engage in a long intellectual discussion and debate on that issue.



I think where we left off - we were discussing the items in the trunk of the sunfire and you gave us your opinion as to the insect activity with regard to the garbage bag. Was there anything that you were aware of that was outside of the garbage bag of evidentiary value.


There were a few (2) samples found outside of the garbage bag, as well as the sweepings. There was a very low number of articles of insect evidence recovered outside of the bag - same as inside - just very low numbers.

Difference between trash and garbage? Thinks it is more of a colloqueal or regional. As an entomologist he does not see a difference. He uses them interchangeably.

Regarding the trash, paper towels were found in trash. They contained a number of hump back or scuttle fly pupary. There was no live material associated with them - just empty casings. Given the articles in the trash bag, it did not surprise him at all. When a maggot looks for a spot to pupate, they look for hidden tight fitting locations. A crumpled up paper towel has a lot of nooks and crannies. He often uses pieces of paper towel in the lab for insects to pupate in.

Does the fact that you have this specific insects pupating in that area, is there anything on the paper towels that they were used in any way to clean up decomp.

OBJECTION - beyond the expertise - OVERRULED

When you find a pupation site such as a paper towel, it associates itself with something other than a food source. If there was a food source there, he would not expect to find them. Their presence on the towel indicates an absence of food material. They were in the closed or empty stage. The flies had already emerged.

Was there anything that you identified from any of the materials that have any indications - I'll strike that.

About the garbage, what attracts these insects to garbage? These specific flies,.....

OBJECTION - not relevant - SUSTAINED

What in your opinion attracted these insects to this trash? Based on the contents of this trash bag, there was a number of cans of tobacco spit. That is a body fluid that decomposes itself These flies are very attracted to this type of material. Also, it appeared that there was a dried up piece of meat in a balogna container which could have also accounted for it.

Would that be even if the tobacco was inside a closed container? Yes, they are very small flies and are attracted to very restricted food sources.

Photos - enlargement of photos in evidence - S-123 and S-121.

JA - can we project the image onto the screen so we can all see? JB - no we will be jumping back and forth (sure does appear JA is trying to rattle JB at every opportunity). JA standing right over JB while he is questiioning the witness.

When he first inspected the garbage, visually with photos, he had access to both of these. He spent more time looking at 33 - dry garbage.


What would be the difference -

JA - I'm sorry this set up is not good. I cannot see the photo. JB - you can hold them. JA - no I need to see what you are pointing at. HHJBP - move on!

What is the difference of the bugs being attracted to the dry vs the wet garbage? The flies are going to be more attracted to the damp wet garbage than dry - primarily to do with larval habits. When a fly lays eggs, they dry up very quickly and have to be in an environment where they don't dry up easily and the maggots don't feed well on dry material.

How could they recover maggots or insect activity on dry garbage?


The evidence that is visible in the dry garbage photos is the remains of the insects that were feeding in the damp garbage.

It doesn't have to be a substantial amount of material to draw their attention. Flies are attracted to the smell of decomp - which is the process of being eaten. The food items have bacteria on them that are eating them. The bacteria itself begins the decomp process and emits the initial odor that attracts the flies.

Any other items in the trash the bugs would find interesting?

Is there anything inconsistent between what you found in the trash and the entire trunk which would lead you to believe this is anything other than the result of a bag of trash being left in the car for 2-3 weeks. He would expect to find the same thing in a bag of trash such as this in anyone's backyard.

Shifting focus to the Suburban Drive site - from the evidence that you reviewed, do you have any opinions as to - Let me rephrase - what does the insect evidence tell us there?

The insect material associated with the remains are what you would expect to find associated with remains at that location at that time of year. The early colonizing flies were missing. Their absence is unusual in a case where a body is recovered outdoors in that nature. A body that is readily accessible - the absence of the early colonizing insects is unusual - they should have been there and there is no good reason for them not to be there. What that indicates is that the body has been moved from some other location other than where it was discovered - certainly shows a postmortem movement.

Are there other things that can tell where a body decomposed.


SIDEBAR #5 (1:59)

Dr. H - indicators why body was moved...when body decomps - research from trunk...body decomp fluids come out ....in an outdoor leach into soil...changes bio..animal, microorganisms, kill off plant or grasses...too much fertilizer - too much nitrogen.....

soil biotic communities within cell structure - recent studies biotic -living or a-biotic non-living structures....look @ those can tell something that decompose....refereced Dr. Dave Carter research - object- sustain!

stain area on ground - include body in a couple of plastic bags - no breach to bags - entirely sealed - no fluid can escape - not expect to see that fluid on soil...if tear those fluids would spill out.....death scene outdoors - stain is where to look @ to describe the scene or lovcation


JA objects Dr. H testify to botany....out of scope object - overrule

did you find early colonizers within the bag - blow flies 3 examples - early colonizers found in area A where remains found...only early colonizer was from the bag itself....reinforces that the body was moved....after decomp process in bag or container you would expect some insects to made it pupal stage moved with the body...not finding them if the body would have decomposed at that site would have been found with the body and in much greater numbers....

Cross exam - Dr. H - JA

do mean to suggest this body was fully skeletonized and then moved....early stages of decomposed....when said body decomposed elsewhere - primarily refer to early stages of decomp defined as ......number ways to describe most taphony between 3-24 stages ...he described 5 stages -fresh,bloat, early/active, advance decay and remains.

early - fresh and or bloat and end of active decay possible.....how long does it take on a child's body....not sure research how many degree days on a small child between 2 and 3 years...accumulated degree days - math avg. temp times number of days....object- finish answer....
fill it in for us...

accumulated degree day average daily temp minus the threshhold temp....it is important there are some scientists who don't think you need to do that.....minimum base threshhold temp - there is a temp at which bio process stops - depending on the process depends on the temp ...math construct no real bio meaning other than math works use correct temp.....2 days @ 90 degrees? depends on bio process or insect species....decomp is temp dependant....used accumulated dgree days.....2 days @ 90 would be 180 accumulatd degree days....in terms of decomp or anything a min threshold of zero makes math easy ....not based on any specific model....could say min 20 degrees has no bio construct just math......

2 90 degree days equal how many 60 degree days.....1 1/2 averg temps...

2 days @ 90 degrees would equal 3 days of 60 degrees days...this body was at another location before moved to suburban drive? number of days....hard to say environment...if body was in fridge 0 could be months....very hot outside lets say today is day one (Yea! GO JA!)

95 degrees today - probably around 2-3 or maybe 4 days....with assumptions in mind body placed in finally found location - assume those conditions....remained in that location from that point foreward...if they were placed directly with that scene it would be consistently....nothing bout the scene that would refute that? he is hesitating but consistent with a lot of scenarios but yes......body was in another location as far as temp is assumed .....early colonizers unable to get to it? NO...there were early colonizers on thebody in very low numbers...had some access...at some point.....object- overrule

Dr. H insects had access to body in early decomp - body moved some point thereafter....body be inaccessable except for very late stage.....not talking about precise window it doesn't go from insects do like the body then dont - depends on the circumstances....definate window loose attraction to remains for food resource for offspring not attracted or colonize remains unfavorable to their offspring...@ some point flies switch off when remains no longer attractive....not attracted @ night time...lay eggs during day....can be the next day they won't....early colonizers on it and someone washed it off? didn't say that ...if body was available to them why weren't they there? not @ scene his opinion of post mortem movement - insects go with body that is their food source....if food source was with the remains ...where body was what it was contained in......between time eggs laid and larvae the body was moved? a couple examples work in this example....body moved late in feeding stages of maggots - left teh body in large numbers ony a few remain.....one scenario take much longer....

2nd large number of maggots remeoved andf then body transported.

3rd large number of maggots placed in bags and then moved....

4th scenario? body was inaccessible to flies? body had to be accessible to flies....early colonizers were associated with the body ...they did have access.....

JA grabs picture of bugs...flies gain access how long did it take...not simultaneous they all come @ once....not possible the body kept certain time inaccess to early colonizer then moved ....not possible? anything is possible....talk aboutthe one I asked it is possible? do you recall giving depO? recall giving 2 depos...

Dr. Haskell statement report - look @ his report


JA up to show Dr. H something in Dr. Haskell's report from the scene....looking thru report.....witness strains to see report.....CM yawning and stiffling yawns....kc cocking head to side....JA found reference in report

JA - pg 61 line 7....general if you agree with Dr. Haskell...depo 1/28th? read what Dr. Haskell said...reduced #'s of early initial colonizers body was stored.....
Jb objects ? overrule

JA ask him to follow question --is there any thing w/Dr. H report that you disagree or take issue...the only part not alot to disagree with....only part jumps out at me ....very similar or same report of what mine would look like given the same evidence....are you now saying you disagree with Dr. Haskell report - that is one possible ....Dr H expanding on other possibles....depends on circumstances - environmental conditions....is there something you know now that you didn't know in Jan of this year? Object - overrule ...anything different as far as you know in environment - agree with his consistent body deposited end June or early July 2008....if body kept in early decomp from early colonizers would that place smell? yes if allowed to decomp in absence of early decomp...that place wold stink and would not be able to get stink out....human decomp is very recognizable can't clean it out cant get it out....whever decomp difficult to ever get it out....examine 6/2010 2 years after trunk liner removed no garbage in car trunk - removed more than 2 years before....correct? object- sidebar!


HHBP - you may continue

JA when you looked @ trunk in 7/2010 - still a smell in the trunk yes....knowing garbage in trunk when in your experience bag of garbage in trunk for a week....left one in nebraska? walk past a dumpster in nebraska? yes other states/ yes....

talk about your experiment.....step down...put way over here....one of 6 - jb wants to get closer.....hired 9/2010 this experiment created specifically for this case? no it was not....have longstanding history to examine barrier effects from fly colony....many bodies recovered veh. trunks...case studies ....he had occassion to meet owner of tow company with junk cars...can I experiment veh he volunteered.....did you tell JB you were doing this experiment? yes....this experiment in back of his mind a long time...did do some side experimenting in this specific case....not specific modeled for this case...how many bodies for 2 or 3 days body in trnk.....never.....all of your opinions what you would expect to see from this one experiment? no ...case studies in lit....how many of those involve small children? not aware of any small child....wrapped in blanket ...stuffed in garbage bag...stuffed in another garbage bag? object - overrule - kc lauighs!!!! no

why didn't you wrap your pigs in a blanket? laughter in courtroom

didn't focus on that specific focus on trunk restriction...there are other studies pigs in a blanket ....pigs in a blanket in a bag/ not a fair representation of Caylee - she was wrapped in a blanket and 2 bags....

why he was doing relevance to this case...attractive early colonize access veh. trunk...only included one of many barriers between fly and Caylee body....had he wrapped pig in blanket...placed in multiple trash bag, in laundry bg....flies penetrated could trunk - if flies can smell body...in this case wrapped in ...they can almost certainly ge to the body...never had experience body in trunk reserach....
1 body in plastic - 1 case study ...body recovered in Europe head of vic placed in garbage bags placed in trunk of veh...in the "boot" of the veh....based upon 1 study told jury no way bag could be a barrier....n ot what he meant to imply many studies look @ efficiency of trashbags.....


If smell can get out of bag - it is not air tight - female fly will deposit flies on outside layer...odor emit from bag--lay eggs @ initial opening - when hatch they will crawl in very good @ getting in small spaces...

did you experiment on effects of chloroform on flies? (object-overrule) put chloroform to see how effect early colonizers NO....aware trunk air inidcate level of chloroform used to kill insects in hi concentrations.....it can kill them....

take hypothetical....body in trunk for a day or two - perhaps even placed there alive (object) dies in the trunk - large amts of chloroform on body or in air....effect on early colonizers infect thisdead body? do you know? no research on that specific topic...dose of chloroform has to be sufficiently hi to displace oxygen molecules ....if chlorofrom reacts as others chemicals do...commerical pesticides been used ...effect is very short lasting...change bio-chemistry of air and odor you change environment of early colonizers" (object- out of his....overrule) blowfly can detect parts per bilion...female smell food source far away...complete displacement of chemical cues.....doesn't change attractness of the flies? there shouldn't ....odor in chloroform in ppm is high ...he finds that highly unlikely ....whole displace of chlroform 100% replacement...proposing? no that is not what .....obvject - sustain

100% displace chemicals in the air molecules - extremely unlikely - chemical content of odor has changed...you don't have any idea what change has on early colonizers....dont know do you just answered that question....court reporter read it back.....

getting @ hearing the question the flies don't smell the odor same way you and I do...they pick up indiv. molecules of sufur compounds - change content of the air...chemicals floating around flies atracted to ...replace 1:1 to get over attractiveness....no studies on this/ how about chloroform? don't know....

paper towels in garbage - what was on it? do you know? don't know....do have a report can refer to it...report states ...report states - wants to refer to report


read Dr. Vass report - pg 7

fatty acids ones palmetic, steric, mysteric, ....adipocere - grave wax on paper towels...didn't examine paper towels ...adipocere fat substance hydrogenated body fat ...product of some decomp ....cool temps and low O2 content....megaselius scalarius would be attracted to it...think attracted tobacco spit sealed in bottle....dont classify several cans of tobacco spit as a little bit....presence of flies on paper towels themselves...if the papert owels adipocere - not tend to pupate on or near their food source....photo of garbage....zoom in right here...this isthe container refer to in discussion with JB contain tobacco.....thiscontainer right here...small amt of brown substance.....one of several contain remnants of tobacco spit....point them out to me....touch screen ....vcan zoom...


every one he has ever known spit tobaccco on the can lid spit with bits of tobacco...have items here actual.....lets take a look....

SIDEBAR #5(1:59-2:02)


Indicators of what would lead you to believe the body was moved - the soil?

When a body decomposes, the body fluids come out of the body, and when it is outdoors, the decomp fluids will leach into the soil and changes the animal community. It was also kill the plant community in the area. When examining sites of decomp, there are relatively emergent fields in science that are looking at the composition of the soil itself to determine if it is a decomp site. A lot of this research is done at University of Nebraska....


JB - so there is a stain on the ground where someone would decompose? Yes.

Would that include a body in a couple of plastic bags? If there is no breach to the bags, entirely sealed so that no fluid can escape, then he would not expect to find anything at the site. If there are holes in bag, fluids would leak out.

Examining a death scene outdoors, the stain is something he looks at to describe the scene. If a body is found outdoors and there is no staining...


Because you spend so much time looking at decomposing bodies, you come to look for these things. Anything unusual stands out.

Any other findings that would support this conclusion?

Were there early colonizers in the canvas bag? 3 puparial cases of colonizing blow flies. The only early colonizing insects at the site were in the bag itself. This reinforces the hypothesis that the remains were moved. If you have a body that has moved after decomp has begun, especially in a bag or container, you would expect some of the insects that have made the transition to pupal stage to be physically moved with the body. In this case not finding them away from the body reinforces that. They should have been found all over the place around the body in much greater numbers.

JB conferring with CM.


Do you suggest this body fully skeletonized at another location? No I did not say that.

When he says the body decomposed elsewhere, he is primarily referring to the early stages of decomp which would be the fresh stage, bloat stage and possibly early active decomposition. On a child he could not give number of days to go through fresh and blow stage. He did not have the data available.

Accumulated degree days - average daily temp minus minimum base temp. Some scientists erroneously feel you do not need to do that. Minimum base temp is - a temp where biological processes stop.

2 days - average temp of 90 - he needs to know the average base temp. 180 accumulated degree days.

What is the equivalency between 2 90 degree days and 2 60 degree days. 1 90 degree day would accumulate 1.5 60 degree days.

At the scene, how long do you believe this body was at another location before it was moved to Suburban Drive? It is a hard thing to say because it depends on the environmental conditions at that site. JA - assume hot outside like it is now - 95 degrees. How many days before body moved? Probably 2 to 4 days.

He agreed that from that point on this body remained at that location from that point forward - assuming the remains were exposed to those conditions and no intermediary conditions. The scene is consistent with that scenario? He is hesitating because it is consistent with a lot of other scenarios too.

He agreed the body was in another location previously. That location - there were early colonizers present on the body in very low numbers so they had some access.


The insects had access to the body in early stages of decomp because they were there, and then the body was moved at some point thereafter.

There is a definite window where early colonizers lose attraction to the remains. They are not going to colonize remains not favorable to their offspring. At some point the flies decide the remains are no longer attractive and that point can be very distinct.

He did not say they were washed off.

Why aren't the early colonizers there? This is due to postmortem movement. Why didn't they stay with the body? Due to what the body is contained in, possibly.

A couple of scenarios - first that the body was moved late in the feeding stages of the maggots, meaning the early colonizers had left the body in large number with only a few remaining accounting for those found in the bag. Second - large numbers of maggots were removed from the body and the body was then transported. Third - a large number of maggots, the body was placed into the bags and then moved.

Fourth - the body was inaccesible to the flies? The body had to be accessible to the flies because they were found.

Regarding the decomposing pig picture - how long did it take the flies to appear? It is not simultaneous.

It is not possible the body was kept for a time not accessible to early colonizers? Anything is possible. He then stated "yes".

He gave two depositions in this case.

Regarding Dr. Haskel's opinion as to the lack of significant early colonizers.... Do you recall me asking if you agreed with Dr. Haskel's opinion? Please read Dr. Haskel's opinion.


He was asked in his depo if there is anything in Dr. Haskel's opinion of the scene that he disagreed with. His depo answer said that his report was very similar or the same as what his report would look like.

He was asked if he now disagreed with Dr. Haskel's statement that the body had been kept somewhere where early colonizing was not available. He said he agreed with it, he was just expounding with other possibilities.

Is there something about the environmental conditions ....


Is anything different about the environmental conditions? No.

Would you agree with Dr. Haskel that the evidence was consistent with the body being deposited there in June of July of 2008. Yes.

Is this body was kept somewhere away from early colonizers during early decomp? Yes, it would smell and you would not be able to get the smell out. He agreed the smell of decomposition is very recognizable. He agreed you can't get it out. It would smell bad and that smell would be difficult to get out.

When you examined the Sunfire in this case in July of 2010 (2 years later) after the trunk liner was removed and there was no garbage in the trunk.....

SIDEBAR #6 requested by JB (2:36-2:39?)

CROSS EXAM BY JA continued

When he viewed the trunk in 2010, he agreed there was a smell in the trunk. It was fairly week. Knowing there was once garbage in the trunk, he could associate it with that. He has never left a bag of garbage in a car trunk for a week and did not have that experience.

He was hired initially on Dec 11, 20-08. He began the experiment in September of 2010 - not specifically for this case. He had occasion to get the junk cars and then asked if he could do the experiment. He told Defense that he was going to do it. He has wanted to do this experiment for a long time.

Other cases with bodies in trunks - no other occasions.

Opinions regarding bodies decomposing in trunks was not just from experience in this case. There are numerous case studies. He is not aware of any that specify a small child wrapped in blankets and stuffed in a garbage bag.


He did not wrap the pigs because that was not what he was looking at in this experiment. There are other studies that look at pigs in a blanket. In a bag? He doesn't know if that combination has been attempted.

What he was examining in the experiment was the flies' accessibility in the trunk. He did not include the barrier of blankets, laundry bag or trash bags. However, he would still expect to see evidence in the trunk. If the flies can smell it, they can most certainly get to it.

1 study he looked at involved a body in a bag in a trunk. It was a body recovered in Europe where the head of a victim was placed in a garbage bag in the trunk of a vehicle. There are many studies that look at barrier efficiency. He did not mean to imply that there is no way the bag could be a barrier.

Why wouldn't a bag keep bugs out? If the smells can get out of the bag, that indicates that it is not air tight. If a fly can smell the odors of decomposition, a female fly will deposit eggs on the outside layer near the knot of the bag if they can't get in. Then, when the maggots hatch, they will crawl in.

Did you experiment on the effects of chloroform on attracting flies?

OBJECTION - outside of scope - OVERRULED

Did you experiment with chloroform?

OBJECTION - outside of scope - OVERRULED

No. He did not. High concentrations of chloroform can kill insects.

Hypothetical - body is in trunk for a day or 2


Hypothetical - individual is placed in trunk alive, dies in trunk, large amounts of chloroform on the body and in the air - effect of this on early colonizers? Because there has been no research on that specific topic, he doesn't know if there is a good answer. The chloroform has to be sufficiently high to displace the oxygen. If chloroform acts as most chemicals do that have been studied, the effect is very short lasting.

If you change the air, you change the colonizers?


Flies can detect parts per billion. Were there anything other than a complete displacement, the flies would still be attracted. He agreed there have been no studies of this.

The flies don't smell the odor the same way we do. They pick up on individual molecules that are emitted. Changing the content of the air, you would have to replace every single one of the volatile sulfur compounds that the flies are attracted to.

He acknowledges there are no studies with chloroform and flies.

Paper towels - what was on them? He does not know what was on them. He has a report that states that it was fatty acids.

OBJECTION BY JB - what report?

Page 7 of Dr. Vass's report. Fatty acids - like adipocere or grave wax. He did not examine the paper towels. He assumes Dr. Vass is correct.

Would the flies be attracted to adipocere? Yes, they would be. Yet, you think it is the tobacco spit they were attracted to, rather than the adipocere.


He did not consider the tobacco spit as a little bit. The presence of the flies on the towel is not something you would expect to find if it was adipocere because they would not tend to pupate near their food source.

He was shown the photo which showed the container that contained the tobacco spit. He said that was one of several. He showed several tops of cans that were used as spittoons. He said you could see the remnants - everyone he has met that spits into a can and leaves them around - look exactly like that. He has photos on a computer. JA is now preparing to show him the actual items.

OBJECTION BY JB - wants JA to use photos instead - OVERRULED

He was shown Exhibit 136 and stated it looked like a can, but not one of the ones he was talking about. Exhibit 10 - that's what he is talking about -

OBJECTION BY JB - He wants to see the item.

This would have easily attracted scuttle flies. JA - there is nothing in the can. He would need a flash light or the can cut open. He was not sure if he had records that indicated the cans were empty. One could assume that a bag of garbage with tobacco chew in a trunk of a car would evaporate. Do you recall being told the cans were empty?


He was shown the inventory and agreed they all indicated they were empty. No entomological remnants were found in the cans. There were photos that showed some ON the cans.

OBJECTION BY JB - witness should be allowed to see the pictures - OVERRULED

Tobacco spit does not smell like human decomp, ever? He could not qualify it with "ever". Saliva can smell like a full decomposing body? Not what I'm saying. He would not assume the tobacco spit to smell like a decomposing human person. Do you agree there was no food in the bag? He stated there is a photo of the salami container that shows something inside of it.

RECESS at 3:13 to 3:30.

JA says report says all cans were empty ....no entomological remnants in the cans..on the cans...look @ photos need to refer....agree there is no...(object- allow examine photos to show) overrule!

with all that said - agree tobacco spit doesn't smell like human decomp .....ever! wouldn't you? I don't know that he could put the qualifier of
"ever" as a body fluid decomp cycle....saliva decomposes smell like full decomposing body? Not what he said....that substance not going to smell dead person...not assume it to smell of dead person...no food in garbage bag.....agree? as he defines food things to eat...nothing in there like to eat....nothing in here anyone could eat even if pressed...no food in this trashbag? correct? photo on screen something inside salomie outside of that don't see food....something you may see in the salomy pack here......pull it out and take a look....jury been going since 1:30 recess til 3:30.


JA - salami container - piece of paper inside there -NOT MEAT! there does not appear to be food in the trash....clean up decomp scene - take a paper towel clean up little bit of decomp fluid - not very effective- vacuum bugs left behind...only thing cannot get rid of is the smell....

rid all insect evidence - remove carpet layer and vacuum nooks and crannies of trunk itself...it is possible to remove but difficult to remove smell...

reference data - decomp event showed with pig central to know stage of decomp...accumulated days for pig experiment - avg. daily temp for 10 days in trunk...approx 60 degrees...based upon calculations going from memory....10 days @ 60 degees compare to 600 accumulated degree days 600 divided by 90 about 6 and change sounds right....not 2 days....state of decomp of experiment doesn't coincide w/2 1/2 yr child wrap in blanket in bags in trunk....
calendar degree days...it would be more in experimental case...trunk hotter than 90 degrees decomp go even faster....

propose amt of decomp exclude early colonizers can't get in 1 day....redirect

JB w/DrHuntington

don't disagree w/Dr. haskell findings relate to Surburban Drive....site of recovery report is very agreeable...both agree body decompose somewhere else other than where it was found....evidence in this case recovered from site of recovery speaks for itself...body there some period of time...very difficult to say exact...months.....body was moved after death after some location very agreeable....after some stage of decomp already passed...makes perfect sense look @ evidence.....when testify there were early colonizers blow flies in canvass laundray bag Caylee body was found...how much insect early colonizers present from his report? looking

telling them 75 puparia recovered from the bag...is that considered a lot sir? rephrase....that is very few consider single female fly lay upwards of 300 eggs....

if you assume body came from trunk of car during that period of colony ...would expect to find more.....

75 puparia casings - legs come from adults - many more fly parts or dead flies in trunk....fly had 6 legs ....

Dr. Haskell makes association with...(object- during cross JA asked about the scene) approach!


Dr. H- the evidence doesn't make sense any way you look @ it...Dr. Haskell report vehicle own findings doesn't find anything that says a body in trunk...

chloroform if body of trunk....would not see those kind flies....

if we were coming to assumptions...chlroform prevent colonization

evidence in bag (object -sustain)

I would like to expand...don't speak with objection
air samples recognized in scientific community? (object-relevance scope) sustained

member of Am Acdademy of Forensic science - up to date latest journals relates to decomp...yes I teach about this topic..... sidebar


JB w/Dr. Huntington - referring to Dr. Vass' report of adipocere...fat like substance on the paper towels - that doesn't mean adipocere ....don't say "like" adipocere (object - sustain) fatty acids could be found in other items including meat products and other ....

tell us about adipocere -

where do you get info from adipocere? JA - in his experience an associated product of decomp...presence or absence of adipocere in pathology reports routinely say as well as anthromolgical reports....well established....have you ever tested adipocere....you don't need to test it......knowledge is from someone else-= that is how you learn everything in life....actual study in production of adipocere and presence and absence on human remains cases...he has never tested adipocere to see if it adipocere.....JA interrupts....

Dr. Huntington forgot - lost train of thought.....re read = atty's approach bench!


Dr. H extensive working with forensic anthropologists who tell him this is adipocere....he feels it is in any experts realm...if we go with that Dr. Vass is not anthropologist (Jb laughs)

how long it takes for adipocere to develop...environmental factors...areas of reduced O2 content and more often cool and damp....bodies disenterred...properly laid bodies from funeral home will have adipocere due to cool restricted environment....

.....missed som

garbage JA asked you to see....you saw garbage received by SO...damp photos and saw it afterwards....forensic entomologist consulted in case...is it common practice to alter evidence? object sustain

garbage put in a dry room...that evidence altered since originally collected...objectoverrule
come here 3 years later show you can that was put in dry room then saved 3 years later...render garbage (compound question and vague on entomology? sustain)

expect the physical evidence now to be different than when collected.....
show pic of damp garbage ....neither you nor dr. haskell got see this garbage (object

the garbage in the trunk - object overrule

from get go...if I were entomologist involved demand a dna of maggot gut contents (object-move to strike sustain) other types of ....

entire debate as to whether dead body in trunk of car - overrule


other types of things done to answer this question that we are all tryin to answer object - sustained!

JB knocks mike....wakes everyone

now maggots eats remnants of food and bacteria left on remnants of food....JA asked you about garbage bag being an obstafcle for maggots and insect activity....show witness SA#75 publish...
publish to witness and ....
white bag of garbage with red staining on underside....SA#127 publish...trash bag not much deterrant for maggots and insects - drawstring leaves big hole in bag.....

Stain on you had in your study and asked if you had done it for this case....it was not...reasons other than this case...didn't include pigs with plastic bags, blanket and canvass bag...do that study for this case attempt to use same veh...handled pig carcasses as teh body in this case...duplicate the scenario...absolutely and not in Nebraska but in summer in FL......publish to jury

JA asked relations your study relates to this...picture of ? child car seat? or stain on carpet from decomp fluid...believe this stain if you can see a stain ....render a decision it came from human decomp....Object- Approach!


Based on your experience or study can you look @ this stain and see if this stain came from a human decompostion...no it doesn't look lik the numerous homicide and suicide and natural causes scenes...is this photo good example of decomp fluid would look like on a carpet...this photo look like decomp....

given smell of decomp body would be in trunk of car for 1 to several days...someone ran out of gas...day or 2 after body removed...would someone be able to smell human decomp (object sustain based upon hypothetica)

would 4 people be able to ride around in a car the smell object -sustain

given - Jb asks for a moment -----Cm consulting w/JB

You never rendered opinion chew tobacco smells same as decompose body....no....trash dried is same smell as decomp -= no...any insinuation of such would you consider mislead? commentary of counsel!


Dr. H what was condition of garbage when it was in the trunk? based on evidence ...he has no knowledge of that ...doesn't know if wet or dry...nothing added to bag from time in trunk and time obtained by LE - NO FOOD in bag...object overrule...something wet non-food items don't all the sudden become food...unless dehydrated food...no food...wet or dry still not food..

adipocere- appearance of stain of decomp....not a forensic anthropologist got your PhD in 2008 yes....Masters in 2005 3 yrs before that.....study adipocere or decomp stains for bachelors degree? witness process of adipocere but did not study it....this experience comes come from your work from the last 3 years since PhD...no well before that...began before...began working in Hancock County as an assistance in highschool worked for a mortuary studied as .....ever in your experience as identity of a stain...first time ever asked to look @ a photograph to determine it is adipocere or human decomp.....first time ever in court of law you asked to identify from photo to identify human decomp....either way...when JB asked the question he didn't qualify about human decomp he asked bout stain...either way yes this is the first time whether human or other......no qualification exists to knowledge.....

every opinion related to this case in your report (object- beyhond the scope - impeachment Judge - overrule)....asked again...that report doesn't contain any opinion about identifying a stain by it's appearance object overrule - it is not in that report!

acknowledge on redirect photo was not intended to be a recreation of events in the case...presented to jury...didn't tell them it is not a representation what happened in this case...no but I also didn't tell them it was a representation...

JB - you are the youngest board certified entomologist (object) forensic correct....PhD certified thru the Am. Boad of Forensic Entomology certified before PhD...worked many death investigations....how many ...how much experience ...in the field consuted on approx. 75 death investigations in forensic entomology....

even though didn't put it in your report still render that opinion to this jury?

when you work as forensic entomologist work with photos....many cases come strictly as photos as no examples .....very common way for insect evidence and decomp stages of the body....vary in any way the photos you saw for this report....would expect any forensic entomologist would have the same answer....

JA I thought you said you never been asked to look @ a stain ...never in a court law....outside court of law it is something done all the time....discussed your opinion back in 2008 didn't you? why didn't you put it in your report? object -overrule....discuss with counsel didn't put in report? specifically discuss insects recover from trunk....it wasn't from medical, legal, nature ...weren't you instructed that every opinion in this case must be included in your report.......those boards....

witness excuse? yes

I feel as if my fingers have melted into the machine....I apologise to all for all of the spelling errors and transpositions! What a day!!!!
Hi Kimster - My power went out and had to save this to Word and move it here. It's not posted anywhere else. Thank you for all you do.


JA Putting on gloves (really)


HHJBP - to the Jury - did you get a package in the Jury room from the dessert lady?

JA shows witness item #11 from States 136 - salami container. He agreed the item inside the salami can is a piece of paper - item published to the jury


He agreed that there is no food in the trash bag.

Regarding cleaning up decomp artifacts, he does not think paper towels would be effective in cleaning up decomp, but you could try. You could also vacuum the trunk. Getting rid of all the insect evidence would involve removing the carpet liner and vacuuming underneath it in the nooks and crannies. He thinks the smell is possible to remove, but difficult.

Accumulated degree days on pig experiment? He doesn't have that data with him. The average temp was approximately 60 degrees. So, 10 days at 60 would equal how many days at 90 degrees? 6 and change - not 2.

The decomp in his experiment does not match a child wrapped in a laundry bag and plastic bags. If the trunk was hotter than 90 degrees, the decomp would happen quicker. Could it have been 1 day? He did not think it could happen that quickly.

No further questions by JA.


He does not disagree with Dr. Haskel regarding the site of recovery. They both agreed the body decomposed somewhere else?


He thinks the evidence from the recovery site speaks for itself. The body was there for months. It was moved after death from some location after some decomposition has already passed.

There were early colonizers in the canvas bag. Dr. Haskel found 75 puparia in the bag. Is that considered a lot?

OBJECTION - leading

That is very few when a single female fly can lay upwards of 300 eggs.

If the body came from the trunk of the car during that point of colonization, he would expect to find many more in the trunk.

He would expect to find many more than 1 fly leg.

He and Dr. Haskel both agree the body was moved, but they disagree where it was prior to that. Dr. Haskel .....


SIDEBAR # 7 (3:45-3:47) - HHJBP said he needed to hear the answer before he could rule.


He and Dr. Haskel disagree on where the body was prior to it being moved. Dr. Haskel's report refers to the body being in the vehicle in question's trunk. He finds no reason to believe there was ever a body in the trunk. The evidence does not make sense to say that there was a body in the trunk.

Regarding chloroform - if you are saying chloroform would prevent colonization, you would not see any flies in the trunk.


The evidence in the bag argues against the State's assumptions.

Regarding Dr. Vass, and air samples - have you ever heard of air samples used

OBJECTION - relevance and expertise - SUSTAINED

Are air samples recognized

OBJECTION - basis of knowledge, relevance, scope - SUSTAINED

Do you keep up to date...

SIDEBAR # 8 (3:51-4:06)


Regarding Dr. Vass's findings on adipocere - is that how you interpreted it? When he read the report, it does not say adipocere, but like adipocere. He did not feel that was a definite answer. If a conclusion is made...


That is his interpretation of the report and these fatty acids can be found in other items such as meat products. How long does it take adipocere to develop?


Adipocere is a byproduct of decomp. How long does it take to develop?

OBJECTION - beyond expertise - OVERRULED


Where do you get your information on adipocere? His experience watching animal decomp and cases he has been involved in with human remains. Have you tested for adipocere?


Pathology reports routinely say as well as anthropological reports - it is a well established.... You do not need to test it if someone tells you it is adipocere. So, if someone tells you it is, you accept it? His basis is actual study of production of adipocere in decomp as well as presence or absence in human remains. He did not personally test it.

OBJECTION BY JB - JA sorry he thought the witness was done

SIDEBAR #9 (4:11-4:13)


Do you have personal experience with testing adipocere, or just reading? Not just reading about it. He has extensive experience with working with forensic anthropologists who point out adipocere. He thinks adipocere is in many experts' realms.

Dr. Vass is not an anthropologist.



Conditions to develop adipocere are variable. Areas of reduced oxygen content - cool and damp such as buried.

How long does it take to develop? That depends on temperature and insect activity. It is primarily a late stage decomp artifact. Days or weeks - depends on environmental. Latter state?


It shows up in the later stages of decomp.

Regarding garbage JA asked about, he saw the photos of the garbage when it was received by the OSCO and then afterwards. Is it proper to alter?

OBJECTION - exceeds cross - SUSTAINED

Garbage was collected three years ago. It was put in a dry room. Altered?

OBJECTION - opinion outside expertise - OVERRULED

It is now not in the same condition as it was when collected.

Could you render an opinion 3 years later?

OBJECTION - compound question and opinion on what - SUSTAINED

He would expect the physical evidence now to be different than when it was collected.

He was shown Defendant's C

OBJECTION - exceeds scope - OVERRULED

He and Dr. Haskel did not see the garbage in its original state. What could you have derived?

OBJECTION - exceeds scope - OVERRULED

If he were the LE entomologist, he would have requested a DNA profile of the maggot gut contents.


Are there things that could have been done?


Maggots will eat remnants of food and bacteria left from food remnants.

Regarding garbage bag being an obstacle to insect activity - he was shown State's Exhibit 75, 127 and 128. Zooming in on knot of garbage bag. Is it knotted?

OBJECTION - jury can interpret - OVERRULED

He sees that the draw strings of trash bag are knotted, yet their presence was found in the bag. The draw strings leave a large hole in the bag.

Regarding the stain in his study, he did not do the study for this case. If he were doing it specifically for this case, he would have attempted to use the same vehicle, wrapped the pig in the same manner. He would have done it in the summertime in Florida.

Regarding State's 80, based on his personal experience, is this stain from decomp?


SIDEBAR #10 (4:27-4:29)

REDIRECT BY JB - continued

Looking at the photo, it does not look like a decomp stain that he has seen.

Is this photo a good example of what decompositional fluid would look like on a piece of carpet? (Pig photo). State's 80 (Sunfire carpet) is not a good example.

Regarding smell of decomp when a body has been in the trunk of a car for several days, if someone ran out of gas a day or two after a body was removed, would someone be able to smell

JUST LOST POWER and internet and Channel 9 feed froze -

4:33-4:39 missing

JA - impeachment - Johnson case


Were you aware you were to put all your opinions in your report. Was the pig photo intended to be a recreation of this case? That's correct. It's strictly research.


He is the youngest board certified entomologist. He was certified by the Board before his Ph.D. He has worked approximately 75 death investigation scenes.

Regarding his report, he did not know he was going to be asked about pigs in a blanket. He didn't put it in his report because he didn't think it was going to be brought up.

Do you feel comfortable with your opinions?


Do you still render your same opinion even if not in your report?


Many cases only have photos because no samples are recovered. It is common. Any forensic entomologist could look at the photos and come to the same conclusions.


Did you say you had never been asked to look at a stain and identify it? He has never been asked IN A COURT OF LAW? Outside of a court of law it is something that is done all the time.

Your stain opinion, you discussed with JB in 2008? Yes. So, why did you not put it in your report?


It did not go in the report because his report specifically related to the insects in the trunk and, based on that, there was no reason to conclude there was a body in the trunk.

The Boards he discussed do not have a certifying body for stain identification.

Witness excused.

Jury excused until 9:00 a.m.
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