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ewwwinteresting said:
Someone stated earlier today that Raven tried to help Janet. Without knowing what time Raven supposedly returned home to the time the 911 call was made, it is hard to speculate what he did. Did he look throughout the house to see if the perp was still there? How long did he try and help Janet? Did he try CPR? Did he go back to see if Kaiden had been harmed, knowing now that his wife was murdered? There are many questions on how Raven reacted to "finding" his wife's body laying in large amounts of blood.
...exactly.....who knows what raven did or didn't do ?

...if he had already kissed kaiden goodnite ( knowing he was fine, sleeping...) would he have then thrown himself on janet trying to help her ?? hold her ???
( in his own words he did tell LE that " his wife was "hurt" upstairs, not dead...)

...or would he have run away from janet , ( fearing someone was still in the house ) , grabbed the baby and got out ??

...EITHER way..........he still came acroos janet...( 2nd ) "hurt from a gun shot wound, "as he said ...........i'd expect transfer of blood on him even if he just knelt down for a moment before rushing back to get kaiden...

...i'd expect, ( with his mind knowing kaiden was o.k at the moment ) to be........after sauntering in, and then finding his wife SHOT on the floor, to be: "OMG.....janet....hang on...you're gonna be ok....omg...!!!what happened ????? who did this ????? hang in there.....!"

..and yet, by the sounds of it................he was outside/or downstairs when LE arived............"my wife's upstairs, hurt..".......no sights or sounds of a crazed maniac in the house..............baby in his arms or not, he thought his wife was dying, and did nothing to help her.....
lauriej said:
( in his own words he did tell LE that " his wife was "hurt" upstairs, not dead...)
That is a very interesting question.....if he did try to help Janet, why would he say she was upstairs hurt? Wouldn't he try and help her until she passed away....and then he would know she was dead? I can't imagine him leaving while he was helping her??
ewwwinteresting said:
That is a very interesting question.....if he did try to help Janet, why would he say she was upstairs hurt? Wouldn't he try and help her until she passed away....and then he would know she was dead? I can't imagine him leaving while he was helping her??
........i've always thought that.........he walks into the office.....expecting to see her alive..........HORROR! she's SHOT!! blood all over.......i would have instinct seeing him fall down on her, trying to save her....holding her.....frantic...

...or.........as others have posted....instinct would have you running away , protecting kaiden.....calling 911 and waiting for THEM to save her....

...we NEED to hear the 911 call..............that will tell us a lot as to his demeanour at the time.....

..................( and i'm with you and tammie..................tuck in time...........)
ewwwinteresting said:
Do you happen to know what news station or newspaper covered this story? I couldn't find it.

If it existed online, I feel confident would have found it during the google girl hey-day. I know I tried very hard to make sure I got everyone of those early media accounts, because news article links have a nasty habit of going dead quickly.
lauriej said:
............no idea........i'm thinking these items listed on the warrant could perhaps have blood spatters on them ? as they didn't take EVERYTHING out of the office room, ie: desk etc.......the items they DID take had to have signifigance...
Yeah, but the things on the list that you posted was a list of items that they were looking for. The items they found are in the inventory. In other words, if they had come across any radar detectors, they would have taken them. But since they did not find any, they are not listed in the inventory. I'm just not sure why they would look for radar detectors and portable cd players, etc., in the first place.

Something is bugging the heck out of me. Since it seems clear that stuff is missing from the search warrant, namely items 1-3 (but some late number items as well), what would the reason be for that? What is LE hiding in the search warrant that was prevented from being released? Timex, you say that they often don't even release it until after the investigation, right? In that case, I guess it's hard to speculate on what would be the norm for the release of a partial search warrant under these circumstances.
ewwwinteresting said:
He is trying to show a scar over Kaiden's eye, which he received by falling off the bed WHILE DAD WAS SLEEPING!!!!!! Now, I am assuming that Janet was at work (trying to support the family and Husband's bad business decisions or however he words it) and Dad is sleeping instead of caring for their child. The child suffers an injury due to Dad's lack of supervision. You are at work.....your husband isn't.....he is supposed to be helping out by taking care of your child and is sleeping instead......I WOULD BE TICKED!!!!!
In Raven's defense on this one, things like this happen all of the time. I am embarassed to say that I, too, have had it happen that I've dozed off while trying to get one of my kids to take a nap. My youngest is the only one that's ever fallen off of the bed as a result of it. I felt horribly guilty, cried for what seemed like forever, but she was okay. Dangerous - absolutely. Irresponsible - probably. But maybe he and Kaiden were lying in his bed together because Raven felt like cuddling him. That's why my little one was in my bed before she fell. I do have to say, however, that after the fall I held her and cuddled her and dripped my tears all over her shoulder! I didn't get a camera and try to take photographs of her cool wounds. Had she had any, even if they resembled Harry Potter's scar, I think that I would have felt too guilty to snap a photo reminder - let alone to type it out as if it's no big deal for all of my family to see on my website. It reminds me of the photo where Kaiden is sitting on the counter, and he says something like "I had to take a picture of Kaiden sitting on the counter (dangerous!) because he looks so cute ..." So he admits it's dangerous and does it anyway. Then he blows right past the danger issue to continue his point in his web site statement. :rolleyes:
lauriej said:
..."at 12:13 a.m.april 27 i entered the residence....white female in upstairs bedroom, on her back, what appeared to be a stab wound to the chest.....large amt. of blood near the body....stainS on the walls....blood stains near the side door, on the south side of the residence.....
This doesn't sound like such a messy crime scene after all. The blood near the body was probably from bleeding after the attack.

lauriej said:
..yes, i can see that ongoing child *advertiser censored* etc. investigations might take precedence to protect a living victim.............but....to put a murder victim on the back burner, while evidence etc grows cold...........( ie: if they haven't luminolled the entire house and ALL abaroa vehicles by now, they'll lose out on that...........esp. the jeep that raven ( financially stressed as he was..........) just "gave away" to a friend.........
What is the possibility that LE is SO sure that the evidence that they have collected is going to point to Raven that they are no longer investigating, just waiting, because they know that they already have enough? Because it doesn't appear that this case is being investigated. Well, we can't possibly know that but we know that we haven't learned anything about LE asking the public for help.

lauriej said:
...if i lived in durham, and had only read the media reports of this crime, there would be no way i'd believe the public had nothing to fear.........not random..but...no suspects..but....no-one in custody...but...no arrest....nothing new to report

...my only hope is that LE does in fact have a suspect in mnd......they are putiing together a "solid case" against him/her....making sure all the i's are dotted, so he/she won't walk on a technicality......and will announce an arrest soon ..
This is the only thing that I can think is going on. Why else not ask the public for help or have Raven issue an appeal to the public to come forward with any information? Whether it's Raven or not, I think that LE has an idea. I just hope that they're not putting all of their eggs in one basket. They said that they put together a short list of suspects, didn't they? I wonder who they could be. Maybe people we've already discussed.
ewwwinteresting said:
Good pickup.......IMO, IF Raven murdered his wife, I would think he would try to clean up at the house first...
Exactly ... so as not to transfer it to his car.
lauriej said:
.............responding to my own post, but............."another part of the house"..................as we've been informed tonight............is right across the hall from kaiden's room..........not like it's another 'wing' that was in an entirely different area.....

...and if he did kiss kaiden goodnite..then found janet's body.....would he then try to help janet ? grab kaiden and get out of there ?
This just now popped into my mind. Maybe he said that he kissed Kaiden good night, and then found Janet because he realized or LE pointed out to him that it's odd that he left Kaiden in the crib after finding his wife murdered. Maybe LE asked where the baby was when they arrived, and seemed shocked that Kaiden was still in his room. How could you explain that to LE? Maybe only to say, "Um, well I ... I had just been in Kaiden's room only seconds before to kiss him good night so I knew that he was okay". Maybe it was to cover this mistake that he hadn't thought about ahead of time. I don't know if Raven is a quick enough thinker but I don't think that the "kissing Kaiden good night" necessarily rings true to me.
In the search warrant, at least in the pages we have, there are two mentions of knives:

1) a BearClaw knife recovered from the Durango
2) the block containing a complete set of Farberware knives, with scissors, recovered from the kitchen

There is the statement, attributed to "one of his brothers," that Raven returned home from a soccer game, went in to kiss Kaiden good night (upstairs), then found Janet in another room (the upstairs office/bedroom).

If this indeed true, and in keeping with the speculation that Raven may indeed be the murderer, then:

If one makes the assumption that Raven came in the side door, immediately went upstairs to kiss Kaiden, then went straight to the office, then it strikes me - where did he get the knife used to stab Janet?

Did he come in the side door, pick up a knife somewhere, then proceed upstairs?
Was he carrying another knife on his person?
Did he go back downstairs and get the knife, then come back upstairs?
Did he use the BearClaw knife, then clean it and put it back in the Durango?
Or, I suppose, was there a knife somewhere upstairs that he grabbed and used? (He did mention on the C'mas video that he collectes knives. I wonder how many, and where they were kept??)

We have no indication obviously if ANY of the knives taken from the house was in fact the murder weapon. Or, if LE even recovered THE murder weapon.

Just some thoughts on this subject, as I keep trying to come up with various scenarios on how the events of the evening may have played out....

Thoughts anyone?
ewwwinteresting said:
There are many questions on how Raven reacted to "finding" his wife's body laying in large amounts of blood.
I'm sure that there are many variables but assuming that Janet only had one fatal wound, how long would she have needed to be bleeding from that wound to be found at midnight with a "large amount" of blood around her body. I know that we have no way of knowing what "large amount" really means but would it possibly indicate two hours or more, etc.?
ewwwinteresting said:
That is a very interesting question.....if he did try to help Janet, why would he say she was upstairs hurt? Wouldn't he try and help her until she passed away....and then he would know she was dead? I can't imagine him leaving while he was helping her??
If he thought that she was still alive, I can only think of two possibilities. 1 - he was in a panic, shock, or was otherwise irrational. 2 - he never tried to help her.

I can't see him leaning over her, talking to her, putting pressure on the wound, etc., and then saying "hold on, baby - I'm gonna' see if the police are here yet". I also think that if he was close to her, that he would have known that it was a stabbing. And I think that if she was dead when LE arrived but Raven referred to her as hurt, especially in conjunction with the statement about his wife being shot, then Raven is done for.
JerseyGirl said:
If he thought that she was still alive, I can only think of two possibilities. 1 - he was in a panic, shock, or was otherwise irrational. 2 - he never tried to help her.

I can't see him leaning over her, talking to her, putting pressure on the wound, etc., and then saying "hold on, baby - I'm gonna' see if the police are here yet". I also think that if he was close to her, that he would have known that it was a stabbing. And I think that if she was dead when LE arrived but Raven referred to her as hurt, especially in conjunction with the statement about his wife being shot, then Raven is done for.

Yes. And keeping in mind something we do NOT know -

IF Raven had Janet's blood on him or his clothing, then he came in contact with her at SOME point - as Rooster stated, perhaps as he tried to revive her. OR, as he was committing the murder itself. What other possibilities would explain him having Janet's blood on him, IF in fact he did??

We have the various statements, from the search warrant, of Investigator Early describing the timeline of his (Early) arrival, at the scene, etc. But no mention whatsoever of Raven having said anything to the effect that he had tried to revive her, etc. Maybe that is not the place that that would be mentioned, I have no idea.... And I'm assuming, as the 911 call was placed regarding a gun shot wound, that there were EMTs on the scene? It would be interesting to know if Raven mentioned to the EMTs that he had tried to revive Janet, or not.

I would also be curious to know, in the 911 call, what was EXACTLY said... we know of a reference to a gun shot. But WHAT did he EXACTLY say I wonder. Did he say "my wife is hurt." "I think my wife has been shot." "I think my wife is dead." Did he mention trying to revive her I wonder?

And, if in fact he did try to revive Janet, what was the time delay - between him finding Janet, trying to revive her, and making the 911 call? And if indeed tried to revive Janet, then called 911, or even called WHILE he was trying to revive her, then I must assume that the cellphone (as it was been reported there was no land line) would have blood on it as well.

On that note: Rooster confirmed for us that Janet did in fact have her own cellphone. If true, I find it interesting that only ONE cell phone is listed on the inventory as having been removed from the premises (again, based on the pages of the search warrant that we have seen).

I think the blood is going to be the key here folks -

-Was there blood on Raven, anywhere
-What's the nature of the blood on the side door
-Were the swabbings from the Master Bathroom and kitchen counter blood (we don't know that)
-Were the swabbings from the various parts of the Durango, in fact blood (we don't know that)

Unless there is some way to factually link Janet, in person, while bleeding, to the side door, then someone else obviously was responsible for that blood being there. The warrant did not specify much about that blood - just that there was blood on those two areas of the doors.... and I keep thinking, was it a handprint (Yikes!), or just some sort of smudge, or what... This all assumes as well, that the blood on the door, is in fact Janet's blood! Now that said, if for some reason that blood was NOT Janet's, and it was still relatively fresh, well then, that's a whole other can of worms.... Raven sure better hope that is was not HIS blood, for ANY reason...as what would that mean? That somehow, in some situation, Raven HIMSELF somehow sustained a cut that evening.... hmmmm.
SouthEastSleuth said:
There is the statement, attributed to "one of his brothers," that Raven returned home from a soccer game, went in to kiss Kaiden good night (upstairs), then found Janet in another room (the upstairs office/bedroom).
First of all, seizing the knives has always bothered me. Raven, by his own admission, collects knives. What are the chances that the ones they've collected from the residence and the vehicle are connected to the crime at all? Also, if Raven has a collection, unless it's documented somewhere, there's no way of knowing how many he had or how many might be missing. I can understand that they have to collect the items from the house but at the same time, I don't recall a knife collection being seized. Did he still have it? Where was it?

Also, how would Raven's brother know what Raven did? Only two ways - either Raven told him or his brother was there. The first choice is unreliable. The second choice creeps me out. Was Raven's brother in town at that time? Remember the song or poem that the brother wrote that said something about "waiting for us to arrive" or something like that. Where was Raven's brother on the night of Janet's murder, I wonder.
SouthEastSleuth said:
On that note: Rooster confirmed for us that Janet did in fact have her own cellphone. If true, I find it interesting that only ONE cell phone is listed on the inventory as having been removed from the premises (again, based on the pages of the search warrant that we have seen).

Assuming only one of the phones had blood on it, they would have only needed one phone. If the two were on the same plan, it's not hard to access call logs for both phones.
Of course...they very well could have collected both phones and we just know about one...
ahh...speculation....isn't it fun? sheesh...
JerseyGirl said:
Also, if Raven has a collection, unless it's documented somewhere, there's no way of knowing how many he had or how many might be missing. I can understand that they have to collect the items from the house but at the same time, I don't recall a knife collection being seized. Did he still have it? Where was it?
And THAT, Jersey, is the question. Now, perhaps when he was making that video he just said that, for no real reason, and never once had a collection of knives. Who knows. Would seem odd, but here are many odd things with regards to this case.

My other thought - you have a baby around the house. Hopefully the knife collection, if there was one, and it was on the premises, was stored away from where Kaiden could even get near it.

So, I wonder what, if anything, was in that locked safe LE took from the scene? And would they just take it because it was there? Maybe. Or would they take it for some specific reason???
SouthEastSleuth said:
...We have no indication obviously if ANY of the knives taken from the house was in fact the murder weapon. Or, if LE even recovered THE murder weapon.

Just some thoughts on this subject, as I keep trying to come up with various scenarios on how the events of the evening may have played out....

Thoughts anyone?
My thoughts are that if Raven did this, it didn't happen after coming home from the soccer game. I also believe that it would have been at least somewhat premeditated. It's one thing to strangle someone during and argument or to shove them too hard. It's quite another to go get a knife, and then come back to stab them.

I've also been wondering if it's possible that Raven was not at a soccer game, and just used that as his story because he was out with another woman. Perhaps that's why we haven't heard anything about the soccer game but Raven still hasn't been arrested - could his alibi have been verified with someone else? Maybe LE is protecting her from the media by not releasing the details. Maybe that would have something to do with the missing items on the search warrant. Maybe that's what was meant by the statement about the information that was received that night making it necessary to research the vehicle, (maybe they're looking for her hair or DNA or what-not).

Pure speculation ... just wondering how the missing items on the search warrant, the "information" leading to the second search, the seemingly missing soccer team mates, etc, might all connect.
SouthEastSleuth said:
And THAT, Jersey, is the question. Now, perhaps when he was making that video he just said that, for no real reason, and never once had a collection of knives. Who knows. Would seem odd, but here are many odd things with regards to this case.

My other thought - you have a baby around the house. Hopefully the knife collection, if there was one, and it was on the premises, was stored away from where Kaiden could even get near it.

So, I wonder what, if anything, was in that locked safe LE took from the scene? And would they just take it because it was there? Maybe. Or would they take it for some specific reason???

you make a good point. Would the search warrant have indicated if the safe was broken into? (assuming it wasn't Raven OR whoever killed Janet wanted the murder to LOOK like a robbery-I would think the lock on the safe would be broken...)
About the baby, though...I don't think new parents start baby-proofing their houses until the baby can crawl (even new parents). I don't think Kaiden was at that stage, yet, was he? Of course, Raven did have some time on his hands while Janet was at work, he could have done it. I just doubt that he did...)
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