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On an entirely different note - back to the blood at the house:

Making a basic assumption that the blood on the door(s) downstairs is in fact Janet's blood.

As we've discussed, the officers noticed the blood on the interior of the side storm door, as well as the interior door FRAME, and took swabbings (and presumably photos) accordingly.

When I try to mentally visualize this, without knowing exactly WHERE the blood was, (exact placement, high or low, etc.), it makes me think that when the blood as "placed" there, by whomever, that the back door itself, not the storm door, but the actual door, must have been OPEN. Otherwise, logic would dictate that there would be blood on the interior of the door itself, or if someone leaned on the door frame, thereby depositing blood, then they would have to have OPENED that door, in order for there then to be blood on the interior of the storm door. Otherwise, there should have been blood at least on the interior KNOB of the door, yes? Otherwise, how could the interior door be opened, in order for there to be blood on the interior of the storm door?

So at some point, if that reasoning stands, the side door was open, at least at the point when the blood was deposited on the frame and the storm door itself.

So, IF -

Raven comes home. The crime has been already been committed. He comes in the side door, presumably.... it's late, so one could maybe assume the door and the storm door were closed? (would Janet be alone in the house with Kaiden, upstairs even, with the interior side door open, just the storm door closed, at that time of night? Maybe. But odd.) Either way, he comes in. And presumably does not notice blood, anywhere (as far as the doors go). Does he close the door behind him? One could ASSUME, yes, in that it's late, and presumably he's home for the evening. Goes upstairs, blah blah blah. If the perp had come and gone at that point, the assumption would have to be that the perp never touched (hands or otherwise) that interior side door, with blood on him/her, just the frame, and the storm door. If the interior door had been closed, there would HAVE to be blood on the knob, yes?

So - theory: the door is closed. Janet opened it for whatever reason, the perp comes in, murders Janet, leaves via the side door, which has remained open all this time, and somehow deposits the blood on the frame and the storm door. And presumably, when the perp has left the house, the interior door is left OPEN. There is no mention of any blood on the exterior surface of the door KNOB, or the door itself... and if the perp CLOSED the door, while leaving, there would be blood somewhere, one would think, as blood was then deposited on the storm door.

So - Raven arriving home would see that the interior door is open. Would that be odd to him? Maybe, maybe not. But it just bewilders me to think that Janet was in that house alone, well with Kaiden, late at night, with the back door open (storm door maybe closed)... in a house that sits fairly back in a wooded area.

On the other hand. If Raven IS the perp. And the blood was on HIM, then deposited on the door frame and storm door... then that presumes that the interior door was open the whole time as well. And if the interior door was open the entire time, then perhaps Janet was never there alone, and would not have felt the need to have the door closed.

And either way, we have no mention of blood found anywhere in the path FROM the office TO the kitchen/side door.

Remember too, when LE arrived, they noticed the downstairs blood right away. We have no idea which door LE entered though... the front door or the side door.

My, what a confusing and rambling post. But there is SOMETHING about those two side doors, and the location of the blood, etc., that's ODD to me... and I've tired to express my thinking, albeit not so clearly I don't think.

Think through the scenarios, and give me your thoughts........

And again, keeping in mind of course, there is a certain degree of speculation in a lot of that, as, we KNOW, we do NOT have all of the search warrant information...and I base MOST of this post on what we DO have.......
IMO this is what will hang Raven. As you said, LE noticed the blood right away, so why didnt Raven?
SES, I'm going to have to think about your theory a bit more but my thought is that if there is blood on the door frame and the inside of the storm door, then it was transferred there by the perp. The perp gets a small amount of Janet's blood on him while bringing her to the floor for the fatal wound, (based on my theory that you've all probably already read). While he's bringing her down or holding her down, he gets a bit of blood on his lower leg or more likely, his hip. He may have gone into the bathroom to rinse his hands (hence the swabbing on the bathroom floor), and never noticed the blood on his lower body. So as he's leaving, he pulls open the main door, pushes open the screen door, and then steps outside to the porch landing. He pushes/holds the screen door open with his hip or his butt while pulling the main door shut. He then shuts the screen door and scurries away. If the kitchen was dark and the back porch was dark, he might not have noticed the blood he left behind.

If the one fatal wound rumor is true we have to wonder why only one? The only thing I can think is this - the perp wanted her dead but didn't want to have to worry about either being seen with blood on him/her or didn't have a lot of clean-up time afterwards. The possible implications in that are obvious.

If the porch light was off so that no one would possibly see someone coming out of there, the perp might have turned that light out before leaving, unintentionally preventing himself from seeing the blood he left behind. He scampers off to dispose of the weapon and whatever else, but minimized the mess so that he wouldn't have a whole lot of clean up to do, thereby minimizing the amount of time he would have to be gone before getting back to call the police.
JerseyGirl said:
If the kitchen was dark and the back porch was dark, he might not have noticed the blood he left behind.
Ok, let's follow from that thought -

1) the perp is NOT Raven.

So, we're back to Raven arriving home, not noticing the blood when he comes in the house (this assumption is based on a family member reporting that Raven came home from soccer, entered the house, went upstairs to "kiss Kaiden good night" then found Janet in the office. IF he had seen the blood on the door, would he just routinely then proceed to go "kiss Kaiden good night????") going upstairs, blah blah blah.

Yet when the police arrive, they notice the door blood, right away.

Maybe coincidence. Maybe not.

2) the perp IS Raven -

he's now "scurried away" (ok, so that made me laugh).. It's dark in the kitchen, etc. He didn't notice he had left the blood on the door(s).

Ok, so then at SOME point, does he come back in the house? Or , is the assumption he NEVER came back in, until LE arrived (meaning he called from outside.... or, perhaps, he called BEFORE scurrying away?)

IF, he came back in the house, after disposing of maybe weapon, clothing, whatever, then again, does he notice the blood that he's left on the door at this point? If so, why doesn't he clean it up? Maybe he sees it just as LE arrives, thus, no time to clean? Who knows.
If Raven is not the perp, he could have come in the front door, and wouldn't have seen the blood at all.

If he was the perp, he might have gone out the side door so as not to be seen by the neighbors, (maybe he left his car parked around the corner or something), and then when he came back, he came in the front door as if nothing had happened, and as if he wasn't just there 30 minutes before. Didn't realize he left blood on the door on his way out, and used a different door on his way back in.

ETA: I've never murdered anyone, and certainly not in such a "hands-on" kind of way. I don't know what kind of state one's mind is in at the time. Would a frenzied, frightened, confused, scheming, (or whatever s/he might have been feeling at the time), see things clearly? Would you be looking at the world through the same type of eyes as non-killers, investigators, etc. The blood might have been there clear as day but in a recent killer's state of mind, I have no idea if they'd notice it.
JerseyGirl said:
If Raven is not the perp, he could have come in the front door, and wouldn't have seen the blood at all.

If he was the perp, he might have gone out the side door so as not to be seen by the neighbors, (maybe he left his car parked around the corner or something), and then when he came back, he came in the front door as if nothing had happened. Didn't realize he left blood on the door on his way out, and used a different door on his way back in.
All true. However, remember that according to the search warrant the Durango was parked BESIDE the house, the drive beside the side door. And we were told by munch that the side door was in fact the door generally used by the Abaroas. If the Durango had been parked in the parking area in FRONT of the house, it would seem more likely, possibly, that Raven may have used the front door, even if out of character.

Also, the theory of doing ANYTHING with regard to being seen by the neighbors just does not compute for me - look again at the pictures. The house is completely surrounded by woods. Sure, you can see somewhat through the woods the sketchy outlines of neighboring houses... but at NIGHT? And, from having driven over there, trust me, you can see little, IF ANY, of the house itself from the end of the driveway on Ferrand.
SouthEastSleuth said:
Also, the theory of doing ANYTHING with regard to being seen by the neighbors just does not compute for me - look again at the pictures. The house is completely surrounded by woods. Sure, you can see somewhat through the woods the sketchy outlines of neighboring houses... but at NIGHT? And, from having driven over there, trust me, you can see little, IF ANY, of the house itself from the end of the driveway on Ferrand.
Another poster indicated that the weather that night in Durham was, if I remember right, misty or slight rain.....so you would think that the doors would have been closed. It wasn't a hot summer day in NC.

I can understand that the neighbors might not have seen anything, but what about heard anything? Wouldn't Janet have screamed? Wouldn't the screaming have woke Kaiden up or if he was awake, made him cry....wouldn't the crying not stop until someone picked him up and comforted him (obviously couldn't have been his mommy:( ), wouldn't Kaiden had to have been comforted by someone he knows? If Janet screamed, the baby cried, wouldn't the neighbors be able to hear any of this? I know there are trees surrounding the house, but the trees were somewhat bare and it wasn't like the houses were acres apart???? But what if there was no screaming because she knew her attacker and was killed pretty quickly or screamed and then was killed and Kaiden was comforted quickly so the crying didn't go on and on?? and then there is the possibility that Janet did scream, Kaiden did cry himself to exhaustion and no one heard a thing!
Timex said:
IMO this is what will hang Raven. As you said, LE noticed the blood right away, so why didnt Raven?
This blood is from Raven Running to get his phone out of the durango...After he found Janet...tried to save her:( ...ran outside(getting blood on the door) to get his phone from the Durango. The door was locked...back inside to get Janets phone or keys to the Durango.

This evidance will not "hang" Raven. LE knows all of this...still, Raven has not been arrested or charged or named a susspect. He is innocent!
We discussed this in chat the other night. Some felt they may have heard a scream if they had their windows open at the time...some felt they wouldnt have heard a scream either way. The house is fairly isolated. I think it would be possible for a scream to go unheard. Our houses here are VERY close together, yet when someone went through the neighborhood throwing large rocks thru the back windows of cars parked on the street, no one heard a thing.
Rooster said:
This blood is from Raven Running to get his phone out of the durango...After he found Janet...tried to save her:( ...ran outside(getting blood on the door) to get his phone from the Durango. The door was locked...back inside to get Janets phone or keys to the Durango.

This evidance will not "hang" Raven. LE knows all of this...still, Raven has not been arrested or charged or named a susspect. He is innocent!

Rooster, understand, I am not convinced of Ravens guilt, in fact, at this point in time I see very little that points to him...however, based on past trials I have followed, jury members usually will not buy the "I tried to save her" defense.
In regard to people hearing things, I still come back to the dogs. I believe someone here that knew them said they kenneled the dogs at night, so I assume the kennels are outside. I just can't imagine someone unknown sneaking around outside without two dogs going absolutely bonkers. It has to be someone known to them.
LvsAMystry said:
In regard to people hearing things, I still come back to the dogs. I believe someone here that knew them said they kenneled the dogs at night, so I assume the kennels are outside. I just can't imagine someone unknown sneaking around outside without two dogs going absolutely bonkers. It has to be someone known to them.

Lets assume the dogs did go bonkers...would that necessarily mean anything? If I checked things out everytime the neighborhood dogs went bonkers, I would forever be outside checking the neighborhood. Dogs are always barking around here, we just dont pay much attention to it.
Rooster said:
This blood is from Raven Running to get his phone out of the durango...After he found Janet...tried to save her:( ...ran outside(getting blood on the door) to get his phone from the Durango. The door was locked...back inside to get Janets phone or keys to the Durango.

This evidance will not "hang" Raven. LE knows all of this...still, Raven has not been arrested or charged or named a susspect. He is innocent!
Rooster -

As a point of clarification here.. when you talk about Raven trying to save Janet...do you know what exactly he did? Was he performing CPR?
Rooster said:
This blood is from Raven Running to get his phone out of the durango...After he found Janet...tried to save her:( ...ran outside(getting blood on the door) to get his phone from the Durango. The door was locked...back inside to get Janets phone or keys to the Durango.

This evidance will not "hang" Raven. LE knows all of this...still, Raven has not been arrested or charged or named a susspect. He is innocent!

How did he not get blood on the outside of the doors then?
Rooster said:
This blood is from Raven Running to get his phone out of the durango...After he found Janet...tried to save her:( ...ran outside(getting blood on the door) to get his phone from the Durango. The door was locked...back inside to get Janets phone or keys to the Durango.

This evidance will not "hang" Raven. LE knows all of this...still, Raven has not been arrested or charged or named a susspect. He is innocent!
I'd like to focus on this theory for a bit.

So, if the back story is indeed fact,

-Raven is out playing soccer.
-Gets home, parks beside the house.
-Go upstairs, kisses Kaiden good night
-Finds Janet in the office, stabbed.
-He tries to "save/revive her" (Presumably "revive" means CPR of some sort??)
Assuming CPR, surely there is blood, at minimum, on Raven's hands at this point.
-He goes downstairs, goes out side door, depositing blood on interior door frame, and interior of storm door.
-Goes to Durango for cell phone (Anxious, obviously, and perhaps forgetting that Janet's phone is in the house?)
-Durango locked.
-Back "inside to get Janets phone or keys to the Durango"
-Presumably then had a cellphone in hand, one or the other, and calls 911

Ok, so:

There is blood on the door frame/storm door. CHECK
There were swabbings taken from the door handle, and interior of Durango. CHECK

When he goes back "inside to get Janets phone or keys to the Durango"... the question is HOW DID HE GET BACK INSIDE WITHOUT LEAVING ANY BLOOD ON THE EXTERIORS OF EITHER DOOR, FRONT or SIDE (regular door or storm door)??

Again, based on info that we HAVE, there were no swabbings taken from the front door, at all. And no swabbings taken from the exteriors of either side door. None.
Why are we assuming the durango was locked? Or he went back inside for keys? Could the keys have been in his pocket?
Timex said:
Why are we assuming the durango was locked? Or he went back inside for keys? Could the keys have been in his pocket?
I was just exploring the theory put forth by Rooster. In that post, Rooster says the Durango was locked when Raven went outside...
Here's my problem...if they have all of this blood evidence that points to Raven, yet there has not been an arrest, there has to be something standing in the way.

1) TOD eliminates Raven, his alibi holds up, so he couldnt have been there when the crime was comitted, meaning the story of how the blood got on doors is accurate.

2) No blood cast-off patterns on ravens clothes, only blood stains, indicating he indeed held her, but did not stab her.

3) There is another POI they are investigating at this time.
SouthEastSleuth said:
I was just exploring the theory put forth by Rooster. In that post, Rooster says the Durango was locked when Raven went outside...

Thanks. Now, if Raven had been playing soccer, there should have been a gym bag I would assume. Was one located inside the house, or in the vehicle, does anyone know?
SouthEastSleuth said:
Rooster -

As a point of clarification here.. when you talk about Raven trying to save Janet...do you know what exactly he did? Was he performing CPR?
He didn't tell me any details...I didn't ask. This is a VERY hard time for Raven and the families. Me knowing the detials will not bring Janet back. LE knows the details. I pray they will find and arrest the murderer soon.
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