Faces of Evil Have something in common

They all have BIG foreheads.

That was my first thought - quite a few have high foreheads.....

That one guy, 12th row down, 6th one in, half his face is forehead!

Sure are a lot of them aren't there?
looks like we're on to something here - wonder if there are any genetic markers for this.......
This is beginning to sound uncomfortably like phrenology, an old (19th century) pseudoscience where people thought you could tell things about your personality from the shape of your head and face. Supposedly criminal types had jutting brows and other apelike features.

It was all a crock, though. I learned in my college psychology classes that there is NO correlation between violent behavior and appearance. Look at Ted Bundy for instance. He was a handsome man with even, regular features -- and a vicious, violent predatory nature.
I absolutely agree with you Meg! You cannot stereo type a "look". If only it were so easy....
It's a very old pseudoscience called "phrenology," and as a sociologist and a professor I just have to put in my .02 here. I think it would be dangerous to label someone (anyone) as a potential criminal because of their facial features. According to phrenology, Ronald Wilson Reagan would have been amoral and possibly insane. (Source for that was a very old, now out-of-print newsstand book on the subject).
For the record, true or not, I'm avoiding all persons with high foreheads from now on - doesn't hurt to be cautious.
That one guy, 12th row down, 6th one in, half his face is forehead!

Frankenstein comes to mind.

But I agree with those who say that there is no correlation between physiognomy and a violent nature, this theory has been disproved over a century ago. If I recall well the idea had originated in Europe and was based on the fact that a disproportionate number of individuals with odd physical traits were being convicted of criminal offenses, most of which consisting in misdemeanors such as vagrancy, loitering, mischief and disorderly conduct rather than violent crimes, a detail that was conveniently overlooked by proponents of the "criminal mug" theory.

The facial characteristics that deemed one a "ciminal type" were often consistent with certain genetic defects such as Down's Syndrome and other afflictions that would prevent one from leading a normal life and in those days that often meant having to live off begging and petty crime, which meant frequent visits to jail so naturally there would be a much larger proportion of such people in the penal system as there would be in civilian society.

There was more to the "criminal face" theory that what is discussed here. One early proponent of such a theory whose name escapes me (I recall he was either French or German) had in fact devised 4 categories of personality based on facial features, the lowest being the "criminal mug" (although he may have called it something else but it matched the description) and the highest he called "the heroic face" or some such. The fact that his description of "the heroic face" matched his own appearance did little to boost his credibility, considering the fact that he looked like Adlai Stevenson.
Other than the few that had that "evil eye" thing going on, a great number of those pictures could be of any of our next door neighbor's. That was part of Ted Bundy's success, he looked like any other good looking college guy, well spoken, educated. His victims couldn't have guessed what was in his evil mind.

I'm more interested in the connection between animal cruelty and human cruelty. How many of the those faces were the kids that liked to hurt and kill animals and thought nothing of it. How many of those faces were kids that killed the neighbor's cat, or the family dog, or ducks at the neighborhood pond... then go on to rape, assault, brutalize other people, abuse their spouses, beat their children or become the serial killers of this world. I wish I could see that tendancy for animal cruelty when I looked in their eyes. Think of the crimes that could be prevented if we only knew....

When kids and young adults are arrested and/or convicted of cruelty to animals, their DNA should be added to the National database. Then if they ever graduate to human cruelty then their DNA would instantly identify them. Think of the lives that may be saved if this was possible. Colorado just enacted a bill which allows the collection of DNA from people convicted of animal cruelty. Some recognition of the connection!

I should have linked this to my first posting here because I was looking at his face and he has the same look I was describing.

What does stand out the most is the blank stare. The eyes have no emotion or expression. You can't seem to read anything.This guy has those eyes I desribed. Why do their eyes look so dark? I thought it was over relaxed eyebrows ?
I don't know.

I am not talking about the skull shape , I am talking about that relaxed forehead muscle.

like a botox gone bad?

Phrenology was also practiced by some scientists promoting racist ideologies, including Nazism. They used (often self-contradictory) phrenological claims, among other biological "evidence", as a "scientific" basis for race superiority.

Ahh , I see. A taboo subject. I know what I am seeing.

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