FL - 17-yo Teen Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #4

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As the OP of the two pics, please show me where I state anything about the pics as facts.

"pic #2 is the pic altered to change the public's perception"

Is a QUESTION - "is the" - so I forgot to add the question mark, and by the time I noticed it was too late to edit.

It is obvious the pic was altered.

I thought the same thing.

First, I'm confused as to why it's was even stated as a fact that it was intentionally altered, and stating as a fact that it was intentionally altered to change the public's perception of Trayvon, without anything to support it. It's also saying that seeing a picture of a darker skinned child means the public sees them as suspicious, as opposed to lighter skin.

Different pictures that get cropped, scanned and reposted often changes the hue of the photo.

Actually the first cropped picture is the one that looks distorted by looking at the pixels and the shadows. Should we say that they were intentionally trying to make Trayvon blacker?

And if there was some secret effort to change Trayvon's skin color to make him look less guilty ( still baffled though at implying that darker skin makes him look more suspicious ), why didn't they change all of his pictures?

Just look at the different skin color tones and hues of GZ, that were scanned and reposted by different media outlets;


Do we have a link for the 2nd pic yet?

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I have been confused on one topic for quite some time now. Numerous posters and, if I remember correctly George's neighbor Taafe, have said that George was acting in his official capacity as Neighborhood Watch head when reporting and persuing Trayvon. The implication seems to be that Zimmerman has an extra added layer of authority in that capacity, and Trayvon had an extra duty to comply and be respectful given George's official capacity.

But I remember distinctly, several sources, including LE sources, making a point of George's having been on a personal errand at the time of the incident, and not acting as a memberof neighborhood watch nor as a representative of the homeowners association. I assumed this distinction was made so clearly, so as to insulate the HOA and various other entities from liability since Zimmerman was acting in violation of protocol so blatantly. If Zimmerman was acting as a private citizen is not Trayvon's duty to be run down and interogated while acting only humble and friendly and compliant significantly lowered? I know I would not feel humble and compliant toward any unidentified stranger who chose to chase me down in the dark.

Anyway, I have heard both that Zimmerman was protecting the neighborhood with the authority of the neighborhood watch behind him, and that he was just a coincidentally armed private citizen who interrupted his trip home from the store to grab his gun and chase down a "suspicious person". I would really like to know which of these is the case, because they seem to have very different ramifications to me, both legally and otherwise.

Jmho of course, and I will look for some links.
Still, Trayvon had nonviolent behavioral issues in school, and on the day he was killed, he had been suspended for 10 days from Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School in North Miami-Dade.

“He was not suspended for something dealing with violence or anything like that. It wasn’t a crime he committed, but he was in an unauthorized area [on school property],” Martin said, declining to offer more details.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/2...#storylink=cpy


OK so some places say suspended 5 days and others say suspended 10 days but the reason is what is important.
WHAT I read was that he was in an area that was off limits. (LIKE Transposing - but that was not the word used in the article)
I really need to go very soon, anyone who can find the REASON please post link to me. Thanks.


I suspect it, because the school may not want the vigilantly types near the school.

AND the consequences are also important to get the facts straight.


Ok - here is the link:


This is the Sudent Code of Conduct for Miami Dade Schools.

If you go to page 23 of the pdf it talks of the LEVELS of discipline

Level I is almost always - consultation/contact with parent and student.

Level II (pg 24) shows where suspensions start - suspension of 1 to 5 days

Level III (pg 25) increases the suspension time to 10 days.

Until we have verifiable facts that Trayvon was suspended for 10 days - I'm not going to accept it. 10 days would have meant he had already been through Level 1 and Level 11 - we have no confirmation of that.

MOST of the media reporting this is saying 5 days.
FWIW.....I have worked in schools for DECADES and "being in an unauthorized area" is a commonly and frequently used disciplinary code for being in the HALLWAY after the class bell has rung!!!!! It could also be used for being in the RESTROOM without a pass....or the LIBRARY instead of an assigned classroom....or remaining in the LUNCHROOM talking to friends after an assigned lunch period is over.

Not that this has any bearing on the incident itself but a 2 week suspension for something so trivial seems a little harsh to me... Something just doesn't add up there what sort of school hands out a 2 week suspension for showing up late to class because their in the hallway?
I don't even understand why this picture is being discussed. Why is it important and why do we have post after post after post discussing it. Like so many other things in this case, the picture is a distraction to keep from having discuss the real issue at hand and that is the fact that an innocent child was murdered in cold blood by a "wannabe cop," vigilante, or whatever else you want to call him.

Seriously, GZ did not know Trayvon or know if he was suspended or an angel or anything other than he was black and in GZ'x neighborhood which made him a criminal in GZ's warped mind.

NOTHING in Trayvons past is relevant to what he was doing that night-walking home from the store with iced tea and skittles talking to his girlfriend. No one has any evidence suggesting he was doing anything other than that. his past is frankly irrelevant. This is a ridiculous argument about Trayvons school years.

So now a suspension is a reward? The rhetoric here is baffling to me. We're going to minimize the significance and change the definition of an out of school suspension because Trayvon was suspended?
This is what I'm wondering about? How likely is it that an unprepared shooter would hit themselves in the face when firing? Was trying to look up stats but my stupid computer won't let me.


The fact that some refuse to hear that GZ was bleeding is IMO total denial
They made up their minds and that is very dangerous.
Seems they do not need facts -
how crazy is that and how can justice even survive in our country?
Bad enough that Law has not kept good records in a timely way.
Bad enough that this is a game of connecting the dots.
But to have so many people know the facts that are only in their minds is s even worse.
It is an injustice to the justice system&#8230;
I can see asking , wondering, analyzing and hypothetical scenarios.
But some here have already played Judge and Jury.
And that sucks just as much as sloppy work by LE.
I have been confused on one topic for quite some time now. Numerous posters and, if I remember correctly George's neighbor Taafe, have said that George was acting in his official capacity as Neighborhood Watch head when reporting and persuing Trayvon. The implication seems to be that Zimmerman has an extra added layer of authority in that capacity, and Trayvon had an extra duty to comply and be respectful given George's official capacity.

But I remember distinctly, several sources, including LE sources, making a point of George's having been on a peronal errand at the time of the incident, and not acting as a memberof neighborhood watch nor as a representative of the homeowners association. I assumed this distinction was made so clearly, so as to insulate the HOA and various other entities from liability since Zimmerman was acting in violation of protocol so blatantly. If Zimmerman was acting as a private citizen is not Trayvon's duty to be run down and interogated while acting only humble and friendly and compliant significantly lowered? I know I would not feel humble and compliant toward any unidentified stranger who chose to chase me down in the dark.

Anyway, I have heard both that Zimmerman was protecting the neighborhood with the authority of the neighborhood watch behind him, and that he was just a coincidentally armed private citizen who inturrupted his trip home from the store to grab his gun and chase down a "suspicious person". I would really like to know which of these is the case, because they seem to have very different ramifications to me, both legally and otherwise.

Jmho of course, and I will look for some links.

This should straighten out any confusion that you may have Inabsentia...

I don't even understand why this picture is being discussed. Why is it important and why do we have post after post after post discussing it. Like so many other things in this case, the picture is a distraction to keep from having discuss the real issue at hand and that is the fact that an innocent child was murdered in cold blood by a "wannabe cop," vigilante, or whatever else you want to call him.

Exactly and thank you...JMHO
IMO.. ABSOLUTELY! There is a huge difference in one's perception of the two photos. If not, why would any one bother changing the second pic?

In those two photos, which one shows the 'bad' kid and which one shows the 'good' kid? And why?
I have responded to this question a few times. Yes, the orignal pic was in the MIAMI HERALD. As far as I know, they were the only one to run it. Others are running the altered pic.

Again, I got the second pic from a post here, on WEBSLEUTHS, and I have since posted a link to that page. I have also posted a link to a MSM source using the altered pic.

The post says pic 1 is the original from the Miami Herald. Where the heck did pic 2 come from? And what is the point of it? If pic 1 comes from the MH - what is the discussion? I'm confused and don't understand the point and see no link for pic 2, so I don't know why it was posted :waitasec:

Hoping the OP comes back and explains what it all means.

After reading the 911 transcripts of George Zimmerman's calls to 911, it is my opinion, that Zimmerman is not a stable person. The calls start in 2004, but really start to pick up in 2009 which appears, from the 911 calls, to be right before he moved into this complex.

According to the 911 transcripts and after looking at Google Earth, before he moved into this complex, he had been all over Sanford, Florida calling 911 for various reasons. From neighborhood streets to major highways, George Zimmerman was there to report anything from garage doors opened (this was an issue in a previous neighborhood for Zimmerman according to the transcripts), following (in car) suspicious people, potholes, garbage in the road, some kind of issue with his sister, stray dogs, fire alarms, suspicious vehicles, trashing bathrooms, speed bikes doing wheelies, and an issue with a landlord who wanted to collect rent money from him (says he was in foreclosure).

According to a link rossva posted yesterday, Zimmerman did not become a neighborhood watch captain until September 2011. Which is backed up in the transcripts when it appears that George Zimmerman called the non-emergency number just to tell them that he was now the neighborhood watch captain??

There is a clear pattern in these transcripts of George Zimmerman's need to play cop. It's almost obsessive and that is why I question his stability? He was out looking for trouble and I am really surprised that something like this didn't happen sooner? He really was a ticking time bomb. It is my opinion that Zimmerman was really looking for any excuse to shoot someone so that he could be a hero. Which is so sick because cops don't want to shoot people (most of them). There are cops that go their whole careers without shooting their guns. Shooting anyone, for cops, is literally a no choice situation and here this guy goes out looking for it?

I would like to hear more information on the previous places he lived? It seems that his behavior did not just start when he moved into this complex. Was he appointed a neighborhood watch captain in his previous neighborhoods?
We don't know that Trayvon didn't start the fight. I doubt GZ did.

Here are the facts as we know them: 1) GZ targeted TM for walking home in a neighborhood he was allowed to be in and called the police on him, 2) GZ admitted to LE that he had left the "safety" of his vehicle and was pursuing TM, 3) GZ continued to pursue TM despite the 911 operator instructing him not to (as evidence by the 911 tape).

Here is the evidence I have for that: the 911 operator is trying to get GZ to nail down where he is located and where LE can meet him. GZ continually gives the 911 operator the run-around, declining to give a concrete meeting place. Instead, he asks that LE call him when they get there....because he is on the move, pursuing TM. GZ cannot tell LE where to meet him because he doesn't know where he'll end up because he is continuing to pursue TM. He can't commit to meeting by the mailboxes because he's doing what the 911 operator told him not to do. We also have the eyewitness statement of TM's girlfriend who heard GZ initiate contact. Below is the 911 transcript. Tell me how GZ continuing to pursue TM (who has no idea who GZ is and what his motives are) equates TM starting the fight. BBM below.

911 dispatcher:

Are you following him? [2:24]


Yeah. [2:25]

911 dispatcher:


We don’t need you to do that. [2:26]


OK. [2:28]

911 dispatcher:

Alright, sir, what is your name? [2:34]


George. He ran.

911 dispatcher:

Alright, George, what’s your last name?



911 dispatcher:

What’s the phone number you’re calling from?



911 dispatcher:

Alright, George, we do have them on the way. Do you want to meet with the officer when they get out there?



911 dispatcher:

Alright, where are you going to meet with them at?


Um, if they come in through the gate, tell them to go straight past the clubhouse and, uh, straight past the clubhouse and make a left and then go past the mailboxes you’ll see my truck. [3:10]

911 dispatcher:

Alright, what address are you parked in front of? [3:21]


Um, I don’t know. It’s a cut-through so I don’t know the address. [3:25]

911 dispatcher:

OK, do you live in the area?


Yeah, yeah, I live here.

911 dispatcher:

OK, what’s your apartment number?


It’s a home. It’s 1950 – oh, crap, I don’t want to give it out – I don’t know where this kid is [inaudible] [3:40]

911 dispatcher:

OK, do you just want to meet with them at the mailboxes then? [3:42]


Yeah, that’s fine. [3:43]

911 dispatcher:

Alright, George, I’ll let them know you’ll meet them at …


Could you have them call me and I’ll tell them where I’m at?

911 dispatcher:

OK, that’s no problem.

Continue reading on Examiner.com George Zimmerman's 911 call transcribed - National unsolved cases | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/unsolved-ca...immerman-s-911-call-transcribed#ixzz1q9UTUEI2

Seriously, GZ did not know Trayvon or know if he was suspended or an angel or anything other than he was black and in GZ'x neighborhood which made him a criminal in GZ's warped mind.

NOTHING in Trayvons past is relevant to what he was doing that night-walking home from the store with iced tea and skittles talking to his girlfriend. No one has any evidence suggesting he was doing anything other than that. his past is frankly irrelevant. This is a ridiculous argument about Trayvons school years.

Well it looks to me like he attacked GZ, so it seems relevant imo.
So now a suspension is a reward? The rhetoric here is baffling to me. We're going to minimize the significance and change the definition of an out of school suspension because Trayvon was suspended?

Please. Lets not miss the point. Being suspended is not automatically indicative of a serious infraction
YUP, a msm link, and a link from the WS post where I first saw the pics. I am not taking the time to go back and repost them. THyey are some where between pages 35 and 46.

Do we have a link for the 2nd pic yet?

Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
I have been confused on one topic for quite some time now. Numerous posters and, if I remember correctly George's neighbor Taafe, have said that George was acting in his official capacity as Neighborhood Watch head when reporting and persuing Trayvon. The implication seems to be that Zimmerman has an extra added layer of authority in that capacity, and Trayvon had an extra duty to comply and be respectful given George's official capacity.

But I remember distinctly, several sources, including LE sources, making a point of George's having been on a personal errand at the time of the incident, and not acting as a memberof neighborhood watch nor as a representative of the homeowners association. I assumed this distinction was made so clearly, so as to insulate the HOA and various other entities from liability since Zimmerman was acting in violation of protocol so blatantly. If Zimmerman was acting as a private citizen is not Trayvon's duty to be run down and interogated while acting only humble and friendly and compliant significantly lowered? I know I would not feel humble and compliant toward any unidentified stranger who chose to chase me down in the dark.

Anyway, I have heard both that Zimmerman was protecting the neighborhood with the authority of the neighborhood watch behind him, and that he was just a coincidentally armed private citizen who interrupted his trip home from the store to grab his gun and chase down a "suspicious person". I would really like to know which of these is the case, because they seem to have very different ramifications to me, both legally and otherwise.

Jmho of course, and I will look for some links.
What does "authority of the neighborhood watch" mean? Some kind of authority given to them by the police?
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