FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #4

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BTW....when I heard her mention Haleigh peeing in her bed the night before, I had flashbacks to way too many past stories...IYKWIM.
maybe they took the van for evidence.

Which doesn't look good for the GF. I still have not ruled out the Dad and GF.
They just don't sit well with.

But she was referring to the van being taken that night, because she her blanket was in there. I think maybe another poster was right that it was her sister's van, and she took it when they left from playing with Haleigh.
Sometimes when people are hiding feeling guilty about something they tend to just "spew" at the mouth and talk..

You are being way too hard on this girl. She's young, clearly distraught and most likely had been answering questions all day about Heighlee. This girl is NOT involved.

What the hell is going on here??? This is all the punishment one gets for violating a CHILD???!!!

I feel sick. Really.

Oh, and btw, the dad has had 2 arrests for drug possession (canibais, cocaine, prescription drugs without prescription), 2 arrests for leaving the scene of an accident where there were injuries involved, 2 arrests for things having to do with rifles and wildlife, 1 arrest for assault.

When were the drug charges?
Haleigh was a little old to still be wetting the bed. I would like to know if this happened often or if this is something that she recently started doing. Wetting the bed after potty training is a sign of molestation.

Um, I wouldn't say that is a sign of molestation in every case. That is not fair. There are many reasons a child could wet the bed after potty training. Many.
BS on the bedwetting, I was 10 and still wet to bed. I was scared of the dark and wouldn't get up.

Did your mom check your bed in the morning? And then wash your sheets/blankets? I know I did with my kiddos. I got the impression that Misty knew nothing about the bedwetting the night before until she covered her with the blanket.
which video were you watching? NO way this girl was involved. completely distraught, completely certain about recalling the events that took place.

Yeah, but what is she distraught over? The fact that Hayleigh is missing or the fact she did something really bad and knows she effed up her life? It all depends on what the person is truly upset about. And that we don't know yet.
Lots of children are bedtime wetters, not a definite sign of trama. Just an immature bladder, which could go along with Haleigh's known medical condition.

I've missed this; what medical condition?
and if I understand what gf said correctly, Haleighs blanket was "in the van they took" which assumably means from the scene, and that LE took it. I'm just wondering why Haleighs blanket would be in the van to begin with and why THAT blanket didn't get washed?

It's official....I'm lost
Now I really leaning toward the other guy!:eek: Randolph or whatever his name is. SICK B@STARD!

Yea momt, Kept going back and forth all night changing my mind on which one of these DIRT BAGS has her, have to keep reminding myself it may be some-other DIRT BAG!

I hope they have NickS and his team all over that Darn Cinder Block.
And you know this how?

years of experience. Brother, father (had been) and mother in LE.

While focusing on the family is always good, I hope the police have now ruled them out and are searching for the real suspect.
You are being way too hard on this girl. She's young, clearly distraught and most likely had been answering questions all day about Heighlee. This girl is NOT involved.

Your opinion is duly noted NJ...thanks.

Some of us are not so sure.
Haleigh was a little old to still be wetting the bed. I would like to know if this happened often or if this is something that she recently started doing. Wetting the bed after potty training is a sign of molestation.

I think it is flat out wrong to insinuate that she was molested simply because she wet the bed. We don't know if this was a recurring problem. My daughter is 4 and a half and still will occasionally wet the bed if she has too much to drink before bed time, or is sick. Does that mean she is being molested? Absolutely not. On the other hand, I know people who were molested as children and never wet the bed.
Offer comfort yes, but not advice please. He'd steer them the wrong way. How to tell mis-truth's, lawyer up and defend the guilty. And my personal favorite, how to mess with evidence.

I wonder if GA and TM will get to see each other??
saramonkey that picture of KC (your avatar) is scary, and gross
BS on the bedwetting, I was 10 and still wet to bed. I was scared of the dark and wouldn't get up.

Thanks for this.
Everyone is different. It's so hard, in a case like this, not to dissect every single little thing...
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