FL - Girl, 10, licks tongue depressor in med office & puts back in jar, 20 Jul 2019 *mom arrested*


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Jul 13, 2011
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Cori E. Ward & 10 y/o dau were in exam room at Jacksonville FL. med office, waiting to be seen by staff. A short vid taken there shows a hand taking the lid off a jar, then grabbing a wooden tongue depressor, a girl apparently licking it (face blurred), then putting it back in, replacing lid. <<< Per arrest report.

30 y/o mother posted vid (shown on linked Jacksonville.com site) on her Snapshot site and "... one of her friends apparently copied it. The phrase “Don’t tell me how to live my life” is seen on the copy playing on someone’s cracked cellphone screen." "

Ward has been charged w tampering with a consumer product without regard for possible bodily injury.

^ Mother arrested after daughter licks tongue depressor, puts it back at Jacksonville doctor's office Jacksonville.com/news pub, July 11

Edited to add:
"Ward said she told the staff what happened immediately following the incident and did not intend to put anyone in danger.
"I had just been waiting a long time. I was just being silly with my kids," Ward told
WJXT-TV. "It's ruined my life right now. That's how I feel at least." ". bbm

^ Mom arrested after daughter licks tongue depressor, puts it back in jar at doctor’s office. from azfamily.com pub. July 15

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"The video follows a recent trend of social media videos showing people licking food like ice cream in stores, then sealing the containers and putting them back on shelves. But on Ward’s own Facebook page, since deleted, she said she was unaware of the “licking challenge,”…."

Did Ward deny awareness of licking challenge because she thought the tongue depressor stunt was genius and wanted to claim the licking idea as her own? /sarc
^ Mother arrested after daughter licks tongue depressor, puts it back at Jacksonville doctor's office pub, July 11
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so gross
anyone who does this ridiculous 'challenge' is disgusting and should be charged criminally IMO
Do you think she was aware of the 'licking challenge?' IDK. This makes me wonder about whether she had heard of it, or if she or her dau dreamed it up on the spot.

"I had just been waiting a long time. I was just being silly with my kids," Ward told WJXT-TV..." bbm <<<from azfamily.com pub. July 15 in post #1.

In case you or anyone else missed it, she was charged w tampering with a consumer product without regard for possible bodily injury. Do you suppose this is first arrest/offense of any kind for her? <<< per jacksonville.com article in post #1.
Do you think she was aware of the 'licking challenge?' IDK. This makes me wonder about whether she had heard of it, or if she or her dau dreamed it up on the spot.

"I had just been waiting a long time. I was just being silly with my kids," Ward told WJXT-TV..." bbm <<<from azfamily.com pub. July 15 in post #1.

In case you or anyone else missed it, she was charged w tampering with a consumer product without regard for possible bodily injury. Do you suppose this is first arrest/offense of any kind for her? <<< per jacksonville.com article in post #1.

I think she was aware of the disgusting 'challenge'. No idea of her criminal history but she doesn't seem to have very good parental judgment.
Did she or didn't she?
"Ward said she told the staff what happened immediately following the incident and did not intend to put anyone in danger..." sbm bbm

She "said"??? Imo seems like arrest report should note whether she told staff immediately. If not, then I wonder how med office employees found out. Any ideas? This was in FL, land of extensive pre-trial release of info to the public.

Mom arrested after daughter licks tongue depressor, puts it back in jar at doctor’s office. from azfamily.com pub. July 15
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If I was in charge of the USA, I'd put this woman and the rest of the criminals we see on WS in jail for life.

For life? Yeah, the mother and daughter did something stupid, but a life sentence seems a tad harsh. Perhaps the two of them could be sent to pick up the litter at the park for a couple of afternoons. That way if they still want to lick things there will be plenty of options for them that can't injure others.
What is wrong with the younger generation that so many of them are so sick and twisted ? And obviously not one bit of humility or remorse shown in her mug shot.

She said, "it's ruined my life right now." *
Well, agreed that the pesky criminal proceeding may be a bit inconvenient for her.
Has it done her dau's life any good? What did mom's actions teach this dau and her other kid(s)? Will parents of dau's friends want their kids to associate w her or siblings?

* "...Ward told WJXT-TV. "It's ruined my life right now. That's how I feel at least." bbm
from azfmily.com article in post 1.
I do not understand how a parent could suggest and/or condone one's child doing something like this. A parent is supposed to be the voice of reason; the person who sets guidelines for a child making sure the child knows the difference between right and wrong.

Apparently, this parent doesn't care one iota about anyone except herself. I don't feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for her children. Let's hope that they don't grow up to be like Mom.
I do not understand how a parent could suggest and/or condone one's child doing something like this. A parent is supposed to be the voice of reason; the person who sets guidelines for a child making sure the child knows the difference between right and wrong.
Apparently, this parent doesn't care one iota about anyone except herself. I don't feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for her children. Let's hope that they don't grow up to be like Mom.
@Synergizer Bunny. Agree.
Mother teaching dau. difference between right & wrong? Does she know the difference?

"I was just being silly with my kids," she said.

^ from azfmily.com article in post 1.
I'm going out on a (not very long) limb here. Children have to be taught almost everything and it has to be reinforced all the time.

Today, with youtube and so many other stunt sites, I really do think both the parents and the kids think everything is funny. Grandma fell off her rocking chair? Funny! Little sister whacked her head on the pavement while skating? Tons of giggles? Dad falls off the roof while cleaning the gutters and is not dead? HILARIOUS - it was just a broken arm!

Then, society has to reinforce many rules (over and over). Legal action is the outer boundary that gets trespassed. I know too many people who say, "It's not illegal! I can do it if I want to."

We can't make every single thing that people shouldn't do...illegal. I'm glad licking tongue depressors is being treated as illegal in this case, though.
Well, I can say when I go to the drs office, if anything is still out on the counter, like tongues depressors or cotton balls, I will be making sure my dr knows this story and that she never use the items on me. I don’t need someone else’s germs to cause an illness or death....I cannot take any antibiotics....not fun and this scares me. Stupid people.
@Synergizer Bunny.
..."I was just being silly with my kids," she said."
"Well, nevermind, then." said no one ever.... What an idiot. Being silly with your kids might involve patting your head while rubbing your stomach...not contaminating utensils in a doctor's officea and videotaping it.

Did anyone catch what her lawyer is saying? He thinks that it is a travesty that she has been arrested or a big deal is being made out of this. Typical defense attorney. What is that teaching the children?

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